... THE ... minntsotaRlumni Wttkly VOL. II OCTOBER 27. 1902 No.7 THE OBSERVATORY INTERIOR 'Tis human to forget in times of joy The toil and stress and labor- life's alloy; 'Tis also human to forget the one Who toil unceasingly from sun to SUII, To be 0 busied with ollr . mallli\'e \\TC take no notice of the one who strive -­ Fnr ·trive he does, in ne\'er ending quest That tho who turn to him may have the best That brain and I rawn and loom ail 1 hop an find: And all the world' the better for his kind, + And Say! + If you would add each Olle hi little might To lift the yoke and make the burden light, Just drop upon our plate trade's helpful crumb, 'Twill help to cheer us up when reli t day come, \\Then ther are things you kuow must need be bought Jut then be' tow on u yOUI' kindly thought, We entertain most kindly thought of )OU tb¢ minn¢sota lflumni W¢¢kly VOL. II OCTOBER 27, 1902 o. 7 "E\'eryday Engli h" i the title of a tb~ mlnnuota JUumni Wt~klV book recently is ued from the pres of tl,c Educational Publi hing Company. rUBU HHD EVERY MONDAY DUR1NG It author,?-Ir. Jean herwood Rankin, TH E U}JIVBRSITY YEAR. a graduate tudent of thi in titution, ha been very ucce ful in her attempt ubscription price, $1.0U ptr year. to provide a book to aid children in DeIil1qutLlt arter Februury 1st. forming the habit of Writing and speak­ ing correct English. The method pur­ G. V. :\lcLAUGl-JLIN, Law' 02, Manager. sued ha been to make the tudy of E. B. JOHN ON,' 0, Engli h a study of language rather HDITOR. than a tudy of grammar. The book i a new departnre in the educational field and it~ author i to be congratulated Editorial Notes on her ucce in thi her first venture. The selection which the author has In an interview publi hed in the made to illu trate and enforce her pur­ .llllillcapolis !ow-lIal of Friday, October po e are cho en with rare ta te and the 17th, Profe or Conway MacMillan ad­ whole book i exceedingly intere ting. ,'ocates an entire change of the rules governing the eligibility of candidates Professor Owen Ridley. deputy chair­ for member hip on college athletic man of the Uni"ersity College, Reading, team· The sub t.ance of his conten­ England, vi ited the Univer ity la t at­ tion being that the matter of eligibility mday. Jo.Ir. Ridley i making a tour of hould be placed solely upon a scholar­ this COUlltry for the purpose of study­ ship ba is; and when a man falls below ing univer-ity condition and problems grade in his college work he hould be that may throw light upon the de\'elop­ debarred from all athletic conte t until ment of hi own college. The 'Cniver'ii· such time a hi work i brought up to ty College i one of the younge .. t in Eng­ grade. This ensible "iew of the ca e land, having been established but ten will commend itself t e"ery one who years ago. has given the matter thought. The rule i simple and easily enforced and would accomplish what the pre ent cUl11ber­ The college of law i- crowded _ome rules often fail to accomplish, that the Regents have been obliged to \'iz .• t keep athletics within rea onable rent the hall, over the University Book bounds. \Ve fully believe that the adop­ 5tore to accomodat· the middle day tion and enforcing of uch a rule would cia,s, the large~l cia 111 the college. accompli h more in the way of getting The hall i, entirely inadequate f r the rid of objectionable features of athletics purp st'. being poorly ventilated and ha\­ than anything that has e,'cr bcen done ing pnor aCOllSlIC properties. Being 0 up to the pre ent time, near thl' railroad tracks the smoke Ilui- 4 THE MINNESOTA sance I, unbearable and the noi e of pedtct working of the whole depends passing trains is nol conducive to at­ upon his indl\'idual eff rts, tention on the part of the student· and Something like fom hundred of the in a 11 way it is mosl undesi rable. It is faithful followed the team to Iowa and hard to .ee how maller are to be made were on hand to cheer their champions better in t he immediate future. Very on to yictory. The band went a lollg and naturally the students feel that they are added much to the joyful occa ion. dis­ not getting value received for their tu­ pensing inspIring musIc and helpll1g out ition and hm-c drawn up a petition to the the rooting . faculty selling forth their grie\'ances and • \fter the game was 'o\'er, and won by asking for relit'f fr0111 the present intol­ a score far beyond what eyen the warll1- erable conditions. c,t partisan of l\IlI1nesota had dared to L.\TER: Rooms in the Armory, which hope, the ;,IlIlI1esota faithful owned the ha\'e been yacated by the department of town ulltd train time, and they cele­ phY~lcs, have been secured and all i< brated with a heartiness that will not well once more. SOOIl he forgotten. OP I N I ON OF EXPERTS. SATUR D AY'S GAME. "The ;\Ii"nesota team played a gl-eat The game was not won by default on gamc today. It won its yictory not by the part of the Iowa team but hy good indi\'idual playing but hy team work. straight football a;ld perfect tcal/l 'i.(>or/~ There were no stap; hut the team play· on the part of Minnesota. The line-up ed all the timt'. Our gall1s were well wa a vast impro\ emcnt O\'cr that of the dIstributed 111 IlI1e plays and open end Nebraska game and the spirit with work."-Ilcllry L. "'ii/WillS, JfIIlIlCSO­ which the whole team went into l!\'ery la 's Coach play put i\Iinnc. ota stock way aho\-e par. "Iowa was cuncluslvely defeakd 10- It is said that Iowa played a far hetter day hy a supenor team. 'Ve have no game than a ycar ago and though fight­ excuse to o ffer. The Iowa team tried ing desperately all through, only onc\! hard (0 wIn and I hm'c ollly praise fOl' did the)' come within stnking distance their efforts. Dr. \Villiams is to be con­ of Iinncsota's goal and then a magnifi­ gratulatl'd on the strong team he wa' cent rally 011 the part of Minnesota shown to haH~ to-day. I may add that a\'t!rtcd the dang~. r and from that POll1t the result "as not wholly a surprise at l\Iinncsuta pushed the playing in Iowa Iowa City." -,'1. .1. 1\.11;/>1', Im,'u's territory until the final call of time. Coach The men were all so thoroughly in the "l\linnesota played real foothall. game and in every play that it is impos­ "as especially pleased with thc way the sible to pick out individual players and lI1<n worked together. ot a man seem­ to say they excell cd all others. ed to be shirking, and it was fast work The interfercnce furnished by the all through," -L. 1. Pagl', Capta;1I of Ihe 1900 teo IlL. team at 1 he lime Davies made hi s star run of forty-five yards was .om ething We I/'O.VDER--- magnificent and it was the sort o f play­ If King ha soh eel thc n ew formation? ing that shows a really great team. A \Vhy King wanted to see Minnesota tCOIII is great only in proportion a the rather than .Hichigan play last Satur­ individual playcr are willing a nd able day? to sink self for the good of the team Why King coached the Iowa team be­ and as every man on the team real­ l ween hal ves? izes that he is only a part of a great ma­ "What can the man do that cometh chine and in addition realizes that the a fter the king?" ALUMNI WEEKLY OF GENERAL INTEREST. Iowa at C dar Falls, Iowa, Friday e\ening, Oct. J7th. T he Phi P i'- ga\'e an informal Oct. At Lincoln Monday night the entire 24th. student \Jody during their celebration Kappa Alpha Theta ga\'e an informal attempted to pull along a mule car but d '1Cing party Friday evening. \\'a prevented by four policemen. They evidently have a more wholesome re­ Brown-Are you going to Iowa? spect for policemen than we have at Mac ~Iartin-No. lowe already. ?1inne ota. Delta Kappa Ep. i Ion held its annual One of the Engineer ' went to Iowa banquet at the \,\'e t Hotel \Vedne day City at malJ expense. FiYe of the boys e\·ening. put in a dollar apiece and bought a tick­ et. They drew lots to ee ,,-ho would Father ~loYl11hall gave a talk ye ter­ u e the ticket and made the winner day afternoon I efore the Univer ity promise to yell for all five of them at Catholic Association upon "l\liracles." the game. A number of Juniors got together last \\'arren H . ?Ianing. a prominent Saturday and in a stormy meeting or­ land cape gardner from Boston, ganized a Junior Ball As ociation, and and ecr tary of the American Park elected officers.
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