r': ■bomMia TitDRSDAT. JANUARY 14,1941 Average Daily Oreulatkm TIm Wsatksr IHtitirfirs!rr Emitig llrralb For tae MoaUi 9t DecenlMr, 1S4X t od D. 8. WentiMi Fat Most Important 7,858 BOfUOWIMW OOIO0W EOMgHw| In Our War Efforts Lower* Quota About Town Women Begin to Enroll First Aiders ^ Member e< the Audit ndiileMiia wtaide. Housewives o f Manchester! B ureu ed dmelntinse tMb* No. 58, 1. You are Uncle Sam's most im­ Set for Town In Trade School Courses Call Meeting Manchester A Cky of ViUt^fo Charm Qk K. MU wm IMId » qMdal meet- portant war workers! IMK fei tiM dpoMT dub OQ Brainanl F O S T E R ’SI In your kitchen there are vi­ AdrertWag ea Page U) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1948 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS S BMCt Mondsy ovMiiiiff, Jan* tal materials for war-greases, Chairman Blair Reports An Oster turret lathe, manufac­ - rooms in tbe school now being CertilicateB and Arm lOL. LXII., NO. 90 It. t t o bboCT mn aakod to kitchen fats needed for war. tured by the Oster Company of used for the machine course, the thli date in nlnd and make After you’ve obtained all the We Must Raise $30,- Cleveland, Ohio, ia being set up in . pupils at the start are assigned to Bands to Be Given Out FOR FINE FOODS • ipadal aflort to attend aa buai* good from your ‘ meat fats, 800 for Red Cross. the Manchester State Trade school machines in the west *p*rt of the Tomorrow. 84 OAKLAND STREET TEL. 7386 Of taQxntanoa will be trans- ! save every bit of the remainder having arrived this week. It Is building where they are taught Japanese Bombers Send Up Smoke ' i which will go to make bullets valued at $2,300 and is another the operation of the' simple ma­ ! and bombs for Uncle Sam's Mancheeter’a' quota In the 1943 part of the $100,000 worth of new chines As they advance they are Renewal of First Aid Instruc­ lying Fortresses ^ Supply and Reserves Ifr. and Ufa. Nred H. Lavey of guns and planes. Red Crosa 125 million dollar fund machinery allotted to the local sent Into the room where the new tors’ certificates for 1943 wUl be Open Tonight Until 8 O'Clock T5 Ibatar atreet, their daughter If every housewife saves ia $30,800, acoerding to an an' school. The new lathe Is being set machinery has been erected and given out at the First Aid Assb- nouncement made today by Jamea up in the machine room on the they finish their course here. clation meeting tomorrow evening 1 eSara and aon Burton, will leave only two ounces of waste fata Blair, chairman of the drive, Open Tomorrow Night Until aaito tomorrow for Waahington. weekly, it will produce 500.000 east side of the building where An opportunity is now being of­ at the Trade school, also arm which ia to be made In March. The most of the new machinery la now fered to both men and women to bt.nda D. C , ta be present at the wedding pounds of glycerine. quota for laat year waa $18,000. Hit .Supply Ports; Satindajr aftamoon at 4 o’clock of in operation. take a special course at the school 9 OXIock Let’s go, housewives! 'irat reporta had the town’a quo- The certificates for the follow­ Problems Face Reds; thair aon. Ensign Frederick A. La- Six Women Enrolled during the day or the evening. ing First Aid classes wUl also be a set at $40,000. There are now SO men enrolled vay o f the Capital City and Mias This Is done to assist those who given out: Salvatore Merenlno, In- Call Your Order In Today For Either Friday Or Saturday The Red Croaa central commit­ in the machine course. In addition, are working on different ahlfU in Btmlyn L. Heatwole of Charlottea- tee aet the above goal thia week structor; Ann' Buah, iiarold Belch- vUle, Va. The ceremony will take The marriage of Miss Beatrice there are six women taking a spe­ otper plants who may want to go Delivery. Batter Rail Lines and Preaident Rooaevelt designat­ e,, Janet Carpenter, Julie D’Agos­ Iriaoe in the chapel of the Univer­ Irwin of Fairfield street, and cial course. Four of these are em­ Into war ri-ork that requires the ed March as Red Cross month, ac­ ployed In other work and are at­ tino, Mrs. Robert Dewey, Luella sity of Virginia, which both bride Lieut. Kenneth W. Morrison of operation of this type of ma­ Horton, Doris Larson, Anne E. Fancy Roasting Progress Continued cording to Chairman Norman H. tending sessions from 6:30 to 9:30 and bridegroom formerly attended. Elro street will take place this chines. It also gives to those now Lewis, Virginia Matteson, Staley larbor Areas ,o f Sfax evening at seven o’clock in the Davis at the Washington head­ at night and the other two, both working in such plants an oppor­ quarters. ^ housewives, are taking a special Matteson, Claire Olmstead, Doro­ Easter Hats n je Profeaaional Women's Club Center Congregational church. tunity to improve their present Chickens each $1.99 And Sousse Are Left Walter S. Gifford, president of course during the day. positions by learning how to op­ thy Strangfeld, York Strangfeld. Win meet Tuesday evening at 8 the American Telephone and Tele­ Rapid Pace in Drive Moat Important Machine ■ erate different kinda of machines Austin G. Staples, inatructor: Aflame from Destruc­ 'O’clock In Center church hou.‘»e. graph Company, will be chairman M rs Marietta Bell, Mrs. Marjorie Fancy Cut Up To Be SmalU t Nuns Prove A .son. Joseph Allen, was bom The new machine Is one of the and use of tools. It is no longer Strike Call From Mid - Caucasus iThe program will Include book re­ January 13 at the Hartford hos­ of the fund. "Our 'goal." Chairman moat important that has yet been Freeman, Mrs. Agnes Gardner, tive Downpour of Ex­ views and game.s. Davis said, "ia baaed upon realia- necessary to enroll for the 200- pital to Pvt. and Mrs. Joseph received at the school. In the two hour course. Mrs. Mary Grant, Mrs. Edna Kauf- Fowl plosives ; Maurauders Neat Shapes '4*- > Brings Up Problems; Tru.ssell. Mrs. Tnissell was the tie estimates which careful atudy rian. Mrs. KHzabeth Kehl, Mra. each $1.25 Real Angels Walter Roy Hall, Jr.', was called Is Delayed former Miss Mary Slmler of Ly- shows are actually needed to meet Margaret Kensel, Mrs. Elisabeth •Also Attack Highways, j Reds Occupy Several to active seirlcc thl.s week and is the heavy wartime obligations Salmonson, Frank Salmonaon. undergoing training with the dall street. Private Trussell is We will have a limited supply of Brisket stationed at Fort Wadsworth, and responsibilities of the Red Manchester Great Interest Mw. Ethel SUples, Mrs. Mabel Preview as Decreed by O f M ercy More Strong Points Coast Guards at Manhattan Beach, Cross. This sum covers local, na­ For Parley N. Y. Wilson, Mrs. Dorothy Wood. Corned Beef, Pork and Beef. AI 1 i e d Headquarters in ' In Caucasus and Low­ New York. He enlisted in the U. S. tional. and international wartime Gladys K. Crehore, Instructor; New York's Big-Time Coast Guard at the Springfield Re­ Date Book In Women’s Class Jorth Africa, Jan. 15.— (/P)! needs of the organization for one Margaret Baxter, Mrs. M. Aatrid er Don Region; Ger­ cruiting station on September 10 year, barring unfore.seen emergen- -Flying fortresses attacked j Milliners at End of Action by Additional | Coring for Wounded The annual meeting of the Cen­ D iigan, Dorothy Halem, Rena Bacon by the piece only, up to 2 lbs. last, was sworn in October 10 and ter Congregational church will be ciea or disasters. It was establish­ Tonight Considerable Interest has been the ea.stern Tunisian supply man Resistance Strong placed on Inactive reserve. Gradu­ ed after the Central committee ex­ Meeting Zoning Board of Ap­ .•alem, Esther Shapiro, Mrs. Week of Openings. 20,000 (]oal Miners Is Anti III American, Brit­ held Wednesday evening, Janu­ aroused regarding the new women’s Cyrene Thebodeau. Mrs. Rita Toce. arts of Sousse and Sfax yes­ ating from Manchester high school ary- 20. The usual supper will amined budget estimates of the peals, Municipal building at 8. Fancy Trec-RIpcned gym class which starts this Mon­ The guest speaker at the meet­ terday, leaving the harbor Held in Aheyanee Un­ ish in Hospital in last Jime. he had been employed be omitted this year and light national organization and its 3,- Annual meeting of Second Con­ Moscow, Jan. 15.— (/P)-— day evening, January 18, at 7 ing. which lalU begin promptly at By Dorothy Roe until recently by the Hartford refreshments served after the 750 chapters and their 6,154 gregational church at 7:30. areas aflame from a destruc­ Central Tunisia Town. The rapid pace of Russian o’clock . t the East Side Recreation e,ght o'clock will be Regions) Di­ Juice Oranges doz. 39c New York, Jan. 15—(J*)—Here Is til After Meeting Today Steam Boiler Inspection and In­ business meeting. All members branches. Tomorrow buUding under the direction of Mlaa tive downpour of explosives, vanguards in the drive north- Monthly meeting of First Aid rector Ray Cooper, Two motion the preview of your Eiaster bonnet, surance Company. Walter is the arc urged to reseiwe the date. To Assist Families Violet McRae. ScedlcfM It was announced today.
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