![(ESSEX.] GREAT BURSTEAD. GREAT BURSTEAD (Or](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
(ESSEX.] GREAT BURSTEAD. 42 [POST Olo'FICE Low Joseph, Ship Rice Isaiah, Oyster Smack St:lggs Elisha, corn miller & baker, Martin William, builder Richardson George, farmer, Wick Town mill .1\J urrell Danzie, shoe maker Richmond Isaiah, academy Stains Waiter, shopkeeper Nethercoat .J ames, carrier & shopkeeper Richmond Peter, ship owner Stevens Robert, saddler NewmanWilliam, seed grower&market Roach River OyNter Fishery Go. Stoneham Barn•·tt Leach, grocer Jrardener Limited(Georf{e Richardson,jun.sec) Swain Henrv, Star Orttewell F. tinman, brazier & chimney Rol.!ers John, farmer & oyster merchant, Sweetin~ Lahan, oyster merchant sweeper Hill house Rvmes John, officer of coast guard Pannell Daniel, corn miller & farmer, Rome Andrew, in'!pector of police T1ylor .John, baker & grocer The Hall Rome J ames, sail maker The Clay Shipping Co. corn me?- Papprill Daniel Wm. White Hart hotel Rose Charles, ship builder chants (Henry FinchCroxon Hawk ins, Pepper J ames, clothier & beer retailer Smith Henry, Welcome Sailor rnana~er) Playle Ruth (Mrs.). glover Smith John, Anchor inn Tru~SPII Su~an (Mrs. ),plumht>r& glazier Prior John, ~rocer & draper Smith John, oyster merchant &c w·ackrill babella (Miss), confectioner Pulham Wiiiiam, grocer & draper Smith Joseph, baker Wackrill John, baker & confectioner Rayment Isaac, George ~ Dragon, Smith .Joseph, butcher We~thorp John. draper &c Ostend Smith Thomas Powl, saddler &c Westhorp 1'alitila Cumi (Mrs.), grocer Read Ellen (Mrs.), shipwright & builder & leather seller GREAT BURSTEAD (or BuRGHSTEAD) is a plea­ Blunt's Walls, 1 mile from Rillericav, are the remains of a sant villag-e and parish, a mile and a half south of Billericay, camp, in which Roman coins an•l antiljnities have been on the road to Tilhury, in the Southern division of the county, found. Lorrl Petre is lay impropriator, principal landowner union of Billericay, county court district of Brentwood, and lord of the manor, and witH George Cole, esq., Thomas hunrlred of Bar~table, rural deanery of Billericay, arch­ J. Spithy, esq., Rdg-ar .Jones, esq., chief lanrlownPr. The deat'onry of Essex, and diocese of Rochester. The small 11oil in parts is light and clayey; subsoil, principally clay. market town of Billericay is in this parish for civil purposes, The chief crop~ are wheat and barley. The parish con· but it has been constituted a separate parish for ecclesiastical tains 3,4:21 acres; gross estim'lted rental, £8,986 ; rateable purposes. The church of St. Mary Magdalen consists of value, .£8,006; and a population, including Billericay, of chancel, nave and aisles, with north and south porches, and 2,18t, exclusive of 198 inmates of the .Hillericay union has some fine monuments. The register dates from the year workhouse. 1558. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £180, in the Parish Clerk, William Swan. gift of Lord Petre, and held by the Rev. George Lowden Hanson, M .A., of Queen's College, Oxford. The kennels of the South Es;;«>x foxhounds (John Offin, esq., master) are in Letters from Ingatestone through Billerieay, which ls the this parish. The charities are numerous and valuable, and nearest money order office of long standing. An abbey of Cistercian monks existed Rate Collrctor, John Smith, Billerieay here for a shot t time. which was removed from Stratfo:rd. CARRIER TO CH&LMSPORD.-Geo. Goodeve, tues. & frl Hanson Rev. George Lowden, K.A. Bull Joseph, carpenter Harris William, baker [vicar], Vicarag-e Clayton John, King's Head J etfries J ames, farmer Jones Ed~ar, .J.P. The Elms Cole George, tinmer, South green Martin William, Bell Wood Ffinch Cole William, farmer Mason John Little, baker COMMERCIAl,. Coleman John, brewer Mee Dyson, farmer, Rroomhills Agnis Rohert, miller, Mill hill Collier Thomas, farmer Ri\'ers Georg-e, farmer, Mog-~s Barnard l\lary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Drake David, farmer Simp.,on Arthur, Plough, 'l'ye common Grange farm French James, farmer Stock John, farmer & cattle salesman, Blyth George, farmer, White's farm Good eve George, King's A rtn# Tye common Boughtwood Thos. farmer, South green Harri~ Benjamin, blacksmith Thorogood Henry, farmer,Great Blunts Bull Abraham, wheelwright Harris John, tinmer Whral Samuel, beer retailer LITTLE BURSTEAD (or BURGHSTEAD)is a parish, arising from the rents of six cottages and 33 acres of land. in the Southern divisio11 of the county, Barstable hundred, There are two other small charities. George Alan Lowndes, Billericay union, Brentwood county court district, rural esq., is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are deanery of Billeric:~y, archdeaconry of Essex, and diocese of George AI an Lowndes, Edgar J ones, and J oseph Mayott, Rochester, near the source of the river Crouch, 2 miles esqrs. The soil is loamy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops south~west from Billericay, and 5 east from Brentwood are wheat, oats and barley. The area is I 829 acres; gross station. The church of St. Mary is small, with a chancel estimated reutal, £2,332 }.5s. 9d., rateahle value, £2,161 and nave, and low spire with 2 bells. The register dates 17s. 6d.; and the population in 1871 was 198. from the year 1678. The living is a rectory, yearly value£356, Parish Clerk, Joseph Olliff. with ret~idence and 34 acrE'S of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and ht' Id by the lte v. W illiam Browne Dal ton, PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Mary Keeling, receiver. Letters M.A., of Pembroke College, Cambridge. There is a charity, from Ingatestone through Billericay, which is the nearest left by Mr. Cooper, for the benefit of poor persons "living money order office 1 in and belonging to the parish ' ; tile income i:i about £60, Day ~ Sunday School, mistress vacant DaltonRev.Wm. Browne,M.A.[rector] ICole Henry, farmer M ayott J oseph, farmer Johnson Mrs. Hope house Drory J ames, farmer IMiles John, farmer, Bottledown hill BUTTSBURY is a paritoh and plea~nt village, situated Petre, and held by the Rev. Lewis Parkin, M.A., of St. on the summit of a ran)!e uf hills, on the road from Chelms­ John's College, Oxford. Lord Petre is lord of th~ manor ford to Billericay, in the Western division of the county, and chieflandowner. The soil is light ; subsoil, white sand Chelmsfi>rd union, hundred and county court district, and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. Chelmsford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry, and Roches­ The area is 2,116 acres; gross estimated rental, £3,516 ter diocese, 4 miles south from Ingatestone station, 3 north 13s. 6d. ; rateable value, £3,184; and the population in from Billerka\, and 5 south-west fl'Om Chelmsford. The 1871 was 487. church of St. Mary is only :36 teet by 21, the chancel 28 feet Parish Clerk, Joseph Poole•• Jong and 21 wide on the outside; at the west end it has a square towtr of brick with I bell: the church formerly oelonged to the nunnery of St. Leonard, at Stl'atford, Bow. Letters received through Ingatestone, which is the nearest The li ~ing is a perpdual curacy, anuexed to the rectory of money order office Ingatestone, joint .) early value £!20, in the gift of Lord Rate Collector ~ Assi.!tant Overseer, Alfred Cot tee 1"1\.IVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Cartf'r Charles, farmer Bridge Thomas, Ramsey Tyrrells Bacon John, Cock inn Clarke Arthur, surgeon Clarke Arthur Barrett J oseph, Bf:'ar C'ollard Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Gepp Charles Bridge Thomas, farmer & landowner, Cottee Alfred, baker Hardy Benjamin, Wbytes Tyrrells Ramsey TyrreHs Dale Waiter, proprietor of thrashing Mott William, Greenwoods Brown William. blacksmith machines Mumford William Calloway John,-t.ailor French Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer .
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