The Rider passes Rider News up madness • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Midnight Madness is a celcbratior Vl I • r-,., [ll.V UL'::JIJER 31995 of [he Basketball tcam's first prac· tide. Many schools that celebrate this ecenr invite the smdems [0 Rider comes out By Zahra Jafcri Tolerance of homosexuali ty and accc= prance of one 's own ~x ual orienta· rion are needed "to improve the campus cl imate" said Dr. Gerald Klein, advisor participate in it. Rider's answer to of Rider's Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Midnight Madness is C ranberry "The key thing is that you're inler· and White Day. Sl"C page 14 for all ~ted in supporting campus members the details. who are homo5Cxual ;:. nd [ 0 eliminate prejudice and hostile feelings," he said. The purpose of FLAG, which includes bmh gay and non-gay students, Museum is " [0 increase awa reness" among SlU­ dents, faculty. and college Staff, accord­ offers ing to KJein. "1£ people really understood what stargazing sexual orientation was they would be mo~ tolerant," he said. for all Rider celebrated National Coming Out Day on Wednesday in the Srudent Phorograph by Mo.uca McGhan Anyone is welcome to discover all Center Cavalla Room. AJ.m,.. u MtITti,,}. M"';1tO 1III.tlrnu. tIN tt'tnlJtl;" tIH StJuJn.t Cn.ter UtIlIlll4 that is OUt there at the State "Coming out of the closet mearu - ill ukImItUnJ ofMIINnMI CnwiIfK 0., D..1 Museum in trenton. For more revealing your scx~ orientation to . Sexual orienration is not fuUy FlAG. said. "'k far as I know Rider is informatiom check out page: 9. Rider," Klein explained. understood. but it is something that very ronservative. Homosexuality is a "It·s mum better to be open and live just happens. Klein said. subject that has been under the rugs." your life honesdy," he said. "Not only ". think things are improving. par­ "It (Lawrenceville) seems to be quite does a person live less fearfully. the tiwlarly the last rouple of years," said ::he conservative area," she added. Soccer takes homosexual population becomes mo~ Klein. referring to the: atmosphe:re at Massingill also said that her door diverse. Rider. was vandalized last year. a must win "This way. it has psychological and "The:~ is a bias at Rider." he added. Dr. Klein has hope that the society social benefits." he added. She:Dey Massingill. co-president of SeeOu~ Page 3 The: Bronc's ke:pt up with their Panel assesses Beijing women's summit opponent, Lehigh, to win a game .ByTh ..... Ph..... ongoing struggle of U.S. - China relations," said McKinle:y. The media coverage of the event did not mirror the reality as First-hand o bservation o f [he recent international observed by Wang. women's conference held in C hina conveyed a different mes­ The speeches delivered at the conference in Hauirou by sage than the one presented by media cove:rage of the evem, a Hillary Clinton challenged the world to care about women panel of Communications De:partme:nt professors said this and their concerns, according to Dr. Myra C utin. She said _k. the frustrated first lady presemed two fonhright speeches Dr. Minmin Wang of the Communications Department reflecting a philosophy promoting and protecting the rights aftenderl the forum in her homeland and of women. Clinton appealed for action in shared her e:.. perience with students and regard to women's rights policies prac­ faculty at a panel discussion " Beyond If properly covered, ticed by many of the nations ~presemed Beijing" in the Fireside lounge on Oct. at the confe:rence. the conference could that they had [0. The outcome of 10. The courage and power of the speech­ this game will now allow them to Pointing out that the 5.000 work.o:.hops es given by Climon were not e:choed in b:ave been "educa- continue their season. See page 16 accomplished. a great deal of substantive e:very corner of the world as she had for all the action. work a ~ the conference. Wang said this tiGnal and instru­ hoped. Media coverage of the speeches work received a1most no substantial news mental to people all described C limon as further disrupting coverage. If properly covered, the confer­ relations betwe:en the United States and Rider ence could have: been "ed:.tcational and over the world." China. The first lady's comme:nts really instrumental to people all ove r the - Dr. Minmin Wang, upset the Chinese government, said nixes world." she said. Assistant Professor Wang. Panel moder-nor Dr. Pamela Brown Sinu the Chinese offered ro hold the deposits said, "The official conference h:a.d the goal Communications confe~nce in 1993, the political situation of adopting a platform o f action to in the country has .:hanged severely, she improve the status of women." said. Political Scien..:e professor Dr. C.T. Returning Rider students will not have to deal with the hassle of pay­ However, print media (3..iled [0 ~plicate that meaning Phan said the advent of "the next cold war" is near, now that when covering the International forum, said Dr. E. Graham C hina has the capability to challenge the superpower status ing tution deposits. Also the McKinley, lecturer in journalism. The voices of women from of the United States. University CUts the students a break 185 nations we~ drowned out by the 101,,1.d roar or politics, The conference, trashed by former U.S. President George o n housing as VieD. For all the she said. Bush, was tOO Western for Chinese Prime Minister Li Pengo info. see page 2. "The: ("o nte reoce was treated ;5 a battleground in the See Pond page 3 The . .. : : .' .. :. PAGE 2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 Rider News . Rider murder Students' deposits waived -SecuritY Btiefs All information courtesy of trial begins New measures implemented to enhance services Vickie Wea~~, director of Securiiy By Brion). KdIey By Brian J. KdIey said Karns. Yarilee Jones Miranda In regards to housing, Karns said Raging keggerl The murder trial of Kai Johnson. that students' living conditions are On Wed .• Sept. .27. at 11:46 p.m.• who is accused of the 1993 fatal shoot· Rider University will be making more apt to change as {hey progress Security received a report from an off. ing of a man at the university, is under· some changes concerning tuition and through [he university. campus residence ·of ~~oke coming way, said a Mercer County prosecutor. housing deposiLS for returning students. "There is the assumption that pea· from the area. of the· athletic fields. Johnson. 19. of Lawrence. is The tuition deposit requirements for pIe's housing plans are more likely to Security investigated and observed a charged with the March 21. 1993 returning studeO[s. as of the 1996 change than college plans," she said. group of people running from a killing of Kenneth Bernard McBride. spring semester, will be eliminated The new implementation of this small, wooded area where a bonfire "streamlined process" was recommend· 21. of Trenton. in the Student Cc:mer along with the faU housing deposits. was burning with a beer keg nearby. parking lot after a Phi Beta Sigma. "Eliminating the tuition and spring eli by the Total Quality Management An investigation is continuing. sponsored dance party. McBride was housing deposits will help streamline team on Registration. The team's leader, and Assistant shot o~ce in the chcst, according to a the registration process for our continu~ Single White Female II! police autopsy. ing students," said Julie A. Karns. vice Vice President for Academic Affairs On Thurs., Sept. 28. at 6:38 p.m .• Neither the suspect nor the victim president for finance and treasurer. "We Ron Walker. said, "While the first draft a female student was assaulted by her attended Rider. were looking for ways to make the of the team's report will not be released roommate. in Kroner, after the two Jury selection began Oct. 11 and is process less burdensome on students." until the first of the year, the team felt became involved in a verbal alterca· expected to continue until Monday Karns was initially hesitant to imple. that there was much to be gained &om tion that turned ugly. A witness, who afternoon. said Lewis Korngut. assis· ment the plan because she was not implementing this particular recom· was in the room at the time. separated tant prosecutor. aware how much of a rol ~ student mendation before the upcoming semes· the two before Security arrived and "HopdUlly, me trial will be over by deposit payments played in putting ter. " met with the suspect. The services of With Thanksgiving," said Korngut. "We've together classes. this new process, in theory. all Lawrence Police Department were got 'Ow fingers crossed.· "From an academic standpoint, ! divisions related to registration will declined and charges were recom- Although Johnson was only 17- wasn't sure if the departments needed have less people to attend to and can mended by Security. years.old when ·he allegedly shot to know how many students had paid concentrate on those individuals that McB.ride. he is being tried as an adult. their deposits to determine: their com­ need help with more than JUSt deposits. Spill in Science Hall mitment to the university," said Karns. The Registrar's Office will not need to On Mon .• Oct. 2, at 3:23 p.m., a Background information from March However, there was a sentiment of check the roster for payments before staff member reported a chemical spill and April '93 issu,," of The IIkkr N"", "overkill" concerning deposits and that allowing students to select their courses.
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