/ I \ \ .... \ - , . ,.... o _ 01 ./ 4 -TH~JEW.~SH PO~T;THURSDAY, SEPTEN\BER 1, 1977 . " :', • r , . , ~. , .-~ . .,.' \ , .... /. THE JEWISH POST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 ~ 5 " ,- ..Q~~II onJeW$ anl.l~tisemjtisJI1 (IV) 1 . , / ", ,. .;-', ..-' ., 0 Study in .Israel Y. itself makes little sense. This argwnent will have done Town Hall Appoin-tsChairmen I f ~i From J:)!lCem~~r3,.19~3.to·February'· 16, 1941); Geqrge . are none of them argwnent enough. to d~ter an- I nothing to counter the charges of, antisemites, Why, \ ' Orwell wrote a regular ·.Weekly article.!.for the Tribune, . tisemites. That hatred of Jews is fostered by the ruling The Town Hall Series announ­ Symphony program; bOjlrd Shaarey, Zedek'Synagogue, on New York - Among the more Shira Cohen, 47 Lincrest Rd.; entitled "As I Please." . At- the ,same time, he was class. (of any.sort) to deflect attention from, society's they would asR:, are all other people in such a system ces the appointInent of Joanne member 'pf NCJW; current Sunday; Oct. .30 at 8 p.m:! .' than 100 young .rews who left Benjamin Hecht, 971 Queenston reviewing. books .for th~ ·Observer. This kind of direct real problems isundeniablej' but, saYIi Orwell, to little not crooks. No, they'd add, Jews are by. nature and in­ . Sheps and Oscar Antel as co­ pres~dent of. the Winnipeg Mon­ Town Hall will also fe~ltUire Ir- here on Sunday for a year of Bay; Max Pinsky, 252 McAdam avenue to the reading masses opened Orwell to some avail in convincing anyone of his follYt "If a man has clination cheats and robbers and no amount of social chairmen for the 1977-78 season. tessori School board. special high school study. in Me.; Beth Ritter, 14 Macklin provoking respollses, especially . since he came ta' the slightest - disposition . towards antisemitism, such tinkering, short perhaps: of specific legislation against Joanne Sheps is an active Oscar Antel has been an active Israel are four Winnipeggers; Ave. believe, not without cause, that it wasimpossible\ to things bounce off his consciousness like'peas of La steel their depradations, will change that This is a form of member of the National Council participant in Jewish Education mention Jews tIl print at all without of (ending some helmet." attack and retreat curiously recllrrent in. Orwell's of Jewish Women, having been: for more than 25 years. He ser­ people; . '. .. So' far, unexceptionable. Orwell reveals, a little writing.' president of the Junior Service ved as the Peretz School's New Foods'- from' Empire Kosher /. Orwell had jusfreviewed t~obooks ""dealing with the un\ffiual for <an Englishman, some understanding of the In the 'same article Orwel~ calls for an investigation Branch; co-chairman of "Enter-" executive chainnan and school . - I • persecution of Jews in fuedieval and nwdernEur()pe,":mythic d~mons of the mind Jhat:drive men to hate, - • into the causes of antisemitism,"to find {lUt just what president. He has also -been ~'" - Joshua Trachtenberg'sTbe >pevil.and.t!ui ·Jews .and:~ . demons against which reason is powerless. But, a~it-' charges are,~ made against the JewS, whether' an­ chairman and district vice­ Edmund Fleg's Why I Am a Jew - and the response. ting the probable futility of any argwnent, Orwell feels tisemitism is i'~al1y on the increase .... andto what ex- preSident of the Anti-defarnation had been what he.called "the usual wad of antisemitic he must- maKe a stab at one anyhow,even if just for· . tent it is .. aggravated by' the infiux of refugees since League of B'nai B'rith and com­ lett~rs." And, once again, he. is most disquieted .notby· form's sake, and it is here that one gets the sense ofa about 1938." (It took, in Europe, a mind the calibre of munity relations regional chair-. the more obvious, rabid!!ntisemitism but by the. qlliet·wOrln of his own; a vestige of anti-Jewish feeling fer Jean-Paul Sartre's to address itself to these questions; man • for Canadian Jewish/ sort, the sort which attributes to Jews the verY: charac· . which his many adversions to Jewish problems may his. Anti-semite and Jew is., in many respeCts, the most Congress. He is immediate past,' \ I . teristics which people general)y fear in themselves: have been aform of catharsis: perspicacioils and lucid study.-,- specul!ltive or no - of . chairman of Weste)'l1 Region and cowardice, venality,." lack of civic-mindedness, The best argwnent of all, if rational argll,JIlents Jew hatred in the 'post-Christian age;) Orwell seems at national past vice-president of cliqueishnessand the like. It is the admission by these were ever any. use, ,""ould-be to point out that the once anxious to admit and deny the seriousness~-of an­ Canadian Jewish Congress.' He otherwiseunobjectionaple' folk that there. are "good alleged crimes of the' Jews are' only possible tisemitism, to pooh-pooh the charge, but not I also played a leading role . in Jews" (Hitler was of like mipdin Meinltampfand the because we live in a society which rewards crime. categorically, to understand the daemonic, but 'to un­ . creating . tl)e Winnip'eg Jewish same'admission by a~gentile friend has at one time'or If all Jews are crooks,let us dea~ with them by so derestimate its power, ' Community Council. another chilled the marrow o£ most of.uskThis sort of. arranging our economic system .that crook~ cannot Town Hall Series has a proven bigot diSclaims any a priori biasagainstJ~ws,elaiming prosper. But what good is it to say mat-kind of Thus far, and we still have not dealt with. Orwell's . record of presenting the best in' '. to have beeIi forced - reluctantly -'by' detached ob- thing to the man who believes as an article of faith / essay "Antisemitism in Britain," written in early 1945 cultural' . and educational 'serv/iltion of JewiSh behavior.intoan~ewish feeling, '. that Jews dominate the Black Market, push their for the Contemporary Jewish Record. It is thtl clearest programs. The 1977-78 season will exposition of his views and in some ways the most in­ OSCARANTEL Orwell uses this asajumping:offp()int to attack the. way to the front of queues and dodge militaryser- be no exception. , " ,,' - \ left-wing~.approach to!!ntisemitism./The reasoned'· ap- vice? . sightful expression of them; not ucreasonably, he takes The opening program will be ving Howe on Jan. 22, and Elie proach, the"patieni,poiriting out of logical contradictions ~ Orwell hils badly undermined his 9wn position. If nationalism to be the "disease'.' responsible for 'an­ "An Evening of Jewish· Huinor"· Wiesel on May 9. (e.g. all the evils attributed to Jews cancel each other rational argwnents are never any use, it is bootless to tisemitism. But the essay demands its own' response, featurin,g local Jewish raconteurs. Co:ordi!l8tor of Town: Hall is .-,' , - out), the recognition of Jewsas a Universal scapegoat speculate about them, especially when the speculation upon which it will have to attend patiently. Taking part is Rabbi K. Appel Naomi Gioberriilan, cultural arts . j director of the YMHA . JOANNE SHEPS who will also act as master of Empire ,Kosher PoUltry, Inc., round l0-0z. size, individual size cermonies, Moishe -Soudack, America's largest processor of rounds in a 9:oz. 3-Pack, and tainment Winnipeg"; chairman of Professor Reublln Bellan, Dr. Bagel Pizzas in a 6-Pack. ,Nigeril;in ,Write_r Urges Ren~wed , Follow 81( th9 community news ;n t Kosher poultry, is now marketing ad hoc committee which research­ . " More Than' a Guide Allen Diner and Zora Weidman. a broad selection of non-poultry Frozen, and either ready to ed the distribution of funds This . unique and entertaining serve, ready to heat and serve or Ties with. Israel,-Attacks Arabs raised from the NCJW Jerusalem RwlSH PeST ·.foods. AMERICAN JEWISH LANDMARKS: A TRAVEL GUIDE AND program will be held at the The new line includes ready-to­ ready to bake and serve, these A leading Nigerian col~nist·· "it was Black Africa which in Oc- claimed to be an Israeli) by the' HISTORY. By Bernard Postal and Lionel Koppman. Fleet Press. bake self-rising dough Challah new 'EmpireproduCts provide the has called onh~s C()untry to tober 1973 forced Israel into 'her Arabs. If such an act is not racial 670 pages. $8.50. Bread, Nova (Smoked Salmon) busy homemaker a greater resume. wplomatic ties wit!). present position. Before then, the discrimination, then let someone Americans to, Rebuild Egypt's Soviet Pla(,les Slices, Chinese-Style Egg Rolls variety of foods for all occasions, ,JJy PROF. AR~OLD AGES moving in recent times. They (Vegetarian f, Bagels, Potato plus extra ease and convenience Israel -'and a former govern- Israeli mission to Pretoria was explain what it is." Reviewer Washington (JCNSy President British Rolls Royce engines, ac- have urged him to resolve his ment off,icial has responded in maintained only at the consular P-arallel with. Nazis suggest with much sympathy that Pancakes (Latkes), Chopped in shopping and in preparation. The eminent scholar and stable Jewish neighborhoods have Carter's administration . has cording to Congress sources. The quarrel with Moscow-in ()rder to Liver, Potato Knisnes, Liver .' Empire kosher Foods are in agreement. level while at the same time the Mr. Ekwo concluded' with this teacher Louis Finkelstein' once secretly approved a pl,an for two sources said that the plan wollld' obtain· vital spare parts and , In a recent column in the Black. Mricllnst'ates had good somber analogy: "Our unfliri­ been destroyed by the influx of (Veget¥,ian )·Knishes, and Potato many better Kosher butcher .1 said· that Jews generally know United States contractors to help strengthen the standillg 'of equipment to check deterioration .
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