CONTENTS 4 | MAKE FOR ME A SANCTUARY D’var Malchus / Sichos in English 9 | THERE IS NO CHANGE Farbrengen with Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Ginsberg 13 | A YOUNG MAN WITH A CAP AT THE U.S.A 744 Eastern Parkway SORBONNE Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409 Stories Tel: (718) 778-8000 Fax: (718) 778-0800 [email protected] 16 | “UNTIL NOW YOU’VE HELPED US; FROM www.beismoshiach.org NOW ON WE NEED TO HELP YOU” ERETZ HA’KODESH Chassid / S. Gefen 72915 s"cj rpf 102 /s/, (03) 9607-290 :iupky (03) 9607-289 :xep 20 | A RUSTY PENNY TO OPEN HIS HEART Farbrengen with Rabbi Tuvia Bolton EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: M.M. Hendel 24 | SAVING DROWNING SOULS ENGLISH EDITOR: Shlichus / S. Gefen Boruch Merkur [email protected] 30 | HOW FRIENDS OF REFUGEES OF EASTERN EUROPE (F.R.E.E.) INSPIRED A JEWISH CHILD TO Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082-0272 is published weekly, except BECOME THE REBBE’S CHASSID Jewish holidays (only once in April and Profile October) for $130.00 in Crown Heights, $140.00 in the USA & Canada, all others 35 | WHAT NOW? for $150.00 per year (45 issues), by Beis Shleimus HaAretz Moshiach, 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. Periodicals 37 | FARBRENGENS FOR REBBETZIN MENUCHA postage paid at Brooklyn, NY and additional offices. Postmaster: send ROCHEL’S YAHRTZEIT address changes to Beis Moshiach 744 News Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213- 3409. Beis Moshiach is not responsible for the content of the advertisements. © Copyright 2003 by Beis Moshiach, Inc D’VAR MALCHUS MAKE FOR ME A SANCTUARY SICHOS IN ENGLISH SHABBOS PARSHAS TRUMA; constructed, does the Torah relate the Sanctuary was erected, during the 6 ADAR, 5750 commands G-d gave to Moshe subsequent service, G-d’s presence 1. This week’s Torah portion, Parshas regarding the sacrifices, as described was revealed in the world. Truma, contains a fundamental Torah in the Book of VaYikra. Since the For this reason, the command, subject, the commandment, “And command to build the Sanctuary and “make Me a Sanctuary,” applies not you shall make for Me a Sanctuary its fulfillment is described in several only to the Sanctuary built in the and I will dwell within them.” parshiyos, we can infer that each of desert, but to the Sanctuary in Shilo, those parshiyos represents a different The remainder of the book of the Beis HaMikdash, and to the concept and stage in the spiritual Shmos is devoted to this subject. This personal Sanctuary within the heart service associated with the Sanctuary. week’s portion describes G-d’s of every Jew, even during the time of command to build the Sanctuary The construction of the Sanctuary exile. The establishment of a dwelling itself and its utensils. Parshas expresses, in microcosm, G-d’s intent for G-d is the very goal of the Tetzaveh describes the mitzva of in the creation of the world: creation of the world. kindling the menora, the priestly establishing a dwelling, a place where The establishment of such a garments, the initiation of Aharon His essence is revealed, in the lower dwelling, however, involves many and his sons, and the incense altar. worlds. For this reason, the phases; each of the parshiyos from Parshas Ki Sisa describes the command to construct (and the Truma until VaYikra represents a donation of the half-shekel to make construction of) the Sanctuary came different stage in the establishment of the sockets, the details involved in directly after the giving of the Torah. this dwelling. The names of the the incense offering, and the making The giving of the Torah represented various parshiyos allude to the service of the basin for sanctifying the priest’s the nullification of the decree to which they refer. hands and feet. Parshas VaYakhel separating the spiritual from the describes the manner in which Moshe material. From that time onward, the Parshas Truma describes G-d’s Rabbeinu related G-d’s command to potential existed for the Divine command to build the Sanctuary. the Jewish people and how the presence to be revealed within the This command gave the Jews the Jewish people fulfilled it. And world and for the material entities of potential to make a dwelling for G-d Parshas Pikudei describes the this world to be elevated and using the physicality of this world for completion of this sequence, the transformed into articles of holiness. a Sanctuary wherein G-d’s presence would be revealed. actual construction of the Sanctuary Both of these dimensions were and how “the glory of G-d filled the revealed in the construction and the Parshas Tetzaveh adds a deeper Sanctuary.” service of the Sanctuary. The material dimension to the unity established Only after completing the items donated by the Jews became between G-d and the world as description of how the Sanctuary was part of G-d’s Sanctuary, and after the revealed in the opening phrase, “V’ata tetzaveh.” “Tetzaveh” (command) is 4 BEIS MOSHIACH - 5 Adar 1 5763 related to the word tzavsa burn “from the evening until the one’s previous rung appear as (connection). “V’ata” (you) refers to morning.” “evening.” the essence of Moshe’s being, and These difficulties can be resolved For Aharon’s kindling of the ultimately, to G-d’s essence itself. In through an analysis of the spiritual candles – the souls of the Jewish this sense, through the construction dimensions of the concept. The people – to be “a continuous flame,” of the Sanctuary, a connection is kindling of the menora refers to the connection with the essence of established between the Jewish lighting “the candle of G-d, the soul G-d (“V’ata tezaveh” as explained people in the material world, the of man,” which is in the heart of above) must be established. The essence of Moshe’s soul, and G-d’s every Jew, motivating each Jew to essence of G-d is completely beyond essence. love G-d, to desire to cling to the concept and possibility of change. The revelation of Moshe’s essence G-dliness, and to shine with “the Thus, it (through the medium of the and G-d’s essence – which will also candle of mitzva and the light of essence of Moshe) generates the bring about the revelation of the Torah.” Aharon gives each Jew’s soul potential for a Divine service that is essence of every Jew – will effect even the potential to shine from below similarly unchanging. This is the lowest levels. Regardless of the (the Jew’s own level) to above. Being reflected in the service of “the light of level one is on, the essence of every that this potential stems from a Torah,” which establishes a constant Jew, even the most simple person, is connection between a Jew and his connected with the essence of G-d source and, therefore, brings about a through a fundamental bond that continuous light and revelation. cannot be broken or interrupted. As The essence of every In particular, the passage speaks the Alter Rebbe declared, “No Jew about different dimensions: Aharon’s can or desires to be separate from Jew, even the most lighting of the candles “from the G-d.” evening until the morning,” a Based on the above, we can simple person, is revelation which recognizes and understand the higher level reflected relates to the world, as well as, “The by Parshas Tetzaveh in comparison connected with the continuous flame,” associated with with Parshas Truma. G-d mentioned essence of G-d Moshe. Each of these revelations is Moshe’s name when He commanded significant and contributes a him to build the Sanctuary. This through a dimension lacking in the other. “And implies a relationship only to the both revelations are made possible revealed levels of G-dliness. In fundamental bond and fused together through G-d’s contrast, in Parshas Tetzaveh, Moshe’s that cannot be broken essence — “V’ata Tetzaveh.” name is not mentioned, implying a 2. Parshas Ki Sisa contributes an connection reaching G-d’s essence or interrupted. added dimension to the manifestation itself, which is drawn down to every of the Divine presence in the Jew, even those on the lowest levels. Sanctuary. The words “ki sisa” mean, This concept is also reflected in “when you shall lift up.” To this end, the kindling of the menora, the mitzva human, and hence, inherently limited Ki Sisa deals with the elevation of the mentioned at the beginning of the initiative, there are, therefore, Jewish people from their previous parasha. The manner in which the limitations within the power of the rung. Ki Sisa is also related to the Torah relates this command is light; it shines only “from the evening Jewish people’s activities involving problematic: Although Aharon and until the morning;” i.e., a small flame the material substance of the world, his sons kindled the menora, G-d told of G-dly light shines within the emphasized by the giving of the half- Moshe that the oil for the menora person’s darkness. This refers to the shekel,. should be brought to him. light generated by the service of To explain: When G-d Furthermore, in the initial verse, prayer and the fulfillment of mitzvos commanded the Jewish people to which was directed to Moshe, the that are bound by the constraints of give a half-shekel as “atonement for Torah talks about kindling “a limitations of time. their souls,” Moshe was amazed. He continuous flame,” whereas the could not comprehend how giving a second verse, which describes the “From the evening until the morning” also implies a continuous coin, a physical object, could bring kindling of the menora by Aharon, atonement for a soul, which is “truly mentions that the menora should process of growth.
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