![Arxiv:Math/9805073V1 [Math.GT] 16 May 1998 Fa3obfl.Sc Nobfl Ssi Obe to Said Is Orbifold an Inherit Such Naturally Action 3-Orbifold](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
GEOMETRIZATION OF 3-ORBIFOLDS OF CYCLIC TYPE. M. Boileau and J. Porti May 15, 1998 INTRODUCTION A 3-dimensional orbifold is a metrizable space with coherent local models given by quotients of R3 by finite subgroups of O(3). For example, the quotient of a 3-manifold by a properly discontinuous group action naturally inherits a structure of a 3-orbifold. Such an orbifold is said to be very good when the group action is finite. For a general background about orbifolds see [BS1,2], [DaM], [Sc] and [Th1, Ch. 13]. The purpose of this article is to give a complete proof of Thurston’s Orbifold Theorem in the case where all local isotropy groups are cyclic subgroups of SO(3). Following [DaM], we say that such an orbifold is of cyclic type when in addition the ramification locus is non-empty. Hence a 3-orbifold is of cyclic type if and only if its ramification locus Σ is a non-empty 1-dimensionalO submanifold of the underlying manifold , whichO is transverse to the boundary ∂ = ∂ . The version of Thurston’s|O| Orbifold Theorem proved here is the following:|O| | O| Theorem 1 (Thurston’s Orbifold Theorem). Let be a compact connected ori- entable irreducible ∂-incompressible 3-orbifold of cyclicO type. If is very good, topologically atoroidal and acylindrical, then is geometric (i.e. O admits either a hyperbolic, a Euclidean, or a Seifert fiberedO structure). O Remark. (1) When ∂ is a union of toric 2-suborbifolds, the hypothesis that is acylindrical is not needed.O O (2) If ∂ = and is not I-fibered, then admits a hyperbolic structure withO finite 6 ∅ volume.O O arXiv:math/9805073v1 [math.GT] 16 May 1998 We only consider smooth orbifolds, so that the local isotropy groups are always orthogonal. We recall that an orbifold is said to be good if it has a covering which is a manifold. Moreover if this covering is finite then the orbifold is said to be very good. According to [BS1,2] and [Th1, Ch.13], we use the following terminology. Definitions. We say that a compact 2-orbifold F 2 is respectively spherical, discal, toric or annular if it is the quotient by a finite smooth group action of respectivly the 2-sphere S2, the 2-disk D2, the 2-torus T 2 or the annulus S1 [0, 1]. × A compact 2-orbifold is bad if it is not good. Such a 2-orbifold is the union of two non-isomorphic discal 2-orbifolds along their boundaries. 1 2 INTRODUCTION A compact 3-orbifold is irreducible if it does not contain any bad 2-suborbifold and every spherical 2-suborbifoldO bounds in a discal 3-suborbifold, where a discal 3-orbifold is a finite quotient of the 3-ball byO an orthogonal action. A connected 2-suborbifold F 2 in an orientable 3-orbifold is compressible if either F 2 bounds a discal 3-suborbifold in or there is a discalO 2-suborbifold ∆2 which intersects transversally F in ∂∆2 =O ∆2 F 2 and such that ∂∆2 does not bound a discal 2-suborbifold in F 2. ∩ A 2-suborbifold F 2 in an orientable 3-orbifold is incompressible if no con- nected component of F 2 is compressible in . TheO compact 3-orbifold is ∂- incompressible if ∂ is empty or incompressibleO in . O O O A compact 3-orbifold is topologically atoroidal if every incompressible toric 2- suborbifold is boundary parallel (i.e. is the frontier of a collar neighborhood F 2 [0, 1] of a boundary component F 2 ∂ ). A compact 3-orbifold is topo- logically× acylindrical⊂ O if every properly embedded⊂ annularO 2-suborbifold is boundary parallel. A Seifert fibration on a 3-orbifold is a partition of into closed 1-suborbifolds (circles or intervals with silvered boundary)O called fibers,O such that each fiber has a saturated neighborhood orbifold-diffeomorphic to S1 D2/G, where G is a finite group which acts smoothly, preserves both factors, and× acts orthogonally on each factor and effectively on D2; moreover the fibers of the saturated neighborhood correspond to the quotients of the circles S1 . On the boundary ∂ , the local model of the Seifert fibration is S1 D2 /G,×{∗} where D2 is a half disk. O × + + A 3-orbifold that admits a Seifert fibration is called Seifert fibered. Every good Seifert fibered 3-orbifold is geometric. Seifert fibered 3-orbifolds have been classified in [BS2]. A compact orientable 3-orbifold is hyperbolic if its interior is orbifold-diffeo- morphic to the quotient of the hyperbolicO space H3 by a non-elementary discrete group of isometries. In particular I-bundles over hyperbolic 2-orbifolds are hyper- bolic, since their interiors are quotients of H3 by non-elementary Fuchsian groups. In Theorem 1, except for I-bundles, we prove that when is hyperbolic, if we O remove the toric components of the boundary ∂T ∂ , then ∂T has a hyperbolic structure with finite volume and geodesicO ⊂ boundary.O ThisO− impliesO the existence of a complete hyperbolic structure on the interior of . O We say that a compact orientable 3-orbifold is Euclidean if its interior has a complete Euclidean structure. Thus, if a compact orientable and ∂-incompressible 3-orbifold is Euclidean, then either is a I-bundle over a 2-dimensional Eu- clidean closedO orbifold or is closed. O O We say that a compact orientable 3-orbifold is spherical when it is the quotient of S3 by the orthogonal action of a finite subgroup of SO(4). A spherical orbifold of cyclic type is always Seifert fibered ([Dun], [DaM] and [Zh1]). Thurston’s conjecture asserts that the interior of a compact irreducible ori- entable 3-orbifold can be decomposed along a canonical family of incompressible toric 2-suborbifolds into geometric 3-suborbifolds. The existence of the canonical family of incompressible toric 2-suborbifolds has been established by Jaco-Shalen [JS] and Johannson [Joh] for 3-manifolds and by Bonahon-Siebenmann [BS2] in the case of 3-orbifolds. Recall that the eight 3-dimensional geometries involved in Thurston’s conjecture are H3, E3, S3, H2 R, S2 R, SL^(R), Nil and Sol. The non Seifert fibered × × 2 INTRODUCTION 3 orbifolds require a constant curvature geometry (H3, E3 and S3) or Sol. Compact orbifolds with Sol geometry are fibered over a closed 1-dimensional orbifold with toric fiber and thus are not atoroidal. Thurston [Th1,2,3,4,5] has proved his conjecture for Haken 3-manifolds (cf. [McM1,2, Kap, Ot1,2]). In 1981, Thurston [Thu2,6] announced the Geometrization Theorem for 3-orbifolds with non-empty ramification set (without the assumptions very good and of cyclic type), and lectured about it. Since 1986, several useful notes about Thurston’s proof (by Soma, Oshika and Kojima [SOK] and by Hodg- son [Hod]) have been circulating. In addition, in 1989 more details appeared in Zhou’s thesis [Zh1,2] in the cyclic case. However no complete proof has appeared yet (cf. [Kir, Prob. 3.46]). The following corollary is a straightforward application of Meeks and Scott’s work [MS] and of Theorem 1 to the geometrization of 3-manifolds with non-trivial symmetries. We state it only in the case of 3-manifolds with empty or toric bound- ary for simplicity. Corollary 1. Let M be a compact orientable irreducible 3-manifold with zero Euler characteristic. Let G be a finite group of orientation preserving diffeomorphisms acting on M with non-trivial and cyclic stabilizers. Then there exists a (possi- bly empty) G-invariant family of disjoint incompressible tori which splits M into G-invariant geometric pieces. As a particular case, for finite group actions on geometric 3-manifolds, together with [MS] we obtain: Corollary 2. Let M be a closed orientable irreducible 3-manifold with a geometric structure. Every finite orientation preserving smooth action with non-trivial cyclic stabilizers is conjugate to a geometric action. With respect to the study of conjugacy classes of finite subgroups of Diff +(M) (cf. [Kir, Prob. 3.39]), the following corollary is a consequence of Kojima’s work [Ko2] and Theorem 1. Corollary 3. Let M be an orientable compact irreducible 3-manifold. Let G Diff+(M) be a finite subgroup with non-trivial cyclic stabilizers. Then the number⊂ of conjugacy classes of G in Diff +(M) is finite. In the case of cyclic branched coverings of links in S3, the following results answers a question of Montesinos [Kir, Prob. 3.41]. Corollary 4. For a given integer p 2, there are only finitely many links in S3 with the same p-fold cyclic branched covering.≥ Using Thurston’s Hyperbolization Theorem [Th1,2,3,4,5, McM1,2, Kap, Ot1,2] and a standard argument of doubling along boundary components, the proof of Theorem 1 reduces to the following theorem,O which is the main result of this paper. 4 INTRODUCTION Theorem 2. Let be a closed orientable connected irreducible very good 3-orbifold of cyclic type. AssumeO that the complement Σ of the branching locus admits a complete hyperbolic structure. Then there existsO− a non-empty compact essential 3-suborbifold ′ which is not a product and which is either Euclidean, Seifert O ⊆ O fibered, Sol or complete hyperbolic with finite volume. In particular ∂ ′ is either empty or a union of toric 2-orbifolds. O A compact 3-suborbifold ′ is essential in if the 2-suborbifold ∂ ′ is either empty or incompressibleO in⊆ O. O O O Remarks. (1) It follows from the proof of this theorem that the hypothesis that is very good is not needed when all local isotropy groups have order at leasO t 4 (or 3 and does not contain the toric orbifold S2(3, 3, 3)).
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