CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name Surname : Mustafa Oktay ALNIAK Contact Information Address :------- Phone Number : ----- E-mail : [email protected] 2. Date of Birth : ------ 3. Title : Prof. Dr. 4. State of Education : Turkey (BS., MSc., Ph.D) Canada (National Research Council “NRC” Post Graduate) 5. Current Institution : Piri Reis University Degree Department University Date Bachelor’s Commissioned Officer Turkish Military Academy 1962 Degree Mechanical Engineering Ege University 1971 Master’s Business and Administration Program İstanbul University 1978 Degree Mechanical Engineering Boğaziçi University 1981 Ph.D Mechanical Engineering Gazi University 1990 5. Academic Appointments and Services Assistant Professor : 1990-1994 Ministry of National Defence (MOD) Defence Industry Foreign Relations Dept. and Technical Services Dept. Ankara Associate Professor : 1994-2001 MOD Foreign Procurement Dept. “Chair” (1995-2002) Gazi University “Part-time Lecturer”, Ankara Professor : 2002-2003 Süleyman Demirel University, Eng. Faculty, “Lecturer” Mechanical Engineering Dept., Isparta 2003-2004 : Cyprus International University (CIU), “Dean”, Lefkoşa / KKTC 2004-2015 : Bahçeşehir University (BAU), Institute of Natural Sciences, “Director” İstanbul 2015-Presently : Piri Reis University, Eng. Faculty, Industrial Eng. Dept. “Chair” İstanbul 6. Managed Thesis 6.1. Master Thesis 2013-2016 “Investigation of Transmission and Resistance of Aluminum Alloys in Electricity ”, BAU, İpek Yorgancıoğlu. 2014-2016 “Ceramic Coating of Aluminum and Nanotechnology Applications”, BAU, Rukiye Saniye Aktaş 6.2. Doctoral Thesis 1994 - 1998 “Modeling of Plastic Deformation of Aluminum Alloys”, Ph.D Thesis, SDÜ, Fevzi BEDİR. 2007 - 2011 “Manufacturing of High Pressure Resistant Composite Hydrogen Tanks”, Sakarya Uni., Çetin KARAKAYA 7. Administrative Services 2018 - Presently: Piri Reis Uni., Member of the Senate, Tuzla / İstanbul 2017 - Presently: Piri Reis Uni. Eng. Fac. Ind. Eng. Department, Chair, Tuzla / İstanbul 2015 - 2017: Piri Reis Uni. Faculty Member, Eng. Fac. and Economics and Administrative Sciences Fac. Member of the Board, Tuzla / İstanbul 2013 - 2015 Bahçeşehir Uni. BAUPARK Founding Director, İstanbul 2012 - 2015 BAU Bahçeşehir Uni. Eng. Fac. Member of the Board 2007 - 2011 Bahçeşehir Uni. Founder of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Lab., İstanbul 2005 - 2009 Bahçeşehir Uni. University-Industry Cooperation Coordinator, İstanbul 2004 - 2005 Bahçeşehir Uni. Director, Institute of Sciences, İstanbul 2003 - 2004; Cyprus International University, Engineering Faculty, Dean, Lefkoşa / Cyprus 2002 - 2003 Süleyman Demirel University Eng. Faculty Member, Isparta 2001 - 2002 Çankaya University, “Part Time Lecturer ” 1995 - 2001; MOD. Foreign Procurement Department, Chair, Ankara 1995 – 2001: Gazi Uni. Institute of Natural Sciences., “Part Time Lecturer” 1993 - 1995; MOD. Technical Services Dept., Chair, Ankara 1988 - 1993; MOD. Defense Industry Foreign Relations Dept., Chair, Ankara 1988 January - 1988 June; Technical Department, Chair, Turkish Military Academy, Ankara 1986 September-1988 January; Research Fellow, National Research Council, Canada, Ottawa, 1981 - 1986; Head of Machine Group, Turkish Military Academy, Ankara 8. Publications 8.1. Articles Published in Internationally Refereed Journals Alniak, M. O., F. Bedir, 2009, Hot Forging Behaviour of Nickel Based Superallays Under Elaveted Temperatures, ELSEVIER, Materials and Design 31 (2010),1588-1592 Alniak, M. O., F. Bedir, 2006, Modelling of Deformation And Microstructural Changes In P/M Rene 95 Under Isothermal Forging Conditions, ELSEVIER, Materials Science and Engineering:A, 429 (2006), 295-303 Alniak, M. O., F. Bedir, Change in Grain Size and Flow Strength Variation in P/M Rene 95 Under Isothermal Forging Conditions, ELSEVIER, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 130, (2006), 254-263. Alniak, M. O., Bedir, F., 2003, “Changes of Mechanical Properties of AA2014 and AA6063 Aluminum Alloys at High Temperatures in Various Strain Rates”, Turkish J. Of Eng. Env.Sci.,27, 59-64, TUBITAK. 8.2. Assertions Presented in International Scientific Congresses and Published in the Proceedings Alnıak, M. O., Yorgancıoğlu İ., “Investigation of Transmission and Resistance of Aluminum Alloys in Electricity ”, International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK), 17. Conference, 12-15 July, 2016 Bursa, Turkey Alnıak, M. O., Bingöl E., “Cost of Experience”, The Global Reach of Industrial Engineering, (Operations Research and Industrial Engineering 33. National Congress-İnternational Attendance), Page 247, June 26-28, 2013 İstanbul TURKEY Alnıak, M. O, Karakaya, Ç. “Usage of Hydrogen in Vehicles” 16th International Research / Expert Conference (TMT), 10-12 September 2012, Dubai, United Arap Emirates. Alnıak, M. O., Yazıcıoğlu, İ., “Usage and Storage of Plyamid”, International Conference on Machine Design and Production 15. UMTIK 2012, 19-22 June 2012, Pamukkale, Denizli. Alnıak, M. O., Yılmaz P., Turan Çelik A., “About Education”, International Symposium on Vocational Schools (UMYOS) 25-27 May 2011, Kuşadası, AYDIN Alnıak, M. O., Yılmaz, P., Kocaeli Üniversitesi, “Regional Development Initiatives” Balkan Congress, April 2011, İzmit, KOCAELİ Alnıak, M.O., “Turkey's Technological Development and Regional Cooperation Initiative” International Balkan Congress, 28-29 April 2011, Kocaeli. Alnıak, M. O., “Emerging Strategic Importance of H2S of Black Sea Among the Black Sea Neighbours Balkan Countries and Turkey” International Balkan Congress, 28-29 April 2011, Kocaeli. Alnıak, M. O., Bolat P. “Being an Enlightment Center in The Middle East” International Middle East Congress, 1-2 November 2011, Kocaeli. Alnıak, M. O., Oğur, A., Ertürk, M., Karakaya Ç., “Investigation of the Production of High Pressure Composite Hydrogen Tubes”, 14. International Machine Design and Manufacturing Congress, 29 July – 02 September 2010, Güzelyurt, KKTC. Alniak, M. O., Oğur, A., Ertürk ., Karakaya C., “Study of the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 6000 Series Al-Mg-Si Alloys Used in Manufacturing of High Pressure Hydrogen Storage Tanks”, 16-18 June 2010, ICH2P-2010 International Conference on Hydrogen Production, Istanbul Technical University, Gümüşsuyu Campus/Istanbul, Turkey. Alniak, M. O., Aydin D., Kiraci A., 2009, “Constitutive Equations of the Deformation of P/M Super Alloys at Elevated Temperatures”, 13th International Research/Expert Conference, “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2009 16-21 October, Hammamet, Proceeding book, Tunisia. Alnıak, M. O., Karakaya Ç., Berkem A. S., Baş G. S. "Modeling of The Deformation of P/M Super Alloys at Elevated Temperatures" IVth International Workshop on Applications of Wavelets to Real World Problems, IWW2009, CD. June 5 - 7 , 2009 Kocaeli, Turkey Alniak, M. O., Güneş, İ., Toktamış, M.M., Türksoy, M.E., 2008, “Hydrogen Usage and Storage”, 12th International Research/Expert Conference, “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2008 26-30 August, Istanbul, Proceeding Book, Turkey. Alniak, M. O., 2007, “Usefullness of Under Controlled Powers”, ICENES 2007, 13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, ISBN-978-975-01805-0-7, Page: 230. Bedir, F., Alnıak, M. O., 2006, “Production of Layered Al-B4C Composites and Analysis of Fractures Using a Bending Experiment” 11. International Materials Symposium, Proceedings Book, Denizli-Türkiye Alniak, M. O., Bedir, F., 2006, “Characteristic Behavior of Nickel Based Superalloys Under Isothermal Hot Forging Conditions”, 10.International Research/Expert Conference, "Trends in the Development of the Machinery and Associated Technology", TMT 2006 11-15 September, Barcelona, Proceeding Book, Spain. Alniak, M. O., Toklu, Cengiz, Y., An Assesment of the Turkish Defence Industry-2006,10. International Research/Expert Conference, “Trends in the Development of the Machinery and Associated Technology”, TMT 2006, 11-15 September, Barcelona, Proceeding book, Spain. Tuç, B., Alniak, Ş.T., Bedir, F., Alniak, M.O., 2005, 9th International Research/Expert Conference “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology”, TMT 2005 Antalya, Turkey, 26-30 September. Alniak, M. O., D. Morphy, T. Terada, A. K. Koul, J.P. Immarigeon,1987, “LTR-ST-1637 Modeling of Deformation and Microstructural Changes in P/M Rene 95 Under Isothermal Forging Conditions”, National Research Council Laboratory. Technical Report NRC, National Aeronautical Establishment, Ottawa-Canada, Agard Conference Proceedings, No.246 Aerospace Materials Process Modeling, 2–4 October, Çeşme-İzmir-Türkiye. J. P. Immarigeon, A.K. Koul, Alniak, M.O., D. Morphy, T. Terada, 1987, “Constitutive Relation for The Modelling of Flow Behavior of P/M Rene 95 Under Isothermal Forging Conditions”, Poster, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canadian Mine and Resources Institute (Canmet) Conference Poster Session, Canada 8.3. International Books Published, or Chapters from a Book Alnıak, M. O. “Behavior of Powder Metallurgy Superalloys” Lap Lambert Academic Publishing (January 10, 2018) ISBN-10: 3330058803 ISBN-13: 978-3330058804 Berlin/Germany 8.4. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals Alnıak, M. O., 2006, “Benefit of Controllable Power”, Symposium on the Importance of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development, ISBN 975-6285-27-3, Tasarım Publications 25, Energy Series 2, Page: 93-97. Alnıak, M. O., 2004, “Thoughts on Turkish Defense Industries” 1. National Engineering Congress 20-21 May, Proceeding
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