St. Hugh of Lincoln General Information Roman Catholic Baptism: By appointment. At least one parent as well as the sponsors must be practicing Ro- man Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively. Church Confession: Before Mass on Sundays, and other times as indicated in the weekly bulletin. “Never have so few done so much so Confirmation: Solemnly administered periodically in the year and may be administered pri- well for so long!” vately by request. Catholics who received confirmation in the post Vatican II rite (1971) should arrange to receive confirmation conditionally in the traditional rite. 2401 S. 12th St. First Holy Communion: Administered each year on the Sunday after Corpus Christi. Ade- quate knowledge of the catechism in required. Milwaukee, WI 53215 Matrimony: If you are contemplating marriage, please make an appointment to speak with a 414-645-1525 priest before you set a date. At least one of the parties must be a practicing traditional Catholic and member of this parish. Weddings are forbidden during Advent and Lent. www.sainthugh.org Communion for the Sick: Please contact the pastor or coordinator when a church member is hospitalized or too ill to attend Mass. Rev. Charles McGuire, Pastor Email: fathercharlesmc- Extreme Unction: Do not put off making arrangements until the last moment, but contact the [email protected] pastor or coordinator promptly if a church member is gravely ill or in danger of death. Cell: 513-518-3865 Decorum in Church: Respect for God in the Blessed Sacrament requires a reverent silence. Rev. Stephen McKenna, Asst. Pastor Please turn off cell phones and keep children well behaved. Both young and old should wear Email: [email protected] dignified and modest clothes in church, and women should wear a dress or skirt, and a veil or hat. Veils are available in the vestibule. Men should wear shirt and tie as well as a jacket or Cell: 978-764-6599 sweater. St. Gertrude’s: 513-645-4212 Holy Communion: Only baptized practicing Catholics in the state of grace may receive Holy Communion. You must be fasting: February 7, 2021 • Three hours from solid foods and alcoholic beverages. • One hour from other liquids. Sexagesima Sunday • Water may be taken at any time. St. Romuald The communicant kneels at the communion rail, and receives the Blessed Sacrament on the tongue. The communicant does not say “Amen” after the priest says “Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen.” Singing: The faithful are invited to join in singing any hymns preceding or following the Mass, but only the choir sings during the course of the Mass. Following Sunday Mass: During High Mass season, there is a potluck brunch downstairs. Everyone is welcome. This Week’s Schedule W AnnouncementsW The Blessing of Throats in honor of St. Blaise will take place this Mon 2/8/21 St. John of Matha 8:00 AM Low Mass (+)Fr. J.A. Mark Ham (Mark morning after both Masses. The Blessing of Religious Articles Cash) has been transferred to next Sunday. Tue 2/9/21 St. Cyril of Alexandria Extra Masses! Holy Mass will be offered at 8:00 AM on St. Apollonia Monday and Tuesday of this week. Commemoration of the Passion A Look Ahead: 8:00 AM Low Mass Brian J. Betts (Barbara J. Tuesday, Feb. 16th: Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus Modrzyk) Mass at 6:00 PM with a Mardi Gras party to follow Wed 2/10/21 St. Scholastica Wednesday, Feb. 17th: Ash Wednesday Thu 2/11/21 Our Lady of Lourdes Low Mass & Distribution of Ashes at 6:30 AM 6:30 PM Holy Hour – Intention: for Fr. McKenna High Mass & Distribution of Ashes at 6:00 PM Fri 2/12/21 The Seven Holy Founders &Set Your Missal: 5:20 PM Confessions, Rosary Quinquagesima. Commemoration of St. Valentine. Trinity 6:00 PM Low Mass Mary & Grace Mueller (Helen Preface. Kalian) Collection Totals: 6:40 PM Holy Face Novena, Benediction High Mass: 17 souls, $80 Sat 2/13/21 Our Lady’s Saturday Low Mass: 17 souls, $190 7:30 AM Confessions, Rosary ' The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for the following 8:00 AM Low Mass Thomas & Corie Mueller (Helen Intention: Fr. Vili Lehtoranta (The Heckenkamp’s, Kalian) Sandbergs & Friels) Sun 2/14/21 Quinquagesima Sunday Server Schedule St. Valentine Monday, Feb: 8: Volunteer Blessing of Religious Articles Tuesday, Feb. 9: Volunteer 8:00 AM Confessions, Rosary Friday, Feb. 12: Brian Kimpel, Volunteer 8:45 AM High Mass Catherine Simmerer (Helen Saturday, Feb. 13: Peter Mueller Kalian) st Sunday, Feb. 14: 1 Mass: MC: Brian Kimpel, TH: Andrew 10:45 AM Confessions, Rosary Kimpel, ACs: Peter Mueller, David Sandberg, CB: Timothy 11:15 AM Low Mass People of St. Hugh of Lincoln Sandberg, TBs: Timothy & Andrew Sandberg, Dominic Schee- ler, Elias Larson, Usher: Dale Sandberg, 2nd Mass: Jeff Kim- pel, Usher: Keith Kimpel One Solitary Life each past year; in the seed we saw a figure of grace, God’s grace, He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant which is inwardly effective, but which needs man’s cooperation. woman. Yet, if we reflect more deeply upon Christ’s explanation of He grew up in still another village, where He worked in a the parable, we make a discovery that is most helpful to move- carpenter shop until He was thirty. ments which foster Bible reading, viz., the seed is the word of Then for three years He was an itinerant preacher. God. Jesus is telling us that the words of the Holy Spirit have He never wrote a book. an interior, or better, a sacramental power. He never held an office. Let us probe deeper into what is meant by the “word of God.” He never had a family or owned a house. God’s word is an expression of His will, a revelation of Himself. He didn’t go to college. For us men words are means whereby thoughts, feelings, and He never visited a big city. wishes are communicated to one another. What God thinks, He never traveled two hundred miles from the place where feels, and wills for us He likewise communicates to us by the He was born. use of words. He did none of the things one usually associates with great- But did God actually ever speak to man? Certainly. In para- ness. dise He spoke with Adam face to face. Upon Sinai God an- He had no credentials but Himself. nounced His commandments in person before all the people. He was only thirty-three when the tide of public opinion He often spoke to the holy men of old. The Letter to the He- turned against Him. brews begins, “On various occasions and in different ways God His friends ran away. spoke in past ages to (our) fathers by the prophets; and finally He was turned over to His enemies, and went through the at the present time He has spoken to us through His Son.” This mockery of a trial. presence of God’s Son on earth made possible the greatest and He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. most perfect communication between God and man. While he was dying, His executioners gambled for His cloth- But how does God speak to us now? In a threefold manner: ing, the only property He had on earth. 1. In Holy Scripture, God’s own message; over the various books When He was dead, he was laid in a borrowed grave through the Gospel takes precedence. 2. God speaks through His the pity of a friend. priests, “Whoever hears you, hears Me; and whoever hears Me, Nineteen centuries have come and gone, and today He is the hears Him who sent Me.” In the sermon it is God who speaks. central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind’s 3. The words of the Church in the ministration of the sacra- progress. ments are effective only through the name or power of God. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever What does the parable say about the words of God? The par- sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever able calls God’s message a grain of seed. Now a grain of seed is reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man on this a very wonderful thing; it shows no traces of life, but it is not a earth as much as that ONE SOLITARY LIFE. stone. It is not a plant, it does not grow, it does not multiply, it -Catholic Quote seems as if it were dead. “Unless the grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it remains alone.” By itself a grain of seed is God’s Word Is a Seed not alive. It is inert like a pebble; but it has within itself the The Sundays of Pre-Lent are recruiting days for the kingdom power of life. When it is placed in warm, moist ground, then its of heaven. God calls, invites, sows the seed, and waits for a dormant potentialities are released, it springs to life and be- goodly yield. The parable of the seed occupied our attention comes a plant with leaf and blossom and fruit. Isn’t this marvelous? And to such a seed Christ likens the I missed getting to offer the Candlemas ceremonies for you at words of God. In them are stored the dynamic potentialities of St. Hugh’s, but was able to make it home for the ceremonies be- God’s grace, they embody life, divine life.
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