Message from the Secretary In the 2 years since the last Honor Awards Ceremony, our Nation – and the agricultural community in particular – has undergone some challenging times. The Gulf Coast is still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Our farmers and ranchers in the Western states have been enduring a long and damaging drought. Across the country, fires have threatened our forests and nearby communities. Despite these hardships, however, agriculture is thriving in the United States. We’re forecasting a record $68 billion in exports this year and farm equity has reached an all-time high of $1.6 trillion. Our expanded BSE surveillance program proved that we have an extremely low prevalence of BSE here. We reopened the channels of beef trade with Japan and other countries. We unveiled MyPyramid to help Americans improve their diets and their lifestyles. We completed a nationwide listening tour to gather input directly from our farmers and ranchers for the next farm bill. We’ve developed a comprehensive plan to manage strains of avian influenza that cause concern, and we’ve been able to provide assistance to other countries that are dealing with this disease. We have been able to celebrate these successes and many others in large part due to the efforts of USDA employees. The work that they do makes a difference in peoples’ lives every day, and there is no greater accomplishment than that. The Honor Awards recognize truly outstanding service by USDA employees; those who have achieved exceptional results because of their dedication, leadership and hard work. The men and women we are honoring today deserve our thanks and congratulations, and I am proud to celebrate their contributions to the success of the Department of Agriculture. Secretary’s Honor Awards Ceremony Thomas Jefferson Memorial Auditorium Musical Prelude Jazz Sounds Office of Communication Presentation of Colors rmed Forces Color Guard “National Anthem” Unted States Navy and Muscan Pledge of Allegiance The Honorable oyd K. Rutherford Assistant Secretary for Administration Welcome and Introduction of Mr. oyd K. Rutherford the Secretary of Agriculture Secretary’s Message The Honorable Mchael Johanns Secretary of Agriculture Presentation of Awards Secretary Johanns The Honorable Chuck Conner Deputy Secretary for Agriculture Secretary’s Honor Awards Enhancng Economc Opportuntes for grcultural Producers Supportng Increased Economc Opportuntes and Improved Qualty of Lfe n Rural reas Enhancng Protecton and Safety of the Naton’s grculture and Food Supply Improvng the Naton’s Nutrton and Health Protectng and Enhancng the Naton’s Natural Resource ase and Envronment Supportng the Presdent’s Management genda and Cvl Rghts Herosm and Emergency Response v William A. Jump Memorial Award The William A. Jump Memorial Award s presented annually to Federal employees under the age of 37 n recognton of outstandng servce n the field of publc admnstraton. The award s gven n memory of Wllam . Jump who for many years was the dstn- gushed udget and Fnance Officer of the Department of grculture. Dr. Daniel E. Salmon Award The Dr. Daniel E. Salmon Award s presented annually to recognze outstandng contrbu- tons and notable servce n the publc’s nterest by a federally employed veternaran who has no more than 10 years of servce. Ths award was establshed n 1985 to honor the first drector of the Unted States Department of grculture’s ureau of nmal Industry and s sponsored annually by the Natonal ssocaton of Federal Veternarans. Employee Recognition and Remembrance Awards Closing Remarks, Deputy Secretary Conner Off-Stage Announcer, Mr. Ron uckhalt, Agricultural Research Service Audience will be seated promptly at 1:45 p.m. Please stand during the presentation of colors and remain standing until the colors retire. Reception for the Award Recipients and their guests immediately following the Secretary’s Honor Awards Ceremony located on the Jamie L. Whitten Building Patio v v 2006 Honor Awards Recipients v v Enhancing Economic Opportunities for Agricultural Producers INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS David J. Aune, Natonal grcultural Statstcs Servce, Washngton, DC For outstanding leadership, customer service and commitment ensuring the delivery of the highest quality statistical information in service to United States agriculture. Vernett P. Knight, Gran Inspecton, Packers and Stockyards dmnstraton, New Orleans, Lousana For determination and professionalism, in the face of great personal risk, in opening Iraq markets to the United States wheat and other agricultural products for the economic benefit of American agricultural producers. Leadership of Data Accessibility Team, Economc Research Servce, Washngton, DC Mary Maher, Group Leader For leading the Economic Research Service and National Agricultural Statistics Service Data Accessibility Team delivery web-based tool through which users can access and analyze data collected in United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Resource Management Survey. Group Members: Phlp Frend, Mtchell Morehart National Agricultural Statistics Service Group Member: Douglas Kleweno 1 Operation Salsa Joint Task Force, Offce of Inspector General, rmngham, labama Philip G. Maxey, Group Leader For outstanding dedication and performance in which the task force uncovered a complex conspiracy to defraud the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation and several private insurance companies. Group Members: Krsty L. Wesel, damada Moxey, radford J. Smallwood Risk Management Agency Group Members: John T. Paulett, Crystal S. Smpson Department of Justice Group Member: Rchard L. Edwards Internal Revenue Service Group Member: Dane S. Taggart Rice Marketing Assistance Loan Group, Farm Servce gency, Washngton, DC Thomas Tice, Group Leader For exceptional innovation in creating an improved market-oriented approach for the Rice Marketing Loan Program that has saved $100 million while continuing to provide producers an effective safety net. Group Members: Edward Rall, Wllam Chambers, Denns Shelds Supporting Increased Economic Opportunities and Improved Quality of Life in Rural Areas INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS 4-H/Army Youth Development Project, Cooperatve State Research, Educaton, and Extenson Servce, Washngton, DC John A. Macdonald, Unted States rmy Sharon KB Wright, Cooperatve State Research, Educaton, and Extenson Servce, Group Leaders For collaboration of Federal agencies, using public resources wisely, and meeting critical challenges facing American children as their parents are deployed. Group Members: Jance Clark, James Kahler, Cathann Kress, C. Eddy Mentzer United States Army Group Members: Nancy Campbell, M.-. Lucas Auburn University Group Members: Samuel Fowler, Mark Otto Kansas State University Group Member: Marlene Glasscock University of Missouri Group Member: radd nderson Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Group Members: Jay Mancn, Darrn llen University of Maryland Group Member: Debbe owman Washington State University Group Members: Deb Marple, Kevn Wrght 3 Water and Environmental Programs, Rural Development, Washngton, DC Gary J. Morgan, Group Leader For exceptional achievement in raising rural peoples’ quality of life and economic opportunity through the outstanding level of performance in the delivery and management of the United States Department of Agriculture’s leading federal credit program. Group Members: Lnda utler, Jm Maras, Lee Stevenson, Darrel Lpscomb, Scott arrnger, Jayme Morrs, Cheryl Francs, Donald Moorng, Lnda Scott, Joyce Taylor, Mchael Holm, Karen Gross, Stephen Saulner, Lorre Davs, Wllam Kostoff, nta O’ren, LaVonda Pernell, Deborah Pope, Jm Wehrer, Eunce Clnton, Mark Plank, en Shuman, Rchard Frstk, Nural Islan, Denns Rankn, Stephane Strength, and Keth Mtchell Enhancing Protection and Safety of the Nation’s Agriculture and FoodSupply INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP ACHIEVEMENTS Asian Soybean Rust Team, nmal and Plant Health Inspecton Servce, Carlsle, Pennsylvana Coanne O’Hern, Group Leader For advance planning, rapid response and recovery of a disaster that was averted by using science-based and technological strategies or addressing and mitigating risks for a potentially devastating plant disease, the Asian Soybean Rust. Group Members: Matthew Royer, Claude Knghten, Glenn Fowler, nwar Rzv, rne Tschanz, Laurene Levy, Mary Palm, Osama El-Lssy, Russ ullock Agricultural Research Service Group Members: Rck ennett, Glen Hartman, Kent Smth, Monte Mles, Morrs onde, Red Frederck, Teung F. Chn, Rch Wlson Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Group Members: Ktty Cardwell, Wllam Hoffman Risk Management Agency Group Member: Heyward aker Office of the Secretary Group Member: urleson Smth Ohio State University Group Member: nne Dorrance University of Kentucky Group Member: Don Hershman North Carolina State University Group Members: James Vankrk, Roger Magarey Pennsylvania State University Group Members: Jule Golod, Scott Isard University of South Dakota Group Member: Marty Draper Economic Research Service Group Members: Mchael Roberts, Mke Lvngston University of California Davis Group Member: Carla Thomas University of Illinois Group Member: Sue Ratclffe University of Iowa Group Member: X Yang 5 AssuranceNet Team, Food Safety and Inspecton Servce, Washngton, DC Janet Stevens, Group Leader For developing a near, real-time dashboard that transforms inspection performance data on food safety-related management controls into valuable risk-based decision- making information to protect public health. Group Members:
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