Complete Radio Programs By The Hoúr, A Page To A Day Long Wave J Short Wave ADIO Cents \en-s Spots _ % the Copy ít Piet res NtCW Volume I I I. \: I:I:K BEGINNING MAY 12, 1934 Publi,hcd Weekly This and That Radio Infinite Help To Religion And By Morris Hastings IT IS surprising that not more Education, Says Catholic Educator book -reviewing is done on the radio. Publishers have been exceptional ly slow to take advantage of a na Radio Conference Educator Fr. Ahern ilium which is almost unrivalled for advertising, so those who have made "Radio's Power Is use of radio for Sees t At Madrid Makes School that purpose ac- rar -Reaching" knowledge. of the Air In New York Television Treaty City ALEXAN- DER WOOLL- Radio is one of the best means (:OTT occasion- for helping a large number of peo- ally made ref- ple religiously and, though it will erence to a book 75 Colonies Congress In not take the place of the classroom, during his series radio is a distinct aid in adult edu- of CBS broad- and Nations A Memorial cation. I casts. In Boston, This is the opinion of the Rev. I know of only MICHAEL J. AHERN, S. J., A. M. two "book- talk" Signatories Air Program who for the past three years has programs, that conducted the Catholic Truth Hour A special joint session of Con- given over over the Yankee Network at the MR. HASTINGS Television is of sufficient import- gress, convened in the House Cham- WEE! by Dr. ance in an inter- request of Cardinal O'CONNELL. to be provided for ber of the Capitol for services corn- MIRIAM FRANC SKIRBALL, and one national radio treaty recently signed memorating the tooth anniversary FATHER AHERN spoke of his over WBZ by E. F. EDGIErr. by 75 nations and colonies. and their purposes: of the death of the Marquis DE broadcasts These series of talks were non- Television is described as a LAFAYETTE, will be broadcast "These broadcasts are not commercial. over "visual broadcasting service: A serv- both NBC and CBS networks on directed particularly to Cath- The sales of two books in par- ice carrying on the broadcasting of Sunday, May zo, from noon to olics, nor do they consist of ticular, to which WOOLLCOTT re- visual images, either fixed or mov- r P. M. sermons and music after the ferred, HAMMETT'S "The Thin ing, intended to be re- primarily At that ROOSE- fashion of a church sets ice. Man" and his own "While Rome time President ceived by the general public." VELT, introduced by Senator HARRY "What we try to do is Burns," were rather amazing. How This international treaty, which BYRD of Virginia, will simply to acquaint people much the radio "plug" had to do deliver a the United States Senate ratified special address. with the facts of the Catho- with the sales it would be difficult May r, provides for establishment lic religion. We have talks to determine as the written reviews ANDRE DE LABOULAYE, Ambas- of a central office, called the Bureau on religion, wh:ch are pure- were sador from France, will read a mes- also laudatory. But I imagine of International Telecommunication ly explanatory and not ex- the radio's influence was sage from President LEBRUN of REVEREND MICHAEL J. AHERN, S. consider- hortative and the m u s i c Union. It will prepare annual re- France. The Ambassador will be J., A. M., who conducts the Cath- able. played on these programs is ports and will be at the disposal of introduced by Representative,MARY olic Truth period over the Yan- Done in the right way, book re- t not restricted to the music of the contracting governments to fur- T. NORTON of New Jersey. he Nett orE. viewing on the air should appeal to nish information and opinions on the Catholic Church." Representative Sot. BLOOM of a large audience. questions concerning international Father AHERN continued his New York will read the resolution dis The speaker should not attempt telecommunication. cussion of religion on the air: authorizing the joint session of Con- .11etsit. so much an estimate of the book at were From The regulations of the treaty gress; and Vice President JOHN N. "It has been our experi- hand as giving an idea of what the formulated at an International Con- broadcasts GARNER will preside. 1i etshínyton ence that these do book is about. There should be quo- ference in Madrid, to which the a large amount of good. tations from it and a great deal United States sent delegates and The program includes solos by A musicale will be broadcast Naturally radio reaches a about the author. which had its opening session on LAWRENCE TIBBETT, baritone, and from the White House in Washing- good many more persons The latter because the classic ex- December 9, 1933. LEON ROT)LIER, bass, both of the ton for the first time in radio his- than practically any other ample of the old lady in a GEORGE Under the treaty the United Metropolitan Opera Company, and tory on Thursday, May 17, from medium. The audience com- ELIOT novel who enjoyed her min-in - States is not obligated except for prises many. more different band selections by the United States rr.35 P. M. to midnight over the ,-.? (Continued on Page 15) Marine Band. NBC-WJZ network. (Cwnti)urei o;: P.,re ;1) Prizefight s Flashes Otis Skinner Broadcast A.M. Contents In Air iIIIMNNIINNCItIi'I" !tlAN 7.15 Play WNAC i. IltoeoiIBIIÜNWtBI' P.00 W'AAB WEAN The MAX BALER -PRIMO CARNERA W28Z WNBII RUTH ROBIN, CBS t ocali.rt, a 10.45 WBZ OTIS SKINNER, noted actor, will News Flashes Box Page 1 prizefight 10.30 W'EAF Network (Tues., drawing by WILLIAM WOOD for the heavyweight Thurs. - be the guest star on the Family Father AHERN discusses re- championship 10.45) Front Corer of the world on June 10.45 WJZ Network Theatre program, which is heard at ligion and education oit the L4 will be broadcast over - Father AHERN Page r the NBC P.M. 9 P. M. on Sunday, May 13, over radio P.cge s ,WJZ LORETTA POYNTON, radio ac- -WEAF networks, under the the WABC- Columbia network. This and That sponsorship of the B. F. GOODRICH 12.01 WBZ tress Page 2 12.20 WNAC The program will be broadcast by MORRIS HASTINGS Page Y Rubber Company. 1.30 WEAN WICC WFFA WORC JOF RIMES, popular leader of a WLBZ W'NbH from the stage of the Carnegie JOE RIMES, orchestra leader, dance orchestra in Boston Page 3 The broadcast of the fight will 3.00 WAAB Chamber Music Hall in New York 6.00 WNAC WICC W'FEA WORC maker an original prophesy ARLENE FRANCES, who imper- come as a climax in a radio series. WMAS WLB"Z City. about radio Page 6.30 WEAN WNBII WTAG 3 sonates screen actresses On the started last Friday, that features 7.00 WAAB WLBZ (Sat. 6.45) SKINNER will appear in the play Federal Trade Commission in- radio Page 9.45 WAAB "Mr. Antonio," written especially 4 MAX BALER as hero. 11.00 WNAC WEAN WICC WFFA teitigates radio advertising JIMMY DURANTE, comedian WORC VGMAS W'LB'Z WNBH for Mr. SKINNER by BOOTH TARK- Page This is 3. Page 5 series, called 'Taxi," WIAG INGTON some time ago. 11.00 W'BT- WF.AF Network Station Directory Page 4 RICHARD CROOKS, tenor of the broadcast three times a week over 11.30 W FAF Network W'JZ OTIS SKINNER'S career in the the- Educational Features Box Page Metropolitan Opera Page 6 the NBC -WJZ network. Network (Wed. 11.45, Sat. 4 11.30) atre for over half a century is well - Radio Lane SANDRA PHILLIPS and PEGGY In it BAER plays the role of a SUNDAYS known. He starred for many years by JIMMY J. LEONARD Page 3 KEENAN, pianists 7 Page taxicab driver with pugilistic ambi A.M. in prominent plays on Broadway JOHN BARCLAY, actor and bari- Studiosity by LES TROY Page S tions. and in London. He played with tone Page 8 P.45 W'NAC WEAN WICC WFEA Editorials Page 5 WMAS W'LR'Z EDWIN BOOTH in Shakespearean While this is BAER'S first regular WNW! About a program in which music BABE RUTH, "Sultan Of 11.00 VrbZ WEAF-W'JZ Network productions and also appeared with and philosophy are blended Swat" Page to appearance on the radio, he has P.M. MADAME MODJESKA, ADA REHAN lb I Page NIKITA BALIEFF, malter of cere- been seen on the stage and in the and JOSEPH JEFFERSON. 7 monies with the "Chauve 6.00 WNAC WEAN WICC WFEA The "First Nighter" program movies as star of "The Prizefighter Vf'LbZ WMAS WORC W.NBH His portraits of FALSTAFF in Souris" Page r2 6.45 WAAB and its stars Page r3 and the Lady." 9.45 W'AAB both "King Henry IV" and in JUNE' MEREDITH and DON 10.45 WB-Z Short U'are Directory Page 13 AMECHE, stars of the The championship fight will be 11.15 WNAC WICC WFFA "The Merry Wives of Windsor" "First WMAS WLbZ WNB11 Vi"1AG Reflections Nighter" programs Page I J broadcast beginning at to P. M. were famous. by DIANA HERBERT Page 15 Page Two T1 It MIC.ROPFION& Saturday, May 12, 1934 Saturday, May 12 - The Preakness, WJZ at 5, WABC at 5.45 P.M. iWFEA WDRC WORC WLBZ WCAU, Hatch Studios.
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