J ' •* ,. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1961 ifta Weeiheir Avenge Dally Net Preea Rm I ^ U. I8.^'WmthMr 1 TfkGK F d m i E E N r v v the VBMk Itodad ± Dim . 91. 1999 VWr mM m U tonight tea Ut MsBOhsater Child Bttt'jiy O f W 13,314 S 86. Snntoy «k*etowlng * « * ■ * , . ' Loyal CIxtila o f K w f’a Daugfetara TV, Radio, Topics Beat Tuesdsy at 1 pja- to JkXLM M W clM aM ^^ Wgkt omnf j iVifaftoy wiU meet In the FUtowaUp Itoera Hospital Notes Buckley Bdwol M br^. F U R N A C E ^ IL MMabMF.nf tiM AndM Into to dky. n gh tet tor leik AbptttTown of Center Concregmtlaoat Oburdi Of Oiild Unit Talk ^IS'subject FlU ^ ^ ABt essalt o PsEfisKr Bnnu «f OMoIntloa Monday a t 7:45 p jn . Co-hoatoaaea M o ^ Today. How Do They iB- Manchetter^A City,of ViUage Chorm Th« atpwr aub wfl » j«t- will be Mra. Clarence Peteraen and VMtfev h m an t ts S p-m flueooo CWldreBT” LT. W O O D C O . t ie i* putty tomorrow ni(ht at 8 tar an aiaaa ' vm M asatonMy R ol^ Dlgwi. M aaolieatpr • t O M U t Mlaa Dorothy PeUraen. A baby-sltttog oervloo tot (GtaMlfM AdvmtWng an Pngn t) •mCE'FIVB CEN«’;'f^:,!| e’dock. publte la Invited. wkan ihsy an t <e « : » aai 8188 seiwol attsBdaaee oftlowr, wiU be school ohlldreo wlU be avaUable at YdL. LXXX, NO. 112 (TEN PA^^S—TV 8®CrnON--SUBU|ffl||A TODAY) MANCHESTER, c 6n n \ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1\,.19C1 T Army PrL James A. Melley Hr., to a pjsu; sad privata n sias wis guest apsukST > t a m eeting o f the the school fo r a smaU too. Mjjmtonornoh Tribe No. 58, whoa«p.,renta Uvelat r"8 Ferguson they a n 18 aaa. 4a p| p.as. “V JORM. wlU hold iU r*«ular Rd., completed the e lA t-w e e k sup* inr to mnker HaU Monday nijAt ply apeciallst.couraa Feh. 1 at The Pattern Ta^v 881 i? 8 o’dodL There wUl be Inatol- Quartermaster School. Fort L «a ADMm^ YEBTRRDAT T o Revamp Gov^nment UUbb eC oW eera. ------!— ^ V a MeUey entered the Army last Gaorga Bronke, 48 Milford Rd-: State News September and competed basic Bmmila liaBlanc. Oarpsatar M ., H ie poUuok. scheduled fo r last training at Fort Beniung, Ga The Boltca; Thomas MatnvI&e, 808*Ok i* Saturday by Nutmeg Forest, 20-year-old soldier is a78M gradu­ tar S t; Mrs. RoMa Wyiaa. 4H HU- Roundup Tall Cedars of Lebanon, will be ate of Mount S t Charles Academy U s ^ S t ; Jsnlca McKUslidc. 18> HOU Gtbva S t; RockvUa; Arthur Grist, held tonight a t 8:30 a t the Masonic in W oonsocket R- L | Temple, jDancing from 8 pjn, to 86 Dalmodt St.; Mrs. Gwaadolya Mott, 88 Canopllald Rd.; Mrs. mldnlgn will be to music provided The venieon eteak dinner com by Art McKay’s Orchestra. Fred Jobephtoa DoChanna, 188 Hackma­ mlttae of the Manchester Lodge tack S t; Mrs: M arr Aaadorlaii, 17 Trichinosis Lewis win be steward. Ladles wffl of EUu wUl meet tonight at 8 bring a covered dish. Starkweather S t; Douglas Moor, a t the lodge room o f the Saks East Hartford; Mrs. Rita Kalos, Total at 14 Home, H is & l S t Plana wm be 137 Porter St.; James McKeough, Kobert W . Rammin, con o f M ra made for a dinner on Feb. 25,)frbm 17 ArmotyvSt; Mrs. Ann Lebar, 84 Robert Wwmmin. i l Vine S t, was which the proceeds will be donat­ Birch St i Mrs. Luells Hahaiani, Hartford, Feb. 11 i/P )— named V> the dean’s list for the ed to the Newington Home tor 36 Durkiii S t; Durwood Bushay, Washington, Feh. 11 fan term a t Springfield CoUege, hower to 1868, and the Advisory Two more cases of trichinosis Crippled Children. 148 Maple St.; Bernard Rheanme, President Kennedy has se­ Springfield, Maas. A freshman at North Coventry; .F n q els Topptoi Committee on Management Im­ have been reported In Con­ the eonege he U majoring in physi­ lect^ four-advisers on reor- provement, set W by former Presi­ Marine Pvt. David C, Hayes, son 49 Main S t;- Gloria KOpatrie] necticut, bringing the total to U.S. Team Set cs education. , of Mra Dorothy Okagon, 14 Wads­ RFD 3. Manchester; Mrs. Joelto ganfsation of the machinery dent Harry S. ‘rniman In' 1948. 14 80 farHhis year. One of the GivU W a r Cormier 110 Diane Dr.; Gerald of govermn^t. He also has The four...advisers will receive worth St, is serving with the Sec­ no salary biA will be paid con­ earlier cases was fatfil ond Battalion of the Sixth Marine Krani, East HartfoH; ktn. Gladys abolished two committees set The two new cases were those of To Speed Food Gidney, Thrall Rd. Vernon. sultant’s fees when serving. Regiment an infantry unit of the up for somewhat sim|lar pur­ In other appointments yester­ reported yesterday. In both aASnC STOCKINGS Recond Marine Diviaion, at Camp ADMITTED — TODAT: 1 Shirley Busk, Eaet Hartford; Mrs. poses. day, Kennedy named Brooks Hays, cases, the department said, the Pos Lejeune, N.C. Aid for Congo TKUSSCS — KELTS S> ' Kunijundk Bastia. 4S4 Oakland St.; The four appointees, who will former Congressman from Arkan- eating of raw or undercooked pork Daniel Schults. 37S Adams St. work as Individual speeiaUsts wak Involed. Gleaners Circle. South Metho- BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A i rather than a( a committee, are: (Oontlnned on Page Spu) Of the previous esses, live were Washington, Feb. 11 (A*)— 1 diat Church WSCS, wUI hbid a food ARTHUR DRU6 to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson. Robert A. Lovett, New York In in'Hartfitrd, including the fatality, A 4-man team of experts w ill. In Congo ssle St House and Hale’s store to- Cartef St.,. Bolton; a son to M r. and vestment banker and a fotrmer sec four in ^Middletown,' two in West marrow, beginning at #:30 ajn. Mrs. Alee Marchuk, 38 Devon Dr. ■retary of defense and undersecre Hartford and one in Wlnsted. leave for Africa next Thi|irB- day to survey relief nmds and I DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: ta^ of stat^ Kennedys Due Elisabethville, The Ctmgo, Barbara Robbins, 43 Brooklyn St. Rlchiiurd B. Neuatadt, professor / , r . McCarthy Dieu > expedite U.S. food shipments | Feb. 11 {/P)— Katanga P pov- Rockville; Mrs. Irene Howarth, of government at CNumnU, Uni­ Newton, Feb. I t UP) — Jolm T. to the strife-tom Congo. ' nce officials t o ^ y flatly ds- RFD 2, Manchester; Richard DJ- versity, -who has been Kenhedy's In, Virginia for The group will be led by Henry I dan. 36 Bolton St.; Mrs. Eklha .formerly 6.99 special consultant on organisation McCarthy,' 64, of Newton former nied nimors they cqncocted a Conecticut motor vehicle commis­ W . Wiens, 49, who has been deputy ORANGE HALL Sprague. 78 Alton St; Richard protflenia; assistant secretary of Labor for | that ex-Premier Fairies Tnreotte, 145 Wella St; Mrs. Don'K. Brice, dean of the Gradu­ Quiet Weekend sioner and' eg-DemocratIc state eontemba escaped from jail, ate School of PubUc Admtolatra- chairman, died toay of a heart at­ InternaUonal affairs. Norma Kelley,. East Hartford; ; io they could cover his death Uon a t Harvard University, who tack while vacationing at HoUy- Wiena, a U.S. foreign aid offi­ Alphy ’Thibodeau, 68 Seaman Cir­ Washington, Feb. I I (9)—Preel' cial in a number of c^ntriea be-1 cle; Norman Brailaford, S'Sith was an organisation adviser to wood Beach, Fla. it the hands of his political former Preeldent Dwight D. Eisen> dent Kennedy leaves Waahiington McCarthy, who was owner of the fore Joining the Labor Department Windsor: Mra. L illie Peckluun, 28 tliis aftemo6n to spend the week­ foes- Strant St.; Oliver Driggs, DrlggS hofwer; American Brush Wire Co. here, 20 months ago,' was aworn in yes­ Tile doiial came to a com^. N O W end in a large-style estate in the had le ft fo r Floridk three wcjeluf terday as U.S. foreign aid rep­ munlque announcing that eearch- Rd., Vernon: Mrs. Nancy Weston 3.99 Sydney Stoto Jr., Chicago Invest­ snow covered Ifirginia country' BINGO and son, 128 W. Main S t, Rock ment counselor, wim formerly was ago to spend the winter there. < '< resentative in The Congo. era for the missing Lumumba had Mrsimra. OCUIIOMJames S>eouwaawReardon of SouthMwwwa Windsorwr sssamrv^w honored last night as qu. m aide. W ith him when he died was his The names of the other member! found a oar he and two poUtical vine. '' _•__ .._««* a miiMJ %ke« aimsiFi*m mnrawR uHn* an official of Um Budget Bureau This weekend of relaxaUon at Every Sat. Night At 7:30 DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. of Manchester WATBS, wad crowned by last yesr’a award win­ dealing with management and or­ wife, Mary. He alao leaves a son, aaaoclates 'used to eacapa from a ner, Mra. Peter Magrel. The wlrmer was cloaked to a mgm <»t- Glen Ora, the new First Family’s (Oonttooed on Page Three) 72 EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTCR Arlene Braman, Hebront Thomas (Herald photo by Sa- ganisation matters. John T. McCarthy Jr., Newington, farmhouse priaon at Mutriiataai tume by Mra. Janies Meacham, president Neuatadt alao is adviser to the presidential retreat, will be the and a daughter, Mrs.
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