\ \ Monday Cloudy... 9 Nugent s Father, . with chance of show- MICHIGAN ers. High near 80. Cooler . very philosophically tonight, continued chance said: "I'm not losing a STATE of showers. son, but gaining acountry." UNIVEflfcrr\ August 8, 1966 Vol. 59, Number 34, 41 Perish As Jetliner Burns In Air, Crashes the flames of the burning wreck- Dallas* Tex., and an Inves- Dr. L. V. Brennan, a Falls The British-built BAC-111, a FALLS CITY. Nev. (UPI)—A age. Only the bodies of veteran tigation officer of the British City physician, was called to the short and medium twin-jet air- Braniff International Jetliner Braniff Pilot Capt. Donald G. Aircraft Corp., builder of the fiery scene. He shook his head craft, was considered one of the spiraled from stormy skies like Pauly, 47, and first officer James plane, was dispatched from Lon- in pouring rain. "There's no- safest planes In the air. a flaming comet and exploded In A. Helliker were found In the don. thing I can do," he said. A Braniff spokesman said in a muddy Nebraska soybean field charred ruins. Schawang and Nebraska High- Brennan's son, Richard, said Dallas, Tex., that the BACs have he saw the plane plunge inflames Saturday night, killing all 41 way Patrolman Marvin Gifford persons aboard. logged more than 100,000 hours Bodies of the 37 passengers "spinning like a top. It kept go- since they were put into service reported seeing a brilliant flash Two witnesses told the first and two stewardesses were scat- ing around and around and down In April, 1965, without a single of flame In the sky and hearing Investigators on the scene that tered over the sodden soybean and down," he said. fatality. Three other domestic an explosion before the plane they saw a brilliant red and yel- field. News of the tragedy quickly Crash Kills 41 airlines use them, he said. hit. low flash In the rainy skies and Civil Aeronautics Board Inves- reached Omaha's airport. "Oh. An FBI agent, one of the first Gifford said he was patrolling then heard the sound of an ex- tigators rushed to the scene from Godl My wife's on that plane!" The wreckage of a Braniff International jet airliner still smoked tlx hours after .1 investigators to arrive at the a stretch of highway about five plosion before the plane smash- Washington. B FI identii.cation said one man waiting there. His crashed in a farm field near Falls City, Neb. Saturday. The plane was enroute o scene, refused to comment "at miles away from Schawang's ed into the ground. experts also were en route. Of- teenage son and daughter tried Minneapolis from New Orleans with several stops. UPI Telephoto this time" on the possibility of farm when he saw "a huge ball ficials from Braniff came from to console him. sabotage. of fire in the sky." The plane crashed about 11 miles from Falls City In the OR1EÌSTAT1QJS OPERATION southwest corner of Nebraska. The New Orleans to Minneapo- lis flight had Just taken off from Kansas City, Mo., and was head- Communist Ground Gunners ed for another brief stop at Oma- ha, Neb., when it plummeted to earth. 1.000 The high-tailed Jet broke apart Fire Down Six U.S. Planes fliers involved by American new sweep In the far north by In two huge chunks. Bits of wreck- SAIGON, South Viet Nam .]'!-- count, only two were known to several thousand American and age were strewn over hundreds American authorities announced By BEVERLY TWITCHELL have escaped. Vietnamese Marines. "of feet of a large soybean patch Communist ground gunners fell- •State Ne"Ws Staff Writer Capt. Edward P. Larson, 37, The new operation, code-nam- on Anton Schawang's farm. The ed six U.S. planes over North of Puyallup, Wash., and Capt. ed Colorado, began Saturday In rear portion of the fuselage was Viet Nam Sunday, and put up a Kevin A. Gilroy, 30, of Menlo Quang Tin Province. found about a mile away from the hall of antiaircraft fire to ward First Of leading half. Park, Calif., nursed their strick- The South Vietnamese marines off rescue helicopters. almost immediately ran into a Schawang and his v»VSe saw the en two-seat F105F Thunderchiefs Communist battalion of perhaps Three Parts. plane spin earthward in flames. over the Gulf.<\< T,and bail- tX Peking's New China News ... .. - • 1- L "My GodlTheworld's onfire," ed out into - * . ** Some 1,000 MSL' freshmen Agency declared in a dispatch fight, reported killing 71 and she screamed after the aircraft The crew of a U.S. Air Force meet the University each week. from Hanoi that seven planes capturing 27. The Reds then pull- smacked into the ground. twin-engine amphibious Alba- Sixty miles of bike paths, 30 were shot down and some of the ed back Into the jungle foothills Despite drenching thunder- tross plane rescued them. miles of widewalks, 5,000 acres, pilots were captured. Of the eight with the Vietnamese and Amer- storms, it took hours to put out A military spokesman said $50 million presently in con- three of the other fliers were ican Marines In pursuit. struction. these are a few of seen to bail out, but no para- Farther north, a U.S. Marine the figures they are told. chutes were seen for the rest. spokesman said, Viet Cong ter- The world's largest Institu- Most of the action came with- rorists massacred 10 Vietnam- tional kitchen (Brody); the in a 50-mile radius of Hanoi. ese civilians in the village of world's largest residence hall Luci, Pat Leave The total number lost over the Cam Van because they refused system (39 campus living units North rose to 325. to cooperate with the Commu- housing some 20,000 students); Briefing officers listed the nists. the highest free-standing cera- craft as two F105F Thunder- A Marine platoon found the vic- mic statue in the world (Sparty) chiefs, three single-seat Thun- tims, Including three children . they are told about these, On Nassau Trip and a pregnant woman, lying in derchief fighter-bombers and one too. ton's Shrine of the Immaculate pools of blood In a hut of the NASSAU, Bahamas (UPI)— single-seat Navy plane, a pro- Each week some 1,000 MSU Conception. village. They had been beaten Newlyweds Lucl and Patrick J. peller-driven Skyraider. freshmen spend 2 1/2 days learn- When the honeymoon is over, and shot. Nugent began their honeymoon Although ground action was ing what MSU is at an Orienta- Lucl and Pat will move to Aus- The Marines killed eightguer- Sunday at a secluded villa on the reported light, U.S. headquar- tion Program. Orientation Procedures tin, Tex., to set up housekeep- ters revealed the beginning of a rllas in closing in on Cam Van. western beaches of this Carib- They learn that MSU Is tests, ing and attend the University of Freshman orientation clinics are becoming fairly well organized now. As opposed bean island. professors, a wide range of Texas. to former years, when groups numbered i n the hundreds, this sumrn, s onen a ,o President Johnson's youngest classes to choose from, coun- r When the couple arrived at groups have been averaging about 40. Phato by Russ Steffey selors, fellow students, resi- Nassau, rto one in the crowd of dence hall programs, various Related stories on page 2. tourists at the airport was aware Anti-Strike Rules activities and athletics, mixers, that they had passed through. registration, buildings and a lot enough space available to allow daughter and her new husband All customs and immigrations of walking. only two students per room. flew In here shortly after 12:30 formalities were waived. Hinted By Humphrey All this is introduced to them Orientation is held at_Wonders p.m. Sunday aboard a scheduled They were seen in New York, WASHINGTON ,1'!—Vice Pres- "Steel Is a bellweather Indus- ' in 21/2 days. Hallsr mainly because of their Explosive White Area Pan American World Airways however, before they caught the ident Hubert Humphrey indicat- try," he said. "When steel In- Orientation Programs are han- convenient facilities. flight from New York. flight from Kennedy Internation- ed Sunday that unless business, creases prices, it encourages dled by the office of Gordon A. The dining room is easily con- They stepped Into the rear al Airport at 10:45 a.m. One man industry and unions show some others" to do the same. Sabine, vice president for spe- verted for a meeting place with of a white rented car and were turned to his wife and small "self discipline" on wage and cial projects. John Forsyth, as the freshmen and their parents Is Scene Of March driven off by a security agent. daughter and said: "There'sLucl price Issues, Congress might coordinator of the Programs, has and later for a mixer. point to its finish, approximate- He called on all sides "not to CHICAGO (UPI) — Chicago's As the car drove Into the wood- Johnson." pass anti-strike legislation. a year-round job. Orientation Wilson Halls' dining room Is ly a five-mile hike. take advantage of a booming econ- harried civil rights demonstra- ed driveway of the estate, chains The newlyweds were listed on Humphrey, on the CBS tele- ' Programs are held each winter set up for registration, and their Alderman John F. Aiello, omy" or It could lead "to some- tors assembled Sunday for an were put across the entrance and Pan Am's passenger list as "Mr. vision show "Face the Nation," and spring term for new students.
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