Al-NahlA Quarterly Publication of Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A. Q4/2005—Vol. 16 No. 4 WA MT ND ME OR MN VT ID WI NY SD MA WY CT NV IA NE IN OH PA NJ UT WV CA CO IL KS MO VA KY NC TN AR NM OK AZ SC AL GA TX MS LA FL Ansar 2005 Majlis Ansaullah, USA Vol. 10 US Ansar national amila members met in Silicon Valley, CA, at Bait-un-Naseer Mosque for planning and review meeting. Amila members (top) and amila members with local ansar. 2 ‚√äÆöZ „øäÆöZ IFZ ‚±ÖI And thy Lord has inspired the bee, saying, ‘Make thou houses in the hills and in the trees and in the trellises which they build, ‘Then eat of every kind of fruit, and then pursue submissively the paths prescribed by your Lord.’ There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying hues. Therein is a cure for men. Surely, in that is a Sign for a people who reflect. (The Holy Qur’an, 16[Al-Nahl]:69-70) Quarterly In This Issue Al-Nahl Vol. 16, No 4 The Discourses Q4/2006 Sayings of the Promised Messiah, ‘alaihissalām Presented in English by Naseem Saifi—4-7 Editor: National Majlis—8-14 Syed Sajid Ahmad 2005 Annual Report Nasir M. Malik—11-12 In Charge: Dr Wajeeh Bajwa Regions—17-26 Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, Local Majalis—29-47 U.S.A. Annual Ijtima—49-68 Al-Nahl is a Publication of 2005 US Ansar Ijtima Report—56-63 Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A., Additional Photographs—2, 71-72 An Auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc., About Al-Nahl—16, Glossary—69 U.S.A. About Ansarullah U.S.A.—70 3 The Discourses Sayings of the Promised Messiah, ‘alaihissalām Presented in English by Naseem Saifi SUPREME EXCELLENCE OF His Being he does the kind of things that can SIDDIQUE be called God’s work and then excellent The philosophy of the supreme excellence lights begin to shine on him. of the Siddique (The Truthful) is that when So far as the weakness of the man is he finding himself weak and indigent, says concerned, it is almost limitless. He cannot Iyyaka Na‘bodo [Thee alone do we move even one step without the grace and the worship]—as much as lies in his power—he help of God. I am quite confident that if he is adopts truthfulness and abandons falsehood; not helped by God, he cannot even tie his he moves far away from all the dirt that is trousers after easing himself. The physicians linked with falsehood; he makes up his mind say that there is a disease which kills the man that he will never tell a lie, he will never bear through sneezing (i.e., the man sneezes and a false witness; he will not tell a lie even if he he is no more). is overpowered by sentiments; neither for The fact is that man is a collection of any good cause nor for doing an evil deed, he weaknesses and that is why God says: will never tell a lie; having reached this Kholiqal-insano Zaeefa, man has been stage, it is as if he has in a way acted upon created weak. Iyyaka Na‘bodo. This act of his is an There is nothing that lies in his hands. He excellent act of worship. has not got as many parts of his body as he Iyyaka Na‘bodo is followed by Iyyaka has got diseases. He being a target of so nasta‘een [Thee alone do we implore for many weaknesses, his security lies in nothing help]. Even if he does not utter these words but in his being straight-forward with his (iyyaka nasta‘een). God the Almighty Who is God. He should become His true and sincere the Fountainhead of all Bounty and servant and for this he must adopt perfect Truthfulness, definitely helps him. He will truthfulness. Even the physical system also clarify the principles of truthfulness and depends upon truthfulness. Those who the matter-of-factness. For example every. abandon it and make falsehood their shield body knows that the trader who follows good are very much mistaken. It is quite possible principles and acts truthfully and honest1y that somebody may have temporary gain by will get hundreds of thousands of rupees telling lies but it is sure that it blackens the increase to his one penny, that he will invest. heart and he is eaten up from within as the (Malfoozat, Vol. 1, p. 350) white ants eat up things from within. One has MAN IS HELPLESS to tell many lies to cover up one lie which Nobody can do anything without the grace has to be given a tinge of truth. Thus his and help of God, but when a man is drawn moral and spiritual talents are eroded from towards Him and gets himself annihilated in within and he reaches a stage where he Page 4 ·©¿öZ - Al-Nahl Q4/2005 begins to fabricate against God and belies His Messengers; he is then marked by God as an unjust person, as he says: Man Azlamo mimmaniftra alallahi Kaziban au Kazzaba bi-ayatihee Who is more unjust than the person who fabricates lies against God? (Malfoozat Vol. 1, p. 352) THE STAGE OF MARTYRDOM God the Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Wa la-nablo-wanna-kum bi-shai- im-minal Khaufi Wal-jooi We will continue trying you; sometimes We will frighten you; sometimes We will cause you hunger; sometimes We will cause you the loss of wealth and fruits. ever resigns to His Will is never left without Here, the “fruits” include the children also; His succor. moreover it is possible that a crop may have This is the stage where God wishes the been prepared with great hardship and when man to accept whatever He brings his way. it is ripe it may burn to ashes in no time. Or There is another stage: some other things for which one has toiled a Udoonee astajib-lakum lot may produce no results. In short there are Call on Me, I will answer you. Here, God various types of trials and troubles with promises that He would do what His servant which a man may be afflicted and all this is a would tell Him. The Martyr is at the first test from God. The people who, in these stage where, with all pleasure, he accepts circumstances, resign themselves to the Will whatever God gives him. Any pain that is, of God and bow down before His destiny, caused to him is like a reward from his they only say: Friend (God the Almighty). (Malfoozat, Vol. 1, p. 368) Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon. Verily we are for God and to Him we have LA ILAHA ILLALLAH AND BRAVERY to return and they say it with no grudge in The Muslims are urged to be saying La their hearts. They do not complain as to why ilaha illallah, for, without this, they cannot these things have happened to them. become brave. When a man says La ilaha It is about this type of people that God illallah, he begins to realize the truth of the says: Olaika alaihim salawatun. authority of all the rulers, officers, These are the very people who are opponents, friends as being futile. He thus specially blessed by God. acts bravely and there is none who can He shows them the way in their frighten him ... Spiritual insight is also difficulties. You should remember that God something worth-while. A Jew saw the Holy is very Merciful and Benevolent and who- Prophet, sallallaho alaihi wa sallam; had a 2005 in Review ·©¿öZ - Al-Nahl Page 5 The Discourses look at him and remarked that he could see doers. Only the Muttaqis are recipient of the the signs of prophethood in him. Likewise, help of God. When a man is burdened with when the Christians were called to a prayer hardships and troubles and he stands in need duel they rejected the offer, for, their adviser of getting his requirements fulfilled, it is only told them that what he saw in his (the Holy his Taqwa through which he can be relieved. Prophet) face was that if he asked the The solution for his straitened circumstances mountain to move, it would definitely move also lies in Taqwa. God says: man yat- away from its place. taqillaha yaj-allahoo makhraja wa yarzoqho (Malfoozat, Vol. l, p. 374) min haiso la yahtasib. God the Almighty PROMISES OF GOD makes out a way for the Muttaqi to be The fact is that God has given promises of relieved of his difficulties and He make the great things to the Muttaqis (those who are arrangement for his riddance from the righteous). What else can be greater than Unseen. He provides him from the source friendship of God? Those who are not that he can never comes to know. Muttaqi and yet they claim to have attained What does a man wish for in this world? to the nearness of God, make a false claim— His greatest wish always is that he should they are not Muttaqi; they are living a life of live a comfortable life. For this, there is only sin and perpetrating acts of injustice and one way open to him and that is the way of cruelty by telling others that they are Wali Taqwa; in other words, it is called the way of and that they have attained to the nearness of the Holy Quran or the Siraat-i-Mustaqeem.
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