va Established 1929 Pacific Citizen$1.50 podpoM <U.S„ Con.) / $2.30 (Jivan Ak) 2837 / Vol. 126. No, 2 ISSN: 0030-8579 Nalional Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) January 23-February 5. 1998 FBI Sharpshooter cas^ rqoves to federal court Sixty cities take part in first FBf sharpshooter Lon Hori- udii. the agent charged with in­ voluntary fwanglaiightor in the death of white aqforatist Randy Nationai Days of Diaiogue Weave's wife VicU during the 1992 sie^ at Ruby Rid^, Idaho, BY CAROLINE AOYAGI tor Bill Bradley, gathered for a won a bid to take his tr^ out of AaisUiitEdMor press a^erence and discusdon Idaho state court into federal LOS ANGELES - It started at the ndv Getty Center in LA court on 12. off in Los Angeles as a way to heal on Jan. 14. The ruung by United States some of the radal tension result­ The tremendous interest this District Judge>£dward J. Lodge ing from the OJ. Simpscm mur­ efibrt has generated dearly shows, will allow Horit^U’to assert that der trial in 1995. ti^t large numbers of Americans'. he is immune criminal pra- But in three short years the vv§nt to be engaged in im^Hoving ecuticm because, he was acting “Day of Dialogue,” has now be­ race relations," said Ridl^ within his duties as a federal law come the “Natiaial Days of Dia­ Ihomas, who’s'efforfe helped to enforcement officer. Tlie ruling logue” as more' than 60 dties took ^»^jhead the first day of .dia­ will also allow the trial to be part in candid discussions on race logue in 1995. “As lediers, we moved hundreds of miles away relations from Jan. 14 and ^ding have to step up and tackle the is­ &om the site of the siege. A^ded-, on Maitin Luther King Day, Jan. sue of race relatitms head on. sion has not been m^e as'to' 19 There is too much at stake, for us where the pool of jurists will be Tb launch the nation wide not to.” selected from, event, more than 50 national and “Radal reconciliation and un­ . Randy Weaver and his fomily local teadoa, led by co-organizers derstanding” is what the “Nation­ Warren Furutani, president of the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning had barricaded themselves in Los Angdes Coundlman Mark al Days of Dialogue” is all about. Coundl. takes part in a discussion with feHow community leaders during their remote cabin with guns and Ridley-Tlioinas and former S«ia- See NATL DIALOGUE^page 5 the National Days of Dialogue at Los Angeles ’ Getty Center. ammunition when dozens of fed­ eral agents surrounded the com­ Denny ’s again pound. At the time. Weaver was Korematsu receives Presidential Medal of Freedom being sought on an illegal Ifs taken more than fifty years thousandsofJap^eseAmericans San Leandro. He had gottaiword acxnisedof weapons charge. Ihe 11-day siege but Fred Korematsu, the Nisei to internment camps throu^iout of.the award two days before eventually left deputy VS. mar­ disemmination who took his protests against the the United States for the duratim Christmas, be said, but White shal William Degan, Weaver's 14- House officials had sworn him to The naticaially pcqnilar restau­ year-old son Sam, and \^cki interament Japanese Ameri­ of the war. And for a number of cans duringW(»1dWar II ail the years he was forced to endure the secrecy until Presidoit Clinton rant franchise Denn/s just can't Weaver dead. seem to getits act togetW. way to the supreme court, was label of convicted fdon. made the offidal announcement Vidd Weaver had been bolding eariier this year. Fourteen other Aftet' two highly pt^eszed dis- her daughterin the cabin's door­ honored witii the hijdiest civilian It was finally in 1983, vQth the of attarneys Dale lifinami, indiividuals were also baocred crimination cases against the food way when a bullet diot throu^ award, the chain in less than five veers, one Presidential P^ter Irons, Eric Ya^moto and with the award. the cabin door and killed her. Ho- filed by a groupof blade patrons Medal of Free­ others, that Korematsu had his Korematsu, who attended the riudii has Icmg daimed that he in Maryland four years ago and a dom, in a felony conviction vacated in a ceremony with ,his wife Kathryn had been aiming at Randy wd his son and daughter,contin­ lawsuit filed recently 1^ a group Weaver ’s armed friend Kevin White House laiidmark coram nobis case. The case went on toplaya pivotal role ues to make appearances educat­ of largely Asian and Asian Ameri­ Harris, who had beei running ceremony Jan.15. in the successful redress move ­ ing the public about the experi­ can students in S^cuse. N.Y., a into the cabin, and did not see Denny’s in Miami has been ac­ In 1942, Ko­ ment tiiat eventually brou^t ences of JAs during WWII be­ Vicki Weaver. Harris also sus­ cause he feels it’s important to cused of refusing to serve a group tained a wound from the shol rematsu was laparations to JAs interned dur­ ingthe war. talk about the internment “There of black and white prisem officers. Horiudii has plead not guilty to arrested and The six black and three white convicted of Tm greatly honored in receiv ­ are still people who don't know the charges, for which he could in/ officers from tiie Everglades Cor- ingthis awa^.” said Korematsu that the intemm^t happened,” face a mairimuiTi of 10 years in disob^nng Executive Order 9066, the decree that sent hundreds of in an interview from his home in recticmal Institutiim have accused prison. He curren^ remains free See KOREMATSUfpage 10 the manager of the Denny’s <m his own reoognizanoe and om- restaurant located in a largely tinues to wwk for the FBL Hiqi^c nei^iborhood of twice Ihis case roarics the first time a Sumi-e artist Drue Kataoka refusing to serve them. The first . federal agent has fiaced criminal time tb^ were told the oven was­ prosecution for the seige since it impresses Yi^ith her innovative style n't worldng. And then cm Jan. 2 took place five years ago. In 1994 birds, Kataoka has developed a they were the restaurant had the. U.S JusticeDepartment had BY CAROLINE AOYAGI up her first sumi-e paint At the ageofsix she and very unique, very American style run out of food. When they com­ ruled against prosecuting Hori­ AvisUnt Editor plained. the managra-told them. SAN FRANCISCO—Ifthe tra­ her family moved to Palo Alto. of her own. The subjects she uses udii or any of his superiors for the “You guys don't look right togetfa- ditional Japanese art form of Calif., and what she brou^t in her weak indude hula dancers, Ruby Rid^ inddenL jazz musicians, surfers, and ten­ er." 'The officers also n<Aed that A tentative trial date has been sumi-e or brush painting could alcsig with her was her passion for sumi-e. nis players. other customers, white couples, set for March 10, but Horiuchi’s ha.ve its ideal ambassador,19- were beingserved at the time. year-old. artist Drue Kataoka “Tve always had a love for Dur^ last summer’s Bank of lawyers have said they will try to Denny’s restaurants suspended wcHild be an cfovious choice. sumi-e," said Kataoka, a JACL the West Pro Tfennis Qassic at get the case dismissed beftae the manager with pay cm Jan. 7 Bom in Tbkyo to a Japanese fe- Sequoia Ch^rto- scholarship re­ Stanford, two of her paintings then. ■ cipient in 1996. She’s curroitly a were bought by tennis pro Marti­ pending an independent investi ­ ther and white Ameiican mother, gation.The restaurant chain has sophomore at Stanf«tlUniversi ­ na Hingis, who also ^ a two- Kata<^ was only five when she said the managerwill be firbd if Alookatwhafsinsidp ty. where she’s ma­ hour sumi-e lesson from the joringin art history. artistJlecentiy, Katacto was cho-. he is 'found guilty of racial dis- criminatjon. The Office ofthe Civ- Calendar ..........page 2 T think all of my See KATAOKA/pege 8 See OENNy^pageS JACLNews ....... J ly experiences (in Japan) made a great What's Happenin’ in inqnessicm on me,” JACL Activist, Mary Tsukamoto, passes away PSW..........................3 'Ae said. The whole Let’s Keep idea of a floating Longtime JACL Florin Chapter sands of JapanespJ^mericans in­ worW.- member, comm^ty activi^ ed­ terned during '^rld War II, Communicating' .... 3' Kataokk recaved ucator and author Maty Itaika- Tbukamoto was cme of the first in­ JACL Instaliations .. .4 her han, or stamp of mole paaaed away on Jan. 6 at dividuals to receive their repara­ {Utrfessional status, Sacramento Kaiaer South at the tion check frcMn Presidait Ronald National News ..... .5' when she was 17. afeof82due Reagan. - BookReview: Since then she’s had to compto- Bom in San Francisa) on Jan. eight national one- tions from 17, 1915, to immigrant parents ‘Tenno4;a t6 Yudaya-jin’ woman shows, in- from Okinawa, Japan Ibukamoto by James Oda . 7 duding one in Kona, grew up in Florin, Calif She had Hawaii, and has sold often said it was because of her From the Frying Pan . .8 2m; her paiijtings" arthritis and her femiiys experience of be­ throughoutthe Unit­ Voice of a Sansei---- S ^ce cMd- ing forceJTo live in the WWII in- ed States. Hong hood, Thu- temment camp at J^ume, Ark. Very Truly Yours .... .Il Kong, Australia, and kamotowua that she dedicated ho- life to en­ Letters to the Editor.
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