Crisis Phone Audubon Film 187-81101ii; ;1 the minds, to call As part of the Audubon Wildlife for help in ;iiili.itting (1;pression, Film Series, "Shandon 11111." will be drug problems. menbil Idoeks against shown tomorrow at 8 pin. in Morris studying, or (.5 en sill, Mai tennencies. Dailey Auditorium. The film will be The pl line will hi' until the presentist by I'linser%ationist Eben end of finals and is part of the Cri- who spent four years on ARTAN DAILY sis Preenti ....liter its production. Admission is 841 cents. that has been established to help students survive the traumas of fi- m'N SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE nals week. No. 62 Vol. 57 111110 35 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1970 Speaker Says Edwards Carries EOP Proposal U.N. Prevents To Reagan, Unruh in Capital Global By RAY GILES postal for passage of the $1.5 million "Everyone conctuTed that the ques- War Daily PontIcat Writer EOP budget. tion of adequate funding for the EOP By JIM BROADY' SACRAMENTO - Associated Stu- Edwards pointed out to the group program in California was of the ut- Daily poli- most importance," Edwards stated Editor dents President James Edwards yester- that while student involvement in Singling out the cultivation of world- Augmentation "The necessity for additional funds to day joined other state college and uni- tics is important, the wide respect for human her essen- rights as univsrity student leaders in a meeting Budget should be first on their priority run such a program is especially primary goal, Angie Brooks, president with GOV. Ronald Reagan in Sacra- list of items to discuss with the Gov- tial at San Jose State where the school of the United Nations General As- serves a mento. ernor since it is being considered by largely Mexican-American sembly, told a capacity crowd at San Edwards, in spite of the fact that at the legislature Thursday. community." Jose's Grace Baptist Church Sunday first the agenda for the meeting with After the caucus, the presidents RESOLUTION that were it not for the U.N. we could went to the Governor's office and met the Governor failed to mention any dis- He then read his EOP resolution the perhaps he "plunged into global war." with him behind closed doors for an cussion of the Augmentation Budget presidents had sup- Miss Brooks spoke for "peace and hour and a half. agreed to for the state colleges, was able to carry port. In it he called for passage of harmony and the brotherhood of man" Gov. Reagan then appeared before a resolution concerning the Educational the Augmentation Budget, a pledge for at the World Brotherhood Banquet, the capitol press and a few student re- Opportunities Progratn (EOP) to the continued funding and growth for the sponsored jointly by the International porters. Governor and the press. Student Center and campus religious EOP program and as proposal that all Edwards also met later in the after- 'VIEWS EXCHANGED' groups. scholastically qualified Californians be noon with the Assembly Democratic "I can't say we made any decisions," The 41-year-old Liberian, a desend- guaranteed the financial aid of the caucus, where he again pushed for pas- the Governor said, "but views were ant of three African tribes, also pointed state in attending a state university, sage of the Chancellor's Augmentation exchanged." at the individuals influnence on the college or community college. Budget that includes $1.5 million in Reagan told reporters that the ques- U.N. as a "stabilizing factor in world Later in the afternoon, after the As- EOP funds. The budget is scheduled to tion of funding an expanded EOP pro- peace." sembly had adjourned. Edwards carried come up for consideration by the legis- gram was the most well covered topic At a pre-banquet press conference, his EOP proposal to the Democratic lature on Thursday. of discussion during the meeting with Miss Brooks expressed optimism at re- the students. He also mentioned tuition caucus. There he was greeted with a sults of the 24th session of the General WRITTEN PROPOSAL and the three original agenda items as promise In am gubernatorial candidate Assembly, calling the member-nations Before the 11 a.m. meeting in the being discussed. Jess Unruh that he and the Democratic "more tolerant and understanding" in Governors' office, the student presi- Asked whether or not the meeting caucus supported EOP growth "one their efforts to reach solutions to world dents gathered in at motel near the was as constructive one, the Governor hundred per cent." problems. capitol to discuss agenda items. Ed- said. "Let me say this much, we have Discussing the meeting with the Gov- GOALS wards, the only student leader with a established communications." ernor. Eduards told the Daily that it Poverty, disarmament, and African written proposal to present to the Gov- He admitted to the press corps that was a meeting of "all talk and no high ernor, was able to sidestep what he felt he had "gotten the message concerning tact ion. colonial disputes (Biafra) were Lady pfdpia by 123 3 'y on Miss Brooks' list of concerns for a ewre trivial matters on the meeting's the need students felt for the EOP "He acted the way I though he United Nations which she says must AMIABLE ANGIE BROOKS, president of the United Nations General agenda: student involvement in politics, question. would in an election year to our pro- be "revised and updated" in order to Assembly, jokes following a press conference Sunday evening prior to the law enforcement on campus, and the The Governor left and Edwards then posal. We want to see as much money strengthen its role as mediator. World Brotherhood Banquet at Grace Baptist Church. Mrs. Jessie Ford, procedures for selecting a college presi- appeared. With powerful television as it takes to educate minorities and Regarding the influence of the larger right, accompanies her former student. Mrs. Ford taught Miss Brooks at dent. He instead got the group to lights fixed on him, Edwards fielded poor Whites. Not talk like Reagan gave n a t ions in determining the U.N.'s Shaw University in 1949. The two had a happy reunion at the banquet, amend the agenda and endorse his pro- questions from the press. course, Miss Brooks emphasized, "We must admit that the 'super-powers' the years just after the war when have an advantage in their veto power there was an alliance between the Council and also in great powers who had fought together. in the Security Wrazy' Bucks Establishment! their wealth. Because of this, they use "The difficulties that plague us now what we call power politics and pres- were t hr us t into the background." sure." That alliance has waned, she said, and Noting that the interests of the countries now seem to think more in "super-power" are often in conflict terms of their vested interests. with the purposes set forward in the "The governments of the world need Cheerleader Petitions Selection Committee U.N. charter, she stressed that the most to rededicate themselves to the ap- viable solution is for these nations to plication of the charter's principles and By JAY HEENAN ing for his appointment as head cheer- The petition, presented by George Alumni Association, Athletic Depart- immediately recognize the principles of the interests of humanity as a whole." Daily Staff Writer leader to Randy Kern, chairman of the and his merry group, was signed by ment, the SJS Band and faculty. international law and the U.N. charter. The former lawyer was met at the Krazy George Henderson, beating his Head-Cheerleader Selection Committee. 1,064 people. It read: "We supporters The letter read: "We hope that the "They must stop pressuring them banquet by her first American profes- drum to the tune of the SJS fight song. Kern told the enthusiastic group, of Krazy George, petition for the ap- Personnel Selection Committee will re- "the selection (the weaker nations) on the outside," sor, Mrs, Jessie Ford, whom she had marched into the Associated Student committee had not elimi- pointment of George for head cheer- consider its decision and appoint Krazy stressed. "Then the U.N. can effec- offices with musicians from the march- nated George from candidacy as Kevin leader." George for head cheerleader prior to she not seen since 1949. Mrs. Ford dis- tively stand up for what Is right and ing band, Spardi, and about 35 other Doyle of the Spartan Daily falsely re- The petition was accompanied by a the selection of regular cheerleaders so played a purse her student had croc- just." students yesterday. ported last week. letter addressed to Randy Kern that that he may participate in the selection heted for her at Shaw University. Henderson presented a petition call- "George is still being considered named all of George's supporters, in- of the cheerleaders SECOND WOMAN with whom he must along with two other applicants, Mike cluding the Spartan Foundation, the work." When Miss Brooks became the se- Gomez and Ray Frost. The decision cond woman ever to lead the General will be made tonight after the cheer- Assembly a year ago, she criticized the leader try-outs," said Kern. U.N. for sidetracking or ignoring some world problems. "S o m e constructive Judiciary Hears SDS, KRAZY DISSENTS foundations were laid", she assured, George said the head cheerleader "and some steps were taken that will should be chosen before the other make tomorrow better," in the recent cheerleaders. He explained the need for 24th session.
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