Drying of salted fish Comparison between different methods and species Gisli Kristjansson Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science University of Iceland 2013 Drying of salted fish Comparison between different methods and species Gisli Kristjansson 60 ECTS thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a Magister Scientiarum degree in industrial engineering Advisors Sigurjon Arason Dr. Olafur Petur Palsson Asbjorn Jonsson External examiner Dr. Kristin Anna Thorarinsdottir Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland Reykjavik, September 2013 Drying of salted fish – Comparison between different methods and species Drying of salted fish 60 ECTS thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a Magister Scientiarum degree in Industrial Engineering Copyright © 2013 Gisli Kristjansson All rights reserved Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland Hjarðarhagi 2-6 107, Reykjavik Iceland Telephone: 525 4000 Bibliographic information: Gisli Kristjansson, 2013, Drying of salted fish – Comparison between different methods and species, Master’s thesis, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Iceland, pp. 146 Printing: Háskólaprent, Fálkagötu 2, 101 Reykjavík Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2013 Abstract Dried salted fish is a popular seafood product in Southern Europe and South America. Large quantities of the salted fish from Iceland are further processed into dried salted products in Portugal before they are sold to the consumer in Portugal or exported to Brazil. By drying the salted fish in Iceland an added value could be achieved in the country before the fish is exported. In this thesis experiments were performed to gather knowledge of drying of salted fish in Icelandic conventional tunnel dryer. Products from different fish species, salting methods and treatments before and during drying were compared. The results showed that there was a great difference in drying rate between ling, tusk and cod. Comparison also showed difference between cod that has been pickle salted, brine salted and injected with Carnal phosphate. Still, no difference in weight loss was observed in drying between brined cod, with and without phosphate, from the same producer. Some advantages can also be achieved by compressing the fish during drying which speeds up water removal and reduces energy cost. All the salted fish had fully saturated brine in the water phase of the muscle and for that reason the fish does not follow normal drying theory. There is no constant drying rate in drying of salted fish, or at least it is very short and therefore the drying curve is different from drying of fresh fish. The humidity and temperature measurements were quite homogeneous through the drying tunnel and no difference could be seen in drying of fish in different locations of the drying tunnel. Results from chemical measurements conducted showed variance in water content and salt content between locations inside the split fish. The surface layer dried fast but inside the fish muscle the water content was still high after drying. Water content measurements using spectroscopic analysis with Near Infrared (NIR) technology showed positive results which have already been shown in an earlier research. Útdráttur Þurrkaður saltfiskur er vinsæl neysluvara í Suður-Evrópu og Suður-Ameríku. Töluvert magn af þeim saltfiski sem fluttur er út frá Íslandi er þurrkaður í Portúgal áður en hann er seldur til neytenda þar í landi eða fluttur áfram til Brasilíu. Áhugi er fyrir því að skoða fýsileika þess að flytja þurrkunarferlið hingað til lands og fá því virðisaukann af því vinnsluferli hingað heim. Í þessu verkefni voru tilraunir á þurrkun á saltfiski framkvæmdar til að afla þekkingar á þurrkun saltfisks í hefðbundnum íslenskum grindaklefa (pýramídaþurrkara). Fiskur af mismunandi tegundum, söltunaraðferðum og meðhöndlun fyrir þurrkun og á meðan þurrkun stóð var borinn saman. Niðurstöður sýndu að munur var á þurrkhraða milli löngu, keilu og þorsks og einnig milli þorsks sem var pækilsaltaður, sprautaður með Carnal fosfati og þorsks sem var pæklaður. Samt sem áður mældist enginn munur á þyngdartapi í þurrkun milli pæklaðs fisks, með og án fosfats frá sama framleiðanda. Nokkur ávinningur í formi hraðara þyngdartaps í þurrkun náðist með því að fergja fiskinn á meðan á þurrkferlinu stóð. Saltfiskurinn mældist allur með fullmettaðan saltpækil í holdi og fylgdi því ekki hefðbundnum þurrkferlum. Þegar ekkert laust vatn er í holdinu verður stöðugur þurrkhraði mjög stuttur, ef nokkur, og því er þurrkferillinn frábrugðinn þurrkun á ósöltuðum fiski. Hita– og rakastig var mjög einsleitt í þurrkklefanum og var ekki greinilegur munur á þurrkhraða í fiski sem staðsettur var á mismunandi stöðum í þurrkklefanum. Niðurstöður efnamælinga sýndu að yfirborð fisksins þornaði mest, en innan í fiskholdi er ennþá hátt vatnsinnihald eftir þurrkun. Niðurstöður á vatnsmælingum með litrófsgreiningu með innrauðu ljósi (Spectroscopic analysis using near infrared technology) gáfu til kynna að aðferðin væri möguleg við að meta vatnsinnihald saltfisks en það er í samræmi við eldri niðurstöður. Table of Contents Útdráttur ..................................................................................................................... v List of Figures ............................................................................................................ xi List of Tables ............................................................................................................ xxi Nomenclature ......................................................................................................... xxiii Acknowledgements ................................................................................................. xxv 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Motivation ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Objectives ....................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Salted fish ....................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Drying of salted fish ....................................................................................... 4 1.5 Markets for salted fish .................................................................................... 5 1.6 Previous experiments ..................................................................................... 7 1.7 Structure of the thesis ..................................................................................... 9 2 Theory ................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Physical properties of fish ............................................................................ 11 2.2 Drying theory ............................................................................................... 11 2.2.1 Drying techniques ............................................................................... 11 2.2.2 Water activity ...................................................................................... 13 2.2.3 Drying rates of salted fish ................................................................... 14 2.2.4 Drying calculations using Mollier-diagram ........................................ 15 2.2.5 Drying formulas .................................................................................. 18 2.3 Material and energy balance......................................................................... 19 2.4 Spectroscopic analysis (NIR) ....................................................................... 20 2.5 Rehydration .................................................................................................. 20 2.6 Statistical methods used ............................................................................... 21 2.6.1 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ......................................................... 21 2.6.2 Multiple comparison methods............................................................. 21 3 Experiments and data .......................................................................................... 23 3.1 Experimental design ..................................................................................... 23 3.2 Drying facility .............................................................................................. 24 3.3 Temperature measurements .......................................................................... 26 3.4 Humidity measurements ............................................................................... 27 3.5 Air velocity measurements ........................................................................... 27 3.6 Weight measurements and yield estimation ................................................. 28 3.7 Chemical analysis ......................................................................................... 28 3.7.1 Water content ...................................................................................... 29 3.7.2 Salt content.......................................................................................... 29 vii
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