MIATS, rAT!, .e. ,tam,. Qt 1'.. 01. Z2 ••• A1 Ibr.",11 KI now lood. paOCI8UD 'OODI, ~I .. at.mp. y~ lhroor~ za 0 •• Al lhrou,b TI ••U •• ow . Fair 8UOAR. b'ok I •• r . Iomp 38 ,00. 10. II •• p ..... Ibr.OIh Au,. 31, SHOES, aIr plano .1,,,,,. I, Z, • aDd 4 In boot Ihr•• ar. ,00. Indellallel,. GASOLINE, IOWA: CoD5hlerable c:louc1J­ 16·" ••• pon, , ••• I.r ,1:1: ,oil...... 111 11·7, II·., C·7 ness wlUl &bowers and ond C·. cou,on. ,ood lor "ve ,ono . ....b. 'UIL ahe f!oupenl DAILY thlUUlerstorms; warmer OIL, period lhroufb rive ,.od '''' •• rh THE IOWAN Au,. 811 p.rlod 0.' ••• po., lor Ih. IIIU·tt •••••n Iowa C ,. t Y , I M 0 r n J n " " e w spa'" • r .r. now ,.oa. La.. , •• r'. p.rl.. I •• r ... II... II' .. 4 ~ .. ••• pon. osp~. ".,. 81. ====~=======.================================~==============~~==~~~~~~~======~~~~~~~~~~~~==============~~==============~==~======~~~:=~~~====~~~~~ FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 5,1945 ftD ...om·,...... VOLUME m NUMBER 268 • ore ap ~ities o 01 s MACARTHUR , MOUNTBATTEN MEET • • C-h,iI i'-an-s t-o -Ge-t H- a-If - . Set Procedure Col. James Roosevelt MacArthur ExtendS' Command Of Poultry Serviced 'Bumped' Off Airliner • Death"or Ruin ' • In Iowa After Aug. 13. For'Mass War For Lack of Priority In Preparation f~r Jap Invasion ~ --------------------~ For 1,400,000 WASffiNGTON (AP) - The KANSAS CITY (AP) - CoL armed forces and civilians will James Roosevelt was "bumped Assumes Control of Ryukyu Islands Where get equal shares of all poultry oU" a westbound airliner yester­ handled in "authorized plants" in Crl'mes Trl'als day, but he flashed a grin when Nips Promised Great Forces Are Being Massed Iowa after Aug. 13. 1 nder an order a civilian with priority rating anounced yesterd,.y by Secretary wisecracked: MANILA, Runday (AP)-General MacArtllUr announced of Agriculture Clinton P. Ander­ "But the dog went through." Yawata, Great Steel, extension of his Pacific army command to the Ryukyu islands son. Ma.ny High Germans Colonel Roosevelt had no com­ Saturday, thus for tlJe fil'st time assuming cpntrol of conquered The order will become effective On Prosecution List ment. Iron Center of Japan, at the same time in 11 other mid­ The unidentified civilian appar­ Japanese soil in hi s (it'ivl' "on to Tokyo." For Nuernberg Court Among Those on List The announcement declared------------­ west states which, with Iowa, were ently was referring to the recent deSignated as a procurement area. incident involving Blaze, a dog that the Ryukyus, with the Phil­ A spokesman for the agriculture LON DON (AP)-The four­ GUAM, Sunday (AP)-The de­ ippines, "form a great semicircular owned by the Colonel's brother, . by one department said no increase was power war crimes conIerene ap­ Brig. Gen. Elliott Roosevelt. Be­ struction-dealing 20th army air­ Ipple of lowl base from which a mighty invas­ New 4nglo-American force served notice today on 12 contemplated in the total amount proached agreement last night cause of an "A" priority assigned and Iwo ion force is being forged under the of poultry tat<en by the armed to the dog, which was being more Japanese industrial cities primary responsibility ot General Problems May Arise services-currently 15 per cen t of upon an historic document Indist­ shipped from Washington to Cali­ and their combined population ot Oakland celne. MacArthur for the final conques~ the supply-but that the order was ing aggressive war as an inter­ fornia, three servicemen were 1,400,000 that they were ear­ of Japan." designed to equalize the burden of national crime. "bumped" from an army transport marked for devastation by Super­ General Doolittle's Eighth alr­ fortresses. From Potsdam Pact supplying poultry to the armed The document wiU blueprint at Memphis. force, to be based on Okinawa, forces, now resting chiefly on After losing his seat on the Plastering the cities with 720,000 wlll be under General Spaatz' procedure Cor an unprecented WASHINGTON (AP) - New eastern slates, and make black mass trial of Germans listed as plane, he wenl to a hotel. He pamphlets warning the Nipponese United States army strategic air­ problems of Anglo-American re­ market operations more difficult. hopes to obtain a reservation on people to surrender, evacuate or forces, whlch remain separate arch criminals-men who formu­ lations with Russia are expected lated Nazi policy, high military a train. die, a fleet of B-29's new over tbe from the MacArthur command. by diplomatic authorities here to chiefs who ex·ecuted it, ranking marked areas early today and Units under MacArthur already arise from the Big Three decisions diplomats who intrigued for it, brought to a total of 31 the vital, in the area or moving up from war-making targets forewflrned In at Potsdam. LORD LOUIS MOUNTBATTEN, left, supreme commander, southeast industrialists and financiers who the Philippines include Generai This is a poin t on wh ich oW­ Chinese Near the Superfort command's cam­ Asia t~eater, Is 8'Teeted by General of the Army Douglas MacArthur gave it SUbstance, Need for Coal Stilwell's Tenth army and Gen. paign of psychology plus explo­ cia ls are looking to President Tru­ shortly after bls arrival In Manila. This was the first meeting of the George C. Kenney's Far East air­ man's radio report on the Big The trial itself will be held In sives. two leaders to arrange complete co-ordinaUon between the two Nuernberg, (or years the scene of forces, which incl ude thu Fifth, Three meetin~ for guidance and commands. Chief forewaJ'ned city wu Seventh and 13th air/orces. enligh ten men 1. Old Yank Base the Nazi party's annual congress. Miners Probed Yawa.ta, a densely populated city The extension of command, On the basis of information It WIll open before an intema­ of 650,000 on the southern Island whJch became effective Tuesday made available to date, the situa­ Carried 1,500 'Patients'- tionnl tribuna I Sept. 1 with repre­ of KYUJlbu, the Plttsburl'b 01 JIlidnight, was not a sudden shift. tion set up at Potsdam is regarded Peril Jap Withdrawal senatives of Britain, France, Rus­ May Be less Fuel Japan. It is the larl'est sln&'le MacArttlUr previously had an- generally as follows: sia anti the United States prosecu­ Iron and steel center In Japan. From Kwangsi in New ling. The Big Three decisions empha­ Than Last Winter Another on the list of doom was size a sharp division between ~any on LIst ''WiLL SMASH INVASION" Push Toward Lingling Due to Shortage Akita, poPUlalion 110,000. With eastern and western Europe. They -lop 'Hospital' Ship The prospective list of defend­ Tsuchizaki, its port, on the north­ SAN FllANClSCO (AP)­ tend to confirm, with British and ants was reported by a responsible CHUNGKING (AP) - Chinese WASHINGTON (AP) - Solid west coast of Honshu, it is the The Tok70 radio eonceded y!!s­ American recognition, Soviet dom­ MANILA, (A?)-A . Japanese pOnese casualties and prisoners in forces battered toward the stra­ American source to include Her­ lerday that an amed Invasion mann Goering, Joachim von Rib­ luels administration officials said center of Japan's largest oil pro­ ination of all the eastern European hospital ship which used its "l,ee this Philippines campaign, for tegic rail town oC Tungan, only 24 ducing fields. of the homeland would be a countries ranging Irom Finland in bentrop, Franz von Papen, Alfred last night that an "intensive sur­ conduct" under Red Cross insignia which Yamashita was imported as mlles from Ule former American vey" is being made of the man­ Other cities were: Hachinohe-. __ 11 slat'!!d on a proper the north to Bulgaria in the south. to move . contraband wal' supplies supreme commander shorUy after Rosenberg and members 01 the ail' base city of Lingling, yester­ U I' a w a, Fukushima, Takayama, IJeIle, but waxed confident Greece evidently remains in Brit­ German general slaff such as power situation affecting the coal through the allied blockade of the MaCArthur's forces struck Leyte. day and threatened to block thc industry in attempts to stimuiate Tottori, lwakuni, all on Honsbu; Ibal Nippon', hoarded alrPOwer ain's sphere of influence. The East Indies is being taken into Yamashita's death would mark Japanese wit h d raw a I from Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz and would smash the Invaders and problem of Turkey and 'Russian production. Saga, MiyakonoJo, on Kyushu; port by a United States Seventh a definite milestone in the drive Kwangsi province in south China, Field Marshals Gerd von Rund­ Otaru, largest port of Hokkaido, lead the Ions of the Mikado access to the seas through the stedt and Wilhelm Keitel. Solid Fuels Administrator Ickes, fleet patrol vessel. to smash the Japanese in the the Chinese command reported. shortly after his announcement and lmabari, on Shikoku. 10 ultimate vlctor;y. Dardanelles is not touched upon. General MacArtbur's headquar- southwest Pacific. Once it was re­ Simultaneously, the high tri­ Speculation on the an lId­ , Striking from the Iallen Japa­ that 6,000,000 tons of coal would Three of the 12, Yawata, Miya­ This may come to be looked tel'S Friday announced intercep- ported that the wily conqueror of nese bastion ot Sinning, 55 miles bunal will be asked to convict the ""ted Invasion was contained In upon, as some experts here are be sen t to Europe if pOSSible, dis­ konojo and Imabarl, already have tlon of the hospital ship, whi~h Singapore had fled to Japan in an northwest of Lingling, General­ Nazi terror-atrocity organizations.
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