INSIDE:• Ukraine’s environment minister emphasizes G-7 promises — page 3. • The multiculturalism debate in Canada — page 8. • On the road to the Atlanta Games — page 9. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXIV HE KRAINIANNo. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1996 EEKLY$1.25/$2 in Ukraine T UParliament adopts ConstitutionW in marathon session Ukraine to seek by Marta Kolomayets Parliament declared Ukraine’s indepen- were met with robust laughter from the Kyiv Press Bureau dence on August 24, 1991. lawmakers, who though exhausted, were “Today, we proved we are Ukrainians. elated by the events of the day. special partnership KYIV — The Ukrainian Parliament Today we look so good compared to “But, this last event proved that we, in a adopted a new Constitution — a historic Russia. And, slowly but surely, we will critical moment, are worthy of being called moment for the five-year-old independent show the world who we are. They all the representatives of the Ukrainian peo- with NATO state — at 9:18 a.m. Friday, June 28, after by Marta Kolomayets think we are ruski [Russians],” said ple,” continued the Ukrainian president. an all-night intense marathon session in Kateryna Vashchuk, a deputy from the Kyiv Press Bureau Immediately after the vote, Chairman the halls of the legislature. Agrarians for Reforms faction. Moroz expressed his gratitude to all the KYIV — Apparently worried “We have a Constitution,” proclaimed President Leonid Kuchma attended the members of the Parliament — those who about Russia’s opposition to the east- Parliament Chairman Oleksander Moroz, final hour of the plenary session and wit- voted for and those who voted against — ward expansion of the North Atlantic after the deputies voted 315-36, with 12 nessed the vote on the Constitution, an for their commitment to Ukraine. Treaty Organization and keen on abstentions to adopt the fundamental law. event that he, through his political “I also think that we are all grateful to becoming an integral part of European The jubilant lawmakers responded with prowess, had helped orchestrate. the president of Ukraine, for his constant, structures, Ukraine plans to seek asso- resounding applause and a standing ova- It was his decree to hold a national ref- and perhaps at times somewhat original ciate membership in this security tion, while the newly adopted anthem, erendum on the Constitution, made pub- participation in the constitutional process,” alliance, a top Ukrainian diplomat told “Shche Ne Vmerla Ukraina,” was played lic on Thursday, June 27, that had trig- added Mr. Moroz, referring to President reporters on June 25, during a Foreign in the chambers. gered the lawmakers into instant action. Kuchma’s referendum ploy. This com- Despite a 16- hour plenary session — Ministry press briefing in Kyiv. “This historic event, which took place in ment, too, was greeted with laughter, as which began at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday “Ukraine favors a special partner- this historic hall, will go down as one of the the tensions of the long night subsided and evening and ended at 9:30 a.m. Friday ship with NATO and the signing of most significant moments in the annals of the hall echoed with cheers and shouts. morning with no breaks – the mood among a relevant agreement. The essence the modern history of the state of Ukraine,” Chairman Moroz underscored: “The the lawmakers was euphoric, as they posed of this partnership may be expressed said a visibly pleased President Kuchma, strength of this Constitution is the fact that it for a group picture outside the Supreme in Ukraine’s ‘associate status in addressing the Parliament after the vote. created a precedent of unity in the Supreme Council building to mark this historic NATO,’ ” said Ihor Kharchenko, the Holding his hand over his heart, he also Council, which I hope will be a lasting fac- occasion. They then made their way to the thanked the lawmakers for their efforts chief of the Foreign Ministry’s tor in the work of the legislature.” parliamentary buffet for champagne victo- during the constitutional process and political analysis department. “We are now one united family, a feel- ry toasts, where they spent hours laughing asked them to accept his apologies “for His words echoed the actions of ing that has for so long evaded us,” he and singing old Kozak songs, an atmos- stimulating this process in perhaps not the President Leonid Kuchma, who on phere reminiscent of the day when the most conventional way.” These remarks (Continued on page 4) that same day, during an official visit to Poland, signed a joint decla- ration with President Alexander Kwasniewski on mutual support for Youngest Canadian bishop consecrated in Winnipeg joining “as soon as possible” European economic, political and by Frank Guly and Christopher Guly security structures. Calling Poland Ukraine’s “special WINNIPEG – Bishop Stefan Soroka strategic partner,” President Kuchma says he had “a lump in his throat” and said that this western neighbor wants was filled with emotion when Ukrainian to be Ukraine’s bridge to European Catholic Archbishop-Metropolitan Union structures. He also made it Michael Bzdel led him around the altar at Winnipeg’s Ss. Vladimir and Olga clear that Ukraine would not oppose Cathedral. Poland’s full membership in NATO, Kissing the altar’s four corners, as which it has been seeking since 1989. part of his June 13 consecration ceremo- “NATO expansion is no menace ny as the archeparchy’s new auxiliary to Ukraine,” said President Kuchma, bishop, brought home the “awesome- but he cautioned that the alliance ness” of the moment, said the 44-year- must take Russia into consideration old cleric, who grew up in the city’s mul- when expanding. “A nation like ticultural North End. Russia cannot be left out of process- “It was a very humbling experience,” es currently under way,” he added. said Bishop Soroka, who especially However, both President Kuchma noted the moment during the divine litur- and Ukrainian Foreign Ministry offi- gy when his three consecrators asked cials – perhaps in an attempt to allay him questions about his faith based on Russia’s concerns – stressed that the Nicene creed. “I thought, ‘Gulp, this although Ukraine has a stake in the is really happening.’ ” development of special relations with When Metropolitan Bzdel, Saskatoon’s NATO, it does not raise the question Bishop Cornelius Pasichny and Philadel- of admission as a full member. But, it phia’s Auxiliary Bishop Walter Paska has already submitted a proposal to conferred episcopal ordination on him, the NATO leadership and to all Bishop Soroka became auxiliary to the member-countries of the alliance to Canadian metropolitanate and Canada’s grant Ukraine a special associate sta- seventh Ukrainian Catholic bishop. tus. This comes at a time when He is also the country’s youngest NATO itself is reviewing its strategy Catholic bishop; Ottawa’s Latin-rite and changing its mechanisms. Auxiliary Bishop Fred Colli recently Foreign Minister Hennadiy turned 47. Appropriately, Bishop Soroka Udovenko presented this idea of a is valued as a strong link to the “special partnership,” during a NATO Winnipeg archeparchy’s young people. Andrew Sikorsky “The youth have felt Bishop Stefan’s (Continued on page 2) Bishop Stefan Soroka blesses the congregation after his consecration. On the right (Continued on page 4) is the Rev. Walter Klimchuk, who served as proto-deacon during the service. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1996 No. 26 Belarusian Americans protest NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Lukashenka’s rights violations Disastrous harvest predicted for Ukraine Lukashenka, that Mr. Shushkevich under- by Alexander Silwanowicz 13 Belarusian American and two go a psychiatric examination because of Belarusian Canadian organizations. The KYIV — The land known as the WASHINGTON – A group of about 50 his criticism of the Lukashenka regime’s coalition was formed in October 1995 and “Breadbasket of Europe” and producer of a dictatorial policies. According to Ms. Belarusian Americans assembled on June was responsible for staging a massive quarter of the former Soviet Union’s grain, 5 in front of the Belarusian Embassy on Starovoytova, Mr. Shushkevich’s “intellect demonstration on October 22, 1995, at the faces a disastrous harvest this year, is considerably more highly developed New Hampshire Avenue to voice their United Nations in New York City during Ukrainian and Western agriculture experts concern about serious violations of human than the average CIS level.” In other news, Mr. Lukashenka’s visit for the U.N.’s 50th said on June 25. “This will be the worst Reuters reported on June 25 that liberal rights in Belarus, the growing dictatorial anniversary celebration. year in the last 17 years,” a Western official rule of President Alyaksandr Lukashenka politicians have denounced the beating of The Washington demonstration began at said at a two-day international grain semi- the wife of an RFE/RL correspondent. The and possible re-absorption of Belarus into ar. The official predicted a harvest of about noon on a quiet tree-lined street. The n woman was attacked by unknown the Russian empire. about 28 million metric tons, down from weather was warm and sunny. Several assailants in her home. The attackers The demonstrators were from various official forecasts of a mediocre 36 million patrol cars were parked on the street nearby threatened her husband, who works for Belarusian-American groups that have tons, and blamed a drought in the first part with two Secret Service security guards RFE/RL and Belarusskaya Delovaya joined the Coalition in Defense of of the year. Last year’s harvest stood at standing in front of the gate to the embassy. Gazeta, an independent weekly newspaper Democracy and Human Rights in 36.5 million metric tons.
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