FOR THE ACTIVE YOU! FOR THE ACTIVE ISBN: 978-0-621-44008-9 RP 312/2015 Published in the Republic of South Africa by Sport & Recreation South Africa (SRSA) in September 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 / 2015 FINANCIAL YEAR VOTE NO. 20 Regent Place 2014 - 2015 66 Queen Street Pretoria SPORT & RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA Private Bag X 896 REPORT Pretoria, 0001 Tel: 012 304 5000 ANNUALREPORT www.srsa.gov.za ANNUAL ANNUAL 2014-2015 SPORT & RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA - FOR THE ACTIVE YOU! FOR THE ACTIVE YOU! SRSA Annual Report 2014 - 2015 9789 PARTICIPANTS IN THE 2014/2015 BIG WALK 91% PROGRAMME TARGETS ACHIEVED IN 2014/2015 ii R970 MILLION ONLY 0.3% UNDER-SPENDING FINAL ACTUAL Programme NAME Appropriation EXPENDITURE R’000 R’000 ADMINISTRATION 106,512 105,152 ACTIVE NATION 624,767 624,767 DEFINING BOXING (NOUN) The sport or practice of fighting with the WINNING NATION 84,499 83,109 fists, especially with padded gloves in a roped square ring according to prescribed rules (the Queensberry Rules). SPORT SUPPORT 148,861 148,861 Special thank you to the following for their photographs: INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT 5,765 4,936 Jeff Ellis Themba Makofane Nick Lourens Photography TOTAL 970,404 966,825 Joe Sefale Round One — General Information SPEED BALL Boxers use the speed ball to improve hand-eye coordination, punching accuracy, quickness and confidence. It is a staple exercise for all boxers. iii CONTENT INDEX Round 1: General Information iv Foreword by the Minister 5 Deputy Minister’s Statement 8 Report of the Accounting Officer 10 Round 2: Performance Information 26 Round 3: Governance 66 Round 4: Human Resource Management 76 Round 5: Financial Information 98 Annexures 172 SRSA Projects in Pictures 181 Boxing in South Africa at a Glance 196 SRSA Annual Report 2014 - 2015 ROUND BOXING FAST FACT John L. Sullivan fought in a bare- knuckle boxing match that lasted 75 rounds before he won. He later died from a heart attack on February 2, 1918. He died, allegedly, with barely iv 1 10 dollars in his pocket. SRSA 2014 - 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION Round One — General Information 1. Department General Information 2 2. List of Abbreviations/Acronyms 3 3. Foreword by the Minister 5 4. Deputy Minister Statement 8 5. Report of the Accounting Officer 10 6. Statement of Responsibility and Confirmation of 20 Accuracy for the Annual Report 7. Strategic Overview 21 7.1. Vision 21 7.2. Mission 21 7.3. Values 21 8. Legislative and Other Mandates 21 9. Organisational Structure 24 10. Entities Reporting to the Minister 25 1 BOXING FAST FACT Despite fighting some of the greatest boxers and fighting 93 fights and losing 18 times, Canadian Boxer George Chuvalo never once got knocked down or knocked out in a fight. SRSA Annual Report 2014 - 2015 Noni “She Bee Stingin” Tenge WELTERWEIGHT CHAMPION BORN: 01 JANUARY 1982 MOOIPLAAS, SOUTH AFRICA TOTAL FIGHTS: 16 WINS: 14 WINS BY KO: 10 LOSSES: 1 DRAWS: 1 NO CONTESTS: 0 2 BOXING FAST FACTS Noni Tenge “She Bee Stingin” became the first SA woman to win the IBF welterweight title when she defeated Daniella Focus Federation Background Smith of New Zealand on 12 June 2011 Information Each year, Sport & Recreation South Africa identifies a National Sport Federation as a focus federation for the 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL financial year. INFORMATION Although other federations continue to receive their normal financial allocations and are provided with the usual support, a focus federation is granted additional Physical Address: Regent Place Building funding and general support to enable 66 Queen Street them to achieve key priorities that they PRETORIA have been unable to achieve. (This address is between Thabo Sehume and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, with For example, in the 2012/2013 financial vehicle entrance at corner of Thabo Sehume and Helen Joseph Street) year, the focus federation was Netball South Africa. This federation was Postal Address: Private Bag X896 supported to host a four-country Netball PRETORIA, 0001 Diamond Challenge. Tennis SA as the Republic of South Africa focus federation for 2013/2014 financial year was supported to host the Soweto Telephone +27 12 304-5000 Open and continued to enjoy increased Number: attention until the end of the financial year. Fax Number: +27 12 323-8440 The focus federation for 2014/2015 was Basketball South Africa and thus, apart Website Address: www.srsa.gov.za from intensified support to the federation, basketball was featured in the annual report published in 2014. Round One — General Information 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS AAG All Africa Games IT Information Technology Adjusted Estimates of National IYM In-Year-Monitoring AENE Expenditure MANCO Management Committee AFS Annual Financial Statements Member of a (Provincial) Executive MEC AGM Annual General Meeting Council AGSA Auditor-General of South Africa MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant APP Annual Performance Plan MINMEC Ministers & MECs AU African Union MOU Memorandum of Understanding Black Broad Based Economic Management Performance Assessment BBBEE MPAT Empowerment Tool BEC Bid Evaluation Committee MPP Mass Participation Programme BEE Black Economic Empowerment MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework BSA Boxing South Africa NBA National Basketball Association 3 CAF Confederation of African Football NF National Federation Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality & NGO Non-Governmental Organisation CATHSSETA Sports Sector Education & Training Authority NT National Treasury CBO Community-Based Organisation NSRP National Sport and Recreation Plan CD Chief Director PFMA Public Finance Management Act CEO Chief Executive Officer QSRM Quarterly Status Review Meeting South African Institute for Drug-Free CFO Chief Financial Officer SAIDS Sport DORA Division of Revenue Act South African Sports Confederation and SASCOC Department of Public Service Olympic Committee DPSA Administration South African Sport and Recreation SASRECON DPW Department of Public Works Conference EPG Eminent Persons Group SCM Supply Chain Management ENE Estimates of National Expenditure SCOPA Standing Committee on Public Accounts Federation Internationale De Football SCORE Sports Coaches Outreach FIFA Association SCSA Supreme Council for Sport in Africa GEMS Government Employee Medical Scheme SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Plan Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale GIZ Zusammenarbeit SFC Sport for Change Headcom Heads of Departments Committee SMS Senior Management Services Human Immunodeficiency Virus & SMME Small Medium and Micro Enterprises HIV & AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome SRSA Sport and Recreation South Africa HOA Home Owner’s Allowance TR Treasury Regulations HOD Head of Department UK United Kingdom HR Human Resources UN United Nations Information and Communication ICT United Nations Educational Scientific and Technology UNESCO Cultural Organisation IFS Interim Financial Statements USA United States of America IOC International Olympic Committee Youth Development Against Violence YDVS Through Sport SRSA Annual Report 2014 - 2015 4 MR FIKILE MBALULA MINISTER SPORT AND RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA Round One — General Information 3. FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER During the 2014/2015 financial year Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) ensured that the key areas regarding sport and recreation as reflected in the National Development Plan (NDP) were implemented. In line with National Government priorities the Department realigned all 5 The NDP recognises unequivocally that sport its strategic programmes to Outcome plays an important role in promoting wellness 14 in the 2014/2015 strategic and social cohesion, and treats sport as a documents. SRSA continued to review important policy developments that cross-cutting issue, with related proposals in paved the way to transform the delivery the chapters on education, health and nation of sport and recreation by ensuring building. Within the Medium Term Strategic equitable access, development and Framework, sport and recreation feature excellence at all levels of participation prominently in Outcome 14, sub-outcome 3, and to harness the socio-economic contributions that can create a better and our key initiatives as a Department are life for all South Africans. focused on: In the 2014/2015 financial year, • Increasing access of South African citizens the Department made significant to sport and recreation facilities progress with respect to establishing a sustainable policy and legislative • Providing mass participation opportunities framework for the provision of sport • Advocating transformation in sport and and recreation. The year under review recreation witnessed amendments being brought to the National Sport and Recreation • Developing talented athletes by providing Act as well as to the South African them with opportunities to excel Institute for Drug-free Sport Act. The • Supporting high performance athletes to Department also embarked on the drafting of additional legislation dealing achieve success in international sport. with Combat Sports and the Fitness Industry, which is currently in the legislative process. BOXING FAST FACTS You cannot hit below the belt, hold, trip, kick, headbutt, wrestle, bite, spit on, or push your opponent. SRSA Annual Report 2014 - 2015 In the international arena, the Department throughout the provinces. The athlete residential continued to play a leading role in the development support initiative was phased out in 2014/2015 and and implementation of United Nations policies partially replaced by the
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