CKX-TV--ch 5, 44 kw vis, 27 kw aur, ant 511V525g. Manitoba, New Brunswick, Box 1150. (204) 728 -1150. Telex: 03 -5016. Licensee: Newfoundland Television Western Manitoba Broadcasters Ltd. CBC. English. New Rep: All- Canada. A.S. Craig, pres & gen mgr. On Brunswick 15 CATV's- 15,700 subs. Co-owned CKX- AM -FM. CKYB-TV--ch 4, 55 kw vis. Rebroadcasts CKY-TV Baie Verte Winnipeg. Bon Accord CBNAT 1-ch 3, 3.4 kw vis. (CP: 8.8 kw vis). Box 12010, Stn A, St. John's A1B 3T8. Licensee: CBC Fisher Branch CHSJ- TV.1 -ch 6, 54.7 kw vis, 27.3 kw aur. Rebroad- CBC. casts CHSJ TV St. John. CBWGT -ch 10, 27.4 kw vis, 5.48 kw aur, ant 559V548g. Licensee: CBC. Rebroadcasts CBWT Win- Bonavista nipeg. Campbellton CJWBTV -ch 10, 27.6 kw vis, 2.76 kw aur, ant 539.551/151.8g. Licensee: Newfoundland Broadcast- CHCRTV-ch 4, 25.12 kw vis, 3.71 kw aur, ant ing Co. Ltd. Flin Hon 1,3541/1,826g. Nov 1, 1976. Rebroadcasts CHSJ-TV CBWBT-ch 10, 7.8 kw vis, 1.6 kw aur. Rebroadcasts St John. CBWT Winnipeg. Licensee: CBC. CBC. CKCD -TV-ch 7, 920 w vis, 180 w aur, ant 751. Box Bonne Bay 5004, Moncton E1C 8R6. (506) 855 -1224. TWX: CBYT-3-ch 2, 6.2 kw vis, 1.5 kw aur. Ant 30011300g. Foxwarren 014 -2250. Licensee: AN New Brunswick Ltd. Owner- Aug 7, 1967. Box 610, Corner Brook A2H 6G1. (709) ship: Atlantic TV System. CN. Wash atty: Alexander, 634 -3141. Licensee: Rebroadcasts CBYT Comer CKX-TV-1-ch 11, 46.8 kw vis, 3.48 kw aur. (CP: 56.8 Pearson, Dawson. Brook. CBC. kw vis), Rebroadcasts CKX-TV Brandon. Lac du Bonnet Moncton Corner Brook CBAFT -(Fr) ch 11, 163 kw vis, 33 kw aur, ant CBYT-ch 5, 10.6 kw vis, 2.1 kw aur, ant 2,804V300g. CBWT-2-ch 4, 8.4 kw vis, 1.7 kw aur. Rebroadcasts 781V394g. 1959. Box 950, 250 Archibald St. E1C July 6, 1959. Box 610 A2H 6G1. (709) 634 -3141. Telex: CBWT Winnipeg. Licensee: CBC. 8N8. (506) 853 -3061. Telex: 014-2284. Licensee: 016-44222. Licensee: CBC. CBC. W. Sheppard, CBC. CBC French-Maritimes. Louise Imbeault, dir toc mgr; Gordon Tizzard, opns mgr; Larry O'Brien, Mafeking of TV; Raymond Bourque, gen sls mgr; Claude tech mgr; Austin Batten, admin off; Augustus Kenny, Bourque, French svcs dir; Charles LeBlanc, tech opns. sls rep; Fred Greening, chief news editor; Don Patey, CBWYT-ch 2, 4 kw vis, ant 370 g. July 14, 1978. Box transmitter maintenance supvr. 160 Winnipeg R3C 2H1. (204) 775 -8351. Licensee: CHMT-TV-ch 7, 182 kw vis, 36.4 kw aur. Licensee: CBC. CBC English. Rebroadcasts CBWT Winnipeg. N.B. Broadcasting Co. Ltd. CJWN-TV--ch 10, 1.7 kw vis, 170 kw aur, ant 364V300g. Dec 1974. (709) 634 -4385. TWX: 016- CKCW -TV-ch 2, 56 kw vis, 9.2 kw aur. 1954. Box 44291. Rebroadcasts CJON-TV St. John's. Minnedosa 5004 E1C 8R6. (506) 855 -1224. Telex: 014-2250. Licensee: AN New Brunswick Ltd. Ownership: Atlan- CKND-TV-2-ch 2, 99 kw vis, ant 1,300t. Sep 1, 1982. tic N System. CN. Rep: Alexander, Pearson, Goose Bay -Labrador Box 60, 603 St. Mary's Rd., Winnipeg R2M 4A5. (204) Dawson. F.G. Sherratt, pres; J.S. Irvine, gen mgr & CFLA -TV-ch 8, 1300 w vis, 536 w aur, ant 2301. Oct 233 -3304. TWX: 07- 55270. Licensee: CanWest Broad- prog dir; Jim Patterson, gen mgr; Borden MacDo- sls 1956. Box 3015, Stn B, Happy Valley AOP 1E0. (709) casting. Rebroadcasts CKND -N Winnipeg. nald, prom mgr; J. Christie, film sup; Doug Huskilson, 896 -2911. TWX: 016-2236. Licensee: CBC. (acq news dir; Al Oulton, chief engr. 7- 1 -73). CBC. Charlie Veitch, gen mgr & film buyer; Portage la Prairie Phil Smith, news dir; Joseph Smith, chief engr. CHMI -TV-ch 13, 325 kw vis, 32.5 kw aur, ant Saint John 1,029t/1,100g. Oct 17, 1986. 350 River Rd. R1N 3N9. 4, 54.2 kw vis, 7.8 kw aur, Grand Bank Licensee: Western Manitoba Broadcasters Limited. CHSJ-TV-ch ant 1,2681/1,631g. 1954. Box 2000, 335 Union St. E2L 3T4 Rep: All Canada Radio-TV. A. Stuart Craig, pres; J. CJOX- 11 -1-ch 2, 4.67 kw vis, 470 w aur, ant (506) 632 -2222. Telex: 014 -47218. Licensee: New Drew Craig, gen mgr; Bryan Ellis, gen sls mgr; Miles 38711287g. Box 2020, St. John's A1C 5S2. (709) Brunswick Broadcasting Co. Ltd. CBC. Rep: Mulvihill Craig, film buyer; Alf Clark, prom mgr; Al Thorgerson, 722 -5015. Jean Smith, sls rep. Rebroadcasts (Canada), Brydson Spot Sls (East US), Metro Mktg news dir; Mickey Marshall, chief engr. CJON -N St. John's. West (West US). Ken Clark, pres & gen mgr; Gary Murphy, sls mgr; Dave Merzetti, prog dir & film buyer; Ste - Rose -du -Lac Grace Craft, prom mgr; David White, news dir; William Grand Falls Schofield, chief engr. Co-owned: CHSJ. CBWFT-4-(Fr) ch 3, 1.2 kw, 120g. May 15, 1976. Box CBNAT-ch 11, 317 kw vis, 64 kw aur. Licensee: CBC. 160, Winnipeg R3C 2H1. (204) 775 -8351. Licensee: CKLTTV -ch 9, 162 kw vis, 32 kw aur, ant 1,3611/ CJCN -TV-ch 4, 100 kw vis, 10 kw aur, ant 602.25V Societe Radio Canada. French CBC. Rebroadcasts 241g. Box 5004, Moncton E1C 385. (506) 855 -1224. 376.2g. Licensee: Newfoundland Broadcasting Corp. CBWFT Winnipeg. Licensee: AN New Brunswick Ltd. Ownership: Chum. Rebroadcasts CJON-TV St. John. Rep: CN. Fred Sherratt, pres; Joseph Irvine, gen mgr & film buyer; Jim Patterson, gen sls mgr; Larry Winnipeg Knoke, prog dir; Borden MacDonald, prom mgr: Doug Labrador City CBWFT -(Fr) ch 3, 59 kw vis, 7.3 kw aur, ant Huskilson, news dir; Al Sutton, chief engr. 'CBNLT -ch 13, 2 kw vis, 20 w aur, ant 100t. Box 576 1,027V1,020g. 1960. Box 160, 541 Portage Ave. R3C A2V 2L3. (709) 944-3616. Licensee: CBC. CBC. 2H1. (204) 775 -8351. Telex: 035 -435. Licensee: CBC. Dennis Budgell, toc mgr; Jacinta Wall, news dir; CBC. Maxime French Upsalquitch Lake Desaulniers, dir of svcs. Clarence Burgoyne, supvr engr. CBWT-ch 6, 100 kw vis, 12 kw aur, ant 1,027V CKAM -TV-ch 12, 280 kw vis, 141 kw aur. Box 5004 1,020g. 1954. Box 160 R3C 2H1. (204) 775 -8351. E1C 8R6. (506) 855 -1224. TWX: 014-2250. Licensee: Telex: 07- 57780. Licensee: CBC. CBC. Pierre AN New Brunswick Ltd. Ownership: Atlantic TV Marystown Rep: Pearson, Juneau, (Ottawa), pres; Don Ferguson, dir Prairie Systems. CBC. Alexander, Dawson. CBNT-3-ch 5, 2 kw vis, 200 w aur, ant 8001/372g. Provinces; Jon England, gen sls mgr; Rene Mercier, F.S. Sherratt, pres; J.S. Irvine, gen mgr. Oct 30, 1965. Box 12010, Stn A A1B 3T8. (709) rgnl chief engr. On 4 CAN's- 123,000 subs. On 54 737 -4140. TWX: 016 -4590. Licensee: Canadian Broad- Rebroadcasters. casting Corp. Rebroadcasts CBNT St. John's. CKND -TV-ch 9, 325 kw vis, 25 kw aur. 500V600g. Stereo. Sep 1, 1975. 603 St. Mary's Rd. R2M 4A5. Mount St. Margaret (204) 233 -3304. Telex: 07- 55270. Licensee: CanWest Newfoundland Broadcasting Ltd. Ownership: CanWest Communica- CBNAT-9-ch 9, 29 kw vis. Rebroadcasts CBNAT-1 tions Enterprises Inc. Rep: Canvideo Television Sls, Grand Falls. Metro Mktg West (Vancouver & West USA). Peter M. Liba, pres & gen mgr; Elaine Ali, asst gen mgr; Bryan Zilkey, gen sls mgr; Stan Thomas, VP progmg Argentia Placentia & film buyer; Judy Waytiuk, news dir; Bob Hall, dir CJAP -TV-ch 3, 6.7 kw vis, 3.4 kw aur, ant 275g. CBNT2 --ch 12, 150 w vis, 15 w aur. Box 12010, Stn engrg. On 40 CATV's- 220,000 subs. On 1 trans. September 1957, Box 2020, St. John's A1C 5S2. (709) A A1B 3T8. (709) 737-4140. TWX: 016 -4590. Licensee: CKWTV-ch 7, 325 kw vis, 65 kw aur, ant 1,000g. 722 -5015. TWX: 016 -3155. Licensee: Newfoundland Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Rebroadcasts CBNT 1960. Polo Park R3G OL7, (204) 775 -0371. Telex: Broadcasting Co. Ltd. (acq 9- 1 -77). Ownership: G.W. St. John's. 07- 57745. Licensee: Moffat Communications Ltd. Stirling, 99 %; S.G. Stirling, 1 %. CN (Eng). Rep: All CTV. Rep: Alexander, Pearson & Dawson. R.L. Canada Radio & Television. G.W. Stirling, pres; Port Rexton Moffat, pres & gen mgr; I. M. Lillie, gen sls mgr; T.J. Edgar Branton, gen mgr; Ted Gardner, gen sis mgr; Smith, prog mgr; R.J. Webb, prod mgr; J.S. Gibson, Warren Churchill, stn & prom mgr, prog dir, film buyer; CBNT-1-ch 8, 196 kw, 39.2 kw aur, ant 6961/636g. opns mgr; B. Johnson, prom mgr; V.L. Merkeley, news Jeff Blackwood, natl sls mgr; Ralph Purchase, traf October 1964. 95 University Ave. A1B 3T8. (709) dir; L. Tisch, chief engr. On 6 CATV's- 190,000 mgr; Randy Furlong, news dir; Ken Hauschildt, chief 737 -4105. Licensee: Canadian Broadcasting Corp. subs. On 7 trans. engr. On 5 trans. Rebroadcasts CJON-TV St. John's. CBC. Jim Byrd, dir of N; John Farrell, regl sis mgr; Broadcasting /Cable Yearbook 1989 C -73 .
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