COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOTICE is hereby given that an Ordinary meeting of the Kingborough Council will be held on Monday, 10 August 2020 at 5.30pm Kingborough Councillors 2018 - 2022 Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Dean Winter Councillor Jo Westwood Councillor Sue Bastone Councillor Gideon Cordover Councillor Flora Fox Councillor David Grace Councillor Amanda Midgley Councillor Christian Street Councillor Steve Wass Councillor Paula Wriedt QUALIFIED PERSONS In accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993, I confirm that the reports contained in Council Meeting Agenda No. 15 to be held on Monday, 10 August 2020 contain advice, information and recommendations given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendations. Gary Arnold GENERAL MANAGER Tuesday, 4 August 2020 Table of Contents Item Page No. Open Session 1 Audio Recording 1 2 Acknowledgement of Traditional custodians 1 3 Attendees 1 4 Apologies 1 5 Confirmation of Minutes 1 6 Workshops held since Last Council Meeting 1 7 Declarations of Interest 2 8 Transfer of Agenda Items 2 9 Questions without Notice from the Public 2 10 Questions on Notice from the Public 2 10.1 NRA 40km/h Speed Reduction Community Consultation 2 11 Questions without Notice from Councillors 4 12 Questions on Notice from Councillors 4 12.1 Green Waste Bins 4 12.2 School Buses Stopping at Metro Bus Stops 4 13 Notices of Motion 4 14 Petitions Received in Last Period 5 15 Petitions still being Actioned 5 17 Officers Reports to Council 6 17.1 Kingborough Awards Policy 6 17.2 Kingborough Positive Ageing Policy 11 17.3 Kingborough Access Policy 15 17.4 Unauthorised Vegetation Damage Signage Policy Review 21 17.5 Financial Report to June 2020 29 18 Confirmation of Items to be Dealt with in Closed Session 90 Table of Contents (cont.) Item Page No. Appendix A General Manager's Diary for the Period 6 July 2020 to 31 July 2020 93 B Current and Ongoing Minute Resolutions (Open Session) 94 C Delegated authority for the Period 15 July 2020 to 28 July 2020 98 D Kingborough Waste Services - Bi-Monthly Report 100 E Infrastructure Works Report May - July 2020 119 F Environmental Services Quarterly Activities 131 G Councillor Attendance at Meetings and Workshops for the Period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 147 H Councillor Allowance and Expense Table 148 I Donations for the Period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 149 J Quarterly Summary Action Report for the Quarter Ending 30 June 2020 150 GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC QUESTIONS Section 31 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 Questions from the public may either be submitted to the General Manager in writing or asked verbally at an Ordinary Council meeting. Any question asked must only relate to the activities of Council [Section 31(2)(b)]. This guideline is provided to assist the public with the requirements of Public Question Time as set out in the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 as well as determinations made by Council. You are reminded that the public question forum is designed to accommodate questions only and neither the questions nor answers will be debated. Questions on Notice Written questions on notice must be received at least seven (7) days before an Ordinary Council meeting [Section 31(1)] and must be clearly headed ‘Question/s on Notice’. The period of 7 days includes Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays but does not include the day on which notice is given or the day of the Ordinary Council meeting [Section 31(8)]. Questions Without Notice The Chairperson of an Ordinary Council meeting must ensure that, if required, at least 15 minutes is made available for public questions without notice [Section 31(3)]. A question without notice must not relate to any matter that is listed on the agenda for that meeting. A question by any member of the public and an answer to that question is not to be debated at the meeting [Section 31(4)]. If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the question will be taken on notice and will be included in the following Ordinary Council meeting agenda, or as soon as practicable, together with the response to that question. There is to be no discussion, preamble or embellishment of any question asked without notice, and the Chairperson may require that a member of the public immediately put the question. The Chairperson can determine whether a question without notice will not be accepted but must provide reasons for refusing to accept the said question [Section 31 (6)]. The Chairperson may require a question without notice to be put on notice and in writing. The Chairperson may rule a question inappropriate, and thus inadmissible if in his or her opinion it has already been asked, is unclear, irrelevant, offensive or relates to any matter which would normally be considered in Closed Session. The Chairperson may require that a member of the public immediately put the question. Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda No. 15 10 August 2020 AGENDA of an Ordinary Meeting of Council Kingborough Civic Centre, 15 Channel Highway, Kingston Monday, 10 August 2020 at 5.30pm 1 AUDIO RECORDING The Chairperson will declare the meeting open, welcome all in attendance and advise that Council meetings are recorded and made publically available on its website. In accordance with Council’s policy the Chairperson will request confirmation that the audio recording has commenced. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TRADITIONAL CUSTODIANS The Chairperson will acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, pay respects to elders past and present, and acknowledge today’s Tasmanian Aboriginal community. 3 ATTENDEES Councillors: Mayor Councillor D Winter Deputy Mayor Councillor J Westwood Councillor S Bastone Councillor G Cordover Councillor F Fox Councillor D Grace Councillor A Midgley Councillor C Street Councillor S Wass Councillor P Wriedt 4 APOLOGIES 5 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION That the Minutes of the open session of the Council Meeting No.14 held on 27 July 2020 be confirmed as a true record. 6 WORKSHOPS HELD SINCE LAST COUNCIL MEETING 3 August - Kingston Park Page 1 Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda No. 15 10 August 2020 7 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST In accordance with Regulation 8 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 and Council’s adopted Code of Conduct, the Mayor requests Councillors to indicate whether they have, or are likely to have, a pecuniary interest (any pecuniary benefits or pecuniary detriment) or conflict of interest in any item on the Agenda. 8 TRANSFER OF AGENDA ITEMS Are there any items, which the meeting believes, should be transferred from open session to the closed session of this agenda or from closed session to the open session of this agenda, in accordance with the procedures allowed under Section 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015. 9 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE FROM THE PUBLIC 10 QUESTIONS ON NOTICE FROM THE PUBLIC 10.1 NRA 40km/h Speed Reduction Community Consultation Ms Tricia Ramsay submitted the following question on notice: 1 Can the General Manager confirm that 62.78% of respondents to the survey were in support of a reduction in speed on NRA? Why wasn’t this figure acknowledged on the survey summary provided to the Transport Commissioner? 2 Can the Communications & Engagement Advisor confirm that on 12 June 2020 advice was provided by phone that most of the 485 respondents completing photocopied survey forms did so on the basis of the content of a flyer-sized list outlining the following concerns: • Excessive speeding is the main concern. Council road traffic counting in 2017 confirmed that between 50-70% (depending where the traffic counters were sited) of all traffic on NRA exceeded the speed limit of 50km/h. • Excessive speeding and traffic volumes (approximately 7,000 vehicles/day) cause a range of traffic and pedestrian safety issues because the road was designed to carry only 2,000 vehicles per day. • A considerable percentage of NRA residences have concealed driveways (from either 1 or both directions) and hard to access/egress driveways. • The single footpath is too narrow and too close to the road for pedestrians to walk safely given proximity of speeding traffic. • Flexible plastic guideposts erected by Council to give a ‘psychological’ barrier to speeding traffic are ineffective. • Accidents on the street and frequency of near-misses. Page 2 Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda No. 15 10 August 2020 • Noise related issues for residences sited close to the road. • Domestic and wildlife carnage. • Lack of visitor/service vehicle parking. 3 More recently, in the last 2 years residents have also reported: • Increasing verbal abuse/road rage incidents when residents try to access driveways, or park legally on the road. • Increasing use of NRA by heavy vehicles cause noise and vibration/amenity issues for residences sited close to the road. • and that witnesses reported many respondents had attached this list of concerns to their survey form? 4 Why then, in the Summary’s comment regarding ‘printed and photocopy results’ was it noted that “A high percentage (90%) of photocopy respondents provided no additional comments or reasoning for their vote”? 5 Given 62.78% of respondents supported the speed reduction, why did the Survey Summary highlight respondents “NOT” supporting the initiative (p.1,2,4 &5)? 6 Can the General Manager ensure that when next the Communications & Engagement Framework and Policy are reviewed, guidelines will be included to ensure impartiality of reporting of engagement projects? Officer’s Response: The Transport Commissioner has provided reasoning for his decision on the request for a speed limit change on North Roslyn Avenue which recognises the concerns of local residents but also points to the technical reasons why this is not supported.
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