THE News ................2-5 Features ...........6-9 A&E ............. 10-11 Opinion ........12-13 Sports .........14-15 Laker Living ......16 MerciadMERCYHURST UNIVERSITY | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 | VOL. 91 NO. 4 Homecoming festivities PAGES 2, 15 Online poll results What is your favorite fall activity? Pumpkin carving. (43%) Haunted houses and hayrides. (29%) 6: Mercyhurst’s Greg Baker speaks Corn mazes. (14%) about gender and spirituality What fall are you talking about? (14%) 11: Pilobolus to dance in the PAC This week’s What are you doing for INSIDE: $2 off coupon for Ghost fall break? Lake: 13 Levels of Fear POLL merciad.mercyhurst.edu PAGE 2 NEWS Wednesday, October 4, 2017 Mitch Marsh photo Students gather with faculty and alumni at the Homecoming pregame tailgate. Spirit hats, food and music from the athletic band got the crowd ready for the game versus Gannon. Hurst homecoming a hit By Lauren Rogus the boys. I don’t get to see them nominee, said, “My favorite thing Contributing writer very much. I live up in Canada about Homecoming is that fam- so I use my one weekend away ily can all come, too. I like that This past weekend, Mercy- to come away from work and it is not just a student thing, but hurst celebrated Homecoming back to school and enjoy with also a family thing and an alumni Weekend. Students, faculty, the kids,” said Kevan McDacen, thing and it is a big Mercyhurst staff and alumni alike crowded a marketing alumnus. family as well as your own family the campus for celebratory ac- Current students also felt that thing.” tivities. Homecoming was a nostalgic Another student, Noelle The weekend kicked off with time for them, too. Zesky, a freshman Intelligence a charity golf outing and bon- “My favorite memory is living Studies and Information Tech- fire on Friday night. During the with my best friend that I met at nology double major, said, “My bonfire, the band played and school, Julia Detona. My favorite favorite thing is seeing everyone, the cheerleaders got the crowd part about Homecoming is get- especially seeing alumni because excited with their Laker spirit. ting free food and listening to the it is such a great supportive com- Saturday morning was a pre- band, because they’re the bomb,” munity.” game tailgate before the Laker said Amanda Smith, a junior In- Matt Bernarding, a trumpet football team went up against terior Design major. player in the Mercyhurst Athletic Gannon’s Golden Knights. The Molly Mills, a senior Biolo- Band and a freshman Intelligence tailgate had free food, spirit hats gy major, was nominated for Studies major, said, “My favorite for students and a special area Homecoming court and was vot- thing about Mercyhurst is the for the alumni. ed Homecoming queen by her love from everybody and the car- Alumni from all graduating peers. ing that comes from them. The classes came back to participate “My favorite memory was the best thing about Homecoming in the Homecoming festivities. Homecoming dance last year,” is all the food. My favorite band “My favorite memory of Mer- said Mills. “My favorite thing song is probably ‘25 Or 6 To 4.’” cyhurst was hanging with my Mitch Marsh photo about Homecoming is that it Cole Lowe, senior Spanish friends. It was the best time,” makes Mercyhurst feel like a big- Education major, was crowned said Paulette Vaccar, Class of Homecoming King Cole Lowe, and Queen Molly Mills, were crowned ger university, but we are actually Homecoming king. 1983, who is part of the alumni during halftime of the football game against Gannon. a small school. Just for Home- “My favorite thing about Mer- board. coming weekend.” cyhurst is the ability to make Each year, alumni come back rience at Mercyhurst was so great er and after all that experience it Mills also explained what friendships really easily. There are to meet up with all friends and that I love to come back every has been really fun to come back. Homecoming court is and how so many groups and so many op- reminisce about their time at year. I get to see everyone, my fa- My son is an alum as well. It is to be on it. portunities to be around people Mercyhurst. vorite teachers and all my friends nice the legacy continued.” Her “If you are a senior, you can get who have your same ideals and “I think my favorite memory that revisit every year.” son, Thomas Frank, received his nominated and there are a group values, which makes establishing was the pig roast we used to have Not all of the Mercyhurst bachelor’s degree in 2013 and of guys and a group of girls. The friendships not difficult at all. It during SpringFest,”said Brooke alumni decided to leave after master’s degree in 2015. number changes every year. You enriches the whole college expe- Billingsley, Class of 2000. “It was graduation. Some now work at Other alumni make longer just have to show up to the game, rience because of that, whether such a fun time to get together the university. Betsy Frank, Class treks to come back for Home- we vote through email and then it be with peers, professors or with everybody, and it was very of 1981, works in the president’s coming. at half time the king and queen administrators, it is so easy,” said enjoyable. So I guess my favorite office. “I love the sports and the fam- are announced,” Mills said. Lowe. memory was camaraderie with my “I work here, and it is won- ily-friendly campus. My favor- Emma Preston, a senior Bi- fellow students. I came back for derful to be home all the time,” ite thing about Homecoming is ology and Psychology double Homecoming because my expe- said Frank. “I was a cheerlead- coming home and saying hi to major and Homecoming court SEE HOMECOMING, PAGE 3 FOLLOW THE MERCIAD ON TWITTER AT @THEMERCIAD Wednesday, October 4, 2017 NEWS PAGE 3 MSG Fall forum discusses standardizing grading scale By Kristian Biega Staff writer On Sept. 25, in the Student Union Great Room, a panel of faculty members gathered to dis- cuss potential changes in the uni- versity’s grading system. After a survey held by Mercy- hurst Student Government (MSG) yielded striking results that a ma- jority of Mercyhurst students are in favor of changing the current grading scale to a more standard- ized scale, MSG decided to host a forum at which student voices could be heard about this topic. Mercyhurst currently does not have a common grading scale, which means that each individu- al professor has the freedom to choose the grading scale for each of their classes. This means that many classes and subject areas vary in what makes an A, B, C or D, even for classes taught by the same professor. Kristian Biega photo The forum was open to all members of the Mercyhurst Students gather to discuss a more standardized grading scale with professors and faculty. Students voiced their opinions about having the community as proponents of same grading scale across the entire university while professors voiced their concerns about taking away freedom of the professors. both sides of the issues made their opinions heard. The faculty said Dausey. “It has always tradi- understanding needed to receive A more clear survey will give what is best for the student body panel consisted of David Dau- tionally been viewed as something an A, whether the scale is 93-100 the Mercyhurst community a bet- as a whole, so as not to hurt an in- sey, Ph.D., provost and executive that related to the academic free- or 90-100 across the board. Grade ter idea of why the students feel dividual student or their academic vice president; Dyan Jones, Ph.D., dom of the faculty and their dis- inflation could become a problem this way and what possible solu- career. vice president of institutional cretion of how they want to grade as it becomes harder to define an tions may be. After discussion of the grading effectiveness; registrar Michele the class and to the fact that the “A student” with a more common “The more data you have to scale and the possible initiation Wheaton; Amy Parente, Ph.D., grades of the class will still be the system. make an informed decision, the of a plus/minus system, the floor assistant professor of chemistry; same.” Students are concerned that dif- better,” said Parente. “You want was opened to general questions. and Amy Doolan, Ph.D., associ- However, the students still want ferent scales will affect their GPAs to make sure you are making the The faculty panel answered vari- ate professor and associate dean, to further their case for a com- and therefore affect their chances best decision and what the conse- ous student questions on the new Walker School of Business. mon scale among classes because at more appealing résumés for quences of making those changes cyber security area, Self Service “The students are part of our they feel that it is easier to under- jobs and graduate school. How- might be.” 4-year planning programs, class intergovernmental springboard,” stand and more fair from subject ever, most future employers to- Another misconception with registration, internships and cam- said Dausey. “Therefore, having to subject to have all letter grades day are looking at consistency of the change in grading scale is that pus housing issues. data to support what the students correspond to one scale. grades, experience and letters of this change will affect the plus/ MSG typically hosts a fall and desire along with my personal One potential solution for the recommendation.
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