AUTOMOTIVE NEWS, FEBRUARY 5, 1945 63 HEM* WANTED ACCESSORIES wanted INK OF THE LARGEST Chevrolet Deal- WANTED TO BUY. Automobile heat- erahlps In Indiana ha* an opening tor ers. HaDees preferred. L. S Jl'L- a Parts Manager. Must thoroughly un- CLASSIFIED WANT AD DEPARTMENT I.IEN, Inc., 144 3 P 84.. N.W., Wash- ington derstand Chevrolet parts business and be an 5, D. C. a proven Reaching estimated SO,OOO readers engaged the industry from Maine to California low Rotes: merchandiser. Top salary and in all branches of automotive commission to right WANTED liberal man Box CENTS (10c) PER WORD for one insertion or 25c per word for 3 insertions Cosh in advonce Count initials and groups of DEALERSHIP s!9. c/o Automotive News. Detroit 26 numbers as one rates, No in word. Ads moy be signed with your full nome and address of regular but if signed “Bo* DESIRE TO PURCHASE small dealership " accept partnership In peogroMlve WO FORI) care of Aufomofive News, Detroit 26, add one ()1) per and extra service as replies ore Would EXPERIENCED MECHAN- Mich Dollar insertion for this oddresi organization years of automotive IC’S. with tools, can make to Have $75 Slim forwarded, unopened, she same day received. Display Ads per inch, per insertion experience In all phases of a dealership a week Sam Murray. Ford Dealer. $7 Florida. Can make financial Investment. Box 844 Miami. WANT AD DEPT., AUTOMOTIVE NEWS, PENOBSCOT BUIIDING. DETROIT 26, MICH c o Automotive New*. Detroit 26. UTO PARTS MANAGER for southern EXPERIENCED DEALER EXECU- California Chevrolet Dealer Man with TIVE 35. with proven record man- Chevrolet experience preferred but not aging active high-clan dealership mandatory. Excellent opportunity Will pay cash for agency up to for the USED CARS KOIt SALE parts wanted right man. Must be capable executive USED CARS WANTED M'O car potential or will buy part Guarantee of over $5,000 per year. Reply interest. Will keep replica confi- 100 CARS at an Is DECK DOOR 1939 or box number c o AVAILABLE Hartford WANTED REAR dential. Box 857, c o Automotive 852. Automotive News. Ceiling Prices. These cars are In aver- 1940 convertible or regular Nash coupe Detroit 2d. giving experience qualifica- PASSENGERS, New a, Detroit 26. BEVEN limousines, large age condition, good assortment of mod- The Tuller Construction Co.. P O Box tions. etc. Replies shall be In cars handled fives: must be clean. Prices els and types Immediate freight ship- 431, Red Bank, N. J strict confidence If requested. - Etst lI'.MENT V 4 AN TED reasonable McCI-INTOCK CADILLAC. ment can be made. Ask for L. Snow, Lansing, Mich. t’apltol Inc., 363 Main St., Motors. LEFT RUNNING BOARD for Chevrolet WANTED 36 steel automobile purls bins Hartford. Conn Phone 7-5144 Box 412, Johnson City. Tenn. XPERIENCED GENE R A L MOTORS 1939 JB town sedan. Stiong Motor. At- BOOKKEEPER office manager SEVEN PASSENGER cars, In fine water. Minnesota. ami for 2 ROLLS-ROYCE 5 passenger sport sedans WANTED BERLttY PARTS large In city of condition only. Service. Model; phantom number one Appearance, BINS dealer 500.000. Executive A. A. Auto Wooster, ability necessary. salary and 153 West 54 Street, New York. tires and mechanical condition jierfect right rear fen Describe. Roy F. Martin, Attractive RIGHT FRONT DOOR and Ohio. Ford. opportunity for advancement. Write Box N. Y. Telephone Circle 7-6279. Both cars completely equipped. One der for t94t Ford Super Deluxe 4-door WH, c o News, 33.000 miles; gray. radi- Automotive Detroit 20 black. one 43.000 Sedan Front fenders front grille WANTED VAN N't >RM AN or Lemp.o TRUCKS WANTED miles. Price §1250 each J K MacKay. ator shell and hood for 1941 DeSoto De- Horizontal Grinding machine for A OKI) PARTS COUNTER MEN. experi- CADILLAC DEALER. Sewtckley, I'enna luxe 4-door Sedan William Catlln surfacing cylinder heads. J. R Phone: 1400. Sons. Fla Herhertsou, enced Opportunities for quick advance- Jacksonville. West Brownsville, ment. Write Sam Murray. Ford Dealer, I'enna. Miami, Florida. FOR SALE 1941 Cadillac five passenger, four door sedan, Fleetwood body. 75 EQUIPMENT TOR HALE model. Black finish which has never had XPERIENCED SERVICE MANAGER for a scratch nr mar. White stdewall tires large neon 2- dealer in city of 500,000. Must have guaranteed DODOE-PLYMOUTH horizontal Driven 5.900 miles. One of faced sign und 2 window neons outstanding record and best qualifica- Chevrolet Dealer the newest In the S A. WANTED Bear tions. Attractive salary Cadillacs U Me- wheel Thompson Mugnaliner. and bonus Write Evoy 55 Avenue balancer. Motors. Monroe Roch- complete greasing Stiles-Barrett Box 859. c/o Automotive News, Detroit ester 7, New York. 25 or HO Metal Parts Bins outfit, 26. W ill htiy any amount New complete brake shop. R. L. Moncrlef. New or Used Billings Road, RD-2, Willoughby, Ohio Chevrolet, Ford, or G. M. 1941 BKNDIX FRAME und wheel align RETREAD You Are Always rnent machine, fully equipped. Write C. Trucks, lens .)%, within ra- R. I'orter. KD-3, West Meyer Ave , New Welcome At Castle. Pa FIELD tlins of 300 miles of St. Paul. Johnson Auto Company & Lasky Reinhold, Inc. HHO Hudson St., Hartford, Conn. Bumper Jacks, Screw Type, ENGINEER S. $3.25. Ix>U 50 2246 Michigan Ave. Phone or Wire Collect. $3.00 Who is familiar with and Chicago, Illinois. Hand Tire rumps, Deluxe MIDWAY CHEVROLET Type, each 2.25 experienced in tire tread- In their larj?e three-story build- 4-Way Tire Wrench, each .90; ing equipment, proc- COMPANY ing chuck full of used car bar- LIBERAL REWARD Fur parts that lota 25 M gains. can !»»• purchased Itiulv fur 1911 ’37-’4O Ford “80” Water- esses, and compounding. Packard 6 cyllndei club Coupe rump Kita, each M 1389 University Avenue Wholesale exclusively. preferred. Will take any style that Should have hroad train- can be had, also can use Station ’3l-’33 Chev. Knee Action St. Paul 1, .Minnesota When in Chicago make this Wagon Rudy. Rudy fur 1941 Cadil- Anna and Kit 3.10 ing and preferably an en- your home. lac, model 61, Sedanet preferred ’37 Chev. Grilles, $6.40; Will take any style that can In rase. gineering degree. Perma- had. also can use Station Wagon Truck 7.00 WHOLESALE IS (>UR BUSINESS Body. <Complete Gi ill foi 1*29 ’4l Huick Grille Center Bar,- nent position with post- Auction sales twice u month. Drop Ruirk Century. Complete Grill fur 19 41 fur each 5.75 us a card if you want your name DeSoto Custom Fenders '37 Grilles, war possibilities. Salary on our mailing list We buy ami Chevrolet, Models 3v 39. In .1 W Buick Pain*. ...22.50 WANTED—I939-40-41-42 Ford truck cabs soil at wholesale any time. Capital Motor Sales, 1021 Kenmorc Hlvd., '36 Buick Grilled, l’aint ....24.00 commensurate with pre- Write or wire W. W. Wallwork, 319 t’ity Pontiac <’<>, 235 S. Grand Ave- Akron, Ohio. ’37 Plymouth Grilles 8.00 Fifth St. N., Fargo, North Dakota. nue. Lansing, Michigan Heater lloae, Goodyear, odd vious experience. Write DODGE FRAME Crescent Mo- 1942 HUIUK 46 COLTE, 13,000 miles. 1940 lengths, ft- II in confidence tor. 425-433 Broadway Revsre, full details Hotly is burned, would require an- Mass. Fire Extinguishers, Brass, other body and instrument*. The and 1 to chassis. including motor, tiles, qt. fluid 5.25 hood, radiator, grilles and fenders WANTED: RAI'IAT( >K SHELL AND PRICES F.0.8. Cincinnati, O. T. G. Plumb Ford Dealer are In perfect condition. $95«. Pert GRILLE complete, also left rear Prim Buick, 432 St. Louis St., fender for 1940 Plymouth Station Sales & Office Personnel Springfield, Missouri. Wagon. Will pa v b*t price Wil- Auto Parts Exchange lard H Johnson. Bolding. Michigan 11 IK-20 Race Street Goodyear Tire & Rubber Will purchase any BUSES WANTED Company CINCINNATI 10, OinO 16, amount 1944 Ford WANTED BUS CHASSIS, current models WANTED FORDOR oR TUD« >K Akron Ohio. Fords, Chevrolet*. Internationals, any body for 1940 Model 6a Oldstnobib wheelbase, celling prices. Wire col- Motors, trucks, less In- OPA Write Bancroft 33 Slillsoti PARTS 5%. lect. American Body A Trailer Company. St., Rochester 5, N V EUR KALE KRVIGE MAN At 5 Kit. < >l<l estab- 1500 Exchange Avenue. Oklahoma City. < quiries from Dealers lished Mdsmobile-Uadillai’ dealer, Oklahoma. located in Central Ohio, has open- WANTED —TWO GRILLES Two ing for Service Manager. Prefer within radius of 300 center pieces 1940 Standard Ford WANT GOOD USED SUHool, MI’S Model H. N ‘42 CHEVROLET DOORS man 40-45 years of age, who de- Must he Ford chassis and good 8511 H V Steckel. 344 sires to make a permanent connec- miles from New York 7th Street. Allentown, I'enna ‘42 CHEVROLET SKATS A hotly. All details first letter. M J. CUSHIONS tion. Must have a pleasing per- Markin, Lockport, Illinois. sonality, be of good character, solicited. WANTED: 1941 FORD TI'DnR DE- SPECIAL LOW PRICES fine Body aggressive and experienced, RISKS FOR SALE LUXE or Sillier Deluxe who can handle volume, on a sal- Hlalne l’. Watson, Ford, Linesvllle. COOPER-LEWIS CO„ ary and bonus basis. Must furnish Pa. INC. satisfactory references. Right man FOR SALE—I94I Ford school bus. 7*5 PARKWAY REVERB. MASS. Lasky Motor Car Carpenter 43 passenger body. Hotly, can make 14.">0 to fr.oo a month. We BODY WANTED for II Chevrolet approximately 30,000 square seats, tires, motor in good condi- have Corporation tion. Ceiling price. Also 1939 Reo Sedan. Club Coupe or Station feet of floor space, In a well-heated Wagon.
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