European science review № 9–10 2018 September–October Volume 2. Medical science PREMIER Vienna Publishing 2018 European Sciences review Scientific journal № 9–10 2018 (September–October) Volume 2. Medical science ISSN 2310-5577 Editor-in-chief Lucas Koenig, Austria, Doctor of Economics International editorial board Abdulkasimov Ali, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Geography Kocherbaeva Aynura Anatolevna, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics Adieva Aynura Abduzhalalovna, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics Kushaliyev Kaisar Zhalitovich, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Arabaev Cholponkul Isaevich, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Law Lekerova Gulsim, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Psychology Zagir V. Atayev, Russia, Ph.D. of of Geographical Sciences Melnichuk Marina Vladimirovna, Russia, Doctor of Economics Akhmedova Raziyat Abdullayevna, Russia, Doctor of Philology Meymanov Bakyt Kattoevich, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics Balabiev Kairat Rahimovich, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Moldabek Kulakhmet, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Education Barlybaeva Saule Hatiyatovna, Kazakhstan, Doctor of History Morozova Natalay Ivanovna, Russia, Doctor of Economics Bejanidze Irina Zurabovna, Georgia, Doctor of Chemistry Moskvin Victor Anatolevich, Russia, Doctor of Psychology Bestugin Alexander Roaldovich, Russia, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Nagiyev Polad Yusif, Azerbaijan, Ph.D. of Agricultural Sciences Boselin S.R. Prabhu, India, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Naletova Natalia Yurevna, Russia, Doctor of Education Bondarenko Natalia Grigorievna, Russia, Doctor of Philosophy Novikov Alexei, Russia, Doctor of Education Bogolib Tatiana Maksimovna, Ukraine, Doctor of Economics Salaev Sanatbek Komiljanovich, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Economics Bulatbaeva Aygul Abdimazhitovna, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Education Shadiev Rizamat Davranovich, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Education Chiladze George Bidzinovich, Georgia, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Law Shhahutova Zarema Zorievna, Russia, Ph.D. of Education Dalibor M. Elezović, Serbia, Doctor of History Soltanova Nazilya Bagir, Azerbaijan, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. of History) Gurov Valeriy Nikolaevich, Russia, Doctor of Education Spasennikov Boris Aristarkhovich, Russia, Doctor of Law Hajiyev Mahammad Shahbaz oglu, Azerbaijan, Doctor of Philosophy Spasennikov Boris Aristarkhovich, Russia, Doctor of Medicine Ibragimova Liliya Ahmatyanovna, Russia, Doctor of Education Suleymanov Suleyman Fayzullaevich, Uzbekistan, Ph.D. of Medicine Blahun Ivan Semenovich, Ukraine, Doctor of Economics Suleymanova Rima, Russia, Doctor of History Ivannikov Ivan Andreevich, Russia, Doctor of Law Tashpulatov Salih Shukurovich, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Jansarayeva Rima, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Tereschenko-Kaidan Liliya Vladimirovna, Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy Khubaev Georgy Nikolaevich, Russia, Doctor of Economics Tsersvadze Mzia Giglaevna, Georgia, Doctor of Philology Khurtsidze Tamila Shalvovna, Georgia, Doctor of Law Vijaykumar Muley, India, Doctor of Biological Sciences Khoutyz Zaur, Russia, Doctor of Economics Yurova Kseniya Igorevna, Russia, Ph.D. of History Khoutyz Irina, Russia, Doctor of Philology Zhaplova Tatiana Mikhaylovna, Russia, Doctor of Philology Korzh Marina Vladimirovna, Russia, Doctor of Economics Zhdanovich Alexey Igorevich, Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine Proofreading Editorial office Kristin Theissen Premier Publishing s.r.o. 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Instructions for authors Full instructions for manuscript preparation and submission can be found through the Premier Publishing s.r.o. home page at: http://www. ppublishing.org. Material disclaimer The opinions expressed in the conference proceedings do not necessarily reflect those of the Premier Publishing s.r.o., the editor, the editorial board, or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. Premier Publishing s.r.o. is not responsible for the stylistic content of the article. The responsibility for the stylistic content lies on an author of an article. Included to the open access repositories: The journal has the GIF impact factor 1.26 for 2017. © Premier Publishing s.r.o. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Publisher. Typeset in Berling by Ziegler Buchdruckerei, Linz, Austria. Printed by Premier Publishing s.r.o., Vienna, Austria on acid-free paper. FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Abdumajidov Abdulkhay Abdulkhakovich, docent, the Department of Pharmacology and Normal physiology Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Abstract: The problems of regulation of the cardiovascular system are among the most relevant in modern practi- cal and theoretical medicine; therefore our work reflects its functional features based on literary sources. Keywords: systems, regulation, heart, organs, indicators, work. The study of the functional parameters of the body in The same adaptive result may be achieved due to the different children at all times was the focus of attention of researchers. ratios of these functions. The features of the development of both morphological and The peculiarity of the child’s body is that its adaptation, physiological indicators of the whole organism, as well as its which represents one of the criteria of health, takes place systems and organs, were established. against the background of an unfinished morphogenesis in the A growing organism is characterized by high reactivity to process of functional development. Each age-sex group has its external influences, and the degree of its adaptive capabilities own specific structural and functional features. Therefore, the depends on age, gender, and individual capabilities. Therefore, study of changes in the activity of the heart of children and it seems necessary chronological study of the functioning and adolescents, especially on functional loads, will help identify adaptation of the organism. the adaptive capabilities and functional reserves of the car- The most important task facing modern physiology is diovascular system. the study of the laws and characteristics of the development Clinicians, in turn, noted that the clinic is increasingly of a growing organism. As noted in the literary sources, at shifting emphasis from the notion of a leading role in various present, various factors exert an increasing influence on the pathologies of direct myocardial damage to the recognition children’s organism, among which is an insufficiently high of the key importance of impaired neuroendocrine regulation level of socio-economic living conditions, an increase in systems. At the same time, the main areas of work in the field mental loads with relatively low motor activity, adverse en- of regulating the activity of the heart are connected with the vironmental conditions, an increase in psychophysiological deepening of the molecular mechanisms of this regulation, influences and etc. All this adversely affects the health of while the understanding of the heart as an object of regula- children and adolescents, causing unwanted restructuring of tion, the organization of the nervous regulatory systems and body functions, changing its resistance to various influences. the general principles of the nervous regulation of the heart In this regard, it is necessary to study the characteristics of a remain the same. The heart is considered as a simple muscular growing organism at different age stages of its development pump, the only purpose of which is to provide a proper CB and in a wide age range. with a proper (normally constant) average arterial blood pres- The authors noted that in childhood and adolescence sure. Accordingly, the nervous regulation of the heart is re- constantly changes occur, associated with the growth and de- duced to generalized stimulating or inhibitory effects, as well. velopment of the child. In this case, the limiting link in the de- the organization of regulatory systems – to the antagonistic velopment of the body’s adaptive reactions is cardiac activity, interaction of the parasympathetic inhibitory and stimulat- one of the functions of which is pumping. Numerous studies ing sympathetic nerves; in this case, the intracardiac nervous have been devoted to the study of the pumping function of the system is considered only a multiplier of parasympathetic in- heart. In the works of these authors, the age-related features of hibitory effects. the mechanisms regulating the pumping function of the heart
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