FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FM STH CLASS OF STATION The following application is submitted for action by the Chief. Broadcast Bureau. ST FILE NUMBER CALL APPLICANT AND LOCATION NATURE OF APPLICATION NC BPED -910227MD NEW TRIAD FAMILY NETWORK, INC. CP FOR NEW EDUCATIONAL FM ON: FREQUENCY: 89.3 MHZ; ERP:6.92 N/M 89.3MHZ WINSTON-SALEM NC KW H&V: HAAT: 41 METERS H&V 36 06 33 80 14 44 I H(~f} L1CE.NSE E.... XPIRAT..ION OATE R.Y'c .J'J-"f/ -.::a\'. <i .~ 91 ---[t CHIEF, L1CEN RECOMMENDATION: GRANT() CONSTRUCTION DATES, START END --- CONTESTED () UNCONTESTED () -tJ~ - ~ "'" -:2. ~. ~c {-~ ~'Q. V <. -::£­ ~ L APPROVED FOR CHIEF, BROADCAST BUREAU F.C.C.-WASHINGTON, D.C. Form A-378 January 1980 ORfGINn" FEB Z7 3 05 PH '91 . I I ,.0:. '-• .,..... 2613 Craig Avenue / i'" . :"~1~~.:::'~ Concord, North Carolina 28027 18 February, 1991 Ms. Donna Searcy, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20554 RE: Application for NEW FM Triad Family Network, Incorporated Winston-Salem, North Carolina Seeks: Channel 207C3, 6.92 kw H&V Honorable Secretary Transmitted herewith on behalf of TRIAD FAMILY NETWORK, INCORPORATED, is an original and two copies of FCC Form 340 with attendant exhibits. Triad Family Network seeks channel 207C3, 6.92 kw H&V (FM) at Winston- Salem, North Carolina. As Triad Family Network is a lawfully chartered and bona fide noncommercial educational institution, it is exempt from filing fees associated with new FM applications. TFN is seeking an allotment in the reserved band. Should there be inquiry on examination of this application please communicate directly with the undersigned. INCORPORATED ,.' 10 \ G:>- P"\\ I J fEB L; 3 APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TRIAD FAMILY NETWORK, INCORPORATED Seeks: 89.3, 6.92 kwERP H&V (Channel 207C3) Prepared by:' York David Anthony Justine Hope Lambert 2613 Craig Avenue Concord, NC 28027 Federll Communications Commission Approved by OMB 3080-0034 washington. D. C. 20554 FCC 340 Expires 4/30/92 See page 23 for information APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR regarding public burden estimate NONCOMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL BROADCAST STATI0,bl ... (Carefully read instructions before filing form) Return only form tet feci i 3 05 ?!1 '91 !~$;' ,1 ~- ._-,~ / , For Corrmission OnlY f ................. ....,;... .~) ~d7 " File No. J)- I 0 117 I GENERAL INFORMATION : •• J 6-Pe q D Section - - " l' ~ / ,.,.;,~ :";(j J t.!...-] , q I ,,' 1. Ntn'e of Applicant l,C Send notices and corrmunications to the following person at the address below: TRIAD FAMILY NE'IWORK, INC. , Ntn'e , \ Philip T. Watson Street Address or P.O. Box Street Address or P.O. Box 1249 Trade Street same City IState ZIP Code City IState ZIP Code Winston-Salem NC I 27101 same I Telephone No. t Inclilde Ar.. e"del Telephone No. t InclIIde Ar .. e"del (919) 777-1008 same 2. This application is for: DAM FM D TV (a) Channel No. or Frequency Citv State (b) Principal 207C3 ~/")9r;.3 Corrmunity Winston-Salem NC (c) Check one of the following boxes: rKJ Application for NEW statiOn D MAJOR change in licensed facilities; call, sign: _~.. _ . D MINOR change in licensed facilities; call sign: _.. .. D MAJOR mOdification of construction permit; call sign: File No. of construction permit: D MINOR modification of construction permit; call sign: File No. of construction permit: D AMENDMENT to pending application; application file nlSTlber: ---,-- . NOTE: It is not necessary to use this form to tn'end a previously filed application. Should you do so, however, please submit only Section I and those other portions of the form that contain the tn'ended information. 3. Is this application mutually exclusive with a renewal application7 D Yes ~ No ICall letters I Corrmunitv of license If Yes, state: I City State '-- APE D -91'")2 .... ? 1~ ,J E .. WIN S T ::I 'J - SAL ,1 c TPIn, D FA'" ILY ", T, r, r FCC 340 ..L .... May 1989 Section II - LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS (Plge 2) PARTIES TO APPLICATION 8. Complete the following Table with respect to all parties to this application: (NOTE: If the applicant considers that to furnish complete information would pose an unreasonable burden, it may request that the Corrrnission waive the strict terms of this requirement with appropriate justification.) INSTRUCTIONS: If applicant Is a corporation or an unincorporated association with 50 or fewer stockholders, stock subscribers, holders of membership certificate or other ownership Interest, fill out all C\Jlunns, giving the information requested as to all officers, directors and members of governing board. In addition, give the information as to all persons or entities who are the beneficial or record owners of or have the right to vote capital stOCk, membership or ownership interests or are subscribers' to such interests. If the applicant has more than 50 stockholders, stock subscrIbers or holders of membership certificates or other ownership Interests, furnish the information as to officers, directors, members of governing board, and all persons or entities who are the beneficial or record owners of or have the right to vote 1% or more of the capital stOCk, membership or ownership interests. If applicant Is a governmental or public educational agency. board or Institution, fill out colunns (a), (b), and (c) as to all members of the governing board and chief executive officers. Director or "10 of: Member of Ownership (0) or Governing Name and Residence Office Held Voting Stock (VS) or Board Address(es) Membership (M) YES NO (a) (b) (e) Philip T. Watson President Yes *Each person listed 205 Timmy Lane has one vote, according King, NC 27021 to the by-laws of the corporation. Barbara Jean Watson Vice-President Yes By virtue of being 205 Timmy Lane as a non-profit King, NC 27021 organization, no gain, profit or Steven T. Anderson 'Secretary/Treasure Yes ownership accrues 731 Bundaberg Lane to individual members. Rural Hall, NC 27045 (SEE EXHIBIT III) (ARTICLES OF INCORP( RATION) . FCC 340 (Page 31 May 1989 Section II- LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS Name of Applicant 1. Applicant is: [Chltck "nit box bltl".J o (a) goverrmental or public educational agency. board or institution o (b) private nonprofit educational institution []I (c) Other lspltcifyJ Nonprofit corporation 2. For applicants 1(c) only, describe in an Exhibit the nature and educational purposes of the applicant. Exhibit No. r 3. For applicants Hc) applying for a new noncorrvnercial educational television station only, describe in an I Exhibit No. Exhibit how the applicant's officers, directors and members of its governing board are broadly representative of the educational. cultural and civic seg-nents of the principal corrvnunity to be served. 4. Describe in an Exhibit how the proposed station will be used, in accordance with 47 CF.R. Section EXhibit No. 73.503 or Section 73.621. for the advancement of an educational program. n 5. Is there any provISion contained in 'any by-laws, articles of incorporation, partnership agreement, charter, D Yes [] No statute or other docllT'lent which would .restrict the applicant in advancing an educational progriYn or complying with any Corrvnission rUle, policy or provision of' the Corrvnunications Act of 1934. as iYnended? If Yes, provide particulars in an Exhibit. IExhibit No. CITIZENSHIP AND OTHER STATUTORY REOUIREMENTS 6. (a) Is the applicant in violation of the provisions of Section 310 of the Corrrnunications Act of 1934, 0 Yes W No as iYnended, relating to interests of aliens and foreign goverrments? (See InstructiOn 8 to Section II.) (b) Will any funds, credits or other financial assistance for the construction. purchase or operation of o Yes [i] No the stationCs) be prOVided by aliens,' foreign entities, domestic entities controlled by aliens, or their agents? If the answer to (b) above is Yes, attach an Exhibit giving full disclosure concerning this assistance. IEXhibit No. 7. (a) Has an adverse finding been made or an adverse final actiOn taken by any court or administrative body as to the applicant or any party to this application in a civil or crminal proceeding brought under the provisions of any law related to the following: Any felony; broadcast related antitrust or unfair competition; crminal fraud or rraud before D Yes []] No another goverrmental unit; or discrmination? (b) Is there now pending in any court or administrative body any proceeding involving any of the matters D Yes UU No referred to in (a) above? If the answer to (a) and/or (b) above is Yes, attach an Exhibit giving full disclosure concerning persons IExhibit No. and matters involved, including an identification of the court or administrative body and the proceeding (by dates and file nllT'lbers). a statement of the facts upon which the proceeding is or was based or the nature of the offense alleged or corrvnitted. and a description of the current status or disposition of the matter. FCC 340 (P age 2) May 1989 Section II - LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS (Page 3) 9. Does the applicant or aNy party to this application have, or have they had, aNy interest in: (a) a broadcast station, or pending broadcast station application before the Corrmission? [K]ves ONO (b) a broadcast application which has been dismissed with prejudice by the Corrmission? 0 Ves [K] No (c) a broadcast application which has been denied by the Corrmission? 0 Ves [K] No (d) a broadcast station, the license of which has been reVoked? 0 Ves [K] No (e) a broadcast application in aNy pending or concluded Corrmission proceeding which left unresolved 0 Ves 0 No character issues against the app Iicant? If the answer to aNy of the Questions in (a)-(e) above is Yes, state in an Exhibit the following Exhibit No. information: IV (1) Ncme of party having interest; (2) Nature of interest or connection, gIVing dates; (3) Call letters of stations or file number of application or docket; and (4) location.
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