Students Speak Increase .'. DisLiked Among' the basic reasons cited by 'President Langsam for the need for increased DC tuition are a salary increase for f~culty and staff, and a need for larger scholarship funds. An RECO'R increase in the University cost of operation was .also noted as a factor as well as the expense of the new physical educa- tion building: ; "We very reluctantly realize 'no one is happy ·with the tuition rise, Series BE 12 )sday, December 15, 1960 Vel. XLVI, No. 12 but even with the increase, our rates are considerably lower than comparable institutions," noted President Langsam. "We are • negotiating to see if We can get tate and county aid to supple- ews -Panel 0 U 5 10 ...•- ment federal aiel. We are hopeful . of success eventually, but we can't wait that long." A survey of 25 DC students Dec. 'Schneider ··And Beck'ma 7 showed only three were wholly . in favor of the increase effective Louis, J. Schneider, County questions put to them by a served in the Ohio State House . Sept., 1961.Re ident students will Commissioner, and' VJocent H. panel composed of represents- of Representativ~ . pay an .additional $25 arid non- Beckman, County Commissioner- tives of the local press, radio .}fr. Beckman \vas lected in If residents $75. elect, will meet in debate today 'and TV stations. close race with Republican James Jim - Stergiopo'"ulos, pr:sid~nt in room 127 lVfe!\1ik.en HaH at .' Jay C. Heinlein of the Politi- R. Clark, the final results being .:' of 'Student Council said, "No one 12:15, An open program for all cal Science Department, Cojlege determined in a recount which likes .an .increase in any of his As the yule season approache-s, students and faculty members,: .of Arts and Sciences, will act as fhe Commissioner-glsct won by expenses, but the increase in signs' of Christm~s cheer may be- the two men will discuss the pro- moderator to channel -the ques- less than 600· votes. He is pre- ·tuition is a necessary step on the blems of Hamilton County and observed iii many places on tions to the Commissioners .. sently a member of Cincinnati part of the university to main· their possible solutions, ,The news panel' will include City Council. campus. Throughout this issue tain its present standards and • Schneider, a Republican, and Ralph Holsinger of the Enquirer, Sheldon and Maier in a joint _ meet i~s'goals' of the future." of ~he News Record will be found Qeckman, a Democrat, will Leo Baron or the Post-Times Star 'statement indicated that they , :M1chael. Minson, A&S '62, ob- pict~res relating to the joy of. 'sPeak'- for eight minutes each and Nick Basso. of WKRC-TV. hope to continue sponsorship (}f erved, "It's a good idea, beacuse . the coming holiday •.•• after which they will answer The program, under the joint such events to continue intere 't .~ there isn't any easier way to im- sp~nsorship of the UC Young in political activity on campus . prove conditions and if a person Democrat Club and the Student Both look forward to a spirited is sincere' in wanting a college ed- Republican Club, is modeled debate. ucation, ,thc differ.ence will 'not be after the "great debates" of th-e significant enough to alter, any .Faculty And Student Views recent presidential campaign. , .plans to continue or to begin _ Hank Sheldon, Young Demo- REW FUTURE! .school." · I d erat President, and Hal Maier, The Student Religious Coun- .. John -Morrison, A&S '62, said, Sought For New, Ca.en ar Chairman ().f SRC, wilt introduce cil will discuss the future of the "In as much as the city pays only . - " the speakers from their respective Religious Emphasis Week to- partie. 18 percent, it is necessary for the by B)JI Strawbridge. night at 7:30, We s t min s t e r Mr. Schneider was re-elected school to obtain funds from other . Foundation. All interested st u- The idea of having a common general reason for examination f·o his position after being ap- ources. Actually, tuition pays a 'dents and faculty members are pointed to fill an un-expired very small percentage and I feel calendar for a11 UC students has of a common calendar is the ilwited to attend. term in 1959. He previously the educationws get is as good as been generating force for several fact that under the present sys- that offered in schools where vears. According to Dr. Spencer , tem 'much dislodgment exists. tuition is a lot more." Shank, .rlean of Special Services, Students in, the semester: col- Stuartsf'ox, A&S '62, differed, "I just heard, and I feel 'it'sunfort- the initial impetus occurred 'four leges are unable to take' any Christmas, . 'Concert unate. Lhope facilities at the uni- years ago when Student Council' courses in- the co-op colleges . versity will prove to make thi in- recommended to President Walter and vice versa. For example, crease worthwhile." C. Langsam that a common calend- should a student majoring in ) Wiley R, Gilvin, TC '61, said, ar be introduced. A Iittle lalersev- math in Arts an'd Sciences de- To .B·e 0 Dec. 1 "It sho.lNS we have to fine( ad- eral faculties suggested that the sire to take a course in engi- by Andy Smith 18 Born" and "Go T~II It on the ditional sources of revenue for idea be examined. neering math, he would be" un- -able to do so. Common inter- :\'!:ountain," the United Sta.es: the coljege. This is hurting the Then, about a year ago, a re- The annual Christmas concert people who can afford it· the ests are unable to be met in the' ':CJ:rristmas Hymn," Germ a Jl y; port rknown as the Jenks Report pre en ted by the University Glee ,least, s.tudents." . present set-up, Club, the 'University Singers, and "God Rest You :VIeny 'Gentlemeu ,. was completed. The. work had England, and "Old 'Polish Chrts't-' Nina Elan, A&S '64, noted, "I There is also the obvious con- the :.\fen' Octet will be held Dec; been done by a- committee head- mas Carol," Poland. don't approve of it, personally. I ed by Dr. William Jenks, profes- fus-ion of having semester and 18, . at 3 p.m. .in Wilson Audi- Also included are "Palapan" ; nd believe everyone is entitled to a sor of geology. This report in- section systems operating within torium. The public IS cordially in- "Cantique de Noel." France; "The free education." . eluded the recommendation that the same general univerr ity op- vit( d to attend; There will be no admis ion charge. Savior Is Born," Austria; "flow .Jerry Minton; Un.C. '64, ..J!id,' "I the common calendar idea be eration, unto Bethlehem," Italy; "Fum, don't like. it at all. I can't afford studied in detail. This was follow- With a theme of "Christmas Attempts are now underway to Fum, Fum" and "Carol of the it. Lthink it's especially hard for ed by President Langsam's an- Around the World," this year's determine to~al university opinion Birds," Spain and "Carol of ·[he . the students who have to wo k.• program will feature carols, nouncemeut last week that two .. on the' subject. Monday a ques- Bells," Russia, .' Sidra- Leibowitz, TC '63, replied, committees had been formed for tionaire was sent out to all facul- hymns; and traditional music' from many countries. Elaine '.'Joy to the World" will CJD· "I wa furious. In the east where that very purpose. ty members. In addition, Student GI8%er, A&S '62, will act as elude the concert and will be ' ag I'm from, there are better schools 'Dean Shank said that the Council will be asked advice on narratQ.r and will describe typical by the Glee Club and audicnc I could probably attend. But 1 like how to acquire student opinions Christmas c:ustoms in varieus combined. too midwest," she added. and wishes on the cornmoi calen- e untries as the imaginary "trip -"This year's program 'should . Jan Powell, A&S '62, said, "I dar . around the world" takes place. prove to be very unique and in- think it's a good idea to notify ,Prof Discusses . Dean Shank stressed the fact spiring," noted Professor Rob~rt parents before having it printed.in 'that present efforts are in- The program opens with an Garre~son, 'Glee Club dit:.ecfor. 4.:he newspapers." . volved with. studying all ideas. organ prelude by Organist' :Vlyra "All types and variations will :,'fcGhee, A&S '63. The choral pre- "We have put much work into :IR. C, Nataraj said, "As it is we . Tuition Increase lude "Fanfare for Christmas Day" the program and hope many stu- are paying too much." . be studied," he said. "No one The "tuition increase going into follow. "Adeste Fideles" will be dents wilt ~ able to attend:' Vemell. Bickerstaff, Un.C. '62, is even'. sure that the idea will effect <in September- and" the the processional. Besides the concert, the Glee said, "It's too much right now..• be finally accepted.'" Following the candlelight pro- Club has planned several other. I will have to pay $750 instead of others in the 1950's are the ad- When the final recommenda- event, A special program of Chri t- $675 next year." Verrtell lives in ministration's attempt to bring its tion is made, It will be passed on cessional will be Christmas songs rna music will be presented Mad isonviUe.
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