!t, 1946 ~ GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Generally fair and continued mild weather can be expected for today and tomorrow. No rain is in at owal1 sight for the next three days. Established 1868 Vol. 78, No. 183 Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, April 25--Five Cents • • owes, its" o Ylng gainst ----~----------------------~--------------~---------------------~ * * * - --------* * * Chiang Makes Attorneys Refute Motion OPA-Increases (oncession -T D·· Eld Price Ceilings On'Assembly a Ismlss · ora Trial . On Cigarettes Reds' Armed Strength FD'i9ht Fails-Old (o~nsel (Iaim~ Rumors Fly in Search Hike Multiple-Pack, Stabilization Director In Manchuria Helps Carton, Vending Calls for Repudiation In Quick Settlement For Mussolinr sBody Machine Sales Of Control OPf3osition CHUNOKJJ.\fG (AP)-ChiulI g' oy '. He Was Told , Note Bearing Fascist WASHINGTON CAP) - OPA W.Af:lIIJNO'['ON (AP) 'ta­ last night announced an increase Kai·Shek made It IIlajol' COll' " bilization Di l'cctOI' C Ii e s Le i' Signature Says Body In retail price ceilings lor mul­ cession to th e Communists yes· BowIe called upon bu in s­ Given Decent Burial tiple-pack, carton and vending mcn last night to repudiate tcrday by postponing the no· Ba~~ ~Ies To Keep Quiet machine sales of cigarettes, tional as 'cmbly, and he 11'0.' l' . DETROIT (AP) - Sheryl Beth The increases, granted because "tbe lobbying which "arious ported ready to COIl1 p l'omise as Cannell, one-day old baby flown MILAN (AP)-An anonymous of a jump in manufacturing costs, minority groups who claim FORT DODGE (AP)-District telephone caller today declared the wcll 011 embattled !-JulI chul'ia, here early yesterday in an oxygen are: they speak fot' oUlel· busine ·s· Judge H. E, Fry took under ad- stolen body of Benito MussoUnl "'rhe Gc ncralisl)illlo IlPPCUI'H tank for an operation in an effort A halt cent a pack on sales of men have been carrying on" to save her life, died last night im­ visement late yesterday afternoon had been taken south across the t""o pack~, four, six and so on. against price control. to be in a mood for compro· Po river and police guarded roads Declaring "I strongly suspect mise," declared a source high in mediately following the operation. a motion to dismiss conspiracy One cent a pack on vending ma­ to prevent the dictator's remains chine sales. they are not speaking for you and Delicate Operation charges against five former offi­ from being brought to Rome. the Kuomintang (Chiang's party) Dr. Conrad Lamb performed a Five cents on a ca rton of 10 the majority of American busi­ who declined the use of his name. cials and employes of the Eldora Authorities intensified their nessmen," Bowles urged them "to delicate operation on the child search for the persons who dug packs. "I am very hopeful of getting who was brought here from Rock- boys training sch ool. There will be no increase, OPA make your own views clear and Mussollni's body from its un­ said for single packs. to do so without delay." this (Manchurian) situation set­ ford, Ill.. on a Pennsylvania Cen- Attorneys spent more than three marked grave here Monday tral airliner. H"e took to the radio on a Mu­ tled soon." hours in arguments on the motion, nl,ht. Press reports said a note OPA Brings Charges tual broadcast after the United The baby, born Tuesday at filed by Hardin County Attorney was found at the ,rave si.-ned Surprlsinr Show States Chamber of C:>mmerce had St. Anthony's hospital In Rock­ D. W, Dicklnson, who asked dis- by the "Democratic f'asds~ Against Iowa fackers The surprising show of Com­ ford , had an incomplete cn­ joined its appeal for abondonment missal of the cases on grounds Party" deelarlnr the corpse was DES MOINES (AP)-The Iowa of price control to that of the Na­ munist al'med strength in Man­ trance to her stomacq which pre­ of "lack of evidence." taken to give it "a rravc worYty office of price administration yes­ churia was given as one factor vented her from taking nourish­ tional Association of Manufactur­ Vigorous Ob'Jection of your person and all you ae- terday took action against the cur­ ers before the senate banking prompting quick settlement. Sea­ men t. The state, through special as- compllshed." rent black market in meat buying soned' government armies had ex­ Dr. Lamb was one of eight doc­ by charging three slaughterers in committee. The chamber called COl' sitants Attorney General J ens A Milan dispatch to II Giornalc an end of price controls by Oct, pected the Communists to be a tors in the country familiar with Grothe of Des Moines and Dwight Della Sera asserted yesterday that [ederal court actions with buying 31 and of rent controls by March pu ~h over. the technique required for the Rider of Fort Dodge, ' vigorously Mussollni's stolen body had been live cattle at more than ceiling furthermore, the Communi·t operation. He explained the child resisted the motion lind asked that taken to Predappio, his birthplace, pricllS. 31. New ~ China Daily News asserted had no connection between the the court overrule it and list the and buried. Injunctions against all three Bowles addressed his appeal that' the Communist garrison of esophagus and the stomach and cases for trial. The Milan newspaper Corriere were signed by Federal Judge "directly to our bUSinessmen," as S~epingkai held firm up to Mon­ that it was necessary to attempt Rider urged the court to over- Lombardo received a telephone Charles A. Dewey. ON THE STAND before the senate banking committee In Washington a former businessman himself dax against repealed assaults by to "hook things up." I'ule the Dickinson motion ' and call from an unidentified person The III"urhterers are Budd yesterday, Emerson p, Schmidt, director of economic research fo .. I'ather than a government official. louf First army divisions trying Rare Operation try the cases because the state had who declared "this night at three Chamberl"ln, Bedlord; W. B. the United States Chamber of Commerce, presents the oganh.ation's He renewed hill warning that thc to reduce this threat to the rear The operation has been per­ ordered its legal force to spare no o'clock Mussolini's body passed Davis, Indianola, and Garry de cllse fo: rcmovlng all price ceilings except rent control ilv the end of OPA bill, which the house had of their positions before Kung­ formed only a [ew times in the expense in getting to the bottom the Po river at Caorso," a town Reus, EddYville. October. (AP WIREI'HOTO) passed, would bring inflation and chuling. past. Dr. Lamb said. of what he termed "the Eldora near Piacenza. These are tne fi~'st of a number said that the suffering it would Postpone Assembly Accompanied by a nurse, the mess." ' In Rome, a police guard was of similar act~ons to be filed by entail for businessmen along wi th The Generalissimo announced child was rushed to Henry Ford Case Expense • placed about the palazzo VeneZia, OPA, X. C. Nady, enforcement at­ others "would be overlooked" by the government's decision to post­ hospital immediately upon arrival "I dislike Dickinson's argument once the dictator's he'i\dquarters torney said. McNarney Orders European Unit Officials the -publlc': pone the national assembly at II here. The father, Robel·t Can­ about the expense of the cases, there. Dul'ing last night, police "The big packers are not buy­ "But the fact thllt tlYe '1<ind of tea party gi ven for leaders of the nell, is a farmer in Rockford. which to me is unusual," Rider stopped every automobile ap­ ing," Nady said. "If ' they would ITo Tighten Discipline Among U. S. Troops catastrophe I have described could Communist and other minority said, "If a man is charged with a proaching the palace. buy cattle lind supply the markets, be traced directly to the lobbying parties. crime we do not ordinarily call the demand would not be so great of various minority busines:s or­ BULLETIN l'~H.ANI I"ll R'[', G('rnlan~ ' (;\ I' )-(}CII . •J()';('ph '1'. :\Td\a I'IIPY Chiang announced thc govern­ off the prosecution because of for tbe small ,slaughterers to fur­ ganizations," he continued, "would cnUNGKING, Thursday (AP) money involved. For that reason, nish meat at over-celling prices." yesterday ordcJ'C'c\ swift adi()11 to ti g-IIt('lI di~"iplilil' alllOIJ~ be neither forgotten nor over­ ment would report on a new date -Semi-official dispatches from I urge the court to go on with the United Stales troop .. ill EnJ'opr. Ilss(' l'ting- Ilia! hlnck 1Il1ll'ket ~al(';;, later and that meanwhile the Mukden today said the last re­ looked. And unless the rank and trial of these conspiracy cases and file of business- the great majo!'­ st~ering committee of the all­ malninr Central government of­ Bomb Ticks drunl<elln eH~ and a "complain. party political consultation con­ let the chips fall where they may" ing attitude" were cousing lo s~ no lo nger valid, Continued toler­ ity of responsible businessmen ficials were abandon!nr Harbin "I have never failed to prosecute Bread Supply Short ference would try to reach an of respect fOl' Amcrican sol· ance of low standards of disci ­ who know the need for continued as Soviet occupation troops were anyone indicted by a Hardin coun­ agreement on all political issues. wlLhdrawn. diers. price and rent control in this in­ ty grand jury," Dickinson declared, Near Palace Of 'Desperate Needs' pline will be considered as evi­ flationary emergency-speak up ----------------------------- "and I consider counsel's state­ Al l tlUit COll1ll1undt,l's were di ­ dence of failure 111 command.
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