vvmssvmvvr-- Iv. V California State I.ibrar.r Sacramento 9, Calif er nia Suntan Weather Talks About India Spring al last! The westh- Dr. Bhaskura Rao, former In- rm.in says it's time to get the atruetor of Oriental studies, old togs und suntan to- State University of Iowa, speaks m- for a "satin" today at 3:30 p.m in the Old hoe le fiS swan it for Little Th;etter. All students are to - dayi. be predicts, invited to his talk, "Contempor- S 1ii be, from 7 There N111 airs Student life in India." atteut .ligfitisuritwri, ads toward eseaing." A ` VOL. 44 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRIL _ 4, 1957 NO. 105 Philosophers Mal Student Council Votes Are Panelists Professor Elmo A. Robinson, at six universities throughout the To Sponsor Refugees chairman of the Philosophy De- United States. Board of Control permitting, three Hungarian have passed their time limit and would have to be partment, will lead a Centennial Dr. Meyer joined the faculty refugees will become SJS students within the se- relocated if the Council had symposium tonight on "One Hun- last September after teaching not taken immediate mester as a result of a Student Council resolution action. Local fraternities have dred Years of Philosophy in Cal- at Florida State University and agreed to house all yesterday underwriting the cost of sending the three. Funds for their maintenance iii he raised ifornia" at 8 o'clock in the Con- Wells College. She was gradua- three students here until June, 19511. A special by special drives. cert Hall of the Music Building. ted from Columbia UnIveraity Board meeting will be called today. The three are Simon Gelleret, 23, sho wishes to Appearing on the panel with with a Ph.D. degree. Dr. Meyer The three, now housed at Camp Kilmer, N.J., study fine arts; Nikolaus Gyore, 20. K ho wishes to Professor Robinson will be two teaches classes in Introductory study economies; and assistant professors of philosophy, Philosophy, Basic Logic, and Steven Dal- yid, 19, who desires to Dr. Marilyn Meyer and Dr. Sid- Philusophy of Religion. study en- gineering. ney Zink. Dr. Elmer H. Staffel- Dr. Zink came to San Jose State bach, professor of Tau The Hungarian students pro- education, will in 1955. He received his B.A. de- Dells Reque.st posal clan:lived an afternoon fill- serve as moderator. gree from American University, ed u it h surprises 111.41 t1161' (.111111111 The three philosophers will his M.A. degree from the Uni- , rest' reed its original stand and review the history of the teach- Books for Koreans swat against the ree ttttt mends- ing of philosophy in 41'is Tau Delta California Phi, men's honorary hook tins.-. Ti..' delegates had tkin the At Aah 14Iory colleges and universities scholastic during fraternity, Monday be- included 5.115 as at spevial point rd in granting the Judo the past century gins an e4tensive as the Philos- drive to collect In their trip around the I lilted Team $450 he, c pete in the ophy Department's books for Korean cuntributien college students States. A.S1 (Mats this nionth III Ha- to the at the Centennial lecture series. request of the Korean- "The need for text and refer- waii. The series Is 111)(41 pub- American Scholarship to the Committee ence books in Korean colleges is In addition, tile Council ree- and the lic; the program tonight in- college administration. still urgent," according to Marvin ornmentied BOOKS FOR to the Student Court cludes ti tttt for a question per- KOREABecause of the urgent need fair text and The drive will continue until Ap- Del Chiaro, book drive reference books in Korean chairman. that it ask Senior Justice John iod. colleges, Tau Delta Phi, men's honorary ril 12. scholastic fraternity, will start a drke M Ie,y. The drive will con- "More than 3.600.000 students Sellers to resign from office on Early in the fall Professor Robinson has been a tinue until April 12. semester, 5.I5 lack books for study." the grounds of non-feasance. Sel- nos sisited by a delegation member of the college faculty for of Del Chiaro pointed out that 25 lers has not attended the last Indonesian educators who 29 years. He is a graduate of es - per cent of all classrooms and four Court meetings, the Council pressed appreciation Massachusetts Institute of Tech- for the 96 buildings were destroyed during asserted. In another surprise move hoses of hooks nology and St. Lawrence l'niver- Military Inspectors colltsded by the the Korean War, including 571 the Council recinded its approval Tower ads/. He has done graduate work fraternity In a previous college buildings and 1600 college of the resignation of Chief Justice classrooms. In addition. 50 per Gary Clarke. pending Sellers' reli- Praise SJS ROTC Campus cent ()I 11r101c of all teachers and 'grunion. Clarke wishes to resign Rally professors were killed or captured because of outside work, student Underground The Army inspection team, pleased with the way cadets hand- by the Communists. Ninety per teaching observations, and a heavy which was here Tuesday for the led themselves during the inspec- cent of the libraries were com- study load. Group Makes annual general military inspec- tion in ranks and in the review. pletely destroyed. The Rally Committee was dealt Utility Lines tion of the ROTC program, was Col. Schmidt commented favor- ELMO A. ROBINSON Korea's hhrizo41 Ilt.1.11 is a heavy blow when the Council surprised at the efficiency ably on Confab . Philosophy Chief Lectures of the the cooperation between Plans for volumes on general science, froze the committee's budget at SJS unit, according to Col. John the ROTC unit, the faculty, ad- The Rally Committee adjourn- Now Complete versity of Wisconsin and a Ph.D. medicine, engineering. phar- $1900, leaving the group with only E. Rogers, professor of military ministration and President Wahl- ed early yesterday to allow com- degree from the University of macy, mathematics, law, his- $43.23 in petty cash for the rest The last of the underground science and tactics. quist. mittee members to discuss plans Cincinnati. He taught at Columbia tory, peliticid science, econom- of the school year. The Council utility lines for the new, admin- for the coming High The inspection team, headed by School Rally kn, agricultiire and forestry. took retributive action on the istration and classroom buildings University, the University of Chi- Convention. Col. Carl Schmidt, Overall plans for the basis of what it called "a not too is now being laid, according to cago and University of Missouri PMS&T at th e 41 These hooks are needed most, convention will be formulated at conscientious job of handling ex- John Amos. director of buildings before coming here. University of California, rated Del Chlaro said. vy G next Wednesday's meeting, ac- penditures." Any appropriations and grounds. Dr. Zink directs students in In- the SJS unit excellent in the fields Also, needed ere English and cording to Ted.Temakis, vice pres- which the Rally Committee makes troduction to Philosophy, Ethics, of supply and administration. In- American titernfiire texts. Light The line, a gas pipe, is being ident. must be approved by a two-thirds and Philosophy Forum. He also is struction given to the unit was L ke Contest fiction, mystery stories and books cut under the ground into the Students from 54 high schools vote of the Council. In charge of directed reading pro- rated superior. Coeds from Ivy Hall won the published before 1945 should not boiler plant. According to Amos, of the immediate Bay Area have The Judo expenditure by the jects. Col. contest for the most Lyke mag- be contributed, Del (7hiaro said the line Should be completed by Schmidt was especially been invited to attend the con- Council must be approved by the azines sold yesterday, according because shipping costs are prohib- Tuesday. vention, which will be held here Board of Control. Council approv- to Joel Saffron, business mana- itive. This will make way for the con- April 27. Twelve colleges also have al of the request took nearly two ger. the Student struction crews to lay the con- been invited to send students to Pending approval of hours. and resulted finally in ASH Amyx Watercolor Show the fraternity crete and get the pavement in or- More than 70 girls from nine observe the convention. Terzakis Activities Board, President Ray Freeman stating near der as soon as the ground above independent houses donated their estimates 1000 students will par- will place book receptacles that he "seriously doubted that time to sell the magazine. Nancy the Home Economics Building, the pipes is cleaned. At Reserve Book Room ticipate. the Board would Pass the allot- Barber, Diane MacDonald, Peggy Student Union entrance. Outer "This is the last of the dig- Watercolors by Leon Amyx, SJS here from the Friendship Room, Jeri Bullock, head song girl, an- ment." Patrick and Margaret Fregosl Quad, south entrance to the Busi- gings as far as the utilities are graduate and present head of Fine where the show was held last nounced that she will attend the However, the team was ad- were the four top ness Wing, north entrance to the concerned," Amos said. Arts division at Hartnett College, month. saleswomen, ac- remaining Rally Committee meet- vised to make resemations, be- wing and the Library cording to Saffron. Science cause the CI)11111.11 might (Is er- are on exhibit in the Reserve The paintings are mainly coun- ings during the semester to assist A few copies of the magazine arch.
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