LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTICE OF SALE HERNANDO COUNTY NJ-15-199889 ROBERT MELACCIO, JR.; et al., 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR NOTICE IS GIVEN that, in accordance 7/29-8/5/16 2T Defendants. CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA —————————————————— with the Final Judgment of Foreclosure IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTICE OF SALE GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION entered on July 7, 2016 in the above- FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE styled cause, Angela Vick, Citrus county FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to CASE NO.: 2015 CA 000505 A HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA the Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered clerk of court shall sell to the highest and CIVIL ACTION HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SERVICES, best bidder for cash on August 11, 2016 CIVIL ACTION in the cause pending in the Circuit Court LLC, CASE NO.: 10002052CAXXHX of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, in and at 10:00 A.M., at www.citrus.realforeclose. CASE NO.: 272015CA000756CAAXMX PLAINTIFF, com, the following described property: for Hernando County, Florida, Case No. US BANK NA, 2015-CA-000266, in which CHRISTIANA VS. LOT 11, BLOCK “C”, HILLCREST Plaintiff, MID-ISLAND MORTGAGE CORP, Plaintiff, TRUST, A DIVISION OF WILMINGTON HEATHER L. DIXON, ET AL., ESTATES REVISED, ACCORDING vs. SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS DEFENDANT(S). TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, MARIE VANNATTEN, et al, vs. TRUSTEE FOR STANWICH MORT- AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Defendant(s). GREGORY MONTMARQUET, et al, GAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2012-13, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 2, PAGE 114, OF THE PUBLIC Defendant(s). is Plaintiff, and Robert Melaccio Jr., Un- NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to a Final RECORDS OF CITRUS COUNTY, NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED SALE known Spouse of Robert Melaccio Jr., Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 5, FLORIDA. NOTICE OF SALE n/k/a Chrisyann Melaccio, SunTrust Bank, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 2016, and entered in Case No. 2015 CA AND to an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Unknown Tenant 1, n/k/a Richard John- 000505 A in the Circuit Court of the 5th PART OF LOT 12, BLOCK “C”, Sale dated July 14, 2016, and entered in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant son, Defendants, the undersigned Clerk Judicial Circuit in and for Citrus County, HILLCREST ESTATES, DESCRIBED Case No. 10002052CAXXHX of the Cir- to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated will sell the following described property Florida, wherein CARRINGTON MORT- AS FOLLOWS: cuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit in July 20, 2016, and entered in Case No. situated in Hernando County, Florida: GAGE SERVICES, LLC was the Plaintiff and for Hernando County, Florida in which 272015CA000756CAAXMX of the Circuit Lot 6, Block 612, Spring Hill Unit and HEATHER L. DIXON, ET AL. the BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit in and for CORNER OF LOT 11, BLOCK Us Bank Na, is the Plaintiff and Vannatten 10, according to the plat thereof Defendant(s), that the Clerk of Courts Jr, William, Vannatten, Marie, are defen- Hernando County, Florida in which Mid- recorded at Plat Book 8, Pages 54 will sell to the highest and best bidder “C”, HILLCREST ESTATES, RUN Island Mortgage Corp, is the Plaintiff and THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH dants, The Hernando County Clerk of the through 66, in the Public Records of for cash, by electronic sale beginning Circuit Court will sell to the highest and Gregory K. Montmarquet A/K/A Gregory Hernando County, Florida. at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time at BOUNDARY OF LOT 11 AND THE Montmarquet, John Doe N/K/A Bob Gal- NORTH BOUNDARY OF LOT 12, best bidder for cash at 20 N. Main Street, Property Address: 2430 Evenglow www.citrus.realforeclos e.com on the 18th Room 245, Hernando County Courthouse, lagher, Jane Doe N/K/A Britany Russell, day of August, 2016, the following de- 81.29 FEET TO THE MOST EAST- Unknown Tenant #4 N/K/A Blaine Galla- Ave., Spring Hill, FL 34608 (hereinafter ERLY CORNER OF LOT 12; RUN Brooksville, Hernando County, Florida at referred to as the “Property”). scribed property as set forth in said Final 11:00AM on the 1st day of September, gher, Unknown Tenant #3 N/K/A Michael Judgment: THENCE SOUTH 42 DEGREES Gallagher are defendants, the Hernando Together with an undivided percentage 30 MINUTES WEST, ALONG THE 2016, the following described property as LOT NO. 1, BLOCK 125, CRYSTAL set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to interest in the common elements pertaining SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF the highest and best bidder for cash at 20 thereto at public sale, to the highest MANOR UNIT 2, AS SHOWN ON THE LOT 12, 80 FEET; RUN THENCE closure: PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK N. Main St. Room 245, Hernando County and best bidder for cash at 11:00 am NORTHWESTERLY 65.00 FEET, LOT 18, BLOCK 1, PINE GROVE Courthouse, Hernando County, Florida at on the 3rd day of November, 2016, at 8, PAGES 112 - 134, OF THE PUB LIC MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTH- SUBDIVISION UNIT 1, ACCORD- RECORDS OF CITRUS COUN TY, 11:00 am on the 6th day of September, Hernando County Courthouse, Room 245, WEST CORNER OF LOT 11. ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS 2016, the following described property as Brooksville, Florida 34601. FLORIDA, TO WHICH PLAT REF- RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, ERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A Property address: 1019 TRUDY set forth in said Final Judgement of Fore- Any person claiming interest in the sur- STREET, INVERNESS, FL 34453 PAGES 68 THROUGH 69, OF THE closure: MORE COMPLETE DE SCRIP TION PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO plus from the sale, if any, other than the OF SAID PROPERTY. ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- COUNTY, FLORIDA. LOT 31 BLOCK 393 SPRING HILL property owner as of the date of the lis ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- EST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, UNIT 7 ACCORDING TO THE MAP RGPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPFC[U IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY TOGETHER WITH A MOBILE HOME OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORD- after the sale. EST IN THE SURPLUS OF THE SALE, AS A PERMANENT FIXTURE AND IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS ED IN PLAT BOOK 8 PAGES 11 If you are a person with a disability who needs PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN APPURTENANCE THERETO, DE- THROUGH 24 INCLUSIVE OF THE OWNER, AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS SCRIBED AS A 2007 JACOBSEN any accommodation in order to participate in this PENDENS, MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to CLAS DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE COUNTY FLORIDA SIXTY (60) DAYS AFTER THE SALE. If you are a person with a disability who needs an HOME BEARING IDENTIFICATION the provision of certain assistance. Please contact If you are a person with a disability who accommodation in order to participate in a proceed- NUMBER JACEFL28446A AND A/K/A 9149 ELDRIDGE ROAD, 2GII[ 9GNEJ VJG #&# %QQTFKPCVQT CV VJG 1HſEG needs any accommodation in order to ing, you are entitled, at no cost to you, the provision IDENTIFICATION NUMBER JACE- SPRING HILL, FL 34608 of the Trial Court Administrator, Hernando County participate in this proceeding, you are en- of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coor- FL28446B AND TITLE NUMBERS Any person claiming an interest in the Courthouse, 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, titled, at no cost to you, to the provision dinator for the Courts within 2 working days of your 0097915316 AND 0097915427. surplus from the sale, if any, other than the Florida 34601, Telephone (352) 754-4402, at least of certain assistance. Please contact the receipt of your notice to appear in Court at: Citrus property owner as of the date of the Lis 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or County John Sullivan (352) 341-6700. A/K/A 8515 EVERGREEN AVE, KOOGFKCVGN[WRQPTGEGKXKPIPQVKſECVKQPKHVJGVKOG ADA Coordinator at the Office of the Trial BROOKSVILLE, FL 34613 2GPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPFC[U Court Administrator, Citrus County Court- Dated: 7/15/16 after the sale. before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 house, 110 N. Apopka Avenue, Inverness, Any person claiming an interest in the days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Michelle A. DeLeon, Esquire surplus from the sale, if any, other than the If you are a person with a disability who FL 34450, (352) 641-6700, at least seven Florida Bar No.: 68587 needs assistance in order to participate in Dated this 5th day of July, 2016. (7) days before your scheduled court ap- property owner as of the date of the Lis Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. 2GPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPFC[U a program or service of the State Courts Don Barbee Jr. pearance, or immediately upon receiv- 255 S. Orange Ave., Ste. 900 System, you should contact the ADA Co- ing this notification if the time before the after the sale. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Orlando, FL 32801-3454 ordinator, Peggy Bryant, (352) 754-4402 As Clerk of the Court scheduled appearance is less than seven (855) 872-0240 If you are a person with a disability who within two (2) working days of receipt of days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, (855) 872-0211 Facsimile needs assistance in order to participate in this notice; if you are hearing or voice im- By: Angela Paonessa call 711.
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