The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation

The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation

>ss> HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology MCZ LIBRARY MAR 2 9 1990 ' JARVARD IVERSITY Entomologist's Record AND JOURNAL OF VARIATION EDITED BY P. A. SOKOLOFF, f.r.e.s. Vol. 101 1989 Ill CONTENTS Aberration of Gymnoscelis rufifasciata Bivoltinism in Eupithecia tripunctaria H.- (Haworth) (Lep.: Geometridae) — the S. (Lep.: Geometridae) in south-east Double-striped pug. C. W. Plant, 105. England. B.K. West, 57 Abraxas grossulariata L. (Lep.: Geo- Book talk W.J.M. Chalmers-Hunt, 275 metridae), has it been shifting its Hfe Brachypalpus laphriformis (Fallen) (Dipt.: cyclQl A. A. Allen, 13% Syrphidae) A^.L. Birkett, 59 Acleris abietana (Hiibn) (Lep.: Tortrici- Breeding Gnorimus nobilis Linn. (Col.: dae) in Aberdeenshire. M.C. Townsend, Scarabidae) in captivity. J. A. Owen. 19 208 Brimstone moth {Opisthograptis luteolata Acleris abietana (Hiibn. (Lep.: Tortrici- L.). (Lep.: Geometridae) B.K. West, 167 dae) - records and foodplants, M.R. Browne versus Watson: Round two. R.R. Young. 37 Uhthoff-Kaufmann, 61. Agonopterix carduella Hiibner (Lep.: Bryaxis puncticollis Denny (Col.: Psela- Oecophoridae) in October. J.M. Chal- phidae) apparently new to Kent. A. A. mers-Hunt, 39 Allen, 11 Agriopis marginaria Fab. (Lep.: Geometri- Butterflies in winter. A. Archer-Lock, 117 dae), the Dotted-border moth caught in Butterflies of New Providence Island, December, A.M. Riley. 35 Bahamas, A further review. B.K. West, Agrotis ipsilon Hufn. (Lep.: Noctuidae) 109 Butterfly in March. J. Owen, 187 records from Dorset, 1988. A.M. and D.K. Riley, 33 An apparently new species of Homoneura (Dipt.: Lauxaniidae) from north-west Cacoecimorpha pronubana (Hiibn.) (Lep.: Kent. A. A. Allen, 199 Tortricidae) in North-east England. T.C. An early record of Agrotis segetum D. & S. Dunn, 52 (Lep.: Noctuidae) 7?./. Heckford, 186 Callophrys rubi L., the Green Hairstreak Ants (Hym.: Formicidae) of the Gower (Lep.: Lycaenidae) an additional food- Peninsular, West Glamorgan, South plant, J.R. Roberts, 248 ^dilQS.N.C. Blacker, 16\ Caloptilia elongella L. (Lep.: Gracillari- Atheta standiella Brundin (Col.: Staphi- idae) on a previously unrecorded food- linidae) in Norfolk, East Inverness and plant. ^.S. Boot, 166 Wester Ross, Scotland. J. A. Owen, 88 Caloptilia falconipennella (Hiibn.) and C. Atheta (Dimetrota) puncticollis Benick in populetorum (Zell.) (Lep.: Gracil- S. Devon and the Scottish Highlands. lariidae) in Kent. D. O'Keeffe, 64 A.A.Allen, 104 Carabus intricatus L. (Col.: Carabidae) in Axylia putris L. (Lep.: Noctuidae) a mela- Britain, with special reference to its pre- nic form in N.W. Kent. B.K. West, 198 sent day status. A. A. Allen, 113 Baris laticollis (Marsham) (Col.: Curcu- Celastrina argiolus L. (Holly Blue) (Lep.: liniodae) as a pest of cultivated cabbages. Lycaenidae) in North London, unusual J. A. Owen, 49 abundance of, K.G. V. Smith, 278 Beautiful Brocade, Lacanobia contigua Cheilosia variabilis Paz. (Dipt.: Syrphidae) (D. & S.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Suffolk and fig wort. A. A. Allen, 18 in Septem.ber. C. W. Plant, 160 Chloroclystis rectangulata L. (Lep.: Geo- Beetles and bugs on a Thames-side wall in metridae) ab. pilcheri ab. nov. G.M. autumn. A.A.Allen, 47 Haggett, 65 Bembidion (Lymnaeum) nigropiceum Cleorodes lichenaria Hufn., the Brussels Marsh (Col.: Carabidae) in West Kent. Lace (Lep.: Geometridae), a further A.A.Allen, 55 note on. A. Spalding, 138 Bibloporus minutus Raffay (Col.: Psela- Clouded Yellow butterfly in Warwickshire. phidae) in Surrey. D.A. Prance, 230 B.R. Mitchell, 238 IV Coleophora lassella Stgdr. (Lep.: Coleo- Editorial, 237 phoridae) and other microlepidoptera at Elenchus tenuicornis (Kirby) (Strepsiptera: Rothamsted trap in Surrey. R.M. Elanchidae) in Cambridgeshire. D.A. Palmer, 186 Procter, 36 Coleoptera of shingle banks on the river Endotricha consobrinalis Zeller (Lep.: Ystwyth, Dyfed. A.P. Fowles, 209 Pyralidae) — a species new to Britain. Colostygia multistrigaria Haw., the B. Goodey, 107 Mottled Grey (Lep.: Geometridae) in Endotricha consobrinalis Zell. in Britain — mid-winter. J. Platts, 64 a possible migrant? R.F. Bretherton, 198 Comments on the Garden Tiger moth, Ennomos fuscantaria Haw. (Lep.: Geo- Arctia caja L. (Lep.: Arctiidae). B.K. metridae) — a melanic form in N.W. West, lis Kent. B.K. West, 178 Comparison of light-trap catches in decid- Epiphyas postvittana (Walk.) (Lep.: Tor- uous and coniferous woodland. P. tricidae) in Wales. E.F. Hancock, 111 Waring, 1 Essex Emerald moth, rescue bid to save Colvolvulus hawkmoth in Cornwall. W.G. from extinction. P. Waring, 231 Kittle, 281 Euchoeca nebulata Scop. (Lep.: Geo- Cryptopleurum crenatum Panz. (Col.: metridae), the Dingy Shell, in East Hydrophilidae) in West Kent and Here- Anglia in 1988, a probable second fordshire. A. A. Allen, 116 brood. C. W. Plant, 16 Current literature, 41-44, 92, 138-140, 188, Eucosma metzneriana Treitschke in East 206, 234, 281-284 Sussex. M. Parsons, 254 Cyclophora pendularia CI. (Lep.: Geo- Eupithecia valerianata Hiibn. (Valerian metridae) in a new Dorset location. Pug) and Eupithecia virgaureata G.H. Eastwick-Field, Til Doubleday (Goldenrod Pug) (Lep.: Cyclophora pendularia CI. (Lep.: Geo- Geometridae) in Breconshire. A.M. metridae) in Hampshire. J.M. Clarke, Riley, 174 184 Evidence for bivoltinism in Eupithecia tri- Cynthia cardui L. (Lep.: Nymphalidae) in punctaria H.-S. (Lep.: Geometridae) in the Iberian Peninsula — spring 1988. north-west Essex. A.M. Emmet, 185 T.W.C. Tolman, 195 Further notes on Eupithecia tripunctaria Dendrolimus pini L., the Pine-tree Lappet H.-S. (Lep.: Geometridae). E.C.L. (Lep.: Lasciocampidae) in Guernsey. Simson, 278 T.D.N. Peet, 248 Geometrid larvae feeding on bilberry ( Vac- Diagnostic note on two species of Cassida cinium myrtillus) after descending from L. (Col.: Chrysomelidae) A. A. Allen, oaks. B.P. Hen wood, 40 205 Glyphipteryx linneella Clerck (Lep.: Cos- Dichomeris ustalella Fab., (Lep.: Gelechi- mopterigidae) in Nottinghamshire. A.S. idae) rediscovered in Britain. A.N.B. Boot, 202 Simpson, 17 Hadena compta D. & S. and Spodoptera Dienerella filiformis Gyll. (Col.: Lathrydi- exigua Hiibn. (Lep.: Noctuidae) in idae) in a S.E. London house. A. A. North Worcestershire. M.D. Bryan, 84 Allen, 41 Hadena compta D. & S. in north Worces- Diplocoelus fagi GuQT . (Col.: Biphyllidae) tershire. M.D. Bryan, 187 in S.E. London. A. A. Allen, 55 Haploglossa picipennis (Gyllenhall) (Col.: Dipterous prey of Scorpion-fly Panorpa Staphylinidae) in Ospreys' nests. J. A. communis L. (Mecoptera: panorpidae). Owen & S. Taylor, 53 J.F. Burton, 116 Hardy Hofmannophila and a beetle. P. A. Double-brooded Eupithecia tripunctaria Sokoloff, 89 H.-S. G.M.Haggett, 184 Hazards of butterfly collecting — Ander- Early emergence of Thera britannica mans, 1988. T.B. Larsen. 183 Turner (Spruce Carpet) (Lep.: Geo- Hazards of butterfly collecting — Leba- metridae). A.M. Riley, 178 non 1973. T.B. Larsen, 131 Hazards of butterfly collecting — Oman, Last British capture of Scybalicus oblongi- May 1981. T.B. Larsen, 83 usculus Dej. (Col.: Carabidae)? A. A. Hazards of butterfly collecting — Dhofar, Allen, 108 October 1979. T.B. Larsen, 106 Late or second brood Cynaeda dentalis of butterfly collecting — Hazards Moroc- D. «fe S. (Lep.: PyraHdae). R. Darlow, 85 co, 1979. T.B. Larsen, 259 Late or second brood Cynaeda dentalis Hazards of butterfly collecting — Dhofar, D. & S. (Lep.: PyraHdae). E.G. Smith, October 1979. T.B. Larsen, 38 36 Heliothis armigera (Hiibn.) (Lep.: Noctu- Late specimens of Euchoeca nebulata idae) in Hampshire and Leicestershire. Scop. (Lep.: Geometridae) and Cynaeda D.F. Owen, 66 dentalis D. & S. (Lep.: PyraHdae) Heliothis armigera Hiibn. and Lithophane D. Young, 197 leautieri hesperica Bours. (Lep.: Noc- Lepidoptera immigrant to the British Isles tuidae) in Cambridgeshire. B. Dicker- in 1985, 1986 and 1987 — a supple- son, 86 mentary note. R.F. Bretherton and J.M. Hydrelia flammeolaria Hufn. (Lep.: Geo- Chalmers-Hunt, 131 metridae) apparently breeding on alder Lepidoptera on Barra. M. Harper & M. near London. A. A. Allen, 40 Young, 93 Hypena crassalis Fab., the Beautiful Snout Life-history of Apion soror Rey (Col.: (Lep.: Noctuidae) new to Warwickshire. Apionidae), a note on. J. A. Owen and A. Gardner, 275 H. Mendel, 112 Immigrant Large White butterflies in Lycophotia porphyria D. & S. (Lep.: Cornwall. F.N.H. Smith, 280 Noctuidae), an unusual life history. B.P. Immigrant Lepidoptera at Dungeness in Hen wood, 253 October 1988. S. Clancy, 111 Melanic aberrations of the Silver-washed Immigrant Lepidoptera in Devon. M.D. Fritillary (Argynnis paphia L.) in North Bryan, 37 Dorset in 1986, and the relevance of Immigrant Lepidoptera recorded in Nor- temperature on the occurrence of such folk during October 1988. .4. P. Foster, forms in the wild. R.D.G. Barrington, 135 267 Immigration of Lepidoptera to the British Mesapamea remmi Rezbanyi-Reser, 1985 Isles in 1988. R.F. Bretherton & J.M. (Lep.: Noctuidae) — a species new to Chalmers-Hunt, 153, 225 Britain. M. Jordan, 161 In the right place at the right time — Dor- Microlepidoptera of Kent. J.M. Chalmers- set 16th - 23rd October 1988. D.G. Hunt, 281 Down. 23 Microlepidoptera — a review of the year Ischnura pumilo (Carpentier) (Odonata: 1987. D. Agassiz, 141 Coenagriidae) — a wandering oppor- Migrant lepidoptera in Wales, 1988. M.D. tunist? ^.D. Fox, 25 Bryan, 35 Jodia croceago D. & S., the Orange Upper- Migration of Cynthia virginienses Drury wing (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Cornwall and (Lep.: Nymphalidae). B.K. West, 85 France. A. Spalding, 115 Monitoring butterflies at St Cyrus National Kentish Glory Moth, Endromis versicolor Nature Reserve, 1979-1983. D.N. L. (Lep.: Endromidae), at Rannoch. Carstairs, 121 M.R. Shaw, 45 Morphaga choragella D. & S. (Lep.: Tine- Lampronia fuscatella (Teng.) (Lep.: Incur- idae) in Buckinghamshire and North- variidae), notes on. K.P. Bland, 249 amptonshire. G.E Higgs, 90 Larva of Oligia versicolor (Borkhausen) Mosquitoes and their importance as vec- (Lep.: Noctuidae). B.P. Hen wood, 40 tors of disease organisms in southern Larvae of Anthocharis cardamines (L.) Africa.

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