THE CHALLENGE OF THE NEW A STUDY OF THE IMPACT ON TEACHERS OF AN EXTERNALLY MANDA TED SYSTEM WIDE CURRICULUM CHANGE BY DAVID ADAMSON B.Sc.(Hons), Dip.Ed., B.Ed., Grad.Dip.Math.Sci. A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education August 1995 Faculty of Education University of Melbourne TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ix \I GLOSSARY OF TERMS X DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY xii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xiii ABSTRACT xiv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 A) Purpose of the Study 1 B) The Type of Study 2 C) The Introduction of the VCE 2 i) Background to the introduction of the VCE 3 ii) Aims and structure of VCE Mathematics 6 ii CHAPTER 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 10 A) Change Theory : Teachers and Change 10 i) Overview 10 ii) The individual teacher 16 iii) Factors effecting implementation 33 iv) Coping with change 39 v) Planning for change 40 B) The 'Northfield Reports' 42 CHAPTER3.METHODOLOGY 46 A) Methodology : Theory and Debate 46 i) Methodology : 'The Debate' 47 ii) The case study approach to research 54 iii) The researcher as participant observer 59 B) Description of Methodologies 62 CHAPTER 4. CONTEXT OF THE STUDY 80 A) General Context 80 B) Document Analysis Context 84 C) Political Context 87 D) Case Study : The School 93 CHAPTER 5. RESULTS .. DOCUMENT ANALYSIS 100 A) Cheating 103 B) Support for Itnplementation 122 C) Workload 128 111 CHAPTER 6. RESULTS • CASE STUDY 136 A) The Response to Externally Imposed Change 136 B) Implementation Issues 138 C) Professional Development 140 D) Collaboration and Collegiality 146 E) The Classroom 147 F) The 'Ripple Effect' 149 CHAPTER 7. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 152 A) Introduction 152 B) Context of the Change 154 i) Political aspects and the public debate 154 ii) Externally imposed change 159 C) Implementation Issues 162 i) The challenges to teachers and the solutions 162 ii) Professional Development 166 iii) Workload 171 D) Cheating and the Verification Process 174 E) The Paradox that is the VCE 176 iv CHAPTER 8. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 182 a) Sumrnary of Findings 182 b) Limitations and Strengths of the Study 183 c) Recommendations 185 BIBLIOGRAPHY 187 a) General Literature 18 7 b) Content Analysis Documents 197 APPENDICES 205 I. Interview No. 1, 1990 205 II. 1990 VCE Mathematics, Student Survey 208 III. Interview John, February, 1991 211 IV. Interview Karen, February, 1991 213 V. VCE Mathematics, 1991 Review 215 VI. Workload Review, November, 1991 219 VII. VCE Mathematics Survey, Term 4, 1992 220 VIII. Retrospective Interview, 1993 223 I X. Calender of Events 229 v LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Summary of course content in VCE Mathematics units 8 Table 2. Comparison of personal and institutional capacities 17 required to increase the capacity to change Table 3. Approaches to professional development and teacher 25 change Table 4. Summary of the main characteristics of the qualitative 47 and quantitative approaches to educational research Table 5. Determining reliability and validity of observational data 62 Table 6. Participation of members of the Mathematics Faculty in 98 the Case Study Table 7. General distribution of documents 101 Table 8. General VCE debate 101 Table 9. Implementation issues 102 Table 10. Workload issues 102 Table 11. Cheating, verification and assessment 102 Table 12. Tertiary selection 102 Table 13. Mathernatics 103 Table 14. Summary of changes the VCE Mathematics units 127 Vl Table 15. Summary of professional development activities 144 organised by VCAB in support of the introduction of the VCE Table 16. Summary of support materials and docmnentation 145 published by VCAB II Vll LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. A Simplified Overview of the Change Process 15 Figure 2. Considerations for Planning in Adoption 15 Figure 3. A Framework for Considering Teacher Response 18 to a Change Proposal Figure 4. Effect of Explicitness of Plans on Implementation 21 Figure 5. A New Model of Teacher Change 26 Figure 6. Interactive Factors Effecting Implementation 34 Figure 7. Key Thetnes in Improvement 37 Figure 8. Components of data analysis - Interactive Model 58 Vlll LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AST Advanced Skills Teacher CAT Common Assessment Task CDSM Course Development Support Material DSE Department of School Education ELIC Early Literacy Inservice Course EMIC Exploring Mathematics in Classrooms FOSC Field of Study Comtnittee FrUV Federated Teachers Union of Victoria HSC Higher School Certificate lEA Institute of Educational Administration PEP Participation and Equity Progratn RIME Reality in Mathematics Education RMIT Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology SRP School Responsibility Position STC Schools' Year 12 and Tertiary Entrance Certificate T12 Technical Year 12 Certificate TOP Tertiary Orientation Program TTUV Technical Teachers Union of Victoria VASS Victorian Administrative School Syste1n VCAB Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board VCE Victorian Certificate of Education VISE Victorian Institute of Secondary Education VSTA Victorian Secondary Teachers Association VTAC Victorian Tertiary Admissions Committee lX GLOSSARY OF TERMS AST A series of promotion positions created as part of a career restructure negotiated between the teaching unions and the state government CAT An externally set task to be attempted by all students studying a particular subject. It may be assessed internally by the teacher at the school or externally by VCAB. DSE Ministerial departtnent responsible for administering education in all government schools in Victoria. Formerly known as the Ministry of Education FOSC A sub-committee of VCAB set up for each group of subjects, for example Science, Mathematics, English. Their role was to determine course structure and content for each VCE study. HSC The certificate awarded to a large majority students completing their secondary education. Assessed by externally set examinations and some school based tasks. PEP Federal Government funded program aimed at schools from socially and economically deprived areas. Secondary Schools Majority of schools were of this type. Provided a general education aimed at preparing students for university and employment. SRP Administrative positions filled by teachers in schools, such as Faculty Co-ordinators. STC Alternative certificate to the HSC, based on school based negotiated curriculum and not assessed by externally set examinations. T12 Alternative certificate to the HSC, offered only in Technical Schools, school based as for STC. X Technical Schools Schools sitnilar to secondary schools but with a strong technical cotnponent to the curriculum. Prepared students for technical occupations and apprenticeships TOP Alternative program to the HSC, school based as for STC. VASS A computerised administrative system used to transfer data on students and results to the central VCAB computer. VCAB Controlling body of the VCE set up to replace the VISE. VISE An independent body charged with the responsibility of administering the HSC. VSTA Teachers union representing a majority teachers in secondary II schools. VTAC Independent body responsible for allocating students who have completed their VCE into tertiary courses. Xl DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for any other degree in any university. To the best of my knowledge and belief, this thesis contains no material previously published or written by any other person, except where due reference is given in the text. Signed: --~=---.:......!·(3,£_·~·~~..:..J::!::::!.~=----- D. ADAMSON Xll ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge the work of my supervisor, Dr. Neville Johnson. His patience, ability to keep me motivated, depth of knowledge, enthusiasm for my work and general support over the long period of this study are greatly appreciated. He was also able to assist me in setting goals, that were achievable in a context of part time study, and make certain I met them. Also to Mr. Bill Stringer who stepped in while Dr. Johnson was on leave. His critical comments, attention to detail and objectivity assisted greatly in the writing of the literature review particularly. I wish to express my appreciation for the co-operation of the tnembers of the Mathematics Faculty at Niddrie High School who gave up their time to answer my questions and fill out my surveys. I would also like to thank my wife, Ms. Robin Adamson, for her support, willingness to discuss ideas and honesty in appraising my work. Xlll ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine aspects of the introduction, in the state of Victoria, Australia, of an externally mandated, system wide, curriculum change, the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). More specifically, the emphasis was on changes to the study of Mathe1natics. Three questions were investigated. How did the teachers respond to this change? What was the influence of the extensive public debate that arose over the VCE ? What were the factors which helped or hindered the implementation of this change ? The investigation was a longitudinal study taking place over the four year period from 1989 to 1992. The focus was on the changes to Mathematics, seen through the lens of a group of teachers in a school charged with implementing the change through a series of phases. Qualitative methodological techniques were used to gather data. These included a case study appr<>ach collecting data from the school where I, as a researcher, took the position of a participant observer. In addition a content analysis of published
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