MANCHESTER IS Police in Washington FORMER AIR AID CAREFULLY RATED FIRST IN Expect **Red Trouble* UNDER ARREST WEEKEND, IS' 1 CWA LANDING lyashlngton, Feb. 8.— (AP) —<&demonatration is scheduled for to- FOR COTEMPT Secret Service operatives and day. We expect about 1,000 persons Metropolitan police picketed sec­ altogether. I have heard some talk i tions of the capital early today aft­ of their going to Lafayette Park.” • ^ . •! APPEAL OF CONNOR CosteOo, State Jobs Commis­ er receiving reports of a possible The park is directly across Penn­ MacCnicken, Who Was Head '4 “Communist" demonstration in sylvania avenue from the White ft - 3f‘ sioner, Says Records, Co­ which officers said perhaps 1,000 House. of Aeronaoties, Held by f M persons might take part. Early Reports State Motor Vehicle Com­ Although conceding they pos­ “Early this morning,” Kuehling ORDERS PROBE operation Here Are by Far sessed (mly piecemeal information as estimated, "there were maybe 200 or Senate Order for Refnsing missioner Makes Special to what if any shape the projected 300 here, with more reported on the f demonstration might assume, police way from Chicago, New York, OF DISHONEST the Best Encountered. said they were ready for any Pittsburgh and a number of other to Show Contract Records eventualities. d u e s .” Plea to Antoist to Make At police headquarters the belief Police had not established defin­ Ettele P. Costello of the Connec­ was advanced that Washington’s itely the identity of the leaders of Washington, Feb. 3—William P. U . S m C U L S Special Effort to Avoid the third "hunger march” in as many ticut Re-empl rment Commission. the reputed “Chnmimlsts,” but MacOacken, Jr., Assistant Sec­ 03 years was the objective, and that Secret Service men were dlr^ted to retary of Commerce in charge at In charge of the registration of un­ the same organization — the Na­ look into this angle. V irti^y all Usual Disheartening Rec­ employed In Connecticut, in a state­ tional Unemployed Coxmcil — was demonstrations planned here for Aeronautics under President Hoo­ New York Newspaper Says ment to the Herald this morning behind all three. years past have been Investigated ver, and later Washington represen­ ord of Ante Accidents.” complimented Charity SupeiintenQ- Forces Gathered by Secret Service and sometimes tative of many air lines, was ar­ Leaders of the reported movement Department of Justice agents. President Has ToU Secret ent George H. Waddell for the con­ rested late yesterday by order of began mustering their forces incon­ Police voiced confldence the the Senate. ation in which he found the records spicuously 3resterday at a Negro demonstration would be handled ’The arrest resulted from his re­ Service to Clean Up the Hartford, Feb. 8.— (AP)'—^An of the town, also for the co-opera­ Masonic hall. with as little disturbance as last fusal to permit the Senate commit­ peal to (tonnectlcut motorlata to ex­ tion give} by the local office in the Lieutenant Benjamin Kuehling, year’s “hunger march,” which re­ tee investigating ocean and air mail recent InvMtlgation conducted by chief (rfficer of the eariy police shift, solved itself into an orderly parade contracts to see the records of his Situation. ert every effort to avoid "the usual the state office here. said: of vociferous men and a few negotiations with air mail compa­ disheartening record of weekend “Tour Town Treasurer has kept a 'T understand some sort of women. nies, and a later admission by Mr. automobile accidents and fataUties” very, verj' fine set of books,” said MacCracken that papers had been New York, Feb. 3.—(AP)— 'The waa made by Colonel Michael A. Mr. Costklo this morning. My de­ removed from his office with hisi partment has had occasion to inves­ knowledge and consent and subse­ Daily News says President Roosevelt Connor, state motor vehicle com­ tigate ccmditions in eight or nine quently destroyed. has ordered the Secret Service “to missioner. tcrarns o f com parative size in the No Dissent on Order end the alliance of crooked govern­ ’The commissioner’s letter: state, and the records of Manches­ C. C. C. BOYS IMPROVING ’The action was ordered without To the Motorists of Connebticut: ter, ^ far, are the beet yet found.” dissent by the Senate on a motion ment officials and the underworld.” Such action is without precedent May I appeal at the start of this 16 Replacenaeats by Senator Black, chairman of the since Resident Lincoln gave Allan weekend to the motorists of Con­ Mr. Costello told the Herald this com m ittee. PARK AT ROCKY NECK ’The writ, issued by Vice President Pinkerton, fbunder of the service, necticut to make a special individ­ morning that 16 men now on the ual effort in the operation of their Garner, orders Mr. MacOacken to Yvette Nadeau of Quebec became the bride of Hamad Obadle of Bag­ the double duty of spying behind the CWA list here will be replaced next be brought before the bar of the cars, so that the usual dishearten­ Week by men eligible, by reason of dad in a quaint Bahai ritual in New York. Standing beside a tiny Confederate lines and tracking down Senate Monday with his records. enemies of the Union in official ing record of weekend automotatie preferential rating. Of the men to home-made altar, the couple are shown as they were made man and Camp Chapman Members ’The case would be turned over to Washington. accidents and fatalities may stop. be removed, Mr. CosteUo stated, SANKEY, KIDNAPER, the local District Attorney for jury wife by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Persian poet. Last weekend automobUes iriii«d there are six aliens; four to be re­ Orders for the action by the trial if Mr. MacCracken were found Secret Service, whose duties are eight persons in Omnecticut. The moved by reason of having been on Complete Attractive Office guilty of contempt at that time, due previous weekend the number' at aid after the expiration date and six usually confined to protecting the HEAVEY GUARDED to destruction of his papers by Colo­ HOLD-UP MEN President’s person, trapping coun­ fatalities was seven, the week be-' regular replacements. nel L, H. Britten, president of fore that five. ’This takes account After a complete inspection of the Bnildmg —* New Main En­ Northwest Airways, who with Gil­ SAIT0,0NWAYHER£ terfeiters and acting as intelligence KNOCKED DOWN officers for the State Department, only of persons killed Saturdays local records during ^e past ten bert Givens, secretary to Harris Simdays. were Issued by Secretary of the days, Mr. Costello and officials from Hanshue, president of the Western 'This toll is terrific. It appalls us trance Is Being Built. ’Treasury Morgenthau, the News tiM Hartford office foimd that of Erery Precaodon Taken to Air Express, was permitted to take Made Mistake of Lining Up SEES ONLY AMITY each Monday as we read the record says. the 219 men placed on CWA jobs papers away. Detectives Among Their —too late to save any lives. and removed from the charity list Prevent the Escape of the Waiver Rights Received Other Victims. Evidence of Frauds Let us be appalled by the sttnn- in accordance with federal instruc­ New Haven, Feb. 8.—(AP)—C. Mr. MacOacken’s arrest was Already, the News adds, the tion before kilUng people Inntfied a t tions, only three persons not in con­ C. C. boys at Camp (jhapman in Ni- carried out shortly before 6 p. m. Secret Service detail has evidence merely after.. by Chesley W. Jurney, sergeant-at- Brooklyn, Feb. 3.—(AP)— New Japanese Ambassador formity with the regulations were antle have just completed kn attrac­ Notorions Racketeer. of Customs frauds and illegal re­ I appeal to every mototlst to not thus given .work. arms of the Senate. Mr. Jurney Pastore Zarro and Valentine funds of import duties that total tive can^> site office Iniildlng at left the Senate in a black morning Clsastomo did not time their en­ to prevent this needless slaughter. Official Report. Langhs at Idea of U. S.- $100,000,000; an imderground rail­ Let us, each one of us, take aiyl It Is expected that the official rb- Rodcy Neck state park. Superinten­ coat and gray striped trousers, a trance wisely. road for transporting criminals in Sioux Falls, S. D., Feb. 8.—(AP) black ten-gallon hat on bis Bursting into a shop today, keep a pledge to give Connecticut dent Harld D. Pearson said today. and out of the United States; a $50,- one weekend, this weekend, fret. xS (OoBttnoed on Pngs Bovan) The building is situated on a —Alert guards.and menacing guns head and a red carnation was in his they ordered the customers to 000 bribe to a Clustoms patrol which bottonhole. Nippon Qnarrd automobile killings. knoll at the south end of the Circle line up against the wall. resulted in a camouflaged rum run­ held in a prison cell today the $100,- He admitted that be had no place Will you, each one, by alert, car^ camp sites which were also con­ "But ti^ is DO holdup,” they ner sailing unmolested up the Hud­ 000 captive of the United States (Oonttnued on Page Two) said reassuringly. “We’re just ful and courteous drlvtog, uflietheg structed by the C. C. C bojn from son river as far as Haverstzaw, N. you are operattog a passenger, vehie government, Verne Sankey—rail­ lookiag for a guy.” London, Feb. 8.—(AP) — Ifiroehi Camp Chapman and which were ex- Y.. where she went agroun<L and • ele, a tru ^ ^ a bus, strive to JOBLESS A aO R S to be.
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