\1^ VOLUME 15 NUMBER 172 Washington, Wednesday, September 6, 1950 Sec. TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE 965.61 Computation of obligation to the CONTENTS producer-settlement fund for Chapter IX— Production and Mar­ handlers operating a fluid milk Agriculture Department Pa£e keting Administration (Marketing plant which is not a pool plant. See Commodity Credit Corpora­ Agreements and Orders), Depart­ 965.62 Correction of errors. tion; Production and Marketing 965.63 Notification to handler of the value Administration. ment of Agriculture of his milk. Alien Property, Office of P art 965—M ilk in the Cincinnati, Ohio, 965.64 Computation of uniform prices for Grade A producers and Grade B Notices: M arketing A rea producers. Vesting orders, etc.; ORDER AMENDING THE ORDER, AS AMENDED, PAYMENT FOR MILK Bergenthal, Ignaz__________ 6309 REGULATING THE HANDLING OF MILK IN Bongiovanni, Salvatore_____ 6008 THE CINCINNATI, OHIO, MARKETING AREA 965.70 Payments to producers. Carbagnati, Luigi______r.___ 6010 965.71 Producer-settlement fund. Sec. 965.72 Payment to producer-settlement Desclee and Cie__________ __ 6009 965.0 Findings and determinations. fund. Erlanger, Ida______________ 60C9 965.73 Payments from producer-settlement Pelsegg, Hans______________ 6009 definitions fund. Poure, Helene, et al________ 6010 965.1 Act. 965.74 Expense of administration. Funke, Emilie and Elizabeth- 6005 965.2 Secretary. 965.75 Marketing services. Gerb, William_____________ 6010 965.3 Cincinnati, Ohio, marketing area. 965.76 Payments to cooperative associations. Japanese Government_____ 6007 965.4 Person. 965.77 Termination of obligation. Kay, Frieda_______________ 6008 965.5 Route. EFFECTIVE TIME, SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION 965.6 Fluid milk plant. Kogelschatz, Ida H. P______ 6005 965.7 Pool plant. 965.80 Effective time. Romito, Pasquale, et al_____ 6008 965.8 Producer. 965.81 Suspension or termination. Rzepecki, I________________ 6010 965.9 Handler. 965.82 Continuing power and duty of the Schybilski-Morris, Johanna 965.10 Producer milk. market administrator. Friederike_______________ 6008 965.11 Emergency milk. 965.83 Liquidation after suspension or Seyfarth, G______________ 6009 termination. MARKET ADMINISTRATOR Shibata, Yoshino__________ 6006 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Simonelli, Pasquale I_____ _ 6C09 965.20 Designation. Stappenbacher, Cora_____6006 965.21 Powers. 965.90 Agents. 965.22 Duties. 965.91 Separability of provisions. Streb, Helen Maisch Ball___ 6006 Turini, Marie Wilbur, et al__ 6008 REPORTS, RECORDS, AND FACILITIES Authority: §§ 965.0 to 965.91 inclusive, is­ sued under sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended; Wachenfeld, Gustave_______ 6006 965.30 Reports of handlers to market 7 U. S. C. and Sup. 608c. Watanabe, Hisakatsu_______ 6007 administrator, Werle, Anna______________ 6007 965.31 Verification of handler reports. § 965.0 Findings and determinations. Army Department 965.32 Reports of market administrator to The findings and determinations herein­ Rules and regulations: cooperative associations. after set forth are supplementary and in 965.33 Records and facilities. Decorations, medals, ribbons, addition to the findings and determina­ and similar devices; miscel­ 965.34 Retention of records. tions previously made in connection with laneous amendments_______ 5993 CLASSIFICATION the issuance of the aforesaid order and Civil Aeronautics Administra­ 965.40 Basis of classification. of each of the previously issued amend­ 965.41 Classes of utilization. ments thereto; and all of said previous tion 965.42 Responsibility of handlers and re­ findings and determinations are hereby See also Civil Aeronautics Board. classification of milk. ratified and affirmed, except insofar as Rules and regulations: .965.43 Transfers. such findings and determinations may be Designation of civil airways; 965.44 Shrinkage. in conflict with the findings and deter­ miscellaneous amendments— 5890 965.45 Computation of milk and butterfat minations set forth herein. Designation of control areas, in each class. control zones, and reporting 965.46 Allocation of milk and butterfat (a) Findings upon the basis of the classified. hearing record. Pursuant to the provi­ points; miscellaneous amend­ sions of the Agricultural Marketing ments------------------------------- 5992 MINIMUM PRICES Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 965.50 Basic formula price. Civil Aeronautics Board U. S. C. 601 et seq.), and the applicable Rules and regulations: 965.51 Class prices. rules of practice and procedure, as 965.52 Butterfat differentials to handlers. Air traffic rules; danger area amended, governing the formulation of alterations._______________ 5990 DETERMINATION OF UNIFORM PRICES marketing agreements and marketing Commerce Department 965.60 Computation of value of milk for orders (7 CFR Part 900), a public hear- See Civil Aeronautics Administra­ each handler. ( Continued on next page) tion; Federal Maritime Board. 5983 5984 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Page Production and Marketing Ad- Page FEDERAL^REGISTER mission— Continued ministration— Continued V , l»34 ^ Rules and regulations: c ¿/AiirfQ ' Notices—Continued List of changes in frequencies Milk, in Cincinnati, Ohio, area. 5983 and corrections in assign­ Public Health Service ments : Rules and regulations: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Dominican Republic----------- 6003 Foreign service allowances for and days following official Federal holidays, Mexico___________ I----------- 6003 commissioned officers--------- 5994 by the Division of the Federal Register, Proposed rule making: National Archives and Records Service, Gen­ Broadcasts by candidates for Treasury Department eral Services Administration, pursuant to the See Internal Revenue Bureau. authority contained in the Federal Register public office; extension of time for filing comments—i -------- 6001 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as CODIFICATION GUIDE. amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Federal Maritime Board tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ A numerical list of the parts of the Code mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Notices: Hearings on applications for ex- of Federal Regulations affected by documents the President. Distribution is made only by published in this issue. Proposed rules, as the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ tension of bareboat charter opposed to final actions, are identified as ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. agreement: such. The regulatory material appearing herein Alaska Steamship Co_______ 6001 Is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Coastwise Line------------------ 6001 Title 6 Page which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Chapter IV: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Federal Power Commission amended June 19, 1937. Notices: Part 601_________________ — 5990 Part 607_______ _______ ^------- 5990 The F ed er a l R e g is t e r will be furnished by Hearings, etc.: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Florida Public Utilities Co----- 6004 Title 7 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Rockland Light and Power Chapter IX: advance. The charge for individual copies Co_____________________ 6003 Part 920 (proposed) (2 docu­ (minimum 150 varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit check or money Southern California Edison ments)______ ^-------- 5995, 6000 order, made payable to the Superintendent Co_____________________ 6003 Part 965____ ______________— 5983 of Documents, directly to the Government Federal Security Agency Part 986 (proposed)------------ 6000 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. There are no restrictions on the republica­ See Public Health Service. Title 14 • tion of material appearing in the Federal Internal Revenue Bureau Chapter I: Register. Part 60_____________________ 5990 Proposed rule making: Chapter H: Substances used in manufacture Part 600._____ 5990 of distilled spirits--------------- 5994 Part 601____________________ 5992 Now Available Interstate Commerce Commis­ Title 26 sion Chapter I: UNITED STATES Notices: Part 173 (proposed)__ —-------- 5994 GOVERNMENT Applications for relief: Citrus pomace between points Title 32 ORGANIZATION Chapter V: in Florida______________ 6004 Part 578____________________ 5993 MANUAL Coal tar and pitch from Min- nequa, Colo., to Miller, Chapter VII: 1950-51 Edition Tex_.______ 6005 Part 878 (see Part 578)_______ 5993 Title 42 (Revised through July 1) Fertilizer from Cottondale, Fla., to Madison and Find­ Chapter I: Published by the Federal Register Division, ley Station, Fla— ,------ -— 6004 Part 21_____________________ 5994 the National Archives and Records Service, Logs from Osborn, Miss., to Title 47 General Services Administration Altavista, Va.; correction_ 6005 Chapter I: Petroleum from Wyoming to Part 3 (proposed)___________ 6001 657 pages— $1.00 a copy the West—______________ 6004 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Petroleum lubricating oil from United States Government Printing Office, Pennsylvania to the West ing was held at Cincinnati, Ohio, on Washington 25, D. C. and Southwest_____ _____ 6004 March 13-14, 1950, upon certain pro­ Justice Department posed amendments to the tentative mar­ keting agreement and to the order, as See Alien Property, Office of; amended, regulating the handling of milk CONTENTS— Continued Production and Marketing Ad­ in the Cincinnati, Ohio, marketing area. Page ministration Upon the basis of the evidence intro­ Commodity Credit Corporation Notices: duced at such hearing and the record Rules and regulations: Sugar
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