I 1 I Fl 1 I I [4 II . .4J»nwwuhwwh*iu»%w-an v.A»ll\»nn.wa n.vs.»-hh!.d¢ql'hni.l: 5% 4 0606444619//200] THE HAD SWAMP ss©<n@w I/oé ZN A/O12 Largnnnrunlunn.n.mluur .eeuussn ii KITE FLIGHT 8 The magazine has taken off with this issue. After grumbling for years about the EE limitations of photocopied illustrations the Committee took heart from the support given by members at this year's AGM and arranged for a commercial printer to do the job. Our thanks go to David Cox for making contact with Kite Press Limited of Swindon - and to several other members who also contacted printers. As far as we can see at present, ' although commercial printing is more expensive than our previous photocopying arrangements, the Society can afford it without raising subscriptions. Since our hardworking Secretary gave notice at the AGM that he wouldn't be able to .. offer the photocopying facility for much longer we were bound to look around for other Fe production sources anyway. Regretfully, we cannot see our way to producing even a few pages in colour. As I write this editorial I have not seen how the full printed magazine looks but, judging from some sample pages that were printed from last September's issue, I expect the quality to be at least as good as the masters I provide, avoiding the degradation that volume photocopying produces. That said, the best of printers can't work miracles so the onus is on your Editor to produce high quality masters. I hope those who offer contributions will bear with me if I have to discuss with them how to bring some elements up to scratch. I hope members find the new banner headline on this page an improvement over the rather messy 'scissors and paste' job I have been using so far. To my eye it looks cleaner and more direct. I am indebted for it to Sarah Norris, the Kite Press representative, who provided me with several versions to consider. It seems particularly appropriate for the Bird Stamp Society to produce "Flight" in conjunction with Kite Press. Their name and logo could hardly be a better match for our theme, the logo being close to a mirror image of the Red Kite on the 1965 East Germany 5pf value from the birds of prey set. This leads me to present a challenge - or at least an invitation - for any member to submit a "Flight" feature of not more than four pages on the theme 'Kites'. What about it? DHUT SUM E Kito Press Ltd. Unit 10b, Okus Trading Estate, Swindon, Wiltshire SNAG 4TH Telephone: 01793 616633 .7i'ofmi!mz Fax: 01793 487192 f 1€ Kll'>l>SS T D u T Founded August 1986 The Bird Stamp Society was formed to cater for the large number of collectors who specialise in bird stamps and relevant material President: David Cox, "Lynn moor", 16 Berryhill Road, CIRENCESTER, Glos. GL7 2HE 'E 01285 651757 Chairman: Ker Macrosson, Secretary: Graham Hors ran, 9 Swinton Close, 9, Cowley Drive, IPSWICH, Worthy Down, IP2 9RL WINCHESTER, 'E - 01473 420132 .. Hants. SO21 2QW .. .. .. ... ar-r -u 01962 889381 Vice- Chairmah: Harm Wright, Treasurer: Michael Petch, 76 Carisbrooke Road, "Coldharbour", SOUTHSEA, Bagshot Road, Hants. PO4 8RG West End, Woking, 'E -01705 730650 Surrey GU24 QQS 'E - 01276 858942 Packet Sec: Tony Wise, 26 Old Barn Road, BERE REGIS, WAREHAM, Dorset BH20 7HF Fe -01929471971 Auction Sec: Doug Blake, 10 Bradsole House, Abbey Park, Park Road, BECKENHAM, Kent BR3 1PN 'E - 020 8650 8016 [e-mail : [email protected]] Editor: Roger Chapman, 5 North Street, Cambuskenneth, STIRLING FK9 5NB we -01786 471161 [e-mail= [email protected]] Committee: Malcolm Hawkins, 152 Winton Road, Reading, Berkshire. RG2 HL Bruce Poulter, 17 Church Lane, Westbere, Canterbury CT2 0HA Annual Subscriptions (Renewable 31 July) UK members £12.00 Overseas members £18.00 (Airmail) European members £15.00 - "Flight" sent surface mail £16.00 Junior members under 16 years of age - 50% of full rate shown above Giro A/c No. 29 776 6902 (Overseas members when transferring by Giro should please add £2.50 for bank charges.) The Society journal "Flight" is published quarterly - early in March, June, September and December. Material should be sent to the editor by the middle of the month preceding publication - at the latest. Members are invited to consult the editor in advance regarding the submission and format of material. Back numbers of "Flight" available from the Secretary/ @ £2.50 plus P&P. Page 60 FLIGHT December 2001 Vol.16 No.2 CONTENTS PAGE FEATURE AUTHOR 62 NEWSBRIEFS I MEMBERSHIP DETAILS Secretary 64 MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETING at STAMPEX Secretary 66 MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at STAMPEX Secretary 69 MEMBERSHIP DETAILS Secretary 70 "POSTBAG" Members Write go 72 HERE AND THERE .I .>> 76 THE PHILATELIC WORLD METERED MAIL CHANGES TO EUROPEAN BIRD STAMP SPECIES Roger Chapman 77 COMPUTERS AND THE INTERNET I | BIRDS SEEN ON MY HOLIDAY TO MALLORCA Chris Gibbins 80 DUCK NEWS David Cox 82 RECENT NEW BIRDS IN THE PHILATELIC AVIARY Chuck Braun :E (Biophilafely) EE 87 SG PART 06 CATALOGUE - FRANCE Roger Chapman =§ 99 IDENTIFICATION PARADE Editor et al. 101 NEW ISSUE LISTING Editor et al. H'_g,;jfs5¥gaDi Try is 5 =i :E. .. 1 #H l"'I* 1A-lr -l"rJl . $"§€@iI*&E9E . .. III lllllllllillllll 1111 llllilllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll II 11III1lll1lllllIIIIIllI.lllIliI | IIIlliIIII llllllll.IIllllIilUil llllI OH .. _ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... December 2001 Vol. 16 No. 2 FLIGHT Page 61 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. NEWSBRIEFS By the Secretary u Subscriptions There are, at the time of submission of these notes to the Editor (7 Nov), a total of 23 x members who have not yet paid their subscriptions. Their names appear under 'resignations due to non payment of subscriptions If, by the time Flight is distributed, any of those listed have paid their subscriptions then the Mar 02 issue will show those who have paid as 're-instatements'. Society Day - SWINPEX 2002 I have received an invitation to attend SWINPEX and have just received notification that the Society has been allocated a classroom. The Society Day is therefore going to be held at SWINPEX on 8 June 2002 as previously notified. The address of the venue is not yet known as the organiser is on holiday and the invitation did not include the venue address. l believe however that the venue is the Upper Drove School. The address, including the classroom number etc., will be made known to the membership in the Mar. '02 issue of Flight. The classroom has been allocated from 1000 - 1600 hrs and display stands are available. The format of the day is as follows: 10.00 - 10.30 - Meet at venue. 10.45 11.45 - 'World of Birds' - display by Mr David Cox 11.50 - 12.30 - 10 minute displays (6-10 x sheets) 12.30 -- 13.00 -~ Lunch - refreshments in the classroom (room service style) will be available. 13.00 - 14.30 - 'Bird Life of the Falkland islands/South Georgia' - display by Mr Geoffrey Moir 1450 onwards - 10 minutes displays continued / Bourse Notes on the programme: All members are cordially invited to bring along a few sheets and talk for 10 minutes or SO. The subject can be of the member's choosing and, for example, could be along the lines of: How I organise my collection Computerising a collection . Computerised display sheets "* My most pleasing acquisitions of the 21$1 Century Mr Geoffrey Moir has very kindly offered to come to our Society day and display/speak on 'Birds of the Falkland lslends/South Georgia'. , 1 Bourse - ail members are encouraged to bring along with them any items that they wish to sell/swap with i other members. g § Finally any member who has other items to add to the above should contact the Secretary, all I suggestions will be gratefully received. E 2 I § MIDPEX 2003 % The Society has been registered for the above event which will take place on 28 June 2003. as a* I .a . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Page 62 FLIGHT December 2001 VoI.16 No.2 .. .. THEMATICA 2001 :: .5 Following the comments published in the Jun. '01 issue of Flight regarding Thematica 2001 I have 2 received a response from the organiser of this event. It is published below: Comment: 'The Stamp magazines advertised the event but failed to inform people where it was being held'. * = 1% Response: This surprises me -- I enclose: • a photocopy of a half page illustrated advert from Gibbons Stamp Monthly (GSM) June 2001, QE ,I .E • a page headed 'Newsdesk' from GSM July 2001, • a page from Stamp Magazine July 2001 with a half page illustrated advert for THEMATICA 2001, (Both magazines are published mid way through each month and thus would have been available prior to be the event.) go • a page from Stamp Lover June 2001. All adverts carried the ful! address. Et Comment: 'The telephone number listed in the advert wash't manned when I rang the number' Response: There was an answer phone for messages. Comment: 'The event was not signposted at all' Response: We will look into that but there will be a cost. Comment: 'lt was an oppressively hot day with little air circulating. I Response: Agreed. The air conditioning was left on overnight in order to cool the downstairs room for the morning. Unfortunately the temperature overnight rose to such a level that the air conditioning cut out just after the opening. Our electrician was unable to solve the problem, although he tried. An engineer was needed to reset the equipment but he was not available over the weekend.
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