PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1868—YOL. 20. PORTLAND, THURSDAY" MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1882. PRICE 3 CENTS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, SPECIAL NOTICES. BUSINESS CARDS. THURSDAY MORSING, OCT. 5. FOREIGN. Best cabbages—Hiram 1st: Silas Michigan Central. 97% Published Higgins, every day (Sunday, excepted,) the 2d. at the Bouton by A. B. G. F. M. Skillin, Sa'es Brokers’ Board. Oot. 4 Best bunch F. Maine Central PORTLAND from carrots—B. Fickett, 1st. Railroad.' gg PUBLISHING CO., [Continued Supplement.] METEQROLOGICAL Co REMOVAL. Best bunch beets—John O. Jordan, 1st; Ezra Hill Manufacturing .’ gp AT 97 Exchange St,, Portland, SPIRITUAL SONGS INDICATIONS FOB THE NEXT TWBNTY-FOUB A Clue to the Phoenix Park Mur- Scamman, 2d, Maine State 6s. 1889...1X4% Tirwv The ia a verbatim HOUBS. Best bunch Y. E. beans—W. W. Eight Dollar, a Year. To mall aubtenl IN Dr. CHAS. L. HOLT following report of the Whitney, derers. Silas IVew Wlsck and eri Bavon Dollars a Year, U paid In advance. Rev. Dr. E. A. Park’s address Wab Dep’t Office Chief Signal ) 1st; Skillin, 2d. Vorlx Honey market. has removed from 42 Pine street to yesterday. Best bunch Pea beans—C, E. Officbb, Washington, D. 0., > _ Jordan, 1st; 'By Telegraph.) NEW ENGLAND Two or three days I met a ago gentleman Oot. 1 A. M. Sila» Skillin, 2d. New Vobk. Oct. 4—Evening. Mousy loamsd THE MAINE I had not seen 5, ) STATE PR8SS 248 Brackett whom for thirty years. Speak- Best bunch down from 8 to 4 and closed otfeied at 4; s oobUshed St., For New FINDING OF BLOODY WEAPONS IN potatoes—Howard Scamman, prims every rmjasDAV Mornl-g at *2.60 » Third Home bel w ing of himself, after that of he England, mercantile at 7«8. steady if Car'etin. lapse time, 1st; N. A. Sawy> r, 2d. paper Eichaige *■!<.% year, paid in advanoe at a “I cannot souih lair for 22.00 year. Office Hours-8 to » A. M., 1 to 3 P. M. said, remember names. I cau re- Slightly warmer, to wegt winds, DUBLIN. long and 48 »V4 for nhort. Government ext is member bat I cannot weather, or lower barometer. THE RACKS. Vs higher, stale bonds dull and nominal. Railroad Rateb op oo3 TGLEPIIONE £31-X. dtf things, remember names. stationary Advertising: One Inch ot space, tb» man was bonds but of The only whose name I have remembered WEATHER BULLETIN. There the usual fashionable delay in Irregu’ar generally h'gher. jengtb column, constitutes a “square.” t»e ir*u**ot.iou« »b caw »m*s* for the past ten years was a man named Fox. the horses exchange aggrsgat **iuare, daily first week, 76 cents pei The are some of the The barometer is in the Middle States Oct. 4.—The hero now be- starting and the crowd were obliged e*l 321,0 -0 shares. week following Ccngrational I was a classmate with highest Dublin, police after; three insertions or less, oontinn DR. E. B. him in the academy I and lieve Tue are $1.00; churches and chapels in New Eng ami al" REED, lowest in Colorado. Clear weather pre- that the murderers of Lord Frederick to take a protracted sun bath. It was following to-day’s closing quotation* of Ingevery other after first 60 college met an old friecd one and unques- day week, cents. academy day, I said vails in the east riv- Cavendish and Government securities: Half the new In mn and tune lias returned to district of the Mississippi Under Secretary Burke num- much oquar*. throe insertions or less, 76 oents ready using book, “Spiritual to him, ‘Yesterday I saw our old classmate. tionably very better for their health United States f.’» oiw er. Northeast winds in Southern States and bered len and that are still in ext...100% week, 60 cents per week after. in the church or they Ireland, states $1.00; Songs," either (or both) prayer- Fox.’ 'You saw Fox?’ Is he in bese west ban their patience. After half an hour’s de- United new.4Va s, reg ..112% Special one-third additional. regions? winds in the Middle and New England but that uule s the aid of au informer cau be Notices, editions. This book has been Ao. 4 Chestnut ‘Yes, I saw him.’ ‘Are certain saw Unite*! States new, 4%*» coup.112% Under head of meeting pronounced yon yon St tis and Lake are re- secured the crime ay finally were started. The were “Amusements’* and “Auono* Street, region. Local rains cannot be brought borne to they judges Unite* States new, 4’a, reg...118% $2.00 by toe “the best hymn book him?’ ‘Yes.' 'I think not. Are you certain the Balks,” per square per week; three inser Congregationalist for the next from northwest Illinois and Florida. guilty persons. The weapons used iu the he same as appointed on the first Uuited States new, 4’a, coup.118% tions or less. 10 days. that it was not Wolf whom saw?’ 'Yes. ported day—Messrs. *1.60. which we have ever seen.” It is by Rev. Dr. Chas. yon The temperature has ri»eu slightly in New commission of the murders were found some Pacific 6*s of 96.lgO Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 9 p m. ocSdlw it was Wolf,—that’s the mau!'” Bradley, Carter and Crocker. State S. Robins >n, author of the famous “Songs fof the [Laughter England and thence westward to the Upper weeks ago. The are the Press (which has a large circulation in and Now I think following closing quotation* df|«t«*»k*: every part applause ] myself that Dr. and about station- The used The first raco called was for the sweepstakes, & Alton. of the for $1.00 for Sanctuary,” of which it is a worthy successor. Mississippi valley remained weapous by the murderers of Lord Chicago .139% State), per square first inser Alden is as much superannuated as that mau & Alton and 60 oents ary in the Middle aud Southern States. Frederick Cavendish and to horse owned in Scarboro or •Vcasr0 preferred. tion, per square for each subs nent Mhms.. was Under Secretary open any Capo inser First Ch, Colleg Ch, Agricul- [Laughter.] I to'd him, as I thought, Fair and Burke have been Chicago, Bur. dr ion. slightly warmer weather is indicat- concealed iu the rafters of a Elizabeth. The was and Quincy...131% Address Amherst,tural College Chapes; Aouover, Dot more that five minutes ago that I should for purso $25—$12, $8 Erie.. all communications to ed the Middle States, southern portion of stable in the rear of the house • to a 42% Theological Seminary, Phillips churches Dr. net but he is so belongiu Erie preferred...a .. Academy; Kcnison’s Office far gene Tho horses entered were POK speak; that he cannot $5, TLANI) PUBLISHING GO. in New England and northern of the mail recently sentenced to servitude for respectively, Illinois Abingiou Arlington and portions penal Central. .. 139 Auburadule, distinguish yes from no. [Laughter and ap- South Mrs Little H. Q. Brown Hiram Tin***.; Auburn, Tie., etc. will be closed Atlantic Slates Thursday and Friday. intimidating Kenney, widow of the man Ned, Mesas; Gap, ake Sbo-e,ex d .112% plause.] murdered in Seville Central ITVbsm., St Ch. Sba^mut Ch, Now I place because he was Jordan; Chub, J. A. Bird, Michigan ... 97 SPECIAL NOTICES. Berkeley must say that I have no idea wliat to Libjy; Humming Central Boston,Immanuel Chapel Washington Home, Citv suspected of having given information con- W. D. Jersey 74% speak upon. I have been scm- Eamsdell. North west Mission Chapel et„.; Burlington. Vt White [Laughter.] cerning the murders. It is alleged ern.144% Until October 9th. moued to on the fact and Kenney In StCh; Beunintiou. V«., Second Ch; Hmium speak that ability was the driver of the car iu which the first heat Chub had the Brown preferred.... .164 aug29dtf the assas- pole, New York wick. M.., Bow.ioin College; Cong. chur« hes at obligation are con meiiBurate; bat everybody BY TELEGllAPIL Central.132% sins rode on the night of the murder The Gap second, Little Ned third, and Rook lsiaud ■fdlows If u tou and Brau- knows that, and if a matt does not know t' at, Humming ..133 Fall*, Berlin, weapons fonnd were four knives nine inches don, Vt.; Hurlilaoii, Berkley, **cvcly. he doesu’t»know I Bird outside. Atter scoring several times the vliiwankeo & St. Paul. 109% EOWARD G. anything. [Laughter.] lone with blades of an "t. Paul Hlaeki ton PONTON, three-quarters iuch preferred. .124 DOLMANS Belchertown, Brimflela, ought to say, however, that I was much MAINE. word was given, with Bird very ■tr.dlox!, Bolton, wide. The are new and very aud Humming trailing. Union Pnci c stock .1*m % Mass.; Bridgeport, impressed by the Staten ent made Dr. Al- quite sharp Bioomlield and Berliu, Conn.; Bath, by are evidently surgical dissecting knives. There She soon went to the front, however, and won Western Union Tel. Co. 87% BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT den, in the paper which he read this morning. ft. It., etc. LAW, were discolorations on them which on chimical the heat with ease in the entire NOTABV PUBLIC Ac., The mention of these names awakened remi- 2-86, trotting fht Wool Mass., First and Third Chs; f’bico- FESTIVE FARMERS. aualyzation proved to have been made by hu- Jfarket. niscences which cannot well be in heat withont a skip in fine style, Chub was Chelsea,p*e, *§«►»,.
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