The St. Olaf College Artist Series Presents The Dale Warland Singers and Chanticleer Friday, April 7, 1989 Boe Memorial Chapel St. Olaf College 8:00 p.m. The Dale Warland Singers Founded in 1972, The Dale Warland Singers has become one of the nation's premiere professional choral ensembles. Based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the group has achieved an international reputation for excellence, earned through an extensive schedule of local concerts tours, broadcasts and recordings. The' accomplishments of the group have brought its members before audiences throughout North America and Europe. Noted for a vast repertoire of a cappella music, the ensemble inspires audiences with programs ranging from great choral classics to American folk songs and choral jazz. In addition, the ensemble is well known and admired for its commitment to new music, including many commissions and premieres, and over 400 20th-century works in programs. Dale Warland, Music Director Since his student days as conductor of the Chanticleer St. Olaf College Viking Chorus, Dale War- land has devoted his professional life to During the past decade, San Francisco's attaining the highest musical level in choral Chanticleer has established itself as America's singing. Consummate musicianship and premiere male vocal ensemble, and one of lofty goals have been Warland's tools in the most widely acclaimed choral groups in building one of the finest choral ensembles the world today. Unique among profes- in the world: The Dale Warland Singers. sional American ensembles, Chanticleer's Numerous tours, regular broadcasts on thrilling a cappella sound results from an National and American Public Radio, and orchestra of voices formed by eight to 14 critically acclaimed recordings have won twelve singers ranging from bass to Dale Warland and his Singers millions of soprano. Chanticleer's remarkable "Sing it fans worldwide. all!" repertoire has grown to include new Warland has received considerable interpretations of early music, contempor- acclaim and many academic honors for his ary, classical, folk, popular, spirituals and expertise in choral music. A tenured pro- gospel, and a growing number of commis- fessor of music at Macalester College in St. sions and custom signature arrangements. Paul since 1967, Warland resigned his posi- Founded in 1978 by Louis Botto, Chanti- tion in 1986 to devote his full energies to cleer began with a single performance in San directing The Dale Warland Singers. In 1988, Francisco's Mission Dolores. Immediately he received the St. Olaf College "Distin- sought after for its programs drawn from guished Alumnus Award." Warland's the rich male vocal tradition of the 15th advanced degrees include the master's and 16th centuries, Chanticleer has produced degree from the University of Minnesota five recordings and performed over 750 and the doctor of musical arts degree from concerts in the United States, Canada and the University of Southern California. Europe. In addition to his busy schedule as music director of The Singers, Warland is in demand as a guest conductor, lecturer, composer and arranger. Program Please hold applause until the end of each section. Your fathers, your mothers Fire above, fire below Hoping in vain for the prayers I that they have a right to expect from you THE DALE WARLAND SINGERS Do you dream that, perhaps, they say to all Christians here below: "Pray for us, though you don't know us, Trois Chansons Bretonnes Henk Badings because us guys don't do it! We have been deserted in Purgatory b. 1907 Pray for those who don't pray! Sung in French/Translated by Susan Reed Pray for us! 1. La nuit en mer (Night on the Sea) Pray ceaselessly! The breeze swells our sail For us guys Here is the first star, shining are ingrates." on the wave that rocks us. ... Theodore Bo/rel Friends, let us sail in silence. In the night all sounds are stilled 3. Soir d' ete (Summer Evening) as though all on earth had died Lisen, my pet, let's come down from the hill people like things, birds like roses, For the day is sinking to the rosy horizon all are sleeping. Let us profit by the time before it dies: But the sea is the Living Come, my Lison, to our abode! A moving immensity In the immense peace of evening, Forever storming the jetties romance arises Disdainful of long nights' work Little crickets, and the open plain, and days- embraced by Phoebus, savors the ecstasy Nothing exists save her - of the last rays that the great Beacon and its sad reflection From eyes come wheedling voices: in the finest place They are lullabies, little birds, My friends, let us toss out the net And its door closes then, wrapped in our sails, And Rose, the farmer's wife, bare brow to the stars, Let us sleep! Sings the same thing between two cradles! Let us dream in deepest peace It's that very pure time of our loved ones in this world when, through the branches Let us sleep in our schooners passes the murmur of the great, calmed as children in their cradles wind. And tomorrow at high tide Langorous time, We will meet at the store Time when the lover rests happily Triumphant! on the arm of the Beloved; ... Theodore Bo/rel It's the moving time when everything enchants us, 2. La complainte des ames (The Souls When the chimes ring the Angelus from Lament) afar Virgin Mary, And it's the gray time Oh good mother, when the soft breeze is imbued Oh good mother of Jesus, and misted with the scent of hay: Here is the bitter lament It's the time Sung by those who no longer - longer - when all are loving, longer - When, weary of blasphemy, We come this autumn night The Wicked himself is a little better: to knock at Friends' doors The heart is divested of all which defiles it It is Jesus Christ who commands us The Soul kneels before the Lord! to awaken the sleeping Lison, my little one, let us quickly pray Ah! You who sleep in the black night So as not to be left from Eternity, Ah! Do you dream from time to time And may it urge us to flee this life that in the burning flames of Purgatory At this enraptured time are, perhaps, all your parents of a summer evening. They are there - ... Theodore Bo/rel II Ave Maria Ave Maria, Gratia plena, CHANTICLEER Hail Mary, full of grace, Dominus tecum, Virgo serena, The Lord is with thee, joyous Virgin. Gaude Virgo, Mater Christi Ave cujus conceptio ]osquin des Prez Hail thee whose conceiving, c.1440-1521 Solemni plena gaudio, full of solemn gladness, Gaude Virgo, Mater Christi, Coelestia, terrestria, Rejoice Virgin, Mother of Christ fills heaven and earth Quae per aurem concepisti, mundum replens laetitia. Who you conceived (through your ear) with new joy. Gabriele numtio. Ave cujus nativitas. by Gabriel the messenger. Hail thee whose birth was to us Gaude, quia Deo plena Nostra fuit solemnitas; Rejoice, for full of God a holy day, 0 thou who surpassest Peperisti sine poena, Ut lucifer lux oriens, you died without punishment the shining light in the east, Cum pudoris lilio. Verum solem praeveniens. with the lily of modesty. the very sun. Gaude, quia tui Nati, Ave pia humilitas, Rejoice because your Son, Hail thy humanity, Quem dole bas mortem pati, Sine viro foecunditas, who you suffered to undergo death, thy conception without a man, Fulget resurrectio. Cujus annunciatio shines in the resurrection. thou whose annunciation Gaude, Christo ascendente, Nostra fuit salvatio. Rejoice, for Christ who ascends was our salvation. Et in coelum te vidente, and watches you in heaven Motu fertur proprio. Salve Regina Giovanni Palestrina is driven by eternal inspiration. c. 1525-1594 Qaude, quae post ipsum scandis, Salve regina, mater misericordiae, Rejoice, you who ascended after him Hail, Queen, mother of mercy, Et est honor tibi grandis, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve. for there is immense honor for you Our life, our comfort and our hope, hail. In coeli palatio. Ad te clamamus exsules filii Evae. in the palace of heaven. To you we cry, exiles, children of Eve. Ubi fructus ventris tui Ad te suspirarnus, gementes et flentes Where the fruit of your womb, To you we sigh, groaning and weeping Per te detur nobis frui in hac lachrymarum valle. through you, will be given to us in this vale of tears. In perenni gaudio. Eia ergo, advocata nostra, in everlasting joy. Come then, our advocate, Alleluia. illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte, turn those your merciful eyes toward us, et [esurn benedictum, and after this exile, fructum ventris tui, show us blessed Jesus, nobis post hoc exilium ostende. the fruit of your womb. o clemens, 0 pia, o merciful, 0 good. o dulcis virgo Maria. o sweet Virgin Mary. III INTERMISSION THE DALE WARLAND SINGERS AND CHANTICLEER IV THE DALE WAR LAND SINGERS, Ave Regina Juan Gutierrez de Padilla CHANTICLEER 1590-1664 AND INSTRUMENTALISTS Ave Regina caelorum, Hail, Queen of the heavens, ave Domina angelorum; Echoes Steven Sametz hail, Mistress of the angels, b. 19.54 salve radix, salve porta, The Leaden Echo and The Golden Echo - hail, root (of Jesse); hail, portal {Maidens' Song from St. Winefred's WeI/} ex qua mundo lux est orta. The leaden Echo out of which a Light for the world is risen. How to keep - is there any any, is there Gaude Virgo gloriosa, none such, nowhere known some, bow Rejoice, glorious virgin, or brooch or braid or brace, lace, latch or uper omnes speciosa; catch or key to keep beautiful above all other, Back beauty, keep it, beauty, beauty, vale, 0 valde decora beauty, ..
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