'!'***^ \ m FRroAY, AUGUST 26, 1960 PAGE FOURTEEN Averaga Daily Net Preaa Ron Tha Waathar mattrlfif0ter ttittg l|«alb Fot-the Weak Ended ForeeMt af U. 8. WaaSka Jima 4th, 1960 Bunny, wunn toduy, The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor doniUneae HIgb aeur at. of Concordia Lutheran Church, St. Janies^ School 13,125 About Town will be In charge of radio broad­ Heating Rules ST. MAURICE PAMSH— BOLTON tonight. Low 55 9a ao. a Will Open Sept. 7 BUmbar a( tha Audit Muuiy. n g h naar W .. casts, sponsored by the Manches­ Buraan af OrcnlntloB Th* Sunday School of the Cliurch ter Bdlnlaterial Assn., Sunday at Ready Soon Manchester— City of Village Charm of the Neearene will hold ita an­ 6:30 p.m. and weekdays n e x t School will open Sept 7 at St. nuel picnic tomorrow a f 2 p.m. on week at 7:15 p.m. over WINF. Jamea* School, aMhou^ not- all of the ^urch grounds. There will be Finishing touches will be admin­ the new addition will be com­ COUNTRY FAIR (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY. AUGUST 27; 1960 (CInsalflad Advarttalng aa Page 10) PRICE FIVE CEKTB gamea for both children and adulU Miss Marilyn J. Case, daughter istered now and next week to Man­ plete. Fhur claiarooms in the addi­ yOL. LXXIX, NO. 280 and a aoftball game between, the of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Case, chester’s first separate group of tion on the rear of the old school AT THE CHURCH boya and men. A picnic lunch will 104 Woodside 6t., will enter Mount heating regulations, which, If ap­ win be Incomplete. be served at 5 p.m. Holyoke College, South Hadley, HowerVtr, the other four new Mass., as a freshman this fall. She proved, will be added to the town’s claasrooma, and the gymnasium- Saturday, August 27 Today’s Vole State News Anderaon-Shea VTW Auxiliary is a graduate of Manchester High basic building code. cafeteria addition Will be finished OAS Nations Dodge will hold a card party tonight at School. Building Inspect(!)r Thomas C. as well as the renovations In the 11 A.M. TILL DARK 8 o’clock at the Post Home. Monahan, who has been compiling old school. — ^ To Determine 16 BOOTHS . .RIDES FOR THE CHILDREN Members of the 8th District Fire and editing the proposed group of Some students will have their Roundup Department who wish to partici­ olasses in the gynmasiiun and ^ ART EXHIBIT . RUMMAGfe, SALE Lumumba Captures regulations, said their publication pate in a parade tomorrow night auditorium. Condemning Castro Long’s Future .Af,".' - will spell out for the first time Jack Leslie, construction su­ NO QUARTER MIDGET at.SufiBeld arfe to meet at the Are residential heating rules and will FAMILY STYLE BAKED HAM DINNER hoii.se, Main and Hilliard Sts., In perintendent I for Allied Construc­ New Orleans, Aug. 27 '(fP)— Probe Proceeds eliminate current misunderstand­ tion Co., said the project will SERVED FROM 6 to 7 P.M. Ron Tnao r.nsisl- THca Auff The proposal was slated to get RACES TONIGHT— uniform tomorrow at 6 p.m. ing and time-consuming reviews ban Jose, uiast nica, ^ The political future of for­ and explanations. probably be finished a month af­ 27 (JP)—Latin American for­ On Three Fronts Dr. Lane Giddlnga, formerly head ter school starts. The project was nation committee named by the Or- mer GoV. Earl Kamp Long was Because of championship race* Monahan added, however, that SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY eign ministers today ham­ ganziation of American States to be held In Meriden this pathologist at Manchester Me­ Loring Studio slowed by the steel strike in Feb­ at stake in his attempt today morial Hospital, will be the first most of the proposed regulations ruary and the iron workers strike mered out a draft resdution (OAS) to prepaid a final resolu­ to oust Rep. Harold MeSween Hartford, Aug. 27 (JP)—An weekend. will be baaed on procedures and Engaged tion on extra-continental menaces Mineral State Capital test month. full-time pathologist at the Au­ Joins Law Firm standards already In use. The dif­ which would sidestep^ U.S. in central Louisiana’s eighth inquiry into alleged links be­ gusta, Maine, General Hospital. Mrs. Katherine Yeomans Hutch­ The engagement' of Miss Carol Another factor which alowed charges against Fidel Castro anil subversive activities. tween police and the under­ For the past year, he has been as­ ference will be, he said, that con­ Mary Hewitt of Manchester to the project was that workmen Later it will go to the full coun­ district Democratic runoff sistant pathologist at the Newton- inson of Andover today entered tractors will have the rales In Donald L. Plank of Rockville ie could not work on the old school but condemn Nikita Khrush­ cil of mlniatere mec^Ung here. A primary. world was proceeding on three Wellesley Hoj^tal in Newton, into association with Atty. Ed­ printed form and will not have to announced by her parents, Mr. and and the addition attached to It un­ chev for making rocket widely divided vote may result if The torrid Long-McSween fronts today. OUR SPECIALTY: consult, with the building Inspec­ til the children started summer the draft fails to meet Cuba's ob­ struggle / overshadowed the only state Police and the office of Mass. win M. I>avltt of Rockville In the tors. the myriad references and Mrs. William R. Hewitt, 198 threats in defense of Cuba. Kasai Head Chestnpt St. vacation 11 weeks ago. A compromise worked out by jections. ■ other congre.skional runoff where State’s Attorney John D. LaBelle general practice of law. The firm books of standards from which the Rep. T. A. Thompson of South­ continued their investigation while REPAIR OF First Lt. Philip Jobert, USA, rules will largely be derived. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and four nations faced possible changes The move for a compromise and family, have returned to Man­ maintains an office at 1 Ellington Mrs. Willliun L. Plank of Rock­ Some 65 million people work and even bitter debate before be­ came after the 20 OA8 minister western Louisiana's seventh dis­ the city council’.s Traffic and Pub­ chester Sifter three and .a half Ave. Tentatively, the regulations will to furnish goods and eenrlcee for ing finally approved by the 20 split over U.S. demands that they trict- was opposed by former State lic Safety Committee planned hear­ Says R eds CRACKED come before the Board of Directors ville. years’ duty at Ft. Richardson, Mrs. Hutchinson passed her Mills Hewitt te a graduate of the more than 170 million people ministers of the Organization of condemn Castro’s leftward march Sen. Arsene Stewart. ings of ita own. for approval in a, public hearing in the United States. S t o p a t WOODLAND GARDENS American States (OAS>. for piercing "the wall of hemi­ Thompson was just a few hun­ It was the committee’s chair­ CEILINGS Alaska. Lt. Jobert, and his wife, Connecticut bar examinations last Sept. 20. Manchester High School and the the former Ruth Gibson, and two month. She was graduated from Hartford Hospital School of Nurs­ FRESHLY DUO, HARDY The proposal specifically de­ spheric solidarity against Com­ dred votes short of a clear ma­ man, Councilman George J. Ritter, If beyond repair and danger­ children, are visiting with their the University of Connecticut Preliminary hearinmi have been ing. She 1s on the operating room nounced the Sovlpt Premier for munism. jority in the first primary. He whq first prompted the inquiries Led Troops ous we replace with Drywall at held on the rales already. Most Secretary of State Christian A. claims "outsiders" are trying to with a disclosure Monday. minimum cost. Prompt service. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcel P. School of Law In June having pre­ staff at Manchester Memorial CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUMPS theatening to rain rockets on the Jobert, 722 Center St., and Mr. pared at Skidmore College and the discussions and suggestions have Hospital. American mainland if the United Herter ran into opposition with defeat him. Stewart charges that Ritter said he had an affidavit Elisabethville, The ■’CongG, and Mrs. George Gibson, 269 W. been between Monahan and the some nations holding out for a i the congressman’s initiate mean University of Connecticut. fuel dealers division of the Cham­ Mr. Plank te a graduate of DR. BARNEY States Intervenes in Cuba. watered down draft which would j -totally absent" and that Thomp- from an illegal liquor dealer say- | Aug. 27 (JP)—Three hundM LOZIER DRYWALL Center St. The Jobert’s children Sh.e is the fourth generation of Rockville High School and Trin­ The United States had called for ing he made protection payments ; are Philip Jr., 8, and Donna, 6, Lt. ber of Commerce. merel.v condemn extra-contlnen-1 iiaunllv cannot oe found in o $130 a week to two Hartford | troops of Premier Patrice Lu­ TEL. Ml 9.4464 her family to enter the profession. If the heating regulations are ity College, Hartford. Ho will en­ WICHMAN for an outright condemnation of Com­ tal. inten'ention” without i Washington when needed. Jobert’s next assignment will be Her father, Atty. John Yeomans is ter Yale graduate echool this fall munist penetration of the Western Castro's regime, Russia or Red policemen over two and a half mumba’s Congo army today at Infantry Officers' Advanced approved, they will be adopted as Prospects of good weather and years. clerk of Tplland County Superior a town ordinance in keeping with to study mathematics.
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