GOVERNM ENT OF CHHATTISGARH DDiissttrriicctt DDiissaasstteerr FFiirree SSaaffeettyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt PPllaann YYEEAARR -- 22002200 DDIISSTTRRIICCTT -- MMAAHHAASSAAMMUUNNDD STATE DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY, C.G. REVENUE & DISASTER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT MAHANADI BHAWAN, MANTRALAYA, ATAL NAGAR, RAIPUR, CHHATTISGARH Acknowledgment Under the leadership of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh and Hon’ble Minister, Government of Chhattisgarh Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Chief Secretary Government of Chhattisgarh and Relief Commissioner and Secretary of Revenue and Disaster Management Department, we express gratitude towards all those who have contributed to the preparation of District Disaster Fire Safety Management Plan. According to the guidelines of Disaster Management Act 2005, this scheme has been prepared for public utility. District Disaster Fire Safety Management Plan has been prepared with the aligned departments for the utmost benefit of the ‘community’. The role of each of the department has been determined, to ensure coordination, preparation and appropriate action in the same manner before, during and after the disaster. Ms. Reeta Shandilya, Secretary, Mr. K.D. Kunjam, Joint Secretary and Mr. A.K. Pillai Office superintendent Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, has given special cooperation for the preparation of District Disaster Fire Safety Management Plan. For the preparation of actual structure of District Disaster Fire Safety Management Plan, special contribution is given by the Disaster Management Consultants Mr. Dilip Singh Rathore, Mr. Prashant Kumar Pandey, Mrs. Chetna, Ms. Jaya Sahu, Mr. Jitendra Solanki and Mr. S. Sreejit. District Nodal Officer of Revenue and Disaster Management Department and other officers of related departments have given their major vital Contribution with Cooperation for the document preparation required for the plan. Abbreviation:- BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Hkkkkjr lapa kkj ffuxe ffyffeVsMs CAF Central Armed Forces dsUs nzhzh; lqjq {kkkk cy CBO Community Based Organizations Lkkkkeqnq kkff;d laxa Bu CE Chief Engineer Ekkq[q ; vffHkk;ara kk CEO Chief Executive Officer Ekkq[q ; dkk;ZiZ kkyd vff/kkdkkjhh CMO Chief Medical Officer Ekkq[q ; ffpffdRlkk vff/kkdkkjhh CMRF Chief Minister Relief Fund Ekkq[q ; ea=a hh jkkgr dkks"s"kk CSO Civil Society Organization Ukkxj laLa Fkkkk DM-ACT Disaster Management Act 2005 vkkinkk izcz a/a kku vff/kkffu;e 2005 DDMA District Disaster Management Authority fftykk vkkinkk çca/a kku çkkff/kkdj.kk DDMP District Disaster Management Plan fftykk vkkinkk çca/a kku ;kksts ukk DDRF District Disaster Response Force fftykk vkkinkk çR;qÙq kkj cy DM District Magistrate fftykk dysDs Vj DMT Disaster Management Team vkkinkk çca/a kku ny DRR Disaster Risk Reduction vkkinkk tkksfsf[kke U;wuw hhdj.kk EOC Emergency Operation Center vkkikkRkkdkkyhhu iffjpkkyu dsUs nz z ESF Essential Service Functions vkko’;d lsos kk dkk;Z Z EWS Early Warning System iwow Z Z psrs kkouhh ç.kkkkyhh FRT First Response Team çFkke çR;qÙq kkj Vhhe GIS Geographic Information System HkkkkSxS kksfsfyd lwpw ukk ç.kkkkyhh GP Gram Panchayat Xkkzkzke iapa kk;r GPS Global Position System ffLFkkffr ffu/kkkkZjZ .kk oSfSf’od ç.kkkkyhh HFA Hyogo Framework for Action º;kksxs kks s dkk;ZoZ kkghh :ijs[s kkkk HRVCA Hazard Risk Vulnerability Capacity [kkrjkk]] tkksfsf[kke]] laoa sns u’kkhhyrkk ¼¼Hkksns ~;~ rkk½½ Analysis {kkerkk ffo’ys"s"kk.kk HVCA Hazard Vulnerability Capacity [kkrjkk]] laoa sns u’kkhhyrkk ¼¼Hkksns ~;~ rkk½ Analysis {kkerkk ffo’ys"s"kk.kk IAF Indian Armed Force Hkkkkjrhh; l’kkL= cy IAG Inter-Agency Group bUVj ,tsalsa hh xzqizq IAP Immediate Action Plan rkkRdkkyhhu dkk;Z Z ;kksts ukk ICDS Integrated Child Development Services Lkkesfsfdr ckky ffodkkl lsos kk;sa sa IMD Indian Meteorological Department Hkkkkjrhh; ekkSlS e ffoKkku ffoHkkkkx IMT Incident Management Teams ?kkVukk ¼¼vkkinkk½½ çca/a kku Vhhe IRS Incident Response System ?kkVukk ¼¼vkkinkk½½çR;qÙq kkj ç.kkkkyhh IRT Incident Response Team ?kkVukk ¼¼vkkinkk½½çR;qÙq kkj Vhhe IAY Indira Awas Yojna bafafnjkk vkkokkl ;kksts ukk LSG Lower Selection Grade ffuEu çoj dkksfsfV MGNREG Mahatma Gandhi National Rural egkkRekk xkk¡/¡ kkhh jkk""Vªhªh; xzkzkehh.kk jkksts xkkj xkkjaVa hh S Employment Guarantee Scheme ;kksts ukk MI&CT Ministry of Information & lwpw ukk ,oa a lapa kkj çkkS|S kksfsfxdhh ea=a kky; Communication Technology MLA Member of Legislative Assembly ffo/kkkku lHkkkk lnL; MNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural and egkkRekk xkk¡/¡ kkhh jkk""Vªhªh; xzkzkehh.kk ff’kk{kkkk xkkjaVa hh Education Guarantee Action vff/kkffu;e MoAFW Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers d`f`f""kk ,oa a ffdlkku dY;kk.kk ea=a kky; Welfare MoCI Ministry of Commerce and Industry okkff.kkT; ,oa a m|kksxs ea=a kky; MoEF& Ministry of Environment forest Climet i;kkZoZ j.kk ou o tyokk;q q iffjorZuZ ea=a kky; CC change MoHFW Ministry of Health & Family Welfare LokkLF; ,oa a iffjokkj dY;kk.kk ea=a kky; MHA Minisrty of Home Affaires x`g` ea=a kky; MoHRD Ministry of Human Resources Ekkkkuo lala kk/kku ffodkkl ea=a kky; Development MoL& E Ministry of Labour & Employment Je ,oa a jkksts xkkj ea=a kky; Mop Ministry of Power ffo|qrq ea=a kky; MoPR Ministry of Panchayati Raj iapa kk;rhh jkkt ea=a kky; MoRD Ministry of Rural Development Xkkzkzkehh.kk ffodkkl ea=a kky; MoRTH Ministry of Road Transport and Highway lM+d+ iffjogu vkkSjS jkkTkkekkxZ Z ea=a kky; MoWF Ministry of Water Resources ty lala kk/kku ea=a kky; MoUD Ministry of Urban Development 'kkgjhh ffodkkl ea=a kky; MP Member of Parliament Lkkala n lnL; MPLADS Member of Parliament Local Area Lkkkkala n {kks=s hh; ffodkkl ;kksts ukk Development Schemes NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural jkk""Vªhªh; Ñff""kk ,oa a xzkzkehh.kk ffodkkl cSadSa Development NCC National Cadet Corps jkk""Vªhªh; Nkk= lsus kk NDMA National Disaster Management Authority jkk""Vªhªh; vkkinkk çca/a kku çkkff/kkdj.kk NDRF National Disaster Response Force/ Relief jkk""Vªhªh; vkkinkk çR;qÙq kkj cy@jkkgr dkks"s"kk Fund NIDM National Institute of Disaster Management jkk""Vªhªh; vkkinkk izcz a/a kku laLa Fkkkku NGOs Non- Government Organizations xSjS &ljdkkjhh laxa Bu NRSC National Remote Sensing Center jkk""Vªhªh; lqnq qjq laoa sns u dsUs nz z NREGA National Rural Employment Guarantee Act jkk""Vªhªh; xzkzkehh.kk jkksts xkkj xkkjaVa hh vff/kkffu;e NREGS National Rural Employment Guarantee jkk""Vªhªh; xzkzkehh.kk jkksts xkkj xkkjaVa hh ;kksts ukk Scheme NRHM National Rural Health Mission jkk""Vªhªh; xzkzkehh.kk LokkLF; ffe'kku NSV National Service Volunteer jkk""Vªhªh; lsos kk Loa;a lsos d NYK Nehru Yuva Kendra usgs : ;qoq kk dsUs nz z PDS Public Distribution Shop Tkkufforj.kk nqdq kkusa sa PHC Primary Health Center çkkFkkffed LokkLF; dsUs nz z PHED Public Health Engineering Department Ykkkksds LokkLF; ;kkafaf=dhh ffoHkkkkx PMRF Prime Minister Relief Fund ç/kkkkuea=a hh jkkgr dkks"s"kk PWD Public Works Department ykksds ffuekkZ.Z kk ffoHkkkkx Q&A Quality and Accountability Xkkq.q kkoÙkkkk ,oa a tokkcnkkjhh QRT Quick Response Team Roffjr çR;qÙq kkj Vhhe SDMA State Disaster Management Authority jkkT; vkkinkk çca/a kku izkzkff/kkdj.kk SDMP State Disaster Management Plan jkkT; vkkinkk çca/a kku ;kksts ukk SDRF State Disaster Response Force/ Relief Fund jkkT; vkkinkk çR;qÙq kkj cy@jkkgr dkks"s"kk SHG Self Help Group Lo;a a lgkk;rkk lewgw SME Small and Medium Enterprise Ykk?kkq q ,oa a e/;e mn~;~ kksxs @ miØe SOP Standard Operating Procedure Ekkkkud iffjpkkyu i)ffr SP Superintendent of Police iqfqfyl v/kkhh{kkd WRD Water Resources Department Tkky lala kk/kku ffoHkkkkx WHO World Health Organisation ffo'o LokkLF; laxa Bu INDEX S. No. Contents Page No. 1 Background 1-4 1.1 District Fire Safety Plan 1 1.2 Need of the Plan 1 1.3 Objectives of the Plan 2 1.4 Scope of the Plan 2 1.5 Stakeholders and Their Responsibilities 2 1.6 District Profile 3-4 2 Assessment of Hazard, Capacity and Risk of 5-19 Fire Accident in the District 2.1 Identification of Potential Fire Accidents 6-19 2.1.1 Urban Fire 6-7 2.1.2 Rural Fire 8 2.1.3 Industrial Fire 9 2.1.4 Forest Fires 10-12 2.2 Weather Probability of Hazards 12-13 2.3 Fire incidents in Mahasamund districts mainly 14 occur at the following places 2.4 Vulnerability analysis 15-16 2.4.1 Structural vulnerability 15-16 2.4.2 Economic vulnerability 16 2.4.3 Environmental vulnerability 17 2.5 Capacity analysis 17 2.5.1 Human Resource 17 2.5.2 Equipments 18 2.6 Water resources 19 3 Institutional arrangement 20-22 3.1 District Disaster Management Authority 20 3.2 District Fire Service and Home Guard 20 3.3 Disaster Management Committee and Fire 20 Protection Service at Tehsil Level 3.4 Disaster Management Committee at village level 20 3.5 District Emergency Operations Center 20-21 3.5.1 Facilities / Arrangements - District Control 22 Room / Center 3.5.2 Alternative Control Room 22 4 Prevention and mitigation measures 23 4.1 Structural and Non-Structural Prevention 23 Measures based on Hazard 4.2 Hazard: Fire 23-24 5 Preparedness and measures 25 5.1 General Preparations and Measures 25-28 INDEX 5.1.1 Incident Response System (IRS) 25 5.2 Establishment of control room 25 5.3 Co-ordination in terms of fire protection for pre- 26 disaster situation 5.4 DDMA in the immediate pre-disaster situation. 27 Co-ordination process (immediate procedure after early warning system) 5.5 Coordination Mechanism of DDMA (Relief 28 Distribution System) during fire Disaster 6 Capacity building and training measures 29-32 6.1 Capacity Building 29 6.2 Institutional Fire Capacity Building 29 6.3 India Disaster Resource
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