THE Daily S KIF F Volume 70, Number 11 Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Thursday, September 16, 1971 House Debates Use of Funds By CANDY TUTTLE House of Representa'ives meet- members were not oriented to argument. "I n functioning, a providing entertainment to TCU ing of the 1971-72 school year to Administer Jig the oath of office House procedures, a situa'ion government subdivides its re- students in the manner they deem order. which will be remedied at t h e sponsibilities among several feasible." to all new representatives, Pres- The meeting was routine but House Workshop Saturday, Sept. groups. When SPB was created . The "feasible manner" was ident Mike Usniek railed the first short in view that many new 18 in the Student Center. it was for this purpose. Last explained by Buettner. "SPB spring the House delegated philosophy has changed this year Controversy $15,000 for programming for Seeing as how there will be a lot Controversy began when Bill student activities. It is the re- of big-name entertainment i n Stotesbury challenged Ken Buett- sponsibility of SPB to distribute town anyway, we are going to ner, chairman of the Student this money fairly." concentrate on buying block sec- Programming Board (SPB), on House Bill 71-29, concerning tions at group rates so all TCU the matter of allotting House entertainment, was introduced by students will have ticket dis- funds to certain student groups. Buettner. "W h e r e a ■ entertain- counts." The bill was referred to ment is of major interest to the the Finance Committee. Stotesbury contested that "only students of TCU, and there was Lanny Gookin closed the meet- two or three groups received a surplus of funds in the 1970-71 ing by a s k i n g all interested money from the House last year. House Budge', be it resolved that House members to endorse a pe- How can a f e w certain individu- these funds be- allotted to the tition asking the SPB for free als (SPB) determine which or- SPB for the specific prupose of music in the snack bar ganization is more worthy than another to receive the favor o f this particular House group?" Buettner explained that last year, SPB policy was such that money was awarded student Baby Bust Is Boom groups on a "first-comef i r s t- serve" basis, and so finances on- ly lasted long enough to aid the Rifle and Deba'e teams. For U.S. Education "This year," Buettncr said, "all student interest groups must Education may be the winner— Newell Holland, professor of apply for House funds to SPB, if the "baby bust" continues. education, added, "The surplus which will determine which The birth rate in America is of teachers would make teaching groups applying will benefit the down 15 per cent since 1960, due more of a profession This would greatest number of students. to advanced contraceptives, le- create additional competitiveness KRISTOPHERSON CREW—TCU alumnus Steve Bruron, griming in Stotesbury questioned both the galized abortion, and social ac- for a person to get in'o education lower right r.?ction of picture, is currently a guitarist with Kris ability and the authority of SPB ceptability of childless marriages. Until now qualified teachers had Kristophersori's nationally acclaimed rock group. K'ristopherson is to make such decisions. This decline, called the "baby little trouble finding a job " at far right. —Photo by Bill Bahan David Hall, chairman of the bust" (inverse of the post World The excess school seats the de Activities Council, offered a final War II "baby boom"), will affect cline supposedly will leave pre economics, politics, religion, al- sents no significant problem, ac most everything. Perhaps its cording to Dr. LaGrone. Since strongest impact will be felt by World War II, educational hous education. Job Seekers Draw TCU Blank ing has been in such demand that Will the drop in studen's create only now are we succeeding in a teacher surplus? Dr. Herbert F So you've run out of money and ing, and as well are laying off used to making $2.50 per hour for LaGrone, Dean of the School of handling the number cf students all your parents can say is "get old help. So more people seek even the most menial job. In the Education, sees a lower pupil However, more than one-half ol a job." Well, job hunters, you're jobs, and students come in great- Fort Worth area semi-skilled la- instructor ratio as an asset to the the facilities are inadequate. The not alone with the problem. The er numbers to look for fewer bor {cooks, office help) starts at Placement Bureau at TCU has jebs. minimum wage. teaching profession. decrease in the number of chil- more than 250 students on file Many students, especially those Another problem is finding jobs "The quality of teacher will im dren would enhance the quality waiting for part-time jobs. from out of state, have been dis- to fit class schedules and "out- prove due to the selecriveness the of the buildings and allow inade Walter C. Roach, director of heartened to find that wages in side activi'ies." Roach explained abundance would offer," Dr. La- quate structures to be con- the Placement Bureau, says dur- Fcrt Worth rarely exceed the most students want jobs between Grone added ing the current economic crisis federal minimum. A student from 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., as well as the demned, according to the Dean. many employers have ceased hir- Now York or California is often 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. time slot. Again, the demand for jobs is much greater than the supply. Roach sugges's that if you are United Fund Drive Aims serious about getting a job, get TSP Sponsors a card on file in the Place- ment Bureau in the Student Cen- At Faculty, Administration ter and check with the office as often as possible TCU launches its United Fund the pledge cards are bulletins ex- Journalism Clinic campaign Sept. 27 in conjunction plaining which county agencies with the Tarrant County drive receive the funds. Concentrated instruction in all pants can attend two sessions in now in progress. Lehman said the TCU cam areas of student newspaper and the morning. The campus campaign is aimed paign has always been "very sue yearbook production and Jonathan Welcoming the campus guests FW Artists mostly at administration, faculty, eessful." Last year donations Frid, of "Dark Shadows" fame, will be Lewis C. Fay, TCU Jour and staff. James L. Lehman, amounted to $21,316. As campus will be the focus of attention for n a 1 i s m pepartmen'. chairman, campus coordinator for the drive, coordinator, Lehman does not set the fifth annual High School Mrs. Sue Abrahamson, president Show Work says "students arc welcome to a specific goal nor does he apply Journalism Institute to be held of the Fort Worth professional participate if they so desire." pressure on individuals to con Saturday, Sept. 18 at TCU. The chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, and United Fund activity is not tribute. He says he doesn't have- day-long seminar is sponsored several members of the TCU stu- At Museum thrust upon students because they to. More than 700 persons on jointly by the Fort Worth profes- dent chapter. Mrs. Gene C. A display of 87 works of Texas are the main supporters of the campus arc contacted by mail sional chapter of Theta Sigma Thompson, Theta Sigma P h i art, crca'cd between 1900 and the spring Campus Chest fund. and 80 per cent respond with con Phi, the national society for wo- seminar chairman, will preside present, will open today at Amon Each member of the adminis tributions. The per capita dona men in journalism and commun- Highlighting the afternoon pro- Carter Museum of Western Art. tration, faculty, and staff receives tion last year was $29.70. ications, and the TCU chapter. gram will be an interview with with an invitational reception. a United Fund Pledge Card. The AH dena'ions received by the Beginning with 8:30 a.m. reg- stage-TV ac'or Fril, ABC-TV's The show includes works by 13 card shows two ways they can county drive are given to area istration in Dan Rogers Hall, stu- former Barnabas of the I o n g- Fort Worth artis's including give—first, by direct cash cr agencies. Local organizations dents and sponsors from North- running daytime serial "Dark McKic Trotter and John Thomas, check; second, by payroll deduc- such as the Fort Worth Legal Shadows" who is currently ap- instructors at TCU. tion. Foundation and th? Lena Pope Central Texas will at'end morn- pearing in the suspense drama Works by Brer Utter, Cynthia The denor can have specific Home receive funds. National^ ing sessions in news, feature and • Wait Until Dark" a* Fort P.rants, and F.mily Guthrie Smith amounts deducted each mon'h organized groups like the Salva sports writing, photography, ad- Worth's Windmi'l Dinner Theater are fea'ured as well. during the fiscal year from No tion Army and Planned Parent vertising, editorial problems and Also a part of the fifth seminar The museum is open 9 a.m. to vomber to August. The cards arc hood keep the funds in the county will be workshop sessions for returned to Lehman's office in yearb<;::k production. The one- 5 p.m. Tuesday through Satur There arc 65 agencies in the coun both beginning and experienced Sadler, and proceeds are taken hour discussions demonstrations publication sponsors and advis- day, and 1:00 p.m.
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