TEMPLE GRAFTON PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Cllr D Keays Parish Clerk: Mrs E R Timms The Old Vicarage 34 Croft Lane Temple Grafton Temple Grafton Alcester Alcester 01789 772133 01789 773671 [email protected] [email protected] Minutes of the meeting held 15th January 2018 Present: Cllr Keays Cllr Vitty Cllr Thompson Cllr Kemp Cllr Perkins C Cllr M Cargill Parish Clerk 4 visitors 1. Open Forum – Mrs KibbleWhite asked if anyone knew what was going on with the land on Croft Lane next to number 1 as she was concerned that the owner may be putting in a planning application. Cllr Keays asked if she knew who owned the land but it seems very few people do know so he said he would check into the matter and report back at the next meeting. So far no application has been received. 2. Apologies were received from D Cllr Adams. 3. There were no disclosures of interest. 4. Minutes of the meeting held 6th November 2017 were discussed and proposed for acceptance by Cllr Perkins and seconded by Cllr Thompson. 5. Matters arising from these minutes. Temple Grafton to Ardens Grafton footpath. C Cllr Cargill said he had been unable to walk the path with the County Highways Engineer but he was old by those present that several markings had been made showing where repairs should be carried out. So far no further work has been carried out and C Cllr Cargill said he would check up with what was going on and report back to the Parish Council. A short discussion followed on the subject of the dead hedgerow between Field View, Croft Lane and the field to the North of May Barn. Cllr Thompson remembered that some 20 years ago, various waste was buried at Field View, including some secretly at night, and queried whether that might have been toxic and responsible for the decay of the hedge. It was agreed that Cllr Keays would again contact the SDC Enforcement Officer to ensure compliance with the new planting scheme at Field View but also bring the matter of the dead hedgerow to the attention of the owner of May Barn. 6. Ward Members Report – C Cllr Cargill said that he had attended a meeting regarding Speedaware and that he was pleased to report that WCC are going to support this with more funding. There will be a single point of contact and a meeting is to be arranged where he will have more information. He reported that there is to be an A46 partnership improvement plan and will report back when he has more information. The budget for Stratford District Council will be increased by 1% in the next Council Tax. -219- C Cllr Cargill said that there is a plan to set up a community bus service around the local villages to allow people get out and about. He will let us know when he has any further information. Cllr Thompson said that the holes on the Wixford Road by the Golden Cross were getting very large and reported that the drains also need unblocking, particularly outside Greenways on the Ardens Grafton Road, which had recently flooded. C Cllr said he would deal with this. 7. Planning Matters 17/03312/FUL – The Elms, Stratford Road, Bidford on Avon –replacement of existing outbuilding for resiting as per 17/01578/FUL - the cllrs had no objections. 17/03060/VARY – land by 21 Croft Lane, Temple Grafton – variation of condition 2 planning application 16/01156/VARY – the cllrs agreed to submit no representation. Cllr said that the gypsies had erected another shed and that he had spoken to the enforcement officer who had spoken to them and been told that the shed was for storing garden tools. An application had been expected by New Year. Cllr Keays had spoken to the planning officer regarding the Dovecote. Further reports were being sought by 25th January. It was reported that the planning officer was considering holding a meeting regarding the Dovecote and the cllrs requested that they were present. Cllr Thompson and Cllr Kemp said that they had attended a course relating to planning applications and had been told that if there was any detail wrong on any application the PC should make no comment and send the application back to the Planning Department. 8. Information received from WALC – this is all emailed to the cllrs. 9. Information received from Stratford District Council – this was mainly planning matters and Precept. 10. Information received from Warwickshire County Council – none 11. Update on Speedwatch Training – Cllr Vitty said there is to be a session held one weekend when anyone interested in joining can attend. Cllr Kemp agreed to put a piece in the Open Gate to invite volunteers. 12. Financial Matters Third payment of £250 plus expenses £27 payable to Parish Clerk. Cheque number 100514 refers. Grant to Graftons Village Hall £550 plus rent £140 proposed by Cllr Perkins and seconded by Cllr Thompson. Cheque number 100513 refers. Speedwatch expenses payable to Cllr Vitty £317.36 cheque number 100512 refers. Proposed by Cllr Kemp and seconded by Cllr Keays. Payment of £30 to WALC for Cllr Thompson and Cllr Kemp to attend a course entitled Understanding and Responding to Planning Applications. Proposed Cllr Keays and seconded by Cllr Vitty. Cheque number 100511 refers. Precept – this was discussed and it was agreed that it should remain the same as last year £3770. This was proposed by Cllr Keays and seconded by Cllr. Kemp. -220- Defibrillator expenses – Cllr Vitty said that a £200 donation had been received by the Graftons Defibrillator committee towards the cost of installing and maintaining the defibrillator. As the committee does not have a bank account, the cheque has been made payable to Temple Grafton Parish Council. These funds will be banked in January 2018 by the Parish Council and will be off-set against the installation invoice 3179 received from Pritchard Electrical Ltd for £194.40 which the Parish Council will pay in January 2018 proposed by Cllr Vitty seconded by Cllr Thompson cheque number 100516 refers. The remaining balance of £5.60 will be paid by the Parish Council to the Village Hall in January 2018 as a contribution to the electrical costs incurred in running the defibrillator. Proposed by Cllr Perkins seconded by Cllr Thompson cheque number 100517 refers. 13. There was no information received after preparation of agenda. 14. Exchange of information – In response to a resident’s concerns over speeding on the B439, Cllr Thompson said that he felt there should be a greater police presence on the Evesham Road . Cllr Keays said he would speak to C Cllr Cargill to arrange this. 15. Date of next meeting 5th March 2018. -221-.
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