------------------------............................. r Halfbac'k, Clay Wins DeJoy AI e.1IIw (f., "" •.,., ,,, "" "",. Forecast Iowa n.'" ,dlHu/lti Apri/ " IntJ/tJdI«r /",. ",. Army M.ndly ." file Leu,",IIIt, Ky., Pertfy..." ................... w... ffBndy, • 6-3, 115-paund -ay; ....... T...u, III MIt .. ...... I·Amerlca halfback from flr.ft " ..reI ",",,,," "" CftI ,. "IV ....., rex., IIOW "m. Set atIlT fI ... ail Iowan ........ :, 1/1" Innounced Friday wile,.,.. plans to attend tbe Unl· if. SeroinlZ the Universitu of Iowa and the People of IOWCJ Cittl next fall on an atbJeUc !ip, UlbJ1lhed In 1881 10 Celltl I cop)' Iowa CItJ. Iowa-orue.dI1. IbrdI .. lIlT , considered by man, to of the finest all·around , players ever to come Iinols, was one of the top ! on tbe Iowa coaching ecruiting list tbis year, allback on offense and a !r on defense, Handy led Pentagon Confirms port team to the Illini 8 ce championsbip last fall ed 21 touchdowns for the ~e was later named all· ce, all·state and All· teams. announced his inten· Haiphong Incidents :lend Iowa in a telephone 'each Ray Nagel Friday WASHINGTON III - Communist shipa • Sen. Stuart Symington (D·MoJ a .ub­ hension , too. that ending or cripplina Sa­ I. delivering war supplies to North Vietnam's committee member who visited the war viet aid would force Hanoi deeper under re very happy that John major port of Halphona have fired laalnst theater in December said in a aeparate the innuencc of Peking. en the . University of 10- American planes on a number of occa· statement that U.S. pilots want to be Creed The Pentagon refused to answer quea· e school in which to fur· sions, it was learned Monday. But the from restrictions against hitting Red air· tions a bout the hostile gunfire incidents. education," said Nagel. Pentagon will not say whether hili were fields in North Vietnam, Specifically the Defense Department de­ sider him a great run· scored. • White House sources affirmed that clined to say how many American planet, t and think that he can There is no evidence U.S. pilots were President Johnson is holding his plan to If any. have been damaged or destroyed 'eat football player at allowed to fire back although they no .. meet about twice a year with Vietnam by vessels docked in Haiphong, whetber ,ere is no question that mally can blast antiaircraft and missile commanders and strategy directors. John· pilots were prohibited from taking any ndy was on our 'must sites hindering missions in other areas. son has had three such meeting in the past defensive action, or whether the ships in· Haiphong, however. has been made vir· 13 months, at Honolulu. Manila and Guam. volved were Russia's or Communist who is also a fine bas· tually immune to attack throuah restric· Rault. F.ared China's. layer, will sign his Big tions on the military drawn up by top Almost from the outset of tbe Vietnam Flagships from both Communist coun· of In lent April 1, Nagel civilian officials in Washington. war the Joint ChIefs of Staff have recom· tries cali on Haiphong 'regularly. The city earliest date possible Disclosure of the apparently one·sided mended closing Haiphong harbor through is North Vietnam's principal port of entry Iference rules, .ttacks on U.S. airplanes In the Haiphong bombing or mining operations. The admln· for major shipments of Soviet·made mis· area came amid these other developmenll': Iitratlon, however, fears this might bring siles. antiaircraft guns and other heavy EIGHT PERSONS, Including flv. children, w.,. Inlured Sunday trHtIcI fw cuts and 1InII_ 1M reIN.... ; Jun K_, fI, of on direct Soviet or Red Chinese participa· weaponry, as well as smaller amounll of .fterNOn In a two-c.r ICcldent ell 11Ite ....... _, lust .... of the Omaha end Harry Mc.. H4en, ., of 0mIha, IIIth ,..,ertecI I" • A Senate preparedness subcommittee tion in the conflict. There is some appre· Chinese small arms and ammunition. chal To Report caUed for a lifting of bombing restrictions U.S. Hl,hway 21. Interchang•• 1"lured WIrI Mn. Cllt.III Grena, good CIIMIitIeft. AveIIe, h/thwlY ,.treI- ..."...... the ,.Jnt 34, of D•• Moines, In good condition Monday .t Un/venlty H... of ImplCt of the _~, II ....vy ........ hellMy trofflc fIewI DOMINGO IA'I - Juan in North Vietnam. It aald : "The most pital, her five children, Ridgley, I', fair '*""'Iott; VIIorI., 12. ...... TIle hellelay weekand clll...... HIe II".. ef IIx .....na. still a holdout from pressing need is an affirmative response * * * * * * to some of the recommendatioDi at re· IIrIovI cendltlon; Cral" I; Tammy, '; Ind Jerry L.. , 14, III - .....,. ~ Marlin Ltv"'" Francisco Giants, said sponsible commander, to Itrike more ! would fly to the Unit· meaningful targets in North Vietnam." Viet ,Elections Slated; Saturday and report 10 No 0«11.' 0Her.d Ito' training camp at e Defense Department statement takln. JFK Plot 'Prober' Ariz, exceptilln \11 lOme ot U\e ~~mJ'I'Ii\\ee'l Ilncfutgll oHtte\\ nil \\e1lia\ 0\ \be lltatement Ky Expected To Run New Leader• Removed that "selection of taraeta to be Itruck' lD North Vietnam is still controUed in large SAIGON IA'I - The Armed Forces Coun· Jan. 27, 1965, after three months in office. Fears Murder Bid measure trom Washington," and that "th. cil announced Monday South Vietnam's The present military regime has been striking forces must operate outside of BISMARK, N.D. IA'I - A defendant in a Sierra Leone Junta ] new constitution would go into effect Sat· in office since June 20. 1965, with Pre· By certain prohibited are81 and, to the exclu· urday and presidential elections would be mier Ky, an air Coree marshal ,aa bead o{ federal mall fraud case hinted Monday siQIJ of specific targel$." he's been marked for alllluination. FREETOWN. Sierra Leone I!I - Without Smith. who hid been attendl", the Cam­ beld Sept. 1. state. explanation, the mllltary bo.... of Sierra berly army staU IChoolln Britain. Premier Nguyen Cao Ky. the real pow­ Thieu and Ky are considered leading David R. Kroman, Minneapolis attorney Leone Monday removed their leader, chO.· Genda was the IIrat choice of the mUl· possibiUties for the presidency. In order and former insurance company executive, 'NET - luxury I bed· er in the council, is expected to be a en Saturday. who had not yet taken office, tary counell, but William Leigh, deputy ~ 2 bedroom, 2 full bath candidate. to run, they would have to shed their was found early Monday in a semicon· and named another army man in his chairman. sent hlm a cable Monday ast­ m ~~'M\. \\~_ve no... lor Hospifal To Buy military rank because the constitution says scious condition in a rented car on a lone· lep!ember! 1906 Broadway The decision came on a day that saw place. ina him to remain as lhe No. 5 man In 'III ea.L Call 338-7058. Ifn the president must be a civilian. Iy stretch of highway 20 miles east of Bls· It was a joll to Lt. Col. Ambrose Genda, the • .ilI·man m.isslon at the United NatlOlll. warfare ebb after a Sunday of vigorous mark. bedroom furnished Or \IDo fighting stretching from the emerald green Con.tIMlon Accepted 39, who was ordered to remain in his ''The situation has not yet been clarified I apt. immediate posse .. A communique said the military council Kroman said the incident was connected lowly post at his country's mission to 18 or inquire Coral Minor Parts Of Street mountains along the demilitarized zone be· with his Investigation of an alleged con· and I do not wlnt to mak.e any statement 4-1 tween North and South Vietnam to the Me­ would "accept in full the draft consti· the United NatioD8. about it," Genda told reporters at Lisbon. 1M lurnlBhed apartment! tution of the Constituent Assembly voted on spiracy to assasslnate President John F. The news caugbt up with bim whlJe he t. CoralvlUe. ,135 and up, kong lUver delta south of Saigon. Kennedy in November, 1963. Juxon·Smltb added "we know nothi", 4-10 March 18, 1967, and will promulgate this was on his way to Freetown with U . Col. lbout the situation I.n Sierra Leone at the After a day.long meeting, the council said constitution on April I, 1967." This He said two cars started followIng him A. T. Juxon·Smith, 36, the new choice of From Iowa City announced that elections to the Senate moment - we don 't know what Is goIng was a month earlier than expected. about 80 miles after he left Minneapolis, the military leaders. At a stopover in on." ROVED ROOMS In a special meeting Monday afternoon. also would be held Sept. 1. Voting for the On the war front, fighting in the Me· on his way to Bismark for resumption of Lisbon, POriugal, Genda appeared down­ lower house oC the National Assembly was The two military men Ind two other. the Iowa City council voted unanimously kong River delta centered around Can Tho, the trial. bear~edi Jux-on·Smitb was jovial. in the party are due in Freetown Tuesda)', • double room, eooklnc set for Oct. 1. 50 miles southwest of Saigon. , WalJdng dl3tance cam· to adopt a resolution calling for the sale "I don't want to go into the details," Both men were in the same plane to but Genda may lurn back. 11, SOU of parts oC Van Buren Street to Mercy To Res10ra Civilian Rule This is essentially a battle for the rice Kroman said, "I wasn't supposed to get Freetown, capital of the West African na· An attempt to maintain tribal belance In >roved hou.lng with cock· Hospita l for some $89,200.
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