(No. 66.) l 8 6 7. TASMANIA. LEGISLATIVE CO UN GIL. INTER COLONIAL EXHIBITION. REPORT OF THE TASMANIAN COMMISSIONERS. Laid upon the Table by. Sir R. Dry, and ordered by the Council to be printed, · October l 0, J 867. By His Excellency Colonel THOMAS GoRE BROWNE, Companion of the Most Honorable Order oftlte Bath, Capta,in-General and Governor-in­ Chief of Tasmania and its Dependencies. To the Honorable EDWARD ABBOTT, Esquire, M.L.C., JAMES WILSON AGNEW, Esquire, M.D., MORTON ALLPORT, Esquire, ABRAHAM BARRETT, Esquire, HENRY BUTLER, Esquire, M,H.A., EDWARD LEWIS DITCHAM, Esquire, ADYE DouGLAs, Esquire, M.H.A., · Mayor of Launceston, the Hunorable Sir RICHARD DRY, Knight, M.L.C., CHARLES GouLD, Esquire, RONALD CAMPBELL GUNN, Esquire, the Honorable . ALFRED KENNERLEY, Esquire, M.L.C., the lionorable ALEXANDER K1ssocK, Esquire, M.L.C., DAVID LEWIS, Esquire, M.H.A., THOMAS MACDOWELL, Esquire, the Honorable RoBERT OFFICER, Esquire, M.H,A, JAM~S RoirnRTSON, Esquire, JAMES SCOTT, Esquire, and RoBERT WALKER, Esquire, M.H.A., Mayor of Hobart Town. GREETING: WHEREAS it is expedient that a Commission be appointed for the purpose of making and carry­ ing out all necessary arrangements to enable the Colony of Tasmania to take due part in aid of the Inter-Colonial Exhibition to be held in Melbourne, _in tlie Colony of Victoria, during the current year: Know ye that I, reposing great trust and confidence in your fidelity, discretion, and integrity, have authorised and appointed, and do by these Presents authorise and appoint, you, or any three or more of you, to make and carry out-the said necessary arrangements, and­ for that purpose to collect information bearing on the subject from all parts of Tasmania afore­ said: And my will and pleasure is that you, or any three or more of you, upon due examination of the premises, do within the space of Twelve months after the date of this my, Commission, or :within such further time as I may in that behalf appoint, certify to me in my Eiecutive Council in Tasmania aforesaid, in writing under your hands and seals respectively, all and every of your several p!'oceedings by force of these Presents, together with what you shall find touching or concerning the premises upon such enquiry as aforesaid, together also with all such suggestions and regulations respecting such matters as aforesaid as you may think fit to be made and established: And I further will and command, and by these Presents ordain, that this my Commission shall continue in full force and virtue, and that you oi.· any three or more of you shall and may from time to time proceed in the execution thereof and of every .matter and thing therein contained, although 1he same be not continued from time to time by adjournment: And I hereby command all and singular such persons as you shall judge necessary within Tasmania aforesaid that they be assistant to you and each of you in the execution of these Presents. Given under my hand and seal at Hobart Town, in Tasmania aforesaid, this Nine­ teenth day of 1v.1 arch, One thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. T. GORE BROWNE. (L.S.) By His Excellenry's Command, J AlliES WHYTE, Colonial Secretary. COMMISSION FOR THE INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION OF AUSTRALIA, 1866-7. COil:fllfISSIONERS appointed by His Excellency Colonel THOMAS GoRE BROWNE, C.B., to carry out tlte necessm·y A1·mngements to enable the Colony of Tasmania to talw due Pa1·t in aid of the Intercolonial Exhi­ bition <if Australia to be lteld in 11'Ielbourne in 1866, (Warmnt dated 19 Ma1·ch, 1866.) Qtommi~n1011cr11. The Honorable EDWAll.D ABBOTT, Esq., Member ef tlte Legislative Council. JAMES Wn-soN AGNEW, Esq., lVI.D., Hon. Secretary to tlte Royal Society. MORTON ALLPORT, Esq., F.L.S., -F.Z.S. ABRAHAllI BAll.RETT, ·Esq., J.P. HENll.Y BUTLER, Esq., M.H,A., Warden ef Glenorclty. EDWAR_D LEWIS DrTcHAu1 Esq. .A.DYE DouGLAS, Esq., M.H.A., llfayor of Launceston. The Honorable Srn RICHARD DnY, Knigltt, 11fember ef tlte Legislative Council. CHARLES GouLD, Esq., F.R.G.S., Govemment Geolqgist. J!;o?TALD CAMPBELL GUNN, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. Tlte Honorable ALFRED lCENNERLEY, Esq., 11fem er eftlte Legislative Council. DAVID LEWIS, Esq., Member of tlw House ef Assembly. THOMAS MAcDow'ELL, :Esq., J.P. Tlte Honorable RoBERT OFFICER, Esq., Speaker ef tlte House ef Aasembly. JAMES ROBERTSON, Esq., J.P. JAMES SCOTT, Esq., J.P. RonERT '\,V'.ALKER, ~sq., M.H.A., Mayor of Hobart Town. «!l'ijilit:Ulltn, · Tlte Honorable ROBERT OFFICER, ( elected 27 M arclt, 1866.) -~eq:etai: 11, Huair Mu;,no HULL, Esq., Clerk of•tlie 'House of A.ssem!Jly, (elected 27 Marcli, 1866.) ·~ccrctilt:11 .,to tije itau11cc11ton '<!J'.ommiasio11er11. JAMES HENRY, Esq., Town Clerk ef Launceston. '11ionmtt11aionm1' 11lgenta ,appotntetr tn fflelhoume. B. B. NrcIIoLsoN, Esq. A. WILKINS, Esq: ~m:etar11 in J:adflourne. W. R. EVANS, Esq. 5 , 9rncuL~R Letters we!·e addressed by the Secretary to Six hundred persons resident in Tasmania, for­ war~1?~ a L1_st of Tasman!~n products as _under, which were considered by the Commii,sioners·availaple for exh1b1t10n, with the quant1tiei, of each article suggested to be sent :- · · MINING AND METALLURGICAL PRODUCTS. Oil, Essential, from leaves of Blue Gum and other Eucalypti. Metallic Ores :­ Clay Ironstone, Coal Beds, Ditto, from other substances. · · Native Gold. 28 lbs. Pepper, Native (so called), 1 lb. Iron Sand; magnetic, 5 lbs. Iron Ores, 28 lbs. Resin, from Oyster Bay Pine. samples. Ochre, Red and Yellow, Tanning Substances and their Preparations:­ 7 lbs. Bark, Wattle, in strips, and.chopped, 28 lbs. Bark, Blackwood, 14 lbs. CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, &c. Bark of other Trees abounding in Ta~l)in, 28 ll)s. Alum, 7 lbs. · Cotton Plant Fibre, (Pime­ Excrescences of the Wattle Tree, 14 lbs. Guano, 28 lbs. lea,) 7 lbs. Extracts· of Bark . Epsom Salts, 7 lbs. Sea-weed Gelatine, 7 lbs. Dyeing Substances :­ Native Hop, 7 lbs. Gentian Root. · Potato Arrowroot, 7 lbs. Indigofera. Miscellaneous:­ STONES, BUILDING MATERIALS, &c. N ative Bread. Granite, fine. Aromatic Woods, (Alyxia), (Eurybia). Granite, coarse. l Granite, fine red. i Indigenous Woods, Z.ibrous Substances, ~c.:- Granite, very coarse-grained. Ornamental Woods, blocks, well seasoned, 24 incihes long, 11> Syenite. inches wide, a~d 6 inches deep. Planks, rough from the saw, 6 mches thick', above 40 feet and Greenstone. I not exceeding 150 feet in length, of Blue Gum, Stringy Bark, Basalt, compact. Basalt, vesicular. and Myrtle Trees. Limestone, marine and fresh-water. }, In blocks . containing a Cubes of Timber, the largest size, sound, (free from sap and Marble, brown. I cubic foot. heart, if defective,) of the following. Trees:--'­ Limestone, hydraulic. Blackwood, (Lightwood). Marble, red and white. Silver Wattle. Marble, black and streaked. Sassafras, Atherosperma. , Sandstones, white and brown. ' I Honeysuckle, Banksia. Sandstones, red, with Breccia. ., Dogwood, Bedfordia. Fireclay. • , Native Box, Bursaria. Clays, for pottery and porcelain. J Cheesewood, Eucrypltia. Sand, pure white, for glass-making, 56 lbs. He-oak, (;asuarina. Grindstones. Shecoak, Casum-ina. Quartz, varieties of. • Blue Gum, and Gum Roots. Dripstones, for filters. White Gum, (Swamp,Gum.) Coal, Anthracite, 1 cwt. Stringy Bark. Coal, Bituminous, 1 cwt. 'Peppermint. Marl, 56 lbs. Iron Bark. Resiniferous Shale, (Dysodile ?) Musk Tree, (Eurybia.) Millstones. Cherry Tree, Native; (so called), (Exocarpus.) Building Stones, cubes of 9 inches. Myrtle Tree, (Fagus.) Slate. Tea Trees, broad-leaved, (Lep(ospermum.) Fossiliferous Limestone, rough block, of about 56 lbs. Tea Tree, µarrow-leaved, (Melaleuca.) Ironwood, (Notelea.) GEMS AND STONES FOR PERSONAL DECORATION, Oyster .Bay Pine, (Frenela,) Huon Pine, (Dacrydium.) Beryl, (Aquamarine.) 1· Rock Crystal. Topaz, white and straw- 'Fossil Woods. Pittosporum. coloured. Carnelians. Fibres:-:- CmTijong Fibre~, ,in bundles of 14 lbs., greatest length MISCELLA.NEOUS, of Fibi·e. · · Native Flax, ditto, Paraffine Oil. Bark or other fibrous substance for Paper-making, ditto. Stringy Bark Fibre, for Rope-making: RAW PRODU:CE. Wattie·-Bark.·Fibre, • - · ' Native Lily. "fEGETABLE, C,utting Grass, ( Xerotes.) ·Agricultural and Horticultural Products:­ Barley, English, three bushels. ANIMAL. Flax, in various stages of preparation, 14 lbJ,,' Substances used as food, and jor .Misc~l{aneo,1ts purposes :- ,Hops, 28 lbs. Maize, three bushels, : Preserved Meats, canist.ers of, . _Beef-wax. Malt, three bushels. C1,1red Meats, (salted) Ham., Sharks' Fins. Oats, varieties, three bushels. &c. Oil, N eats-foot . Potatoes, .prepared and,raw, 1 cwt. each. Qh~e·se. Oil of Mutton 'Bird. Rye, three bushels. Butter. Oil of Sharks. Wheat, not weighing less 'than 66 lbs. per b~sbel, three Lard. Oil of Seals. bushels. Fish, Dried and Smoked. Oil of Opossums. Biscuit, Ship, and Fine, 28 lbs. Honey. Oil of Porcupines. Biscuit, Wine, 14 lbs. Jani.'' Beetles, possessing Blistering Flour, 1 cwt. Dried Apples, Dried Plums. properties. Fruits, Dried, Tasmanian. Fruits and Vegetables, fresh, · Groats, 14 lbs. · for preservation. Pickles, in glass jars, one jar of each. Substances used in Manufactures:- Starch, 7 lbs. W ool, fine, short, Merino and Saxon, 14lbs. Vinegar, Raspberry, in glass jars, two jars. Wool, combining fineness with length of staple, 141bs. Balsams, Gums, Resins, Oils, and Extracts, Spices:­ Wool, Lamb's, VeI'Y fine, 14lbs. Gum, Wattle, 4 lbs. of ea~h kind. Wool, long, from improved Leicester or Cotswold, 14lbs. Gum, Grass-tree, 4 lbs. Wool, of Cheviot, Southdown, or other breeds, 14lb,·. Kina, Red Gum ot Stringy Bark and of other Eucalypti, (Gum Swan's-down, Skins of, free from fat. · Trees) 4 lbs. Fur of Platypus. Manna, of White Gum and other Trees. Seal-skin, Tanned, with or without fur. Oil, Essential, of Sassafras. Homs, Hoofs, and Hides. Whales' Teeth. Platypus, ( Ornitl10rl1ynchus.) Whalebone.
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