Journal of American Science, 2011;7(10) http://www.americanscience.org The Fine Structure of the Spermatozoa of Three Species of Land Snails Belonging to the Genus Monacha (Müller, 1774) in Egypt Mohamed F. Mansour*; El-Sayed M. El-Habibi; M. M. Mortada and Amany M. Ramez Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt *[email protected] Abstract: The present study deals with the ultrastructure of the mature spermatozoa of three species belonging to the land snail genus Monacha (Müller, 1774). These snails are considered as agricultural pests. These species are M. cantiana, M. cartusiana and M. obstructa. They are morphologically closely similar to each other. The present investigation is a new trial to differentiate between them. The snails were collected from the field crops at Dakahlia governorate and brought alive to the laboratory where they were dissected and the gonads were isolated and fixed to be prepared until they were examined and photographed by the transmission electron microscope. Examination of the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of the three species revealed that sperm of each of them composed of head (acrosome and nucleus), Neck region, midpiece and end-piece. The nucleus has nuclear fossa in which impregnated the components of the neck region. The midpiece contains the mitochondrial derivative and one glycogen helix containing glycogen granules. The end-piece contains only the axoneme surrounded by the plasma membrane. The axoneme has the typical 9+2 microtubule arrangement. There are some differences between them which can be summarized as follow; the nucleus in M. obstructa has a perinuclear sheath, the plasma membrane is convoluted in M. cantiana, the coarse fibers are present in the neck region in the three species but in M. obstructa they extend until the end of the midpiece. The midpiece can be differentiated into glycogen helix region and mitochondrial derivative region in M. cantiana and M. cartusiana but in M. obstructa it can be divided into glycogen helix region, middle region and posterior region. The mitochondrial derivative region in M. cartusiana contains cortical microtubules. In M. obstructa the anterior region of the midpiece has the glycogen helix; the middle region has the glycogen granules in a tubular form around the axoneme, while the posterior part contains only a condensation of glycogen granules around the axoneme. The glycogen helix region in M. obstructa contains cortical microtubules beneath the plasma membrane. According to the above descriptions of the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of the three species of Monacha in Egypt and due to the presence of many differences between them, the present study recommend that they are actually three valid species representing this genus of land snails in Egypt. [Mohamed F. Mansour; El-Sayed M. El-Habibi; M. M. Mortada and Amany M. Ramez The Fine Structure of the Spermatozoa of Three Species of Land Snails Belonging to the Genus Monacha (Müller, 1774) in Egypt. Journal of American Science 2011; 7(10):113-124]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.americanscience.org. 15 Keywords: Spermatozoa; Land Snail; Genus; Monacha; Egypt Abbreviation: A: Acrosome, AP: Acrosomal pedestal, AV: Acrosomal vesicle, Ax: Axoneme, CAxM: Central pair of axonemal microtubules, , CD: Centriolar derivative, Ch: Chromatin, CF: Coarse fibers, CM: Cortical microtubules, CMs: Central microtubules, CS: Crystalline structure of mitochondria, Cy: Cytoplasm, DAS: Distal accessory sheath, GG: Glycogen granules, GH: Glycogen helix, MD: Mitochondrial derivative, MM: Mitochondrial material, Mt: Mitochondria, MV: Mitochondrial vesicle, N: Nucleus, NF: Nuclear fossa, PAS: Proximal accessory sheath, PL: Parallel layers, PM: Plasma membrane, PNS: Perinuclear sheath, TGS: Tubular glycogen structure, VM: Vesicular membrane. 1. Introduction spermiogenesis and ultrastructure of the mature The systematic positioning and the construction euspermatozoa of gastropods had been studied by of phylogenies of some groups are based on the many investigators (Morton and Young, 1964; ultrastructure of their spermatozoa. Sperm diversity Walker and Mac-Greogor, 1968; Franzen, 1970; reflects the environment of fertilization, as well as Buckland-Nicks and Chia, 1976; Robertson, 1985; the systematic position and the phylogenetic Healy, 1983b, 1988, 1994; Haszprunar, 1988; relationships of the taxa that are being considered Hodgson and Bernard, 1989; Minniti, 1993; Al-Hajj (Healy, 1996a&b). and Attiga, 1995; Attiga and Al-Hajj, 1996; The use of sperm ultrastructure for phylogeny Suwanjarat and Suwaluk, 2003). The present study and taxonomy was widely accepted and had been aims to describe for the first time the sperm related to different aspects of reproductive biology ultrastructure of 3 species of land snails belonging to (Franzen, 1955, 1970; Jamieson et al., 1991). The genus Monacha (Müller, 1774) living in Egypt. 113 Journal of American Science, 2011;7(10) http://www.americanscience.org 2. Materials and method І- Head As the land snails species belonging to the The head is occupied by or comprised of a genus Monacha are considered as agricultural pests, nucleus and acrosome. Externally the head is adult individuals were handly collected from infested surrounded by a convoluted plasma membrane which field crops and nurseries at Dakahlia governorate is in close contact with the nuclear envelope. The during spring and autumn seasons of 2008-2009. The acrosome was clearly seen, but it seemed conical collected snails were transfered to laboratory in the tapering and constructed of or contains dense Faculty of Science, Mansoura University in cloth material (Fig. 3). The acrosome lacks a subacrosomal bags, kept under 20±2 º c and 85±5% R.H and space. The nucleus is dark, large, short and not offered lettuce leaves for feeding. straight where its anterior half is concaved with Immediately after dissection, small pieces of respect to the main axis of the spermatozoon (Figs. gonads of the selected species were placed separately 1&3). From the longitudinal and transverse sections, in freshly prepared 2.5% cold glutaraldehyde the nucleus contains fibrous chromatin. The nuclear buffered in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer with pH matrix is occupied by dark chromatin composed of 7.2 at 4oC and rinsed overnight in the buffer at 4oC. filaments, which are longitudinally and transversally The specimens were post-fixed in 1% cold osmium oriented (forming a clear network).This chromatin is tetra-oxide buffered in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate at much denser in the apical zone of the nucleus near pH 7.2 for 3 h. Then, they were dehydrated through the acrosome. Posteriorly, the nucleus has a shallow ascending grades of ethanol and embedded in resin. depression or invagination called nuclear fossa in Ultrathin sections were stained in uranyl acetate and which the centriolar complex is housed and from lead citrate and examined using JEOL 100 CX which the tail originates. (See nuclear structure in electron microscope, in Electron Microscope Unit at (Figs. 1-5). the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt. ІІ-Neck region 3. Results The mid-piece begins in the infolded basal It seems that the spermatogenesis in Monacha nuclear zone or the nuclear fossa with the neck cantiana, Monacha cartusiana and Monacha region. This composed of a central mass as a rod or obstructa takes place in all acini of the ovotestis. centriolar derivative ensheathes the proximal portion When the male cells complete maturation they are of the central axonemal microtubules (Fig. 3). The released to the lumen of the acini. The mature centriolar derivative consists of a condensed spermatozoa were observed alive in the acini of homogeneous material. This amorphous material is gonad under the binocular light microscope. After not having a striated appearance and slightly less their maturation, the spermatozoa pass from the dense than the nucleus. Distally to the centriolar gonad into the hermaphroditic duct where they are derivative, there is a well developed sheath of coarse stored. All observations presented herein were made fibers. The transverse sections revealed that these on fully mature spermatozoa which are present in the fibers are 9 in number, dark, alike and are radially lumen of acini of gonad and hermaphroditic duct. arranged surrounding the centriolar derivative However, spermatozoa from the ovotestis showed no (Fig. 4). recognizable morphological difference from those of the seminal vesicle or hermaphroditic duct. ІІІ-Mid-piece Spermatophores of this animal were also observed, Glycogen helix region: where their spermatozoa also do not differ Immediately at the post nuclear region of the morphologically from those stored within the neck region, a single helix is present and ensheathed hermaphroditic duct or inside the lumen of acini of by the mitochondrial derivative. This helix is gonad. considered a lateral extension which gradually decreases in size as it spirals posteriorly along the 1. Monacha cantiana (Montagu, 1803) mid-piece. It is also a vesicular structure, Owing to the great total length of the glycogen-filled, where it begins in close association spermatozoon of Monacha cantiana, it was not with the basal nuclear region. Glycogen fills the possible to observe it in its enterity by transmission cytoplasmic compartments of the mitochondrial helix electron microscopy (TEM). It is of the modified and also found within the axoneme. The glycogen type. The spermatozoon is divided into the head,
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