[ 1211 ] At the Court-House, at Kingston-upon-Hull, in and At the adjourned General Quarter Sessions of the for the Town and County of the same Town, on Peace to be holden at the Red Lipn Inn, Northop, the 14th day of July 1828, at Eleven o'Clock in in and for the County of Flint, on the 14th the Forenoon precisely. day of July 1828, at Eleven o'Clock in the William Hind, formerly of Roper's-Street, in the Parish of Forenoon. Holy Trinity, in the County of the Town of %Kingston- Idward Pritchard, late of -Penyforddnewydd Canoly Mynydd, upon-Hull, afterwards of New-Dock-Street, in the Parish near Calcoed, in the Parish of Holywell, Flintshire, Miner. of Holy Trinity, in the Town of Kingston-npon-Hull, then of New George-Street, and late of Worship-Street, both in the Parish of Sculcoates, in the East Riding, of the TAKE NOTICE, County of York, and adjoining the Town of Kingston- 1. If any Creditor intends to oppose a Prisoner's upon-Hull, Cabinet-Maker. discharge, notice of such intention must be given Charles Metcalf, late of West-Halton, near the Town of Brigg, Lincolnshire, Joiner, Carpenter, and Shopkeeper. to the said Prisoner, in writing, three clear days James Harrow, formerly of West-Street, afterwards of Cha- before the day of hearing, exclusive of Sunday, pel-Street, and late of Neptune-Inn, Paragon-Street, all in and exclusive both of the day of giving such notice the Lordship of Myton, in the County of the Town of and of the said day of hearing. Kingston-upon-Hull, Innkeeper. William Langfield, late of Dock-Street, in the Parish of Scul- 2. But in the case of a Prisoner, whom his- coates, Yorkshire, Waterman. William Lewis Ho light on, late of No. 5, Prospect-Street, in reditors have removed, by an order of the Court, the Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon- from a gaol in or near London for hearing in the- Hull, Bookseller, Stationer, and Bookbinder. country, such notice of opposition will be sufficient Robert Wallis, late of Hessle, in the Parish of Hessle, in the County of Kingston-upon-Hull, Common-Carrier. if given one clear day before the day of hearing. Charles Attiwell, late of Westgate, in the Town of Louth, in the County of Lincoln, Paper-Maker, Bookbinder, Sta- 3. The petition and schedule will be produced tioner, and Grocer. by the proper Officer for inspection and exami- John Fenwick, formerly of Nelson-Street, in the Parish of nation, at the Office of the Court in London, on Sutton, Yorkshire, near the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, between the and late of No. 31, Posterngate, in the Town of Kingston- upon-Hull, Blacksmith and Coopers' Iron-Work-Manu- hours of Ten and Four; and copies of the petition facturer. and schedule, or such part thereof as shall be re- Robert Cross, formerly of Tunstall, and late of Hoyln, other- quired, will be provided by the proper Officer,, wise Hollym, both near the Town of Pattrington, in the according to the Act, 7 Ceo. 4, c. 57, sec. 76. East Riding of the Couuty of York, Tailor. Thomas Roberts, formerly of No. 17, Dock-Street, in the N. B. Entrance to the Office ia Portugal-Street^ Parish of Sculcoates, in the East Riding of the County of Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. York, next of No. 3, North Walls, in the Town of King- ston-upon-Hull, afterwards at Lodgings, at No. 3, Church- Street, and then at No. 5, Naylor's-Row, both in Drypool, 4. The duplicate of the petition, and schedule,, in the East Riding of the County of York, and late of and all books, papers, and writings filed therewith,, Lucas-Square, New George-Street, in the said Parish of will be produced for inspection and examination, Sculcoates, Merchant and Commissson-Agent. by the Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Henry Watson, formerly of Fernby,"and late of Swanland, both in the County of the Town of Kingstou-upon-Hull, person with whom the same shall have been di- Yeoman. rected to be lodged fox such purpose, at the Office John Tute, formerly of Clappison's-Square, then of No. 6, of such Clerk of the Peace or other person j and; Cumberland-Street, botli in the Parish of Sculcoates, in copies of the petition and schedule, or such pait the East Riding of the County of York, afterwards of thereof as shall be required, will be there provided No. 58, High-Street, in the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, next of No. (>, Cumberland-Street aforesaid, and late at Fur- according to the Act, 7 Geo. 4, c. 57, sec. 77, OB- nished Lodgings, Pell-Mell-Court, Broadley-Street, in the the Act, 5 Geo. 4, c. 6'I, sec. 11, as the case may be. said Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, Painter. George Walker, late of JUirfield, near Leeds, Yorkshire, Mariner. THE Creditors of William Brien, late of Croydon-Common>, At the Court-House, at Bodmin, in the County in the County of Surrey, Plasterer, an Insolvent Debtor, are of Cornwall, on the 14th day of July 1828, at requested to meet at the Office of Messrs. Ashley, Goodman, and Ashley, of 27, Tokenbouse-Yard, in the City of London,, Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely. on Wednesday the 2d day of July next, at Eleven o'Cfoclt in the- Catherine Byard Rave (sued as Catherine Raye), late of the Forenoon, for the purpose of choosing an Assignee; and on. other special affairs. Borough of Siiltash, Cornwall, Widow. William Way, late of the Borough of Tregony, Cornwall, Tailor. NOTICE is-hereby given, that the Assignees of the-estate- Henry Edmonds, formerly of Marazion, and late of .Hayle, in and effects of Joshua Briggs, late of Leeds, in the County of- the Parish of Philhck, Cornwall, Butcher. York, Innkeeper, an Insolvent Debtor, now deceased, who was- Stephen Tredinnick, late of Saint Austell, Cornwall, Inn- discharged from the Gaol at York, on or about the 1st day of keeper and IVJiuer. January 1821, by virtue of an Ar.t of Parliament, made and Richard Sleep, late of the Borough of Tregony, Cornwall, passed in the first year of the reign of His present Majesty,, Blacksmith. intituled " An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in Eng- Francis Adams, late of the Borough of Saint Ives, Cornwall, land," intend to meet at the, Office of Mr. William Hargraves,, Shipwright and Shopkeeyer. Solicitor, Central-Market, Leeds, on Tuesday the 22d day o£ Nicholas Carbins, formerly of the Parish of. Saint Keverne, July next, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, for the purpose of and late of the Borough of Saint Iv«s, Cornwall, Innkeeper declaring a Dividend of the estate and effects of the said In- and Butcher. solvent. Andrew Beard, late of the Borough of Tregony, Cornwall, Shoe-Maker. THE Creditors of John Nott, late of George-Street, Mino- Thomas Mare, late of the Parish of St. Neot, Cornwall, Yeo- ries, in the City of London, Tailor, an Insolvent Debtor, aee- man. requested to meet the Assignee, at the Olhce of Messrs. Ashley,. Peter Phillips, late of the Parish of Lostwithiel, Cornwall, Goodman, and Ashley, 27, TokeiiLouse-Yard, in the City of; Yeoman. London, on Friday the 4th ilny oi July uext, al Eleven o/Ciocfe.
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