TWBNTY-POUB FRIDAY, S E I ^ M B B R 29, 196T A w m Daily Not Ptwollai Hanrljpater lEwiPtttng Ifaralli ^ tw The Week Ended The W eather Clearing today, hltb in 70a,- The Rev. Norman Svenson, Alnnan 2.C. Charles Pearson, partly cloudy, ooolar tanlEIit, pastor of Trinity Covenant eon o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles low in 49bi p a^ y ipnomy and cool iAltout Town Church, will oondiiot a service Pearson of 40 Auburn Rd., is 15,207 tomorrow, high near 90. Waehinrton Comman- Sunday at 8:15 ajti. on radio home on a 30-day leave after Through These Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm dry, RnicHts Templar, will con- Nation WINP. The program Is serving In Vietnam. He has <!> • ter the Order of Malta Tuesday sponsored by the Mlanchester been assigned to England APB, VOL. LXXXVl, NO. 307 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1967 (OlaMlfied AdvertlHnc on Pnge 9) PRICnS SEVEN CENTS at 7:80 p.m. at the Masonic council of Churches. La. Temple, Hartford. ____ ____ Doors .... South Methodist Church will Center Congregational Church The Parents Club of East have a Church School Family young people in Grades 11 and Catholic High School will have Night for teachers, parents, and 12 will meet with Jhe young its first meeting of the school children from tots through people of Second Congregational Child Guidance Center year Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the teens tomorrow at the church. Church Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in school cafeteria. Special phases Dinner will be served at 6:30 Fellowship Hall of Second World Awaits Hanoi Reply The door at 317 N. Main St. But very cIo m , of the cuiiiculum and new aca­ p.m. In Cooper Hall. There will Church. This will be an organ- Dismayed to the Community Child Guid­ demic programs will be discuss­ be a film for adults, classroom izational meeting and plans will ed by membela of the faculty. ance Center opened 2,888 times that's the Woy visits and programs for the be made for a trip' to Mt. Mo- last year and through it passed A t Speech younger children and teen-ag- nadnock. many troubled children and ers. A nursery will ibe provided. their parents. Typical of these wo've boon ro« VATICAN CTTY (AP) — Din- RANGf Mr. and Mrs. Wyvllle H. Pea­ disturbed children Is Johnny X, Manchester Veterans Coun­ body of 45 Sunnyvlew Dr., Ver­ may was reported today among To Latest LBJ Peace Bid \ M I an eight-year-old boy whose cil will meet and elect officers non, formerly of Manchester, parents called the clinic after c onditioning. progressive clerics gathered for f UEL OIL Monday at 8 p.m. at the Amer­ will celebrate their 60th wedding the boy had set a fire In the the world synod of Roman Cath­ ican Legion Home. anniversary with an open house GASOLINE family home which caused quite our soloct usod olic bUbopa after Pope Paul VI Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. at their a bit\(f damage to the Interior home. of the l^ s e . In retrospect, the opened the month-long meeting LBJ Speech parents r'balized that Johnny cars for ovor 15 Friday by decrying "huldioua Wm Halt BANTLY OIL LET US PRICE Manchester Assembly, Order had also • set\other fires about dangers" to the faith. YOUR NEXT of Rainbow for Girls will meet the house ano\in neighboring Gets ^Bnish’ ( O.Ml- \.\> . |\( . yoors now. Try The fbcuB of the first working Boming if ;:i MAIN sii{i:i:i PRCSCRIPTION tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at Ma­ fields. session today was the Pope's sonic T ^ p le . There will be a The team of wo|'fcgrs at the III. li l!»- I I'l . second acheduled speech to the From Hanoi ARTHUR DRUG reheafsal for the installation of Guidance Clinic dlscovb;;^ that 200 blabope. Talks Follow officers, and a business meet­ ono and soo. Ki ic Iv V 11 Ic ^ / 1 I , I Johnny had a very poorNjchool The Pope mentioned only In WASHING’rON (AP) — Presi­ ing. All officers are reminded record, barely passing e^ch passing Friday the updating of dent Johnson’s latest enuncia- SAN ANTONIO, Tex. to attend. year to the next grade In sp; the Church launched by the Sec­ Uon of his Vietnam policy drew (AP)—President Johnson, of his having a better than av­ ond Vatican CSouncil begun un­ an apparent advance brushoff his top advisers and m ndi An executive board meeting erage intelligence. Further In­ Carter De (Wormier der Pope John XXm and com­ from Hanoi and mixed comment of the world are awaiting and workshop by the Connect­ vestigation of his history show­ pleted under Pope Paul. from Congress. Now Accepting Piano Students icut State Federation of Wom­ Hanoi’s reaction to John­ ed that Johnny’s father had left The 70-yeai>old pontlff’a open­ Even before the President son's offer to hsM U.S. en’s Clubs, Junior Di^sion will his wife and family for another ing discourse atrengthened a spoke Friday night, offering to Beginners and Intermediates be held tomorrow from 9 :30 WAGONS bombing of N o r ^ V iet­ woman when Johnny was 4 view that he considers the syn­ halt U.S. bombing of North Viet­ — Lessons Given In My Own Home — a.m. to 3 p.m. at Plainville High years old. od’s main task Is to end the con­ nam In return for prompt, nam on condition it lead School. His mother had developed a 66 Romblor 65 Romblor fusion over the goals of the “ productive discussions,’ ’ a promptly to productive guilt complex, feeling that It Catholic Church that has sprung high-ranking North Vietnamese peace discussions. Automatic, radio, vinyl standard, radio, new Reviewing Vietnam policy for JINE B. TOMPKINS was her fault that Johnny and tires. up since the Vatican Council official appeared to be turning Church to Hold his two sisters were without a seats. ended two years ago. thumbs down to such a propos­ a bipartisan gathering hero— and for a nationwide Former Student Of The Juilliard father. This guilt complex made 91495 Progressives look to the syn­ (AP Phototax) al. Financial Forum her a very inadeQuate parent. 9 2 0 9 5 od, which has only advisory Vice Premier- Le ’Thanh Nghi television.radlo a u d 1 e n o e— School of Music, N. Y. In addition, the mother had to powers at the present, as a Hornets Like Whites hut Not Reds said in Peking that the United Johnson adopted language Fri­ The Emanuel Lutheran go to work to support the fam­ means of democratising the States “ must unconditionally day night that sounded concilia­ 187 Gardner St., Manchester— 649-8653 tory, but did not weaken hU ex­ Church Women will have a "Wo­ ily and so secured day care for Church’s government. But the EJdwin G. Belzar, of Roxborough, near Philadel­ halt its bombing and other war the three children in another 63 Romblor dominant theme of the Pope’s pressed determination to see the men’s Financial Forum” at its 65 Romblor phia, displays an American flag from which the acts against the Democratic R|- home. However, after a lengthy Inaugural spee<di was the de- war through to an accq;>tabIo Automatic, radio, reclin­ Automatic, P.S., iiadio, white stripes have virtually b^n stripped bare. public of Vietnam once and for meeting ’Tuesday at 7 :45 p.m. in period of time, she discovered ending. ing seats. bucket seiaibs, nimclation of dangers to the Seems a colony of bald-faced hornets has been all,” withdraw its forces from Luther Hall of the church. that the supervision at this day faith. South Vietnam and recognize ’Thus, in talking about a poesi- using the flag as material to build the large gray, ble bombing halt, he said: Hi Kathy— Look What We Hove For You! Robert Ahlness' and Bernard care home was very poor. She 91695 •1095 He told the bishops that more the Viet Cong as "the sole gen­ Johnson, Manchester insurance found another place for the watchfulness by the clergy was paperlike nests. He contacted naturalists who said uine representative of the peo­ "We of course assume that whUe discussions proceed. APPLES; Maos, Cortlanda, Wealthier, MUtons, Ciubspples representatives, and Atty Ed­ children to stay during her reQuired and spoke of danger they believed the hornets steered clear of the red ' ple of South Vietnam.” North Vietnam would not take and Oravenstelns. LIMITED SUPPLY OF BARTLETT ward Kuehn of South Windsor working hours but this again within the Church from those stripes arid the blue field bcause they didn’t like NghTs speech, reported by the PEARS and PEACHES. advantage of the bombing ces­ will be members of a panel proved Inadequate with as in vdio try to change Its doctrine. the taste of the dyes used in the material. New China News Agency ar>'!l NATIVE; Com, Omen, Y ^ w Beans, Splnadi, Beets, Green, which will discuss estates, wills,' first home very poor super- Besides dangers to the faith, monitored in Tokyo, clashed sation or limitation." Y ^ w Sguash, Cubes, Romalne Lettuo^ Hot Poppers, Dill, and situations which arise in vision. topics on the synod’s agenda in­ specifically with Johnson’s lat­ ’This rather vague phrasing, Chinese and Savoy Cabbage, Pears, BrooooU, COollflower, HARDTOPS settling estates. ’The Rev. C. Soon thereafter, Johnny’.-i cluded mixed marriage, semi­ er ossertlon In his San Antonio, when contrasted with some ea^ Radishes, Turalps, Sweet Potatoes, Imported Red Onions, Henry Anderson, pastor of mother remarried.
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