1 Location of Northampton NORTHAMPTON TOWN EXPANSION

1 Location of Northampton NORTHAMPTON TOWN EXPANSION

NEWCASTLE^ iSunderland 1 Location of lesborough Northampton .20 .40 .60 ,80 miles Existing Towns over 100,000 Motorways Completed Blackpool' Motorways Programmed Trunk Roads Improvement Programme ^ IVIANCH&gTE^ LIVERPOOl ir South-East Study Boundary ^EFI :LD South-East Study Proposals I New Cities V O Big New Expansions >toke Other Expansions , J" ,;'r I HTY I Peter boi^ugh utr ' Y t rf'i)'!' t; BIRMINGH xjverftry ; 60 MILES 30 MIL ^N^tliamriton «Cambridge / p-"(2)BWfor- d• Banbi^yr * ^ iDSwich tanste: ( ^-'Aylesb C'AChi )rd jOxfor(i5j~N^ f/ %omoN >wansei /-N <<r Swindon^S outhend jA, irdityy ^BRISTOL Newij ury I Maidstone"-''* OAshfoj I ^Southampton rtsj iBrightoi lastings Bournemouth Poole" NORTHAMPTON Plymouth TOWN EXPANSION Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit F'vjsfe " a* Farcet Fen ^omtershrid as! AllUhitrnuim - ^ "J' 1/ : Bl DWORTH 14.1 \\CO| fRainscy ^.._/iy ;•' / fSt}Mary*s J > " ' it' Duyl M• Wf».//•'// >'. • .M -'Mif I "m; «n /.'tv). y '''y^^'J"'" \^Hiih^hZA A "KHhomH SawtrySo Regional fU'lKilhorpf AAf'MW Grtatgwfry 'i^fVpi^iti Relationships htfiilh-' ,. in,,. (juWng Ortdtff H'«OA__. r,4y* Cvppmsfor iamerti LETtERW Upton lOmiles l^il^ ( %irh'H 'r'atZ/fe %Bh^N & I I I 1 iasftiH^vh ^/trm [J I ,. ^ ^rftifi Wk:f •Cramtrp^ ranfor cySr. .." " . II'' ' St Jiihn ckwori \ ^••/irr/,'n'''>S, •' |^Bro^hlt>n^ . UBr/w Atconhury Barhm SjufiWfV RiDwn {'ichleyl Gr eittht TIMER M -^l»S romswojti ••• Existing Motorways olhwHt Lil/le xhitro AMmsnm Ary.^ ,yf'' OrllnepM •••I Proposed Motorway Fifiedon Kllingion iNTINCDOn Uillf Dufic // ' H <'u /f<«</<&ii%$* ^Htminei' —— Area of Search Boundary iK'Mimk . Y Sg4AMtoiii^ ^ A ^ New Town in North Bucks ! WOMAN TOWN L Draft Designation Area y-'— /r- If W\ if" 't O/ferrf Cluny >!**«,,"2^,, gf,Wf/VfW „ , J. ffora Dy^ Swinft^a^ DldtliHstoim^t fiftis'tiinj,. ^ughlon I \ tF •Mik'f'A ^jhtild^ B^hway tuui« h : khitll 'Kmnimii v ' ' \ithoilh' \KeyMt>e #r \/ imk /^"^Osr. lliinwh V..;w..k, minhuih tturford NEOr.S iJhfW Snhic Hmthur C untUm . T/Urt" >W4raA\l "'' .' J ioni y rf" ^i'^'lafi'liri-ul enlUn \ ^/ s 0 ^ HtmnhUm Brafi luiW- • t-ki furv ffVwr Ir fLltUe . f WMA t Hail^0t "fltlngton a Var/orii ftirihmietw Wftitsbd t^resiim „ „ , .._ jr^DLt-r i'Car/M^ Ittle # nw CMkEi WMf: f i'hnt^sh^nt "\, ^omjf'fitlmlt [[Turvtfy Stf>4lnift?(it^ . Claphum fTMplfanl /' fVWrt loade ihhrook 35^ 'Jl/Z/ett/fW* Jumi it' ivut triiiSir „ IneflJiFSw.-\V • . II \x i ^Dajstff ' \*ynet liBluinimiiUt /rtji # ^ j \y "-~^fUfrH M'nufnrwr w»„.Ay«Nm 'opldi Mogerhaftger s: BolMttgtim JT^ Shfrlngiji I , M I'fiiHn ^Sftb>fi>1 ,^XanM ,6„wK,*gr tirtjf —"xPW"^^ jhkhfjiey fNffu IVtHtpfn NoAh \ColtS /f^w i nhur mrminu IfMkcr rj iif/Ty ^ v4XL_5--*-^ fA%fk' Trdwiey [End\ Hufh tfeWTO/Ty} !mlmf(um Mttimt J IM* '.Wfgr%3<r0E*^^ msicTttt SjeeW ( n.iWA fe MdwoHh Cheney ^L, ungforiTClSAAk/WfMjrM Khfrn/iit}! I rr,%a / /iiirinrMJH ^{irxTmhm I •':•£. I eaniij t'lirlllmKliitMh ]LillhKMiimt * nCW;liwnf* ampa i^tHuinhm ?«rtyl/11 tt'^krly •jfiMr 5 ' im ^iMJCffl^''"'"i"<»f"'i i.Uurminniim ^/'Sutum fa,'Hi fhuKhlDn umlff-Baiilt's 'fi'?kha))fpti/ua WW 'iSfarh4 wood Wi Aw ^•l''j0''''MAn¥ri'Hit>ii ferm Arleic Adder riim Shall FIHwii ^ (/•, t l'H/<M ' ufmrimgh 213 hill^tonj \e»inuti>ii ithurnS^fW^ PullDxhilf Jif/welh Hookfc 'Ahlyy.i^ „ ^U'fjtonlne^, N<>M» Srai/ Mirhtwt^ ( lift, If fWAsi '%~(-Il 'I-'!!" w* Tit&rJf if*N.4l Ahl.' 11 D«Cldtnfi\nll SouUU'rit /CfWCIM 'iOrtal . SUIion Bryi »j iimilhi/r \ iwint ! fUKi'tilf Ir/rAAj^ x..yiT, "tW-'"-,/ Uun\ \V'<"'f' Slunlfy^ TT ihimUnufDii VjU, it'iihiiil.amrr \ n HkUtai'J'' 1 jj'X'" // -. a, jfe's ^Twyfof. ^^^hourne Sundm {tO/Mfy ffkosmnp' NORTHAMPTON 5ZM old (huhtU Sun^an ^Hoggtfiim -\ l.iNSt.AD ftfatk , o VENAGE A ' \ Ji* TOWN •Jttnr Slm/fh Dumon \ War .. \ ^-- ShephaU ^nf /" /Siinltrn i'^JlrsiiiH "• I Paul': EXPANSION Ktt^'nui'in chmmrno MitiKior^ aldff V()i'/j/»uri auchi, 0\iHA J' I'uJ'ie »ehitm !. /Awfwf Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit NUNEATON Exg. Pop. 60,010 CORBY Exg. Pop. 44,000 Mkt. HARBOROUG 1981 Pop. 70,000 COVENTRY Exg. Pop. 20,500 Exg. Pop.315,670 1981 Pop. 35,000 1981 Pop.437,000 Population Growth KETTERING 1^ 1 I I I (5 .lOmiles Exg. Pop. 39,000 1981 Pop. 43,000 500,000 RUGBY Exg. Pop. 54,950 1981 Pop. 70,000 RAUNDS 250.000 KENILWORTH Exg. Pop.4,680 Exg. Pop. 17,480 HUNTINGDON 100,000 Exg. Pop 12,800 50.000 RUSHDEN & HIGHAM FERRERS 1981 Pop. 29,500 Exg. Pop 21,800 • * 1981 Pop, 24,500 DAVENTRY WELLINGBOROUGH Exg. Pop. 6,130 Exg. Pop. 32,500 LEAMINGTON SPA 1981 Pop. 36,000 Exg, Pop. 44,300 1981 Pbp. 80,000 Population Figures NORTHAMPTON Exg. Pop. 120,871 300,000 1981 Pop. 222,000 St. NEOTS Exg. Pop. 10,600 • 1981 Pbp. 25/100 'Existing Popu at ion 200,000 BEDFORD Exg. Pop. 77,200 1981 Pop. 103,000 1981 Population I * t <1 u: - • ^ WOLVERTON Exg. Pop 13,040 BANBURY 100,000 Exg. Pop. 25,000 1981 Pop. 70,000 NEW TOWN IN NORTH BUCKS :: 19*1 Pop. 70,000 :: 2001 Pop. ISOffOO LETCHWORTH Ext. Pop. 26,560 BUCKINGHAM BLETCHLEY Exg. Pop. 4,740 Exg. Pop. 20j610 STEVENAGE HITCHIN Exgjop. 52,440 NORTHAMPTON Exg. Pop.24,990j LEIGHTON BUZZARD Exg. Pop. 17,350 TOWN BICESTER LUTON Exg. Pop. 147,770 EXPANSION Exg. Pop. 7,000 1981 Pop. 200,000 n 1981 Pop. 40,000 Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit t RING '"""L" tT Area of Search ; it « LiUb' \1 \..'''*"n kWM iwifaion W J |0 |1 |2 ,3 4 Smiles iA • j| k-l xr \'. TSJ^/ Xki I .. It ROUNDS I Motorways •mmumi omva. Area of Search Boundary Administrative Boundaries / ari" County Borough ""Ttr ««* Rural Districts Parishes ;:' 'W:-': I"' & County Council Key" Villages .\l. '^'. # & WI&MH J U m R" '(A, wm,4*,«wk: •P \ • fp- ^i=" U 'S?'r'- ,'^ - Jl"* >4 j*«r ^ -Im*. •*" T GWWW 6 ' Cf g * vo-^'F/'^v "% A L. /#>4v y%iT^ - .^..-fjEUS, •r1»lop>« .1 NORTHAMPTON Ye^4' 'k" 3v._a: TOWN Wgi tm ;m W ^"V EXPANSION tf'...r»r^ rr» IV Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit tiiay^ #0»m" w* WlililKwilj 4#W m#m B58&y«%y9S9s» M ##& m ii^W # :::xr under 250 ft. ###& 250 ft. to 350ft. lliii ::%:::x:::;::::l ilip® / « I 350ft. to 450ft. ### Kk.>x.xa ##=!: ;#:### 450ft. to 550ft W'#::!::g SSS:-:;:-:? :::::::%:<?AS::^::::: over 550ft. ####mf » (.... ## stn; )/' y % :V-^. -. iiiii : A R:« m'N 'ill j-5,4^ ### i||p 311. ' r 1 ••NV' i®li ttiii .. Jii I #### kK<-y-''i am ### mem $:L::::::x^^:;i:v>i:::^ 1111*5 :*m mam !::=:# #iiliiiii# i w^. Iwliii^^ 5^* K%a#8%?g8^ NORTHAMPTON * ^!### X::%%::::::r! ™3 :## TOWN SMlla EXPANSION Printedmi image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit ^Hardwicjc ^ C"! I f / jW^llit c^mtf /"^f 3wk-Cf(w#*. 9K.VI.%Q. :Sb^#5gSv# O". Witbf I Wflllr ittnugh'S f^:oW0 ## Long Buc 04: Ji emf'/c 11-^rofland fitmnimi Nikltti ,2 miles e#g,rw,*mwf A - J WT-, .-XV., - fir XT'0 ««te% \ irpoS/p^snteJ^,^ -r-t»T k Whikon,! w FRA% Recent Alluvium 'hiltonl«<k)i •^^m- m*m laiiP River Terraces S^-S^firL Pleistocene Narttn / f#H \ ^ Boulder Clay S sAiuKOd anon i/ft<(0»(i.//' •;> Glacial Sand and Gravel ..jN«!M/»ygh fm Jurassic Great Oolite Series Dial H"W Stem rfifcjtwn Fm _M,H MHBY/& , iM(»i4 M*WW MJvflA*rCV« STA Inferior Oolite Series iwMim Upper Lias "''V '"^"^WWL.C'L Middle Lias ' '%T .iwV "" Smf f *** * W OIW HAMJPT N« ntipm Wwgbu i yjpippMW%f^w I ### kw :. 2M w a»/n K jWft tSWiN^m HiU fm 1^ w •dinKsinnc s%?,yp :<iAP Church Stow ^#1 # 'iiL,' Hi ii-Vi?. Wm4, •' ,5TQV^m. CarlW Mb &MM MMic^. §# r ^ Wg ' fwhlA^^ JW ^0% attuns fm ip^^jsg \) i fimtfin m • 1 Wm4 lflnfelt Sumtrmt T®. *ey%/dC%:^&nuhrsMq^ K».i = I'/ jorough! WO itngion.^22 S^^W'lNEy PARK y3e GritrtKOte g.f ®saw a 4wf#mg# 1 \m* rW( rim»C»t' & « 5! JI5 SlutofOUIUDI N S NORTHAMPTON 5 sSS^ fMCo«# ,w<w T ,^ -iS /iaidfbrd »vW « f ;/\ q #» TOWN i3^w«(/ ^6lnkm ley 'm 1.. ^•I^I^I.I.MIIIIW.. g&o EXPANSION I ^•'^'.< ^fm PWwnW* iVvjifS Printed image digitisedVV e'lm iby the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit Bs Pafkfkf OIn Bwkbr AHardwicK // X Mm , !N Irv 1 f J\„^w,tll, tl>»r*»tt, C, SiM^feten / iyrattan i|| , • i / (Vfln<i«r(>li|n(t'iv / ^^rod T*#(W4 y f \ jWd«, (jjton Grange atford • 8 T% ^ I eti Ctonfn ^ #K*fy Mfcrfm St fiaason-f Mtsford Wil^ 1 W^Ui ib^nugh^ • Karfllg «3 Sviriioni Craniejy< Urti Agricultural qU#w of^vQr\ wA I Mou/ton \:\\ii U iffkhaU Hill Ml Hmt ian , , , i\Ry*ht Cnuiii^ j, - V earA As Land Values Hfldtntm mi ' I fdytand H'H fm >ront»Fm )i !s^ otftrd Or Chapel ^2% toit/i Ovei rainpt^% V .2miles fm lushtaa XcChurcfx^ OUghfOfn^aChur mpto "-.AM, \\. /T""-'~0"" «i. i»u I* r» % j W( V e f scon ^BrJnflwv V mf . jS£f=« (Htmaim ofy^H'llf Lodge Elm U I/* I Mo»rt5 . CfonjJ . i\ y- JBoutfilwi Boij|h<on>. ', Spnnf^\ &J\ C««nd "^K rf # - Cork Ministry of Agriculture hilionirrf 3 'Hi^- ., W/iorp(onrf; 332^y)oddmgto -' y' .'t.^vSw - f .0-M\Jt in^RfTi.

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