KY COUNCIL ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION BUSINESS MEETING Friday, June 28, 2019 - 9:00 AM Midway University, LRC 207-209 *Denotes action to be taken by the Council 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of the Minutes 2 3. Comments from the President 4. Committee Reports a. Executive Committee 17 1) Committee Appointments b. Finance Committee 18 1) 2019-20 Tuition & Mandatory Fees * 26 2) 2019-20 Agency Operating Budget * 51 3) KY-OH Reciprocity Agreements * 58 4) Interim Capital Project Request - KCTCS * 86 c. Academic & Strategic Initiatives Committee 89 1) New Academic Programs * 97 2) Mid-term Revision of 2016-21 Strategic Agenda * 122 d. Committee on Equal Opportunities 125 1) 2018 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Evaluation Report 126 5. Other Action Items a. Amendment to 13 KAR 1:020 - Private College Licensing * 160 6. Reports and Information Items a. Update from Commissioner of Education b. Annual Strategic Agenda Performance Briefing – AIKCU 210 7. Resolutions * 234 8. Campus "Good News" reports 238 9. Executive Session 10. Adjournment Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education http://cpe.ky.gov 1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 320, Frankfort KY 40601 Twitter: @cpenews Ph: (502) 573-1555, Fax: (502) 573-1535 Facebook: @KYCPE MINUTES Council on Postsecondary Education Type: Work Session Date: April 25, 2019 Time: 4:00 p.m. Location: Council on Postsecondary Education, Conference Room A WELCOMING & CALL TO ORDER The Council on Postsecondary Education met Thursday, April 25, 2019, at 4:00 p.m., ET, at the CPE offices in Frankfort, Kentucky. Chair Sherrill Zimmerman presided. ATTENDENCE Members in attendance: Ben Brandstetter, Lori Harper, Donna Moore, Kristi Nelson, OJ Oleka, Robert Staat, Brandon Wilson, Carol Wright, Sherrill Zimmerman, and Wayne Lewis. Members not in attendance: Ron Beal, Kim Halbauer, Lucas Mentzer, Vidya Ravichandran, Shawn Reynolds, and Sebastian Torres. CPE President Aaron Thompson attended the meeting and served as Secretary of the board, per the CPE Bylaws. Heather Faesy, CPE’s senior associate for Board Relations, served as recorder of the meeting minutes. OATH OF OFFICE Franklin County Judge Executive, Huston Wells, administered the oath of office on new Council members, Mr. OJ Oleka and Dr. Brandon Wilson. IMPROVING TRANSPERANCY ON COLLEGE COSTS At its February 2018 meeting, the Council approved a resolution stating that comprehensive, transparent information about college costs, financial aid, and 2 student loans communicated regularly to students while in college can encourage them to borrow responsibly, finish a degree, and transition to a meaningful career. Further, it urged campus leaders to implement a financial literacy program at their campus that provides a regular and concise snapshot of students’ cumulative debt, potential total payout, and potential monthly payments. Since that time, CPE staff have been in regular communications with the financial aid directors at each campus and the steps taken by the campuses were provided in the agenda materials. To provide a broader viewpoint on the issue, four campus representatives attended the meeting and answered additional questions regarding the evolution of financial aid counselors over the last ten years, the process campuses take when packaging aid and awarding institutional aid, and the other efforts campuses are making to educate students about paying for college and the importance of not over-borrowing for college. Campus representatives included: Bryan Erslan, Director of Student Financial Assistance and Scholarship at Eastern Kentucky University Doug Cleary, System Director of Financial Aid at Kentucky Community and Technical College System Sandra Neel, Executive Director of Student Financial Aid at University of Louisville Wendy Cain, Bursar at Murray State University 2019 LEGISLATIVE SESSION SUMMARY Presenter: Travis Powell, Vice President & General Counsel, CPE Mr. Powell presented a summary of the activity impacting postsecondary education during the regular 2019 legislative session. A written report was provided in the agenda materials. Mr. Powell also briefed the Council on an update for the administrative regulations set to expire unless action is taken. HB 4 modified the originally set timeframe, and regulations that have not been updated since before March 1, 2013 must have taken by March 1, 2020 (instead of the originally notified date of July 1, 2019). 3 CPE MEETING STRUCTURE & COMMITTEE STRUCTURE At the 2019 board retreat the Council expressed a desire to establish new procedures for the quarterly Council meetings as well as establish formal standing committees to allow more conversation and evaluation than is possible during business meetings. Following discussion, the Council came to a consensus on the following issues: Retain two-day quarterly Council meeting structure, with work sessions focused on specific issues of discussion identified by the board. Continue to hold Council meetings on campuses, but have at least one meeting at the CPE offices in Frankfort. Implement a consent agenda, as able. Establish a standing committee structure on a pilot basis: (1) Executive, (2) Finance, (3) Academic and Strategic Initiatives. This structure does not impact the Committee on Equal Opportunities, the Nominating Committee, or the CPE appointments on the KET board. Committees would meet a few weeks prior to the full Council meetings. The Council will formalize the pilot standing committee structure at the business meeting on April 26. If successful, the Council will later adopt the structure in 2020 and amend the by-laws accordingly. DINNER The attending Council members and staff took a short break for an onsite dinner before continuing its discussions. BOARD-IDENTIFIED PRIORITIES At the 2019 board retreat the board identified five possible strategies to help close the gap between the state’s current educational attainment trajectory and the needed trajectory to achieve the state’s 60x30 goal. 1. Free tuition program for one or two years of college 2. Developing incentives for out-of-state students 3. Retaining students and understanding why students are dropping out 4 4. Developing tools and programs to facilitate the pathways between K-12 and postsecondary education. 5. Developing strategies to improve access and success of adult students After the retreat, the Council asked staff to review each of the proposals and bring back information and data to the board responding to the following questions: Will this strategy help Kentucky accelerate progress on the 60x30 attainment goal? Is it feasible to implement the strategy given budget and other resource constraints? How should the various strategies be prioritized in terms of their return-on- investment and impact? Discussion documents on each identified potential strategy were provided in the agenda materials. The information was pulled together by CPE staff and is intended to serve as background information to help stimulate conversation and ideas. The Council discussed the data and information provided and asked staff to focus further research and possible implementation plans for the strategies involving out- of-state tuition and free tuition programs for one or two years of college. It was also agreed that the focus on student retention be embedded in all strategies, as applicable. The remaining two strategies are embedded in other activities already in progress and/or the previously mentioned board focus areas. ADJOURNMENT The Council adjourned for the evening at 8:00 p.m., ET, and were scheduled to reconvene for a business meeting on April 26, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. ET. MINUTES REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL: ________________ 5 MINUTES Council on Postsecondary Education Type: Quarterly Business Meeting Date: April 26, 2019 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: Council on Postsecondary Education, Conference Room A CALL TO ORDER The Council on Postsecondary Education met Friday, April 26, 2019, at 9:00 a.m., ET, at the CPE offices in Frankfort, Kentucky. Chair Sherrill Zimmerman presided. ATTENDENCE Members in attendance: Ben Brandstetter, Lori Harper, Donna Moore, Kristi Nelson, Vidya Ravichandran (teleconference), Robert Staat, Brandon Wilson, Carol Wright, Sherrill Zimmerman, and Wayne Lewis. Members not in attendance: Ron Beal, Kim Halbauer, Lucas Mentzer, OJ Oleka, Shawn Reynolds, and Sebastian Torres. CPE President Aaron Thompson attended the meeting and served as Secretary of the board, per the CPE Bylaws. Heather Faesy, CPE’s senior associate for Board Relations, served as recorder of the meeting minutes. COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR Chair Zimmerman called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She provided the audience with a brief summary of the work session from the previous day which included a discussion with four campus representatives on their efforts to improve student financial literacy, a discussion of how the Council can best work through standing committees and standardized board meeting formats, and furthered discussions on the board’s priorities for 2019. 6 COMMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT Presenter: Aaron Thompson, CPE’s President President Thompson discussed a number of topics including the 2019 Student Success Summit; the feedback received thus far from the listening tour stops at Murray State University, Western Kentucky University, and Owensboro Community & Technical College; the activities of the latest Transfer meeting; the status of the midterm review of the statewide Strategic Agenda; an update on the continuing discussions and work toward the pension
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