Mafeking Minnedosa Portage La Prairie Winnipeg New Brunswick Bon Accord Campbellton Moncton Upsalquitch Lake Newfoundland Argent

Mafeking Minnedosa Portage La Prairie Winnipeg New Brunswick Bon Accord Campbellton Moncton Upsalquitch Lake Newfoundland Argent

CKX-TV--ch 5, 44 kw vis, 27 kw aur, ant 511V525g. Manitoba, New Brunswick, Box 1150. (204) 728 -1150. Telex: 03 -5016. Licensee: Newfoundland Television Western Manitoba Broadcasters Ltd. CBC. English. New Rep: All- Canada. A.S. Craig, pres & gen mgr. On Brunswick 15 CATV's- 15,700 subs. Co-owned CKX- AM -FM. CKYB-TV--ch 4, 55 kw vis. Rebroadcasts CKY-TV Baie Verte Winnipeg. Bon Accord CBNAT 1-ch 3, 3.4 kw vis. (CP: 8.8 kw vis). Box 12010, Stn A, St. John's A1B 3T8. Licensee: CBC Fisher Branch CHSJ- TV.1 -ch 6, 54.7 kw vis, 27.3 kw aur. Rebroad- CBC. casts CHSJ TV St. John. CBWGT -ch 10, 27.4 kw vis, 5.48 kw aur, ant 559V548g. Licensee: CBC. Rebroadcasts CBWT Win- Bonavista nipeg. Campbellton CJWBTV -ch 10, 27.6 kw vis, 2.76 kw aur, ant 539.551/151.8g. Licensee: Newfoundland Broadcast- CHCRTV-ch 4, 25.12 kw vis, 3.71 kw aur, ant ing Co. Ltd. Flin Hon 1,3541/1,826g. Nov 1, 1976. Rebroadcasts CHSJ-TV CBWBT-ch 10, 7.8 kw vis, 1.6 kw aur. Rebroadcasts St John. CBWT Winnipeg. Licensee: CBC. CBC. CKCD -TV-ch 7, 920 w vis, 180 w aur, ant 751. Box Bonne Bay 5004, Moncton E1C 8R6. (506) 855 -1224. TWX: CBYT-3-ch 2, 6.2 kw vis, 1.5 kw aur. Ant 30011300g. Foxwarren 014 -2250. Licensee: AN New Brunswick Ltd. Owner- Aug 7, 1967. Box 610, Corner Brook A2H 6G1. (709) ship: Atlantic TV System. CN. Wash atty: Alexander, 634 -3141. Licensee: Rebroadcasts CBYT Comer CKX-TV-1-ch 11, 46.8 kw vis, 3.48 kw aur. (CP: 56.8 Pearson, Dawson. Brook. CBC. kw vis), Rebroadcasts CKX-TV Brandon. Lac du Bonnet Moncton Corner Brook CBAFT -(Fr) ch 11, 163 kw vis, 33 kw aur, ant CBYT-ch 5, 10.6 kw vis, 2.1 kw aur, ant 2,804V300g. CBWT-2-ch 4, 8.4 kw vis, 1.7 kw aur. Rebroadcasts 781V394g. 1959. Box 950, 250 Archibald St. E1C July 6, 1959. Box 610 A2H 6G1. (709) 634 -3141. Telex: CBWT Winnipeg. Licensee: CBC. 8N8. (506) 853 -3061. Telex: 014-2284. Licensee: 016-44222. Licensee: CBC. CBC. W. Sheppard, CBC. CBC French-Maritimes. Louise Imbeault, dir toc mgr; Gordon Tizzard, opns mgr; Larry O'Brien, Mafeking of TV; Raymond Bourque, gen sls mgr; Claude tech mgr; Austin Batten, admin off; Augustus Kenny, Bourque, French svcs dir; Charles LeBlanc, tech opns. sls rep; Fred Greening, chief news editor; Don Patey, CBWYT-ch 2, 4 kw vis, ant 370 g. July 14, 1978. Box transmitter maintenance supvr. 160 Winnipeg R3C 2H1. (204) 775 -8351. Licensee: CHMT-TV-ch 7, 182 kw vis, 36.4 kw aur. Licensee: CBC. CBC English. Rebroadcasts CBWT Winnipeg. N.B. Broadcasting Co. Ltd. CJWN-TV--ch 10, 1.7 kw vis, 170 kw aur, ant 364V300g. Dec 1974. (709) 634 -4385. TWX: 016- CKCW -TV-ch 2, 56 kw vis, 9.2 kw aur. 1954. Box 44291. Rebroadcasts CJON-TV St. John's. Minnedosa 5004 E1C 8R6. (506) 855 -1224. Telex: 014-2250. Licensee: AN New Brunswick Ltd. Ownership: Atlan- CKND-TV-2-ch 2, 99 kw vis, ant 1,300t. Sep 1, 1982. tic N System. CN. Rep: Alexander, Pearson, Goose Bay -Labrador Box 60, 603 St. Mary's Rd., Winnipeg R2M 4A5. (204) Dawson. F.G. Sherratt, pres; J.S. Irvine, gen mgr & CFLA -TV-ch 8, 1300 w vis, 536 w aur, ant 2301. Oct 233 -3304. TWX: 07- 55270. Licensee: CanWest Broad- prog dir; Jim Patterson, gen mgr; Borden MacDo- sls 1956. Box 3015, Stn B, Happy Valley AOP 1E0. (709) casting. Rebroadcasts CKND -N Winnipeg. nald, prom mgr; J. Christie, film sup; Doug Huskilson, 896 -2911. TWX: 016-2236. Licensee: CBC. (acq news dir; Al Oulton, chief engr. 7- 1 -73). CBC. Charlie Veitch, gen mgr & film buyer; Portage la Prairie Phil Smith, news dir; Joseph Smith, chief engr. CHMI -TV-ch 13, 325 kw vis, 32.5 kw aur, ant Saint John 1,029t/1,100g. Oct 17, 1986. 350 River Rd. R1N 3N9. 4, 54.2 kw vis, 7.8 kw aur, Grand Bank Licensee: Western Manitoba Broadcasters Limited. CHSJ-TV-ch ant 1,2681/1,631g. 1954. Box 2000, 335 Union St. E2L 3T4 Rep: All Canada Radio-TV. A. Stuart Craig, pres; J. CJOX- 11 -1-ch 2, 4.67 kw vis, 470 w aur, ant (506) 632 -2222. Telex: 014 -47218. Licensee: New Drew Craig, gen mgr; Bryan Ellis, gen sls mgr; Miles 38711287g. Box 2020, St. John's A1C 5S2. (709) Brunswick Broadcasting Co. Ltd. CBC. Rep: Mulvihill Craig, film buyer; Alf Clark, prom mgr; Al Thorgerson, 722 -5015. Jean Smith, sls rep. Rebroadcasts (Canada), Brydson Spot Sls (East US), Metro Mktg news dir; Mickey Marshall, chief engr. CJON -N St. John's. West (West US). Ken Clark, pres & gen mgr; Gary Murphy, sls mgr; Dave Merzetti, prog dir & film buyer; Ste - Rose -du -Lac Grace Craft, prom mgr; David White, news dir; William Grand Falls Schofield, chief engr. Co-owned: CHSJ. CBWFT-4-(Fr) ch 3, 1.2 kw, 120g. May 15, 1976. Box CBNAT-ch 11, 317 kw vis, 64 kw aur. Licensee: CBC. 160, Winnipeg R3C 2H1. (204) 775 -8351. Licensee: CKLTTV -ch 9, 162 kw vis, 32 kw aur, ant 1,3611/ CJCN -TV-ch 4, 100 kw vis, 10 kw aur, ant 602.25V Societe Radio Canada. French CBC. Rebroadcasts 241g. Box 5004, Moncton E1C 385. (506) 855 -1224. 376.2g. Licensee: Newfoundland Broadcasting Corp. CBWFT Winnipeg. Licensee: AN New Brunswick Ltd. Ownership: Chum. Rebroadcasts CJON-TV St. John. Rep: CN. Fred Sherratt, pres; Joseph Irvine, gen mgr & film buyer; Jim Patterson, gen sls mgr; Larry Winnipeg Knoke, prog dir; Borden MacDonald, prom mgr: Doug Labrador City CBWFT -(Fr) ch 3, 59 kw vis, 7.3 kw aur, ant Huskilson, news dir; Al Sutton, chief engr. 'CBNLT -ch 13, 2 kw vis, 20 w aur, ant 100t. Box 576 1,027V1,020g. 1960. Box 160, 541 Portage Ave. R3C A2V 2L3. (709) 944-3616. Licensee: CBC. CBC. 2H1. (204) 775 -8351. Telex: 035 -435. Licensee: CBC. Dennis Budgell, toc mgr; Jacinta Wall, news dir; CBC. Maxime French Upsalquitch Lake Desaulniers, dir of svcs. Clarence Burgoyne, supvr engr. CBWT-ch 6, 100 kw vis, 12 kw aur, ant 1,027V CKAM -TV-ch 12, 280 kw vis, 141 kw aur. Box 5004 1,020g. 1954. Box 160 R3C 2H1. (204) 775 -8351. E1C 8R6. (506) 855 -1224. TWX: 014-2250. Licensee: Telex: 07- 57780. Licensee: CBC. CBC. Pierre AN New Brunswick Ltd. Ownership: Atlantic TV Marystown Rep: Pearson, Juneau, (Ottawa), pres; Don Ferguson, dir Prairie Systems. CBC. Alexander, Dawson. CBNT-3-ch 5, 2 kw vis, 200 w aur, ant 8001/372g. Provinces; Jon England, gen sls mgr; Rene Mercier, F.S. Sherratt, pres; J.S. Irvine, gen mgr. Oct 30, 1965. Box 12010, Stn A A1B 3T8. (709) rgnl chief engr. On 4 CAN's- 123,000 subs. On 54 737 -4140. TWX: 016 -4590. Licensee: Canadian Broad- Rebroadcasters. casting Corp. Rebroadcasts CBNT St. John's. CKND -TV-ch 9, 325 kw vis, 25 kw aur. 500V600g. Stereo. Sep 1, 1975. 603 St. Mary's Rd. R2M 4A5. Mount St. Margaret (204) 233 -3304. Telex: 07- 55270. Licensee: CanWest Newfoundland Broadcasting Ltd. Ownership: CanWest Communica- CBNAT-9-ch 9, 29 kw vis. Rebroadcasts CBNAT-1 tions Enterprises Inc. Rep: Canvideo Television Sls, Grand Falls. Metro Mktg West (Vancouver & West USA). Peter M. Liba, pres & gen mgr; Elaine Ali, asst gen mgr; Bryan Zilkey, gen sls mgr; Stan Thomas, VP progmg Argentia Placentia & film buyer; Judy Waytiuk, news dir; Bob Hall, dir CJAP -TV-ch 3, 6.7 kw vis, 3.4 kw aur, ant 275g. CBNT2 --ch 12, 150 w vis, 15 w aur. Box 12010, Stn engrg. On 40 CATV's- 220,000 subs. On 1 trans. September 1957, Box 2020, St. John's A1C 5S2. (709) A A1B 3T8. (709) 737-4140. TWX: 016 -4590. Licensee: CKWTV-ch 7, 325 kw vis, 65 kw aur, ant 1,000g. 722 -5015. TWX: 016 -3155. Licensee: Newfoundland Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Rebroadcasts CBNT 1960. Polo Park R3G OL7, (204) 775 -0371. Telex: Broadcasting Co. Ltd. (acq 9- 1 -77). Ownership: G.W. St. John's. 07- 57745. Licensee: Moffat Communications Ltd. Stirling, 99 %; S.G. Stirling, 1 %. CN (Eng). Rep: All CTV. Rep: Alexander, Pearson & Dawson. R.L. Canada Radio & Television. G.W. Stirling, pres; Port Rexton Moffat, pres & gen mgr; I. M. Lillie, gen sls mgr; T.J. Edgar Branton, gen mgr; Ted Gardner, gen sis mgr; Smith, prog mgr; R.J. Webb, prod mgr; J.S. Gibson, Warren Churchill, stn & prom mgr, prog dir, film buyer; CBNT-1-ch 8, 196 kw, 39.2 kw aur, ant 6961/636g. opns mgr; B. Johnson, prom mgr; V.L. Merkeley, news Jeff Blackwood, natl sls mgr; Ralph Purchase, traf October 1964. 95 University Ave. A1B 3T8. (709) dir; L. Tisch, chief engr. On 6 CATV's- 190,000 mgr; Randy Furlong, news dir; Ken Hauschildt, chief 737 -4105. Licensee: Canadian Broadcasting Corp. subs. On 7 trans. engr. On 5 trans. Rebroadcasts CJON-TV St. John's. CBC. Jim Byrd, dir of N; John Farrell, regl sis mgr; Broadcasting /Cable Yearbook 1989 C -73 .

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