Chiltern‐Mt Pilot National Park Visitor Guide Chiltern‐Mt Pilot National Park (21,636ha) is located between Beechworth and the low hills surrounding Chiltern and includes the striking Mt Pilot Range and Woolshed Falls. The park protects a Box‐Ironbark forest with a diverse range of natural and historic landscapes. Eastern Grey Kangaroos can be seen grazing during late afternoon and Black Swamp Wallabies are often observed darting out from rocky outcrops. A variety of tree dwelling mammals including the Tuan (Brush‐tailed Phascogale), Squirrel Gliders, Sugar Gliders and Feathertail Gliders seek out small hollows for breeding and shelter. Common Brushtail and Ringtail Possums are also found in the park. In January 2003 a wildfire burnt approximately 7,000ha of the park. The natural regeneration and recovery of the native vegetation and wildlife will be a significant feature of the park landscape for some years to come. The Regent Honeyeater, Endangered in Victoria, is a regular visitor to the area. Photo: Dean Ingwersen Be fire ready and stay safe Many parks and forests are located in high fire risk Enjoying the park areas. On days of forecast Code Red Fire Danger this park will be closed for public safety. Well formed vehicle tracks throughout the park provide access to a variety of short or day‐long walks If you are already in the park you should leave the night before or early in the morning for your own and are suitable for cycling, horse riding and car and safety. four‐wheel drive touring. Closure signs will be erected and rangers will patrol The park also provides excellent opportunities for where possible, however you may not receive a wildlife photography and environmental studies. personal warning that the park is closed so check by Prospecting is permitted in designated areas. calling 13 1963 or visit www.parks.vic.gov.au. Prospectors must hold a current Miner's Right. Refer For up to date information on fires in Victoria or to the Prospecting Guide for more information general fire safety advice call the Victorian Bushfire Caution: There are many old mine shafts in the area. Information Line on 1800 240 667 or visit Please stay on the marked tracks. cfa.vic.gov.au. Plants and animals The park is predominantly open eucalyptus forest of Facilities Red Stringybark, Blakely’s Red Gum, Grey Box and There are a number of established picnic sites located Mugga Ironbark. Prolific spring wildflowers include throughout the park. Reedy Creek is a popular area for wattles, orchids, lilies, bush peas and many other campers and prospectors. native species. Camping and accommodation are available in the Chiltern‐Mt Pilot National Park contains the highest nearby historic towns of Chiltern and Beechworth. number of mammal, bird and reptile species recorded at any Box‐Ironbark site. Over 200 bird species have How to get there been recorded in the park including threatened woodland species such as the Regent Honeyeater, Chiltern‐Mt Pilot National Park is 275km north east of Swift Parrot, Turquoise Parrot and Square Tailed Kite. Melbourne and 34km north of Wangaratta (Melway ref: 522 E6). Follow the Hume Freeway to the Chiltern turn off. ForFor further further information information call callAboriginalAboriginal Culture Culture OtherOther interesting interesting places places to visit to visit ParksParks Victoria Victoria on on13 131963 1963TheThe Dhudhuroa Dhudhuroa tribe tribe was wasone oneof the of Aboriginalthe Aboriginal groups groups or orvisit visit www.parks.vic.gov.au www.parks.vic.gov.au ChilternChiltern Tourist Tourist Drive Drive ‐ Start ‐ Startalong along Chiltern Chiltern‐Rutherglen‐Rutherglen whowho inhabited inhabited the Mountthe Mount Pilot Pilot area. area. Other Other Aboriginal Aboriginal RoadRoad and finish and finish at Barnawartha at Barnawartha Road Roadeast of east Chiltern. of Chiltern. groupsgroups such such as the as Pangerang,the Pangerang, Jaitmathang Jaitmathang and and AllowAllow around around 1.5 hours 1.5 hours for the for 25km the 25km trip. trip. BeechworthBeechworth Information Information Centre CentreMinjambutaMinjambuta would would have have passed passed through through the areathe areaor or FordFord Street Streetcampedcamped in the in thevalleys valleys surrounding surrounding the Mtthe Pilot Mt Pilot Range. Range. Mt PilotMt PilotLookout Lookout ‐ Take ‐ Takea short a shortwalk fromwalk thefrom car the park car park BeechworthBeechworth VIC VIC3747 3747 to theto 545 the metre 545 metre summit summit of Mt of Pilot, Mt Pilot,where where you are you are Freecall:Freecall: 1300 1300 366321 366321NativeNative plants plants and andgame game were were plentiful plentiful in these in these areas. areas. rewardedrewarded with awith 360 a degree 360 degree view ofview the of surrounding the surrounding TheThe groups groups also also visited visited the highthe high country country near near Mt Mt ChilternChiltern Information Information Centre Centre countryside.countryside. On a Onclear a clearday Mt day Buffalo Mt Buffalo is easily is easily MainMain Street StreetBuffaloBuffalo for afor short a short period period each each year year to harvest to harvest the the recognisablerecognisable on the on southern the southern horizon. horizon. ChilternChiltern VIC VIC3683 3683BogongBogong moth. moth. Phone:Phone: (03) (03) 5726 5726 1611 1611At YeddonbaAt Yeddonba you youcan cansee Aboriginalsee Aboriginal rock rockart. Thisart. Thissite site WangarattaWangaratta and and Region Region Visitor Visitoris ofis significant of significant importance importance to Aboriginal to Aboriginal people. people. InformationInformation Centre Centre 100 100 ‐ 104 ‐ 104 Murphy Murphy Street StreetHistoryHistory WangarattaWangaratta VIC VIC3677 3677 Freecall: Freecall: 1800 1800 801065 801065ChilternChiltern‐Mt ‐PilotMt Pilot National National Park Park was wascreated created in October in October 20022002 to conserve to conserve and andenhance enhance what what remains remains of of CaringCaring for for the the environment environmentVictoria'sVictoria's Box ‐BoxIronbark‐Ironbark forests forests and andwoodlands. woodlands. HelpHelp us look us look after after your your park park TheThe park park has hasa rich a richgold gold mining mining heritage, heritage, with withgold gold by followingby following these these guidelines: guidelines: beingbeing discovered discovered at Beechworth at Beechworth in 1852. in 1852. In a shortIn a short PleasePlease take take rubbish rubbish with with you youfor fortimetime the thetown town was was the centrethe centre of the of Ovensthe Ovens District District recyclingrecycling or disposal or disposal Goldfields.Goldfields. Later Later in 1858 in 1858 gold gold was wasdiscovered discovered at the at the All nativeAll native plants, plants, animals, animals, historical historicalnearbynearby Chiltern Chiltern and andIndigo Indigo Goldfields. Goldfields. andand archaeological archaeological sites sites and and GreenGreen‐comb‐comb Spider Spider‐orchid‐orchid geographicgeographic features features are areThousandsThousands of miners of miners took took up claims up claims on the on Woolshedthe Woolshed protectedprotected by law by lawandand Indigo Indigo Goldfields. Goldfields. Woolshed Woolshed Creek Creek got itsgot name its name WhiteboxWhitebox Walking Walking Track Track ‐ Starting ‐ Starting at Honeyeater at Honeyeater fromfrom an old an shearingold shearing shed shed that thatwas wasbuilt built near near the the PicnicPicnic Area, Area, this 8.5km this 8.5km walk willwalk take will 2take‐3 hours 2‐3 hours and and DogsDogs and and other other pets pets are are creek.creek. not notpermitted permitted in the in thepark park introduceintroduce you to you some to some of the of natural the natural and historical and historical featuresfeatures of the of park. the park. FirearmsFirearms are areprohibited prohibited YeddonbaYeddonba Aboriginal Aboriginal Cultural Cultural Site ‐ SiteSituated ‐ Situated at the at the LightLight fires fires only only in fire in fireplaces places provided. provided. foot offoot Mount of Mount Pilot, Pilot, this heritage this heritage area providesarea provides an an BringBring your your own own firewood firewood for for barbecues.barbecues. Gas Gas barbecues barbecues are are insightinsight into localinto lAboriginalocal Aboriginal culture. culture. recommended.recommended. WoolshedWoolshed Falls ‐ FallsA ten ‐ A minute ten minute drive drivenorth north from from No Nofires, fires, including including gas gasbarbecues, barbecues, BeechworthBeechworth provides provides the opportunity the opportunity for a familyfor a family maymay be litbe on lit aon day a day of Total of Total Fire Fire Ban Ban. picnicpicnic or to orview to viewthe falls the that falls can that be can spectacular be spectacular after after ChilternChiltern‐Mt‐ MtPilot Pilot National National Park Park is in is in thethe North North East East Total Total Fire Fire Ban Ban District District heavyheavy rain. rain.A six Akilometre six kilometre walking walking track tracklinks links WoolshedWoolshed Falls toFalls Beechworth to Beechworth via the via Cascades the Cascades and and It isIt your is your responsibility responsibility to know to know the Gorgethe Gorge Scenic Scenic Drive. Drive. if itif is it a isday a day of Total of Total Fire Fire Ban. Ban. If inI fdoubt in doubt call callthe theVictorian Victorian Bushfire Bushfire Beechworth Beechworth Historic Historic Park ‐ ParkThere ‐ There are a arenumber a number of of InformationInformation Line Line on 1800on 1800 240 240667 667
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