Appendix 7 drama, and cross-class appeal,” making “wom- an suffrage a topic of national interest. They Historical Case Files inaugurated woman suffrage parades, mass meetings, and entertainments; they aggres- Becoming a Detective: Historical Case sively lobbied state and federal legislatures, File #1—Selling Suffrage vocally criticized government, and refused to At the request of the textbook committee your defer to either authority or tradition.” (From class has been asked to investigate the role Finnegan, Mary Margaret. Selling Suffrage: of Hazel Hunkins and whether she should be Consumer Culture & Votes for Women, New York: added to the next edition of your textbook. Columbia University Press, 1999, pp. 5-6) In order to answer this larger question, the Step 2: Investigate the Evidence committee must first understand what tactics Expect to spend about ten minutes on each were effective in gaining women the right to of the sources in your packet, available online vote. As a member of the commission selected at http://mhs.mt.gov/education/women/ to review the case, your job is to examine the HazelHunkins. following documents to decide how effective the National Woman’s Party was in its use of Exhibit 1-A Undated newspaper clipping: symbols, technology, and public relations. San Francisco Call and Post, Hazel Hunkins- Hallinan Papers, MC 532, Switchboard Photo, • What symbols, technologies, and tactics did box 60, folder 10, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe women use to win the right to vote? Institute • How did the media of the day respond? Exhibit 1-B : “5,000 Step 1. Review Background Information Newspaper article Women in Suffrage Parade at Washington,” Before 1912, the suffrage movement focused South Bend [Indiana] News Times, May 9, 1914 primarily on state campaigns; nine states had granted women voting rights by 1912, with Exhibit 1-C Photograph: Woman Suffrage Montana and Nevada joining the ranks of Parade, 1914, Harris and Ewing, photog- woman suffrage states in 1914. By that year, rapher. Harris & Ewing Collection, Library a younger, more militant wing of the suffrage of Congress, Washington, D.C. LC-DIG- movement began to assert itself; under the hec-04137. leadership of Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, these young radicals “endeavored to shift [the main Exhibit 1-D Typed letter: Hazel Hunkins to suffrage organization] NAWSA’s attention Mother, July 8, 1917, Hazel Hunkins-Hallinan away from winning voting rights for women Papers, MC 532, box 61, folder 9, Schlesinger at the state and local levels to securing an Library, Radcliffe Institute amendment to the U.S. Constitution to enfran- For each source, answer all the questions on chise women nationally.” (Library of Congress the Document Analysis Worksheet. Note: You American Memory, “Historical Overview of the will be sharing these answers with your National Woman’s Party,” Web. 4 Sept. 2015. class in an “exhibit” format—so write http://www.loc.gov/collections/static/women- legibly! of-protest/images/history.pdf) According to historian Mary Margaret Finnegan, the young radicals infused “the cause with a well-needed dose of spectacle, HAZEL HUNKINS, BILLINGS SUFFRAGIST 25 Step 3: Crack the Case Make sure to include in your report: Based on your analysis of the documents and • Specific examples! Quote from the citing evidence to support your answer, please documents. create a presentation to share with the other • Information about where and how the members of the textbook committee (your documents contradicted each other (if this class). You may use technology if you wish and, occurred) and how you decided which ones to for your convenience, we have provide im- trust. ages of all the documents you examined in a • A list of any additional questions you still PowerPoint, available for download at http:// have that were left unanswered through your mhs.mt.gov/education/women/HazelHunkins. investigation. However you structure your presentation, it should answer the following questions: After your presentation is complete, organize your material into an “exhibit” so your fellow 1. What strategies and tactics did women use committee members can easily access your evi- to win the right to vote? dence when creating their briefs. Your exhibit 2. How did the media of the day respond to must include your answers to the following these strategies and tactics? questions: 3. What techniques, symbols, and types of • What is the source called? technology did suffrage activists use to ad- • Who created it? vance their cause? • When was it created? How soon after the event it describes? 4. Whose perspective was not represented in • Who was the audience for this document? the material you read? How might other per- • Why was it created? spectives change your analysis? • Did you find evidence of bias or point of 5. How does the material you analyzed relate view? If so, what? to Hazel Hunkins and the committee’s larger • How do these factors affect the source’s question: whether she should be included in credibility? the next edition of the textbook? HAZEL HUNKINS, BILLINGS SUFFRAGIST 26 Historical Case File #1—Selling Suffrage Exhibit 1-A San Francisco Call and Post, Hazel Hunkins-Hallinan Papers, MC 532, box 60, folder 10, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute HAZEL HUNKINS, BILLINGS SUFFRAGIST 27 LARGEST SWORN CIRCULATION IN NORTHERN INDIANA THE WEATHER. INDIANA. Fa i r ton! gh t tni Sunday; rising temper- 1 TP 1 . ature. u BENBNEWS-TIMES- MICHIGAN. " NEWS-TIME- j&aition AVERAGE DAILY S CIRCULATION FOR APRIL WAS 16,889. Fair tonkht, followed by SOUTH Xun-!:i- y; Increasing cluadtnF READ THE lAmS' rising temperature. VOL. XXXI., NO. 130. SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1914. PRICE TWO CENTS ARMY IS ON MURK Fearing Attempt to Render Canal Useless by Blasting MANY KILLED BY " Spillway, U. S. BEADY TO EMBARK Goethals Orders Soldiers to Guard Duty QUAKES SICILY; """"'1" ' ' ' " ' v ii FOR VERA CRUZ Afi ER0PT1 War Department Arranges to Villages and Hamlets Destroyed Charter Six Large Steam- in Three Terrific Shocks ships Which May Transport Fear Disaster May Approach Reinforcements to Funston. the Messina Horror of 1908. GUNBOAT DESPATCHED ITALIAN WARSHIPS MAY Historical CaseThis IsFilethe #1—SellingGatun spillway, Suffragethe most vulnerable part of the Panama canal. P.y raising the steel gate between the concrete columns anv excess water in CJatun lake is allowed to run TO HARBOR OF TAMPICO into the Atlantic ocean. A similar spillway is on the Pacitlc end of the canal. BE SENT TO SCENE Break in Gates at This Vulner- SAYS HUERTA MINES able Point Could Be Accom- THREE ARE BURNED TO Monitor Ozark's Big Guns Will MOO VILLA PREPARES II plished By a Single Dyna- King Victor Emmanuel Will Go Afford Protection to For- STREET OF CAPITAL ONE IN miter and Would Empty DEATH, HURT, to Stricken District to Direct eigners in Oil City Consul !U S 0 G Gatun Lake Into Ocean and OR Relief Work Overwhelming Silliman is Safe Bryan Hears. TO SWALLOW ENEMIES APARTMENT BLAZE BATTLE W TH 1 Make Panama Ditch Useless. Eruption Threatens. AT HY CllAIlLHS MICHIOLSOX. NEWARK, X. J.. May S. Three VKHA U. HUERTA'S FORCES .May 0. Tho war ISHIITOI CKUZ. May Pres. Huer- P.Y H YMIITON FOLKY. women servants were to luxiiimx WASHINGTON, capi- Be- burned death I). ta has mined tho streets of his AXCOX, Canal Zone, May 0. in- RO.Mi:. .May Tin earthquake department today announce tliat it tal. If he is overthrown he plans to and ono man was probably fatally which rocLctl the ra.torii vart of si -- vi-sso- trans-M- rt cause would be possible with little lia.-- chartered eight for wreck the city, making tho world it a jured and thirty fairunrs were driven cily, dotroviiur many illages and M-n-h- Tim following are the WASHINGTON. May 9. Suffrage gasp at the catastrophe that marks dynamite to let all tho water out of narrow escapes hamlets. approach in it scojhj into the street after BY .OILY W. ROBERTS. i.ay na Meamcr--i and th; points at which they his downfall. Catun lake and thereby make the when fire destroyed the the dotruction of Mc-M- in P.hiS, o cohorts marched and countermarched from death (Special Correspondent.) - are available-Colorad- CThis is the amazing story brought early today. when many thousands wcrt- killed, ac-tnili- ng through tho streets of Washington heV-- by Panama canal useless for nearly a Aldine apartments TORRHON. May 9. General Villa and Offalov. at Galveston; Oscar Brain, a prominent yet identi- Sal-till- to a dispatch hy , year, put The dead have not leen expects to hurl his forces against o rcxvlwil the JorclMU-r- at Norfolk; Kaiwui. in tho todaj', making a brilliant ppectacle as miiyig man of Oaxaca. Colonel Goethals has the fied, bodies teing burned beyond ocrnmcnt Irom Catania thU after- u their CariblM-a- Minnesota, City or they has reason to prepare for United States infantry on guard early next week. He will leave noon. Sea: formed for the great parad e to "lluerta Tenth espe- recognition. The injured man is Rev. for the front Sunday' and the attack Mf'iiipliK City of Miiron, at Xw York; the capital to the end," said Mr. Brain today. duty at all the lock gates, but Edward S. Young. a Presbyterian King Victor Emmanuel il jro to present their petition "Zapata and h'algado 4 0,000 men cially are known as the "spill- on Saltillo will begin as soon as his Hie Demer, at (ialvoton. to congress have at what minister, of Brooklyn. artillery is in position to Sirily on a warship tomorrow to direct asking that women be massed south of the capital. Figuroa ways". The fire started in the basement bombard in the e;ire of the ltomch ami Col.
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